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Page 13

by Jennifer Julie Miller

  I can see Mary approaching me in the mirror. I look around trying to find a way to escape without her noticing my fangs. I stop breathing through my nose and I feel my fangs retract. Then all of a sudden I am back in the mirror. Note to self, if my fangs are out, no reflection, fangs in I’m good to go. I should have stayed in bed with Lucas. I'm so confused and Mary is still talking. “I'm sorry Mary, what did you say again? I'm just shook up from last night, that fire was so big. I could almost feel its heat all the way here, seems like my mind is all over the place this morning.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about it, dear. I catch myself rattling every once in a while, as long as you’re safe that’s all that matters, but stay away from town for a while. I swear that woman described you almost down to the last detail. I think Lucas should be back soon. He had some letters delivered here and this one is for you. I'm sorry again honey about leaving you here all alone for so long. Hopefully, his letter wasn’t terribly important.”

  I lay the letter on the vanity; there was no reason to read it now. “Mary, your family comes first. I will admit there were days the walls were closing in on me, but as a wise man once told me. Everything happens just the way it’s supposed to. Now go do what you came to do. It’s pretty out this morning and I think I’ll take a walk. Maybe, I will figure out where Rage ran off to this morning.”

  “Oh, has Master Rage and Lord Rydell made it back?”

  “Yes, I'm sorry. I wasn’t thinking, they both arrived last night, normally Rage stays with me through the night, but when I woke up this morning he was gone.”

  Mary bent down and pulled a trunk out from under the bed. “Lord Rydell won’t be up for hours, so go enjoy your walk. It’s a little chilly so put this overcoat on over your day dress.”

  “My goodness Mary, where did you find this, it’s beautiful.”

  “It was Mrs. Rydell’s, Lucas’ mother when she was alive. I found some of her nicer things in this sealed trunk under your bed, the last time I was cleaning in here. I completely forgot to get this out for you earlier. It’s older, but so well made. The arms were made longer, so you could put your hands in them if you’re cold. It will be quite beautiful on.”

  Mary helped me put it on and I head towards the kitchen. I was starving, but nothing in the kitchen sounds good. I honestly wasn’t sure what I was supposed to eat. Was I like Lucas and needed blood only or was I like Rage and needed meat. I headed right into the sun, welcoming its warmth. I didn’t even think about it when I opened the back door. Unfortunately, I am a newly formed Vampire and I am standing directly in the sunlight.


  Lucas jerks straight up in the bed reaching automatically for Emma, but she wasn’t there. He immediately sends his spirit out, finding her in the bedroom above the lair. He could hear voices. Fearing the worst, he dresses in the blink of an eye. Immediately, flashing to a shadowy corner of Emma’s bedroom, only to just miss her as Mary was following Emma downstairs, helping her put on a black cloak. The vision from the crypt almost drove him to his knees. She was putting on the same black overcoat. She will die if she walks into the sun. She doesn’t understand the danger she is in. He had watched it all play out days before. Lucas flashes to the kitchen, just as Emma opens the back door and walks straight into the sunlight.

  “Emma noooooo!!!” He screams. Emma stretches her arms wide closing her eyes as she looks up at the sun and Lucas was helpless as her face starts to burn, flakes of ash float in the wind just like the vision.


  Lucas stands alone staring at the tombstone in front of him. He had put this off for years, but the time had come to move on and needed this to be done. He had spared no expense on the tombstone. The large granite tombstone would stand here for eternity. He hoped when someone walked by it they would be able to see all the love that had been carved into its face.


  My Beloved,

  Until we meet again,

  In this life and the next,

  I will always be with you.

  A single blood tear rolls down his face. He reaches up and wipes it away just as the familiar smell of honeysuckles envelopes Lucas as Emma runs up beside him. “Lucas come on quit staring at that silly thing. You have to come play with us!” Lucas turns quickly before she could dart away and pulls her into his arms, enjoying the smell that was only his Emma.

  “Sorry, Love, it’s just a reminder of the times I almost lost you. That very first day you walked out into the sun. I had never felt so helpless in my life. I didn’t even hesitate. I just walked out right behind you.”

  “I remember hearing Mary gasp behind me, as we both watched your skin mend itself back together. Not a single mark was on you and you were standing fully in the sunlight. I was so engrossed in the miracle in front of me. I didn’t even realize I was right beside you. I watched my own hands burn black, but I never felt an ounce of pain. Your Hellhound blood healed us both. You brought the light back into my life.”

  “I can still hear your laughter that evening when my belly grumbled for the first time in centuries. We have both become so much more than what we were before. We have a piece of each other inside of us. I still need more blood than you do, but it’s nice to enjoy a glass of wine and some chocolate from time to time”.

  Emma kisses Lucas’ cheek then bends down, to pick up the small black bundle of fur growling playfully at her feet. Holding the puppy close, she turns and looks back at the tombstone with a somber face. “Lucas, you are the one who brought the light into my world. I was a girl with no name and you gave me yours. I had no home, no family, and no hope for a future, but somehow you fell in Love with me and then you gave me eternity. Thank you, for never forsaking me.” Emma ran a loving hand over the tombstone. “You know you didn’t have to do this. I'm not really there.”

  “If I have anything to say about it, you never will be either. One day, years from now, this stone will be here to remind us of how lucky and blessed we really are.”

  “On a lighter note, come on, Grumpy Butt! Let’s sit down and play with the babies. Can we keep all of them, they’re absolutely precious? Rage, you did such a good job.”

  Rage was rolling on the ground playing with his pups as the Momma wolf laid a ways away from us. She was skittish and wouldn’t come any closer.

  Lucas sat on the ground pulling Emma into his lap, enjoying her enthusiasm as she played with the half Wolf, half Hellhound pups. She knew he would give her anything she wanted, so asking to keep the pups was silly.

  Rage would never leave them either. They have been at Rydell Manor for too long and people have started questioning their youthful looks. They are leaving this part of their lives to start another story somewhere else.

  The sun is full in the sky as we sit upon the ground enjoying the summer day. Lucas is no longer bound to the shadows. Emma’s love gave him back the light.

  He will spend eternity making her laugh, enjoying her pleasures of the flesh, and He will bask in the brightness of her soul, He will never leave her.

  This is our Happy-Ever-After.

  The End

  This book is for all the girls that stand in a crowded room and still feel alone. To the ones who are surrounded by so called friends that only need you when they want something. To the girls, who didn’t and still don’t fit in. The ones who didn’t have nice clothes, or they were too tall, short, fat, or skinny. To the girls who have always ate their lunch alone. To the girls who have never felt wanted. This is your Happy -ever -after.

  Note from the Author:

  This is my sixth novel. I hope I have made you laugh, and cry. Writing has been a lifelong dream for me, and our dreams are the only thing we have to build on!!! So GO for it!!!!

  I'm an avid reader myself. I believe there are Dragons, Unicorns, and multicolored Kitty Cats, because our imaginations are our own uniqueness.

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