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Baseball Joe on the Giants; or, Making Good as a Ball Twirler in the Metropolis

Page 33

by Lester Chadwick



  12mo. Cloth. Illustrated. Price per volume, 60 cents, postpaid.

  This new series deals with the great modern movement for temperance.Clean-cut, up-to-date stories that will please all growing boys andgirls and do them a world of good.

  THE WHITE RIBBON BOYS OF CHESTER _or The Old Tavern Keeper's Secret_

  Chester was a typical factory town with its quota of drinking places.The father of one of the boys was a foreman in one of the factories,and he advocated temperance so strongly that some of the men, urged onby an old tavern keeper, plotted so that he lost his position. One day,when partly intoxicated, the tavern keeper's son climbs in a factorywindow, smashes things, and is badly burned by acid. He is rescued bythe boys who are advocating temperance, who take him to his mother.When the tavern keeper sees the condition of his son, he breaks down,and confesses to the plot against the discharged foreman. Temperancewins out, and the town of Chester becomes far more prosperous than everbefore.

  THE WHITE RIBBON BOYS AT LONG SHORE _or To the Rescue of Dan Bates_

  In this tale the scene is shifted to the seashore, where the boys arehaving a vacation for the summer. Encouraged by the temperance workdone in their home town, they join a local crusade to close the variousdrinking and gambling houses. They fall in with another lad, the son ofa well-known drunkard of the summer resort, and do all they can to aidhim. A good, clean-cut boys' story, full of life and action, not at allpreachy, but teaching the best of morals.

  _Send For Our Free Illustrated Catalogue_

  CUPPLES & LEON CO., Publishers, NEW YORK


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