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The SEAL's Christmas Baby

Page 17

by Katie Knight

  After ending the call, the DA stood and gathered his papers together. “Good job, Mr. Perretti. With luck, by the end of today, you’ll be safely ensconced in a jail cell and we’ll have Anthony Capaldi in custody.”

  Preston met the attorney in the hallway outside the interrogation room. “You’re not actually going to let him take the kid to Capaldi, right? I used a dummy earlier. I can bring it to you for him to take. And I want to be there, when they make the exchange. I want to see for myself these guys get taken down.”

  The DA smiled then brushed past Preston on his way toward the lobby. “Be back here in an hour. I can’t guarantee the FBI will let you go on the sting, but that dummy might come in handy.”


  “Did they lock him up?” Lila asked when Preston called her a short time later. “Please say yes.”

  Honestly, she’d been a nervous wreck since he’d gone to the police station earlier this morning. She just wanted all of this to be over. Thank goodness Clara had brought the twins over after they’d had their own private Christmas celebration to keep Parker busy. The kids were now happily playing together in the living room with all their new toys. Clara was there too, taking it easy after the head injury Dom had caused at the party.

  “Sorry, not yet,” Preston said over the phone line.

  Stunned, she stepped into the hallway for some privacy. “What do you mean not yet? The guy tried to choke me to death last night. He was going to kidnap Parker. The least they should be able to hold him on is assault.”

  “Oh, he’d going to be going away for a long time. He confessed to everything. Told the DA about his plans to take you out and kidnap Parker for Anthony Capaldi. All of it.”

  Even though they’d worked out the basics of Dom’s plan themselves, it still hurt her heart to hear it so plainly. “Then why the hell is he still not behind bars?”

  “Because he got a plea deal. He’s going to help law enforcement catch Capaldi too, in exchange for a shorter sentence.” Preston exhaled slow. “I’m not thrilled he’ll be out after ten years, but you can be damned sure I’ll be prepared for the minute he steps out of that cell.”

  “Wait, so now they want Anthony Capaldi too?” She leaned back against the wall, trying to take all that in. “Are they sure they have enough evidence for that? It’s his word against Dom’s right?”

  “Yeah, but this DA’s been building a case for a while now against the Capaldi crime family. This situation is the break he’s been waiting for.” Preston sighed. “He’s pretty certain that if they get Anthony Capaldi in for questioning, he’ll tell them everything. So, yeah. I guess letting Dom enjoy his freedom a few hours longer is worth bringing down the entire lot of them—and knowing for sure that Anthony won’t just hire someone else.”

  “A few hours?” She glanced down the hall to make sure the other weren’t listening. “They’re going after him today? On Christmas?”

  “Yep. Dom already made the phone call and set up the meeting. I’m heading there with Detective Morrison. I want to see this asshole captured with my own eyes.”

  Lila slid down the wall to sit on the floor, her legs shaky. A week ago, she hadn’t even known these people and now the man she loved was going to be there when they were all taken down.

  “You still there?” he asked, his tone concerned. “All right, baby?”

  “Yes,” she said. “I’m here. Just trying to wrap my head around it all. Be careful, okay? If those guys are mafia, they won’t give up without a fight and I don’t want to lose you after I just found you again.”

  “You won’t lose me, baby.” The warmth in his voice chased away the chill inside her. “And I’m only watching this time. No action for me. I’m a civilian for the time being.” There was a pause as muffled voices sounded on the other end of the line. “Sorry. I need to go. I’ll be back at the cabin as soon as I can. Love you.”

  Taken aback by the words, she hesitated even as every fibre of her being screamed for her to answer him in return. Finally, she managed to say, “Love you too,” but it was too late. The line had already gone dead.

  “Mommy!” Parker yelled from the living room. “Come see my spaceship!”

  The next few hours passed in a blur as Lila went through the motions of entertaining her guests and playing with her son, all while her concentration split between what was happening at the cabin and what might be happening where Preston was. By the time Nancy and Clara and the twins headed home, the sun was starting to set and Parker was taking a nap, worn out from all his holiday fun.

  Lila had started a pot of homemade chili earlier in the afternoon, mostly to keep herself busy and she went back into the kitchen to check on it. The house smelled wonderful from the food, and instrumental Christmas carols were playing low from the stereo. The angle of the sunlight on the snow outside made it sparkle like diamonds and the world seemed almost perfect.


  Once Preston got back home, everything would be awesome.

  She’d just taken the lid off the pot to stir the chili when the scuffle of footsteps on the porch stopped her short. Her heart stumbled and blood rushed in her ears. She glanced out the window over the sink but didn’t spot Preston’s SUV in the driveway or parked near the curb. Adrenaline flooded her bloodstream as fear gripped her tight. She wasn’t expecting anyone else. It was Christmas. Most people were spending the day with friends and loved ones. But if it wasn’t Preston then…

  Oh God.

  What if the plan to capture Anthony Capaldi had gone south? What if Dom somehow let the guy know they were on to him and he’d headed here, to finish what Dom had started? What if…

  She grabbed her phone from the counter, her fingers shaking as she turned it on to see if she’d missed a call from Preston. Nothing.

  Crap. Crap, crap, crap.

  The footsteps outside neared the door and she brought up the phone’s keypad, punching in 911 then hovering over the Call button as the front door of the cabin swung open. If it was Capaldi, she’d call the police then run like hell straight for Parker’s room.

  “Lila?” Preston said, walking in looking like a sexy lumberjack in his jeans and flannel, day old scruff on his chin and a knit hat covering his dark curls. “I’m home.”

  In an instant, she’d drop her phone and ran straight for him. Good thing his reflexes were on point as she flung her arms around his neck and wrapped her legs around his waist and kissed him for all she was worth.

  When she finally pulled away, they were both breathless and grinning.

  “Thank God it’s you. I was so worried,” she said, nuzzling her nose into the side of his neck and inhaling his good Preston smell. “I didn’t see your car outside and I thought maybe it was Capaldi coming here to finish me off.”

  “No way. I would skin the man with my bare hands before I’d ever let him hurt you again.” Preston buried his face in the top of her hair and kissed her head. “No one will ever hurt you again while I’m around. And I parked down the road a way, since a lot of other cabins have guests and there wasn’t much room. Good on you to check on that though.”

  She shrugged then hugged him tighter. “Thanks.”

  They kissed once more then she slowly slid down the front of him to her feet. “I made chili.”

  Preston sniffed the air then grinned. He secured the front door behind him then took off his hat and coat and hung them on the hook by the door. “My favourite. Where’s Parker?”

  “Taking a nap.” She took Preston’s hand and led him back toward her bedroom at the end of the hall. “The chili needs to cook a bit longer and I could use some quiet time myself.”

  “Quiet time, huh?” He followed behind her, closing the door behind them. “From what I remember you weren’t all that quiet last time.”

  “Well, I’ll just have to control myself this time then.” She winked and tugged off her green turtleneck sweater with the reindeer on the front, leaving her facing him in just her bra from the waist up. “D
id they catch Capaldi?”

  “They did.” He removed his flannel shirt, then tugged the T-shirt beneath over his head, leaving nothing but his gorgeous tanned, toned torso for her to behold. Her fingertips itched to trace over the ridges and groves of his muscles, but she forced herself to concentrate on what he was saying. “Both he and Dom are going away for a long, long time. From the way Capaldi fell apart once he was arrested, I’d bet he’ll be telling them whatever they want to know soon enough. Oh, and they’re bringing in your friend from the pawn shop too.”

  “Sal?” Lila raised her gaze from his cut abs and the trail of dark hair down the centre that disappeared beneath his waistband, like a tantalizing mystery she couldn’t wait to solve. “I mean, he has horrible taste in clothes and his pawn shop is scuzzy as hell, but I didn’t think he’d done anything illegal.”

  “If he did, they’ll find out.” Then Preston undid the button at the waist of his jeans and pulled them off and she seemed to lose any capacity for rational thought. From his muscled thighs and long legs, to the growing bulge at the front of his boxer-briefs, Preston Lawson was a sight to behold. And he was hers. All hers. Best. Holiday. Present. Ever.

  She pulled off her own jeans then unclipped her bra and let the straps slide down her arms before tossing it aside. The way his eyes lowered to her taut nipples and his mouth fell open in frank appreciation made her feel like the most beautiful woman in the world. “Merry Christmas, honey.”

  “Merry Christmas,” he said, stepping toward her and forcing her back until her knees hit the edge of the mattress and she tumbled backward onto the bed. Where last time between them had been a bit slower and tentative, this time it felt frenzied and joyous.

  She was so glad he was here and okay. She couldn’t seem to stop touching him. He licked and kissed each inch of her before bringing her to climax again and again with his lips and fingers. After her third orgasm, she rolled Preston over onto his back and tugged off his boxers before taking his hard cock into her hand, then into her mouth, unable to resist tasting him and teasing him until he forced her to stop by drawing her up to kiss her soundly.

  “I can’t wait anymore. I need to be inside you now.”

  “Yes,” she said, watching as he put on a condom then wrapping her legs around him as he thrust inside her deeply. So good. So right. So perfect. Preston began a rhythm that had them both at the brink of ecstasy all too soon. “Please.”

  “Please what, baby?” he whispered near her ear, his breath hot on her cheek. “Tell me what you want.”

  “I need you,” she panted quietly, so close to orgasm. “Please, Preston. I need… I need…”

  Then he reached between them and stroked her wet folds just right and she came hard around him, digging her nails into his shoulders and arching against him.

  “God, Lila. You are so beautiful. I love you so much,” he growled, thrusting inside her once, twice, before gasping and orgasming right along with her.

  She held him close, her lips at his temple. “I love you too, Preston.”

  Once they’d both relaxed back on the bed, sleepy and sated, she put her head on his chest over his heart and smiled. “I can’t think of a better way to end the holiday.”

  “Agreed.” He kissed the top of her head, his fingers lazily stroking through her hair. Then his stomach growled loud and they both laughed. “Some of that chili might be nice too, though.”


  Early the next morning, Preston awoke to his phone buzzing on the nightstand. Carefully sliding out of bed so as not to wake Lila, he tugged on his jeans from the day before then grabbed his phone and padded down the hall in his bare feet toward the living room.

  Along the way, he stopped to peek in Parker’s room to make sure the kid was okay and found his son sound asleep beneath the covers, looking like the true angel of Christmas. Finding his family had been the best present ever. Now, if only he could hang on to them a bit longer, he’d be all set.

  Entering the living room, he grabbed the afghan off the back of the sofa and wrapped it around his bare torso before plopping down on the couch and clicking on his phone. The minute the message popped up on his screen, his heart dropped.

  James, his CO.

  Dammit. He’d known this call was coming, had expected it for a week or more, but still. He’d hoped to spend a nice, relaxing day with Lila and Parker, have the holiday they should’ve had the day prior when he’d been wrapped up in the whole case with Dom plea deal and Anthony’s arrest. He’d even managed to squirrel away some gifts for his son and Lila. He’d hoped to watch them unwrap their presents today.

  Now, though, as he stared down at the brightly glowing screen of his phone, his gut told him the day wasn’t going to go as he’d planned. Heart heavy, he hit the redial button and waited for his CO to pick up.

  “What’s happening there?” James asked without preamble.

  Preston filled him in then thanked him again for his help in putting it all together. “Without the intel you gave me, these guys might still be on the loose.”

  “Glad to be of assistance,” James said. “And glad your family is safe because I need you back on base in Coronado.”

  Right. He swallowed hard, squeezing his eyes shut as if that might block out the unwanted orders. “When?”

  “Seventy-two hours max. Our operatives on the ground in Syria have a line on one of the higher ups on the leak you’ve been working to bring down.” Greene exhaled slow. “I’m sorry to cut your holidays short, Lawson but we need you here.”

  Shit. Just shit.

  Preston raked a hand through his hair and slumped back against the cushions, his emotions rioting. Despite knowing his mission, despite his responsibilities, despite everything, he didn’t want to go. But that didn’t matter. He’d signed contracts, made vows, given his word to bring down these terrorists. He’d given up his life, his home, all that he was, he’d dedicated to bringing these killers in. His country demanded his return to action and he was duty-bound to answer the call. The words cut like razors in his throat as he said them, doing his best not to get choked up. “I don’t suppose I’ll see Lila and Parker again.”

  “Not if you value their lives or this mission.” James’s voice sounded brisk and efficient—the way Preston’s should have. “Look, son. I’m sorry. But this is what you signed on for.”

  “I know.” He rested his head back against the sofa and stared up at the shadows on the ceiling. “I just never imagined I’d find her again, or how hard it would be to walk away.” He would though. To keep them safe, he’d do anything.” An idea occurred, a long-shot at best. “If I bring the terrorists in, could I go back to being a regular SEAL? Have the clerical error corrected?”

  “Maybe. I’m already looking into it,” James said, surprising him.

  “You are?” he straightened, feeling wide awake now. “How? Why?”

  James snorted. “The minute you told me about discovering your son, I knew your time on this mission was coming to an end. The whole reason you were perfect for the job was because you didn’t have any ties back home. Now that you’ve got a kid and a woman that you love, that changes your priorities. Or it should. If I was in your shoes, son, I’d be looking for ways to get out as well. So, I took the liberty of asking the higher ups about it a few days ago, after our conversation about Dominic Perretti. I’ve not heard anything back yet, but I’ll keep you posted.”

  “Thank you, sir.” A rush of gratitude crashed through him at his CO’s understanding. “I’ll, uh, be sure to be ready to go as ordered then.”

  “Good. I’ll call you when I have your flight information,” James said. “Until then, enjoy the time you have left with them.”

  Finally, an order he didn’t mind obeying. “Will do, sir.”

  Preston ended the call then sat in the dark in the living room, going over everything in his head. All the days since he’d come to the lodge. All the times he’d spent with Lila and Parker. The laughter, the love, the joy
. It would kill him to leave this all behind again, but he would. He had no choice.

  He walked over and clicked on the Christmas tree then sat for a while staring at the sparkling lights and glittering ornaments. No matter how pretty they were, they’d never rival Lila’s beauty. Each time he took a breath, he could still smell her sweet floral perfume. Each time he licked his lips he swore he could still taste her there. And the warmth of the blanket around him was no match for the heat of her bare skin against his. Even if it all disappeared tomorrow—and given his orders, it would—he’d have those blessed memories for eternity.

  Lost in thought, time got away from him. The first rays of dawn were just streaming through the windows when a husky feminine voice said from the end of the hall. “Are you coming back to bed? I miss you.”

  A lump of sadness threatened to clog his throat, but he swallowed hard around it and turned to look at her over his shoulder. “I miss you too. Come sit with me on the sofa and we can watch the sunrise together.”

  She came over, wearing his T-shirt from the day before. It was huge on her, hanging nearly to her knees, but damn if he’d ever seen anything sexier. Lila snuggled in beside him under the blanket and he held her close, nuzzling his nose in her hair and savouring every second they had left together.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked at last. “You seem worried.”

  “No,” he lied. He was worried. Worried about the future for her and Parker without him. Worried about how he would manage to go on alone. “Just tired, I guess.”

  “Hmm.” She slipped her arms around his waist and held him tighter. “I’m glad the worst is over.”

  The worst hadn’t even started yet, but he didn’t want to ruin their last day together. Eventually, he’d tell her that he was leaving again, but for now, he prayed for a miracle. “Me too,” he whispered against her hair. “What time does Parker get up?”


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