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My Boss is a Dragon

Page 8

by Rowan Porter

  He’d never been one who needed a lot of sleep. A few hours at night, and a brief nap in the middle of the day was all he needed. Anything more than that felt like a waste, and he always felt groggy anyway. It meant he could stay up quite late to either work or have the occasional bit of fun, while still maintaining his normal demeanor at work.

  It also meant he wasn’t remotely tired when his worries and fears cropped up in the dead of night. Liam had gone to the guest bedroom a couple of hours before, and Sebastian’s mind had begun racing over any number of horrible possibilities.

  Both the attack in the parking garage, and the attempt on Liam’s life in the street could have ended horribly. He couldn’t prove the almost accident on the construction site had been intentional, but his gut told him it was. That marked three times he’d almost lost Liam. The thought twisted in Sebastian’s gut as he blankly stared at the flickering screen. If it hadn’t been for the sheer luck of Liam falling, Sebastian could very well be sitting in his apartment, alone and wondering how everything could have gone wrong.

  Restlessness brought him to his feet, padding down the hallway toward the guest bedroom. The door was left open, which Sebastian found oddly comforting. It felt like a show of trust and openness on Liam’s part, as if the man was willingly inviting Sebastian in. That or he’d simply forgotten to close the door while he ran over everything in his head, with Liam, either was possible.

  Still, Sebastian let out a slow breath as he gazed into the room, seeing Liam wrapped up in the blankets as he slept. He shouldn’t have been surprised to find Liam peacefully asleep. For everything that had happened in the past week, Sebastian knew how resilient Liam was. Very little fazed the man for long, and he seemed to have shaken off his near brushes with death with very little difficulty.

  In his sleep, Liam looked at peace and ever so gentle. The sight of his relaxed face nestled against the pillow made Sebastian wish he could curl up in the bed behind him, and hold him close. That, of course, would invite a lot of trouble, namely harassment lawsuits after Liam woke up to find his boss cuddling him.

  Liam was a strong, independent person who seemed to need no one but himself to keep moving through the world. It was something Sebastian admired about him, even as it sent a pang of remorse through him. Liam didn’t need anyone to keep going, or to be strong.

  And that included Sebastian.


  He wasn’t so unaware as to not know about Sebastian’s nightly visits. The first night he’d stayed, Liam hadn’t quite been asleep enough to miss the sound of approaching footsteps. It had struck him as odd, to have the man lurking outside his bedroom door for a few minutes before passing on. Odd, but not unnerving, there was something comforting about Sebastian’s presence outside his room, and that he thought he should check up on Liam.

  By the fourth night, however, Liam finally summoned the courage to sit up as Sebastian came to rest at the doorway. His quick motion startled the dragon, who straightened, eyes going wide. Liam almost laughed when he realized Sebastian looked ready to bolt.

  “What’s with the nightly visits to the door?” Liam asked.

  Sebastian blinked. “You know this isn’t the first time?”

  “This would mark the fourth. Do you think something is going to happen to me while I’m asleep?”

  Sebastian shifted uncomfortably. “Would it be weird if I said it’s because I’m thinking?”

  “Standing outside my door helps you think, huh?”

  Sebastian’s brow furrowed, and he stepped closer. He hesitated before finally seeming to settle for sitting on the edge of the bed. It was the most awkward Liam had ever seen the other man, and he couldn’t help but wonder what had brought about the sudden change in demeanor.

  “Well, I’m thinking about you, specifically,” Sebastian finally said.

  Liam smiled softly. “I think I’ll be alright while I’m here. You don’t have to worry.”

  Sebastian shook his head. “That’s not quite what I meant. You’re safe here, so I don’t have to fret about that. It’s just…when I saw you lying there, your own blood across your face and not moving, I felt the floor drop out from beneath me.”

  Liam’s chest tightened. “I guess it’s taking some getting used to, thinking you care so much.”

  Sebastian’s gaze dropped. “It’s more than just care Liam. These past couple of weeks have been wonderful, and I don’t mean just on the professional side of things. Being around you has been an experience, and one I hold dear.”

  Confusion, and then a hard slap of realization hit Liam. “You’re not just talking about being good friends.”

  Sebastian closed his eyes, snorting. “And no matter how many times I hear it, your bluntness never loses its charm.”

  Liam’s heart took off, beating furiously in his chest. Sebastian was sitting on the edge of Liam’s borrowed bed, telling him he had stronger feelings for him than just professional or friendship. Liam certainly had noticed they were growing closer, and it warmed him to see. There was a light in Sebastian, one Liam found he liked basking in. He’d never let his mind dare to trail any further than that, however. Anything further would have been dangerous.

  Sebastian squinted at him. “It’s still not any easier reading you when you’re doing your thinking thing, however.”

  Liam cleared his throat. “I’m not really quite sure what to say.”

  “I understand,” Sebastian said quietly.

  Liam straightened, alarmed. “Oh, that sounded like, no. What I mean is, I’ve been attracted to you from the moment I met you, and it’s not exactly gone away. I just never allowed myself to go too far down that road because of the nature of our relationship. It wouldn’t have done me very much good if I tried to come on to my boss.”

  Sebastian smiled at that, reaching out to gently cup Liam’s face. “And what if your boss comes on to you?”

  It wasn’t so much Sebastian’s touch that stopped Liam short, but the heat in his voice. Even as his mind ran over how bad an idea it really was, his hand rose of its own accord, laying over Sebastian’s. He realized then, that Sebastian, in the few times they had touched, always felt so warm. Liam supposed dragons probably ran hotter than humans, perhaps it was something in their rapid metabolism. Whatever it was, the feeling radiated out, pressing against Liam’s skin like a soothing blanket.

  How long had it been since someone had touched him so gently, so carefully, and yet with such meaning? Liam had been on his own willingly since he’d ended things with Oscar, never even indulging in casual sex. Relationships and intimate contact had been things to be avoided, balked at. Yet with one simple touch on the cheek, Sebastian had cracked through the wall and dragged out the first trickles of real desire in Liam.

  Sebastian leaned forward, as if knowing what was happening in Liam’s mind, but still giving him the chance to back out if he wished. Liam didn’t move, save to close his eyes and tilt his head to one side as Sebastian approached.

  Electricity and warmth shot through him as their lips met, curling up in his gut in the heat of desire. Reaching out, Liam took hold of Sebastian’s arms, drawing him in closer, needing to feel his touch. The kiss was gentle, tender, and when Sebastian’s arms drew around his shoulders, holding him tight, Liam felt a sense of peace mingle with his growing pleasure.

  Sebastian’s body pressed against Liam, pushing him onto his back. Liam fell willingly, letting Sebastian’s larger frame cover him as their bodies melded together. His mind darted over sensations, dancing along with the feel of Sebastian’s strong hands, flirting with the warmth of his skin where it met his.

  He was reminded of what he’d distanced himself from, and grateful it was Sebastian who was the one showing him. The frantic need for control and balance, which rested in his mind like a neurosis fed from the strength and comfort Sebastian offered him. His touch was gentle but firm, promising protection and pleasure in the same breath. The soft gasp of Sebastian’s breath sent a shiver down Liam’s s
pine, as he felt Sebastian’s fingers tremble with barely realized desire.

  When Sebastian shifted against him, pressing their groins together, Liam was unable to suppress his own groan. With only a pair of comfortable lounge pants on, there wasn’t much keeping Sebastian’s arousal from being felt. Liam pushed his hips up, grinding against Sebastian, testing to see if he’d been right. When he felt the thick, heavy shaft press against his thigh, Liam couldn’t help but make another low noise.

  Sebastian’s mouth was against his neck then, his lips warm and urgent as he kissed and nibbled. Shivers ran up and down Liam’s spine, his arms trembling slightly as he wrapped them around Sebastian’s shoulders. His mind swam, fighting to figure out which way was up as he bathed in the strength and warmth of the man above him.

  He wanted it, everything Sebastian was offering, so much so he could feel his body screaming for it. That internal cry, however, was what brought a frustrated groan from him and he pushed against Sebastian’s chest. It took another push before he had Sebastian’s attention.

  Sebastian reared up; eyes wide. “What? What’s wrong? Was I hurting you?”

  Liam closed his eyes, touched and guilty at the man’s worry. “No, you weren’t hurting me, you were doing the complete opposite of hurting me.”

  “Was I doing something wrong?”

  Liam reached out, taking Sebastian’s hand in his gently. “You’re an amazing kisser, you’re incredibly good looking, obviously hung, and so very sweet. In short, you’re exactly the kind of lover I would dream of having, especially after going so long without it.”

  Sebastian frowned in confusion. “Then what?”

  Liam looked at his lap, frowning. “This wouldn’t be right.”

  A pang shot through him as he spoke the words aloud, knowing it needed to be said but hating that he said it at all. With the words out of his mouth, he was officially committed to his thoughts. It meant giving up everything he’d just felt, and throwing it away.

  Liam continued, ignoring the sinking in his gut. “You’re my employer, and I’m your employee. That violates…a lot of things, and it wouldn’t be right. I wish it wasn’t the case, and that we could enjoy ourselves but…”

  “But we aren’t, and you can’t bring yourself to violate your own morals on this,” Sebastian finished quietly.

  Liam honestly wished he could have refuted it, but instead, he could only nod without saying a word. The expression on Sebastian’s face was hurt, but worse was the understanding Liam could see in his eyes. Liam had lived by rules, by his own guiding principles, and to swerve from them could invite disaster. If the two of them were found out, it would very possibly ruin Sebastian’s chances at the upcoming, and any future deals.

  Sebastian bent forward, kissing Liam’s forehead. “I understand, but if you don’t mind, I’m going to take my wounded pride into the other room.”

  Liam wanted to apologize, wanted to make it right, but he let Sebastian go with only a sad smile to follow him. It was a crime, that they would be separated by the lines of propriety. Maybe, if it wasn’t risking Sebastian’s social and professional reputation, Liam might have been willing to cross the line. After all, it wasn’t illegal, just generally frowned upon.

  Without thinking about it, Liam ran his fingers over his bottom lip gently, remembering the feel of Sebastian’s lips there. His face tingled from where the roughness of Sebastian’s stubble had grazed him, the kiss just passionate enough to leave a slight, lingering warmth.

  Liam looked at his hands, muttering to himself. “Why did my stupid brain have to speak up just then? All it had to do was shut its mouth for the whole time, and then yell at me afterward, but no, it just had to yell at me when I was in the middle of the best kiss I think I’ve ever had.”

  He hadn’t even got to the fun part where he was able to confirm or deny with his own eyes, what Sebastian had locked away in his pants. It had certainly felt impressive, almost unnervingly so. Liam’s mind lingered over that thought, thinking of his hands sliding beneath the band of Sebastian’s pants, gripping the thick length and hearing Sebastian’s moans as Liam stroked him.

  Eyes flitting toward the door, Liam was tempted to walk out and down the hall to where he was sure Sebastian was. He wondered if the man would be willing to keep going from where they left off. If he’d be willing to tolerate the seemingly mercurial indecision on Liam’s part, and letting them continue to whatever destination they had originally been headed toward.

  More than the desire, though, Liam remembered just how strong the feeling of being held and cared for had been. With Sebastian above him, holding him tight, Liam had felt as if nothing could harm him, no one would touch him. That, more than a big cock, a hot body, and an erotic moan, was the one thing Liam would remember clearly.

  It was also that thought which kept him sitting on the edge of his borrowed bed, feeling sorrow, but resolute. If they could have simply slept together and kept it as a one-time act of shared passion, Liam might have relented without too much fight. Yet, something about the way Sebastian kissed him, how insistent he was watching over Liam, and taking care of him, spoke of something even deeper.

  Liam closed his eyes, knowing he wasn’t much better. If they’d gone that step too far, neither of them would have been able to leave the night of passion behind. Their feelings would have grown, deepened, and they would never have been content with just sleeping together. They would have wanted more, knowing it couldn’t happen, not when so much relied on Sebastian needing to be seen as respectable and dependable.

  Even if it meant torturing them both, it was better than destroying everything else.


  F lying on an international airline ranked high on Sebastian’s least favorite things to do with his time. Not that he would voice the opinion, especially near any of the employees milling around nearby in the first-class cabin. It was paranoia on his part more than likely, but Sebastian wasn’t risking a Zhao Air employee overhearing him and spreading the tale of how much Sebastian Carlton hated Zhao Air service and planes.

  His mood wasn’t helped by Liam’s constant, silent presence at his side. He supposed, if he’d been thinking the night before a little more clearly, he wouldn’t have initiated everything right on the night before they were scheduled to leave. Then again, he hadn’t been thinking too clearly in general when he’d realized Liam had wanted it as much as he had. Which really was what made Liam’s rejection, followed by his constant presence, all the more distressing for Sebastian.

  As they sat down Liam glanced at him, and for a moment, Sebastian thought he was going to say something. Instead, Liam turned his attention to the book in his hand, averting his gaze before anything could be said. Sighing, Sebastian took the small pill packet out of his jacket and ripped it open. The sleeping pills were of human grade, which meant the dose was far too low for his dragon metabolism, save to take the edge off his nerves.

  He busied himself with his tablet after switching it into airplane mode. By the time the flight took off, soaring through the atmosphere and over the ocean, Sebastian could feel the sleeping pills working their way into his system. Lethargy washed over him as he tapped away, settling his nerves and dulling his thoughts as he mindlessly punched in the facts and figures he knew by heart for the electronic paperwork.

  He barely noticed as Liam continued to read his book beside him, his ears having been plugged with headphones at some point. Sebastian watched his profile for a bit, wondering what sort of music Liam listened to. There were a lot of things he didn’t know about Liam, except that he had a good heart and more passion in him than deserved to be hidden away. A sad smile crossed his face as he wistfully wished he could be the one to pull those things from their hidden depths, and bring a little more joy to Liam’s life.

  By the time the plane landed in Hong Kong, Sebastian was practically vibrating out of his sleep. The dose of sleeping pills had worn off, and he was nearly prepared to start climbing the walls of the pla
ne’s cabin. He’d always hated being cooped up inside, especially in a narrow space. The spacious first-class cabin helped to alleviate the worst of it, but didn’t take it away completely.

  Liam glanced at him. “You okay?”

  “Fine, why?” Sebastian asked quickly.

  Liam’s lips curled up. “Because you look like you’re ready to leap out the nearest open window. As soon as it was safe to, you were on your feet the next instant.”

  Sebastian shrugged. “I’m not terribly fond of flying in airplanes. I could have flown here myself, on my own pair of wings, but here I am, paying to be locked up in a metal tube.”

  Liam raised a brow. “Wings or not, you’d still have your luggage to worry about, and there would be the entire problem with not having clearance for the air space over Hong Kong.”

  Despite his irritation and anxiety, Sebastian couldn’t help his smile. “I know, it was a joke.”


  Despite hating the awkwardness that had been around most of their journey, watching a joke fly right over Liam’s head brought a little light back to Sebastian’s day. Liam was by far one of the most intelligent and astute people Sebastian had ever met, and every day he was a little more impressed with the things Liam’s mind drew seemingly from nowhere. Yet there were moments where his brain would blip completely, leading to something as silly as leaving his phone in the fridge after retrieving his lunch, or completely missing what Sebastian thought was an obvious joke.

  Liam hesitated as they waited for permission to disembark. “Is it the having to rely on a plane that bothers you, or the small space?”

  “It’s a dragon thing. Lance and I, even as babies, couldn’t be put in regular sized cribs. If we were, we’d wake up and just start yelling our heads off until someone took us out,” Sebastian explained.


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