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Bound For Blood (Feathers & Fire Book 1)

Page 20

by Loxley Savage

  My body is massive, double the size of my largest Enforcer. Veins pop out of my arms, sitting atop my hulking muscles that threaten to break through my skin. Power of epic proportions churns inside me. In this form, I’m unstoppable.

  Fuck Daemon, and fuck everyone else.

  Trinity is mine.

  I will find her, and I will claim her, taking back what’s mine. She will live out her life in my dungeon, restrained there for all of time. I’ll never share her again, no matter what it costs me. Nothing will stop me from getting her back.


  The Princess is making remarkable progress. In the few days since she woke up from her week long slumber, she has all but completely healed. Only the faintest hint of a pink scar still mars her otherwise flawless skin. She no longer requires ointments and topical medicine, making great strides in her recovery. Just a few more days and I think she will be ready for the journey home.

  It has been remarkable to observe her as she takes in the new world around her. I’ve watched her joy when she stepped on grass for the first time or smelled a newly blossomed flower. I smile thinking about how beautiful she looked basking in the sun, its soft rays lighting up her pretty face while her hair fluttered around in the light breeze.

  Everything is new to her, from clothes to food.

  Oh my God, the food.

  This girl can’t get enough. The first few days after waking, I kept her on a strict regimen of broth and crackers. But since then she has tried many new items, her favorites being chocolate and peanut butter. Watching that girl lick peanut butter off a spoon will go down as one of the most erotic things I have ever had the pleasure to witness. My cock hardens just thinking about her little pink tongue darting out of her mouth and licking the excess from her plump lips.

  Of all the exciting ‘firsts’ I have gotten to witness, I think my favorite would be the blooming of her personality. The Princess has found solace with us, and each day, she’s progressively more comfortable. For once, she can just be herself, and she’s excited for the chance to figure out who she was meant to be. Two decades of captivity created an inherent fear and nervousness around males, but we are all working hard to prove to her that she can trust us.

  And deep down, I think she knows she can.

  Through our link, albeit weak, I can sense her excitement during new experiences. Her fascination with an ant colony, and the pure joy of giggling while watching squirrels chase each other through the trees.

  She struggles with maintaining eye contact, the directness makes her uncomfortable. But those fleeting moments when her magnificent lilac eyes connect with mine, I feel a zap of electricity run from my head to my toes. It vibrates down the link that I know is there but remains just out of my reach.

  If there is one thing I have learned over the years of searching for her, it’s patience. I will wait for her to come to me, and when she is ready, I will take her as my fated mate.

  I ache to watch her body writhe under mine while I show her how much I want her, how much I care about her as the mating fires engulf us in its warmth. Though, I must admit, the promise of the call to her blood and the powers that might come with it intrigue and fascinate me.

  I let out a long, drawn-out sigh. For now, I vow to just enjoy the small things. Watching her reactions to new animals, dancing in the rain for the first time. I know this happiness could come to an end at any moment, and I, for one, refuse to waste a second of it.

  The past few days have been amazing! I’ve gotten to experience so many new things, and I’m finally starting to feel comfortable around the guys.

  The guys.

  A cheeky smile spreads across my face when I think of them. If someone had told me a few days ago that not only would three phoenix warriors come to my rescue, but that they would all be my destined mates as well, I would have laughed in their face. But I must admit, the thought of the three of them warms my chest and stirs a deep desire low in my belly.

  I want them. All of them.

  Inwardly my body comes to life whenever I’m around them, but on the outside I find myself shy and holding back with how I really feel.

  But I must be patient and let my confidence progress at its own speed, at least that’s what Orian tells me. I can hear his sweet voice even now, ‘These things take time, Princess.’

  Yeah. Right.

  Then there are our links, however weak they might be. I can feel his desire as it pours off him in waves of lust, crashing down upon me. The air sometimes gets so thick with sexual tension that it feels dense when I walk through it.

  It’s a strange feeling... to have others in your head and for me to be in theirs as well. It’s like a never ending game of hide and seek, there’s nowhere to hide where you can’t be found. The deep need for each other that we conceal on the outside as we try to control ourselves, thrives deep down in our souls.

  Wearing another of Ri’s white tank tops and a pair of his boxer briefs, I drum my fingers on the table where I sit watching Lach through the window. My white warrior. He’s fierce and determined, conceited and over confident and… so fucking sexy. My nipples tighten as I watch him go through the motions of his ‘routine’ as he likes to call it. With swords and daggers, he contorts his body into a series of battle exercises with the grace of a dancer and the strength of a wild animal.

  Beads of sweat form, glistening on his muscles while they ripple under the strain of his movements. I bite my lip and squeeze my legs shut, trying to soothe the growing ache there.

  Horny is what they call it. The incessant need to be with them, to want their hands all over me. And to be honest? It sucks. For now I settle for the occasional kiss or soft touch as they pass me by while I battle my shyness. They insist I focus on building up my strength and bringing on my shift so the flight home will be faster, and I will be more capable of defending myself.

  “Ugh,” I groan at the thought and run my fingers through my long hair. I can’t shift to save my fucking life! It’s infuriating. As if sensing my frustration, the camper door opens and Keegan walks in.

  Our eyes lock, and a huge grin stretches across his handsome face. My pulse picks up speed when he smirks at me like that.

  “Hey, Princess,” he greets me before he sits down across from me.

  “Hey yourself.”

  “What’s got your panties in a twist?”

  I make an exasperated noise. “I’m not wearing any panties. Remember?”

  A deep growl leaves his throat, its vibrations tingle my clit. That’s the noise he makes when he’s aroused, and his golden eyes light up in response. As if his eyes weren’t enough to give him away, I can also feel his desire through our bond. “You can’t say things like that.”

  “Like what?” I bite my lip and look up at him. I know what I’m doing to him, I just like to see him sweat.

  “Come on. Let’s go for a walk and burn off some steam,” he says, reaching for my hand. My skin warms when he touches me, sending a wave of pleasure through my body. I internalize another groan and allow him to help me up. Hand in hand, we walk outside. The blast of fresh air still takes my breath away.

  I grin to myself. It smells just like Keegan does. Fresh, clean, crisp air. I take a deep breath and step down the two stairs to the green grass below. I pull off Orian’s socks and set them on the stairs not wanting to dirty them on the forest floor.

  I prefer to remain barefoot anyways. It’s what I’m used to, besides those painful and useless strappy heels I had to put on when- taking a deep breath, I push those thoughts from my mind.

  I’m not a slave anymore.

  Sensing my inner turmoil, Keegan squeezes my hand and pulls me into his arms. I’m, more comfortable with Keegan than the others, so I have no issue wrapping my arms around him and laying my head against his chest. He rubs his hand up and down my back while I listen to the steady beat of his heart. I find the sound comforting. It helps calm me down when I’m anxious.

  “There’s something I wan
t to show you,” he whispers in my ear while nuzzling my hair. “Come on.” We start our walk through the trees but shouting soon interrupts our trek.

  “Wait up!” Lachlan yells, jogging to catch up, still shirtless and dripping with sweat. Glancing back, I see Ri not far behind him.

  I can sense frustration coming from Keegan, clearly he wanted some alone time with me. Lach ignores Keegan’s scowl, grabbing my free hand, and together they lead me through the forest. We carefully pick our way through the dense trees. Ri is a few feet in front of us when he stops suddenly and bends down to pick a purple flower. He sniffs it and turns around to face us.

  With a huge smile on his face that only enhances the dimples on his cheeks, he walks over to me, flower in hand.

  “This is called Spring Beauty. I thought it fitting for our beautiful Princess,” he says as he tucks the stem behind my ear. I can feel my cheeks heat. He’s so adorable.

  “Thank you, Ri,” I mumble, my blush spreading down my neck.

  Glancing up, my breath catches when I look into his emerald eyes. I love how they sparkle when he’s happy, and right now they are shining. With a stupid grin on my face, I let go of Keegan and Lachlan to walk forward, reaching for Ri’s hand. He leans down and kisses my forehead before grabbing my hand and leading the way.

  I wonder where we’re going. Keegan has been particularly protective of me when I’m outside. He requested that I not go too far, saying it’s for my safety. Through our bond, I know he’s sincere in what he says, so it feels less restricting. Together, we walk in silence. The chirping birds and rustle of leaves accompany us as we go.

  That’s when I hear it.

  A loud sound like water makes when it pours down from the shower, only magnified. I come to an abrupt stop so I can listen to the noise, tendrils of fear weaving its icy grip along my spine.

  “It’s okay, Princess. Don’t be afraid of the noise,” Ri says gently. “It belongs to the surprise we’re leading you to. There’s nothing to be scared of. You’ll see.” He cups my cheeks, ensuring our eyes connect. “Do you trust me?”

  “I trust you,” I whisper, my chest fluttering with nervous energy.

  He plants a kiss on the corners of my mouth before grabbing my hand again and guiding me forward.

  Trickles of sunlight filter in through the dense trees while we walk, the rumbling noise growing louder as we go. I love feeling the warm rays on my skin, but I love even more how they highlight Ri’s hair. The blood red color sparkles when he walks. I find the contrast between his dark hair and green eyes very sexy.

  I want to run my hands through his hair, to feel his body on top of mine. I want him to- My thoughts cut off, and my heart stutters when I take in the scene in front of me.

  “Whoa,” is all I manage to get out.

  Surrounded by my guys at the edge of a riverbank, I crane my neck to look up at the towering waterfall that cascades over a cliff. It’s breathtaking. The lack of trees surrounding it allows the bright sun to shine on the waterfall, sparkling as it reflects off the water. A myriad of colors are visible in the mist, as a shimmering rainbow comes into view.

  I can’t contain the feelings of wonder and joy, or the giant smile that spreads across my face when I take in this new surrounding. Colorful flowers dot along the shore line, decorating the landscape. The river water is so crystal clear that I can see the stones along the bottom. Squeezing Ri’s hand, I step forward and dip a toe into the stream. The water has a slight chill, but it feels good on this warm day.

  “Do you like it?” Keegan asks as he comes up behind me.

  “It’s stunning,” I reply, the awe in my voice evident as he wraps his arms around me and rests his chin on my head. I sigh in contentment and grip onto his muscular forearms. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine happiness like this was possible. My chest squeezes, and that “L word” swirls around in my mind. I wish we could stay in this moment forever.

  I turn my head when a whooshing sound catches my attention. Ri sprouts his magnificent red wings and takes to the air. I shield my eyes with a hand to block the sun and watch him fly to the top of the waterfall, shifting back just before he lands.

  “Woohoo!” He runs and jumps off the cliff with his arms spread wide. He tucks his legs up into his body before crashing into the water below. He disappears for a moment before resurfacing, his crimson hair plastered to his face.

  “I’m next,” Keegan calls, letting go of me. Shifting, he jumps into the air and flies to the top. His spectacular blue feathers shimmer in the sunlight. Lach follows after him, eager to jump off the cliff as well.

  With Ri just a few feet away, I close my eyes and concentrate on my beast. I look deep within myself like Keegan instructed and try to grab onto her, to entice her to surface. But she shies away, hiding in the dark corners of my mind.

  “Ugh!” I groan, totally frustrated that I’m still unable to connect with her. A splash sounds, and I know that Keegan has jumped into the water. I want to fly with them so bad. It kills me to see them take to the skies while I’m stuck here on the ground.

  I make a startled noise when two very wet arms pick me up.

  “Want to take a dip, Princess?” Ri asks with a mischievous grin on his face. Returning his smile, I reach up and swipe at his blood-red hair, pushing the strands from his eyes. I get lost in his emerald gaze as he shivers at my touch. A third splash sounds. I look over and see Lach just as he resurfaces.

  “Come on you two!” Keegan shouts at us.

  “In a moment,” Ri yells back, his eyes still locked on mine. “Are you ready?”

  “Ready for what?”

  “This.” He winks at me then shifts while still holding me in his arms. Brilliant red feathers grow out of his skin in the same places mine do. But where only outlines of feathers appear on my skin, his are real.

  He crouches down then launches us into the air. I shriek in delight as we take to the skies together. Orian’s powerful wings surge behind us, soaring us up over the waterfall. When we crest over the top, I’m met with another sight that takes my breath away.

  We make a soft landing on the bank at the top of the falls. He sets me down gently and tucks my hair behind my ear.

  “So this is what a sunset looks like,” I say. “It’s more beautiful than I ever imagined it could be.” As the sun sets beyond the horizon, the sky turns a brilliant mixture of purples, blues, pinks, and oranges decorated with fluffy white clouds.

  “It’s almost as beautiful as you are, Princess.”

  I blush as I look up at him and bite my lip. He takes a step closer and wraps his wings around us. His plush feathers caress my skin like a soft blanket. With one hand he grips the hair on the back of my head and tugs my face up to look at him. The other presses against my lower back, his fingertips grazing my skin as they sink under my bottoms to grip my bare ass. His desire burns through our bond with enough fire to match my own.

  “Princess,” he whispers before crashing his mouth into mine. I grip his biceps and moan into his mouth. His tongue swirls against mine, stoking the flames of my desire. Slow and steady, Ri takes charge of the kiss, not allowing me to speed up or slow down while my heart pounds frantically in my chest. He squeezes my ass and seductively nips at my lip. I moan into his mouth again when he slips a finger down past my ass to my opening, circling in the wetness he finds there. My nipples tingle beneath my wet tank, and I feel his cock harden against me.

  Back and forth our tongues duel for the lead, his controlled seduction drives me wild. My arousal grows with the burst of passion I sense from him when he growls into my mouth.

  He picks me up by the waist and carries me closer to the trees. Gently he lays me down, the green grass cushioning my back. Lying down beside me, he bends an elbow and props his head up on one hand while lifting my tank top over my chest with the other. My breath hitches, and my nipples pebble beneath his gaze.

  He licks his pouty lips then latches onto the closest nipple. I moan as his warm t
ongue swirls around my hardening bud while his other hand makes a slow descent into my bottoms. I spread my legs for him and reach my hand into his hair, giving his red locks a slight tug.

  He lightly trails a finger up and down my slit, his slow teasing driving me wild now that he’s finally touching me.

  “Orian,” I whimper, my voice filled with lust.

  “Mmm,” he groans around my nipple.

  Finally, he sinks into my opening, and I moan, my hips reflexively thrusting to meet his hand. Ever so gently, he fucks me, wetting his finger before dragging it back over my clit, circling the needy nub.

  He takes my nipple between his teeth and gives it a light bite, pulling a gasp from my lips. My pussy floods with arousal as he takes his time with me. The slow pace of his erotic play pushing me to the edge as my body trembles with desire while he plays with my clit.

  My breathing accelerates, and I lose all thought of how much I want to run my hands all over him as he increases his pace, my pleasure overtaking my conscious thought. My beast thrashes under my skin as my orgasm approaches, my phoenix preening, my succubus writhing in pleasure. His lips crash onto mine, owning my mouth with gentle caresses of his tongue. Faster now he glides his wet finger back and forth over my engorged clit, my orgasm only moments away. Orian bites my lower lip, giving me the push I need to crest over the waterfall of pleasure. I scream out into the sunset, riding out the waves of ecstasy with his deft fingers.

  While I lie panting, looking up at the slowly darkening sky, Ri rights my clothes, then rests beside me, holding my hand. My thoughts drift between the guys. I’ve surprised myself with the level of comfort I feel with each one of them. I feel safe and wanted, not just for what I can offer physically, but for who I am as a person. My mind wanders to my dad and the phoenix empire, mourning the loss the mother I will never know. I’m nervous to go ‘home’. Will my dad be disappointed in who I am? Will his subjects accept me?

  Ri squeezes my hand, reminding me to live in the here and now. Because we never know how much time we have in this life. Ri always reminds me of that, to live in the moment. I look over at him and catch his gaze. He smiles at me before turning his handsome face back to the sky. We watch the sunset together in silence, not needing to speak. Anything we could want to say would not be half as powerful as it feels through our link.


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