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Daddy's Girls

Page 6

by Andrews, Stella

  “She’s all yours—for now. Remember, Cassie’s back after lunch and she will need to be here. Get whatever Ashton needs, I want to notice a huge dent in that credit card of mine.”

  He winks and grabs his keys from the table and heads off. I giggle at the look on Bonnie’s face as he goes. She looks after him in utter amazement. Shaking her head, she looks at me and grins as the door slams behind him.

  “Wow, whatever you did to him last night, honey you should bottle it and bring it out every day. I haven’t seen that side of him before.”

  I look at her with curiosity.

  “What do you mean?”

  She grins and sits at the table and her eyes dance with mischief.

  “That man is normally 100% bastard. He hardly says two words, let alone form a sentence. The only time he smiles is when his beloved Cassie is nearby. I’ve never seen him look at a woman the way he just looked at you. As for the free pass to his credit—well, I’m just gonna say you’re one lucky lady.”

  I feel the interest as a result of her words. Ryder has been nothing but charming and accommodating since I met him. Yes, he’s hard and dangerous but I sense a softer side to him that draws me to him.

  Bonnie shakes her head. “Come on, let’s hit that card - hard.”

  We head into town in a huge black SUV with Bonnie at the wheel. As we drive, I look at the flashing scenery with interest. I’ve almost forgotten there’s another world out here with people going about their daily business. A normal life—how I long for that.

  Bonnie says with interest.

  “So, tell me about yourself, Ashton.”

  I feel the nerves take hold as I wonder what I can say. She must notice my hesitation because she says softly.

  “Listen, I know you’re running from something. There’s not a woman who comes here that isn’t. It was obvious when I met you yesterday and I know there was some kind of deal made with your brother. You were like a frightened animal who longed to take flight. It must have been an intimidating experience yesterday and nobody was more surprised than me when Ryder claimed you as his old lady.”

  I feel the shiver run through me at the mention of his name. I feel curious about the man I married and deflect the attention away from Bonnie’s questions with one of my own.

  “Why are you surprised?”

  She laughs softly.

  “Ryder has never shown any regard for women in the past. Even Cassie’s mom never even got close to piercing that shell he hides behind. He isn’t the President of the Reapers for nothing. He’s a cold, hard bastard that shows no mercy. Most people think Snake is the hard man of the Reapers. They are wrong. Ryder is cold, ruthless and unforgiving. He uses the whores with no regard and they form a queue when he calls. He’s never shown any interest in any particular one and that’s why his behavior yesterday is so out of character.”

  I think of Ryder’s whores and say bitterly.

  “Well, he looked cozy enough with Kitty when I walked in.”

  Bonnie laughs out loud.

  “Kitty wished. That woman has tried every trick in the book to become his old lady. The other whores never got a look in where he was concerned. But Ryder wasn’t interested. The only interest I’ve ever seen in his eyes was when you came a calling. To say I’m shocked is an understatement and you must be the most hated woman in that club right now among the whores.”

  I shiver inside. This life is so alien to me. Using women like they do leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.

  I say in a hard voice. “Why do those women let the men treat them so badly?”

  Bonnie laughs.

  “If you think they are treated badly, honey, then you have a lot to learn. There is no woman there that doesn’t want to be. They crave the attention of the men because they are hot and sexy and treat the women like they matter. Despite appearances they care for the whores. The reason they are called whores is because they are free with their favors. It’s their decision and they love it. Why have one hot sexy bastard when you can take your pick of dozens of them? When you become an old lady, you have no such freedom. It’s strictly monogamous and your life becomes very different. Don’t feel sorry for the whores, they choose the life they lead. They can leave at any time with no hard feelings. The guys look out for them and teach them how to survive in an unforgiving world.”

  I shake my head, struggling to understand this new, crazy world that I’ve fallen into.

  “I just don’t like the way they are called whores. It doesn’t seem right—I don’t know - sort of degrading.”

  Bonnie smiles. “You’re a kind girl, Ashton. I can see why Ryder is drawn to you. You have the face and morals of an Angel which is like honey to a bear. Don’t lose that soft side of yourself in our hard world.”

  She draws up outside a large Mall and turns to me and grins with excitement.

  “Let’s hammer that card as requested.”

  Shaking my head, I look worried.

  “It doesn’t feel right. I’ll just grab a few essentials, it wouldn’t be fair.”

  Bonnie giggles. “I don’t suppose you registered the fact the guys have black credit cards. There is no dent in those cards. They are connected to the Federal reserves because the money pit has no bottom. Those guys are paid well for their services and no amount of retail therapy will cause even a ripple in that plastic. You may as well enjoy yourself and realize one of the perks of living as a Reaper.”

  As I follow her into the Mall, I wonder what on earth I have fallen into.



  Bonnie is good company. She drags me around every shop in record time and encourages me to spend way too much of Ryder’s money. It still doesn’t feel right to me and I decide to make sure I pay him back just as soon as I can. Money has always been the one thing in my life that I have lots of. When your father is a billionaire that sort of comes with the territory. Despite having everything materially, I’ve never had the sort of family that I craved. My mom left when I was small and I never knew her. I don’t even know if she’s alive because all talk of her is strictly forbidden. Tyler is the only one in my life who has ever shown me any love. We were both united in our common hatred of daddy. Tyler always got the rough end of the deal and the sound of his beatings will haunt me forever. Daddy always said it was to toughen him up but I know it destroyed Tyler inside. He is closed and mistrusting as a result and only does what he does to earn enough money to leave and never return.

  Before I can even reach the dark place in my mind where my future was decided Bonnie cries out, “Ashton, over here, you must have one of these.”

  I look over and see her holding up a beautiful red dress and her eyes are sparkling.

  Laughing, I shake my head. “It’s beautiful but why would I need one of these? I’m looking after a child and it’s a bit inappropriate.”

  Reaching out, I touch the fabric of the soft dress and almost moan out loud. It feels luxurious and looks amazing even on the hanger. It’s a little shorter than I would usually go for but I can see it would wrap around my body like a glove.

  Bonnie grins. “Try it on. I bet as soon as you do you’ll buy it. You may need a smart dress if you go out for the evening.”

  Her enthusiasm rubs off and I take the dress and smile with excitement

  “Ok, I’ll just try it on, that’s all.”

  However, as soon as that dress caresses my body I know it’s mine. I look at my reflection and smile. It’s like it’s been made for me. It falls just above the knee and clings to my curves like I knew it would. It makes me feel sexy and desirable and I have never owned such a piece. My father would hate it and I suppose that’s what makes my decision for me.

  As I exit the changing room, Bonnie’s eyes dance with mischief.

  “Whoa, sexy lady, you look hot. Ryder will combust when he sees you. You must get it, it would be against the law to leave it behind.”

  I nod and look at my reflection. “I’ve never owned anything so be
autiful but when would I wear it?”

  Bonnie laughs. “I’d never take it off if it was me. Right then, you need some shoes to go with it. I’ll start searching while you change.”

  She hurries off and I’m left looking at the lost girl looking back at me in the mirror. Despite Bonnie’s kindness I feel so alone. I’ve never been the girl with many friends. My upbringing was sheltered and my friends decided for me. They had to come from families of standing and power. Daddy’s friends and acquaintances and not the kind of people I want to spend any time around. My closest friend Pricilla Vargo is like me, a product of her parent’s hopes and dreams. She was sent to boarding school in England to finish her education leaving me behind with no real friend to call my own. It was just daddy, Tyler and me and the incredibly large threat of marriage to Marshall Emmerson looming.

  I shiver as I think of him. From the moment the deal was made he wasted no time in rubber stamping his ownership. I was made to sit near him at dinner and his eyes promised me a difficult road ahead. There were the inappropriate touches and lust-filled looks. I was made to dance with him at parties and he held me way too close and made me feel uncomfortable in every way.

  I still remember the day I found out my fate. Daddy called me to his office when I was fourteen years old. They were both sitting there drinking whiskey after yet another dull meal. Daddy made me stand before them and told me that for my own well-being I was to promise myself to Marshall. It was how it was going to be and I had no choice in the matter.

  I remember feeling absolutely terrified at the prospect of the huge frightening man before me becoming my husband. He scared me and yet I was too afraid to say anything. Daddy left us and Marshall patted his knee. I had to sit perched on his knee while he told me how it was going to be. He rubbed my leg and his hands started wandering. I felt uncomfortable and shifted but he held me tighter and told me that I was to keep myself for him and if I didn’t the deal was off. I had to be a virgin on our wedding night otherwise he would ruin my father. All our money would be gone and there would be nothing left for Tyler or me.

  I shiver as I remember how he ran his hands over my body and breathed in my ear. He felt hot and excited and I felt his hands moving under my top and roaming freely over his ‘property’. Then he gave me a promise ring and said he expected me to obey by its rules. If he suspected I was seeing a boy, he would pull out of the deal and we would be ruined.

  It was a lot to heap on the shoulders of a young girl. I had nobody to turn to except Tyler and for a long time, I even kept it from him.

  I shiver and pull myself back to the present. Marshall Emmerson is still a problem that won’t go away. If he finds me all hell will break loose. Daddy will lose everything when they realize what I’ve done and I’m not sure if I’m strong enough to face the consequences of my actions.

  Bonnie comes rushing back and looks at me in surprise as I haven’t moved since she left me. She must see the worry in my eyes and says softly.

  “Is everything ok, honey? You look worried about something.”

  I just shake my head.

  “I suppose this is all a lot to take in. This time yesterday my life was very different. Now here I am, married to a man I’ve just met and expected to be a mom to a child I’ve never seen. I’ve never looked after a child before and she may hate me. I mean, I’ve married her daddy and she may resent me. I suppose I’m just worrying about it.”

  Bonnie’s face relaxes.

  “Listen, Cassie’s a sweetheart. She will love every fine inch of you. Ryder isn’t stupid. He knew a good thing when he saw you walk into the club. Although I must say, I’m still getting over the shock of it all myself. Even for him that was unexpected, and he’s the most unreadable man I have ever met.”

  I look at her with interest. “Tell me about him.”

  She laughs. “With him what you see is what you get. Mean, moody and dangerously hot. He was crewed with Snake in the SEALS and they will protect each other to the death. By all accounts, Ryder was hard, unrelenting and cold. He did things that make most men weep and had no compassion. He runs the Reapers the same way and nobody steps out of line with him. Don’t let him fool you, honey. Ryder is one tough cookie and wouldn’t hesitate to cut a man down on the spot. Whatever goes on in that damaged mind of his is kept there. He gives nothing away and nobody even gets close. This morning was the first time I have ever seen a lighter side to him. Whatever you did to him last night, honey, you should carry on doing. It’s sure going to be interesting watching this pan out.”

  She laughs, “Which is why I want to be the one to see his face when you rock up in that dress.”

  I suddenly remember that I’m wearing the dress and look down in horror. “I’d better change out of this, we don’t have long before I need to be back. Cassie will be back soon and I can’t be late.”

  Bonnie grins wickedly.

  “Keep it on, we’ll pay for it on the way out.”

  She grabs the rest of my things and I have no choice but to follow her out.



  It’s been a tough morning. The Reapers had some business to attend to on the other side of town and it kicked off a bit. Sometimes they like to fight back which only makes it harder for them in the end.

  The guys are all buzzing as we bring our bikes to a stop in the yard.

  I notice the SUV parked to the side and as we take in the sight before us, silence breaks out all around. There in front of us is a little piece of heaven. Waving her ass in the air in the most amazing red dress is Ashton as she tries to pull the shopping bags from the car.

  I feel my cock harden immediately and scowl at the stunned faces around me. “Lower your eyes and fuck off inside.”

  As she hears my voice Ashton straightens up and looks around. I watch as her face pales at the daunting sight in front of her. There must be twenty of us all dressed in leather sitting astride our bikes looking at her with pure and utter lust on our faces. Bonnie moves beside her and glares at us ferociously.

  “What’s the matter, have you never seen two women before? Stop staring and help us get this lot inside.”

  Snake grins at me and says in a low voice. “You heard Ryder, fuck off. We’ve got this.”

  I hear the guys all moaning as they head off inside and I can’t blame them. Ashton is all woman and that vulnerable air is a powerful scent to any red-blooded male, let alone a pack of horny bikers all fired up after the morning we’ve had. I pity any whore lying around when they get inside.

  Snake nods to me and we move towards the women. As I approach, I see Ashton’s eyes widen as she bites her bottom lip. Fuck me, she is one sexy lady.

  I smile as I take some of the bags from her hands.

  “Looks like a successful trip.”

  I let my gaze roam freely over her luscious body and watch the desire pool in her eyes. I feel the shiver inside me and my balls tightening as I sense victory is not far away. It won’t be long before I claim my wife forever. I know it and so does she. It can’t come soon enough because the sight of her in that dress is causing the blood to rush to every part of me that craves this woman.

  She looks at me apologetically.

  “I hope I haven’t spent too much. I’ll pay you back, you do know that - right?”

  Snake laughs softly and Bonnie rolls her eyes.

  “He won’t want your money, Ashton. I’m sure Ryder has another, much more interesting way lined up for you to pay him back.”

  Ashton blushes and I grin wickedly. I haven’t forgotten that we have an act to play and I’m not letting this opportunity go.

  Dropping the bags, I pull her towards me and mold her body into mine. “Have you missed me, darlin’?”

  I watch as she swallows hard and her eyes fill with desire.

  I lower my mouth to hers and once again taste the delights within. Her body presses into mine and I nearly lose my mind. Feeling her quivering under my touch and feeling her tongue entwined with mine
is better than any drug. Ashton is the category A drug that warns people off from becoming addicted. One taste is all you need before you are hooked and as I sample her wares, I know there’s no going back.

  Bonnie coughs and Snake laughs as I pull away and look at them with a frown.

  “What? Can’t a man kiss his wife now?”

  Bonnie grins.

  “Not when his extremely bright and gorgeous daughter is coming up the drive. I would imagine you wouldn’t want this to be the first thing she sees when they pull up.”

  Her words are like a cold bucket of water as I hear the sound of the approaching car. Ashton looks at me with terror in her eyes and I smile reassuringly.

  “Snake, Bonnie, grab these bags and take them inside. Ashton, honey, come and meet the most important person in my life.”

  I take her small hand in mine and squeeze it reassuringly. Now it’s time to make my family complete.

  The car stops and I see my sister Cara at the wheel. I see her eyes narrow and the disbelief on her face. Shit she looks mad.

  She opens the door and looks between Ashton and me and frowns.

  “What’s going on, Ryder?”

  I shrug and open the rear door and my heart swells. Sleeping peacefully in her seat is my Angel, my world, and the light in my life. Gently, I unbuckle her belt and take her in my arms. She feels as light as a feather and snuggles into my chest. My heart constricts as I let the love wash over me in waves. Bathing my tortured soul and reminding me what’s important - my daughter.

  Cara is still looking angry and I move to stand beside Ashton who looks nervous as hell.

  “Thanks, Cara. This is Ashton, my wife.”


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