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Pieces of Me

Page 12

by E. L. Todd

  “My family…” I had them back. They were here, right underneath me. I finally returned to the place where I belonged. This was home. She was home.

  All of this was home.

  Chapter Twelve


  Conrad came over for the game, but he wasn’t alone.

  “This is Apollo.” Conrad removed the leash so Apollo could walk around. “Is it cool if he hangs here?”

  Heath and I both stared at him.

  “You got a dog?” Heath asked.

  “Like, a real dog?” I kept watching the German Shepard.

  “Yeah, he’s pretty cool,” Conrad said. “I take him running and he keeps up. He’s quiet. And he doesn’t do his business in the house.”

  “When did you get a dog?” I asked.

  “Beatrice got him for me,” Conrad answered.

  “You’re with Beatrice again?” Maybe Conrad was headed to destruction again, just taking a different path.

  “No, we’re just friends,” Conrad said. “She just thought I could use the companionship.”

  I thought it was a little weird he was becoming so dependent on an animal but I didn’t say anything.

  Heath gave me a look that said, “Let it go.”

  “Is it cool?” Conrad asked.

  “Sure,” I answered.

  “Be good.” Conrad patted him on the head then grabbed a beer in the kitchen.

  I immediately turned on Heath. “A dog? He got a dog?”

  Heath held up his hand. “Just let him do whatever he wants. It’s better than sleeping around, right?”


  “It’s just a dog and that doesn’t hurt anyone.”

  “But I’m sure he sheds…”

  “I have a lint roller.” Heath patted my shoulder. “It’ll be fine.”

  “Okay…” I just wanted the old Conrad back, not the jackass one or the depressed one.

  Conrad returned to the living room. “What’s new with you guys?”

  “Nothing,” Heath said. “Just been hanging out. What about you?”

  “Skye went on maternity leave so I’m holding down the fort,” Conrad said. “I’m glad she left because she looked uncomfortable.”

  “I’m glad she left so she doesn’t annoy everyone,” I said.

  We moved to the couch and watched the game.

  Apollo stayed on the floor and lay down. He didn’t make a sound, being completely obedient.

  I eyed the dog, surprised he was so well behaved.

  Conrad answered my silent question. “He’s an old police dog. He’s pretty mellow. The only weird thing he has is gunshots. If I’m watching a crime thriller I have to put it on mute otherwise the sound drives him crazy.”

  “Oh…that’s so sad,” Heath said.

  “Yeah,” Conrad said. “But other than that, he’s a pretty happy dog.”

  “Cool,” I said.

  “I’ve been taking him to work because I don’t want to leave him alone.” Conrad drank his beer.

  You mean, you don’t want to be alone. But I didn’t dare say that.

  “What else is new, Conrad?” Heath had his hand on my thigh like always.

  “Nothing,” Conrad said. “I’m realizing my penthouse is a mistake. It’s way too big for me. It’ll be perfect for Slade and Trinity though, especially when the kiddos arrive.”

  “You could always sell it,” I suggested.

  “Yeah, but I just moved…” Conrad sighed. “I don’t want to move again. But I kind of want to get a place with a yard for Apollo.”

  “You’ll have to leave the city,” Heath said.

  “I know,” Conrad said. “But I kind of wanted to anyway. I’m sick of all the people, the traffic…the bullshit.”

  I didn’t ask what he meant by that.

  Conrad kept his eyes glued to the TV. “Want to make it interesting?”

  “A hundred bucks on the Niners,” Heath said.

  “I’ll take that bet,” Conrad said.


  Conrad and Apollo left after the game. “Thanks for having us over.”

  Apollo remained quiet the entire time, and he stared at us with brown eyes like he was communicating in his own way.

  I was actually growing fond of the dog. He was pretty cool, actually. “No problem.” I scratched Apollo behind the ear. “See you soon.”

  Conrad fist-bumped Heath before he walked out.

  When the door was shut, we headed to the bedroom and got ready for bed. We stood at the two sinks in the bathroom and brushed our teeth while we stared at each other in the mirror.

  Heath spit into the sink then rinsed his mouth. “You got plans Friday night?”

  “Do I ever have plans?” I scrubbed my molars before I spit.

  “Want to have dinner?”

  “Sure. Where?”

  “I got reservations at that new French place.”

  “On Fifth and Alto?” I asked. “They have a three month waiting list.”

  “Yeah, I know,” he said. “I made them three months ago.”

  “Seriously?” I asked. “Hell yeah I’m in.”

  “Cool.” Heath gave me a smile. “The reservations are at seven so make sure you’re ready.”

  “I won’t eat anything all day.”

  “Well, that’s a little extreme,” Heath said with a laugh.

  “I’m going to enjoy every bite of that place because I know I won’t eat there again for at least three months.”

  “Good point.” Heath washed his face then headed to the bedroom.

  After I finished I joined him and slipped under the covers.

  Heath immediately moved on top of me and kissed me like he’d been thinking about it for the past hour. His shirt was off and his hard chest moved against mine. Anytime we were in public, I saw everyone making eyes at him, both men and women. Having such a good-looking guy as my boyfriend was a little tough sometimes but I tried not to get jealous. Besides, I was the only one who got to enjoy him.

  He yanked my boxers off. “Top or bottom?”

  “Damn, I don’t know. They’re both good.”

  He smiled as he kissed me. “Well, I want to be on the bottom tonight.”

  “Fine with me.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Cayson officially moved back in, and that made me happier than words could express.

  But I hated the look of indifference he constantly gave me. The look of loathing, like I could be dead but it wouldn’t make a difference to him. Slowly, my rage was turning into indifference too. But I swallowed back my anger because I knew my relationship with Cayson was on the line.

  I would make this right, one way or another.

  Slade was unsuccessful in his attempt, and so was my wife. There was only one person left.


  Now that things seemed to be good between them, she was my best hope. She could talk him into seeing reason, talk him into forgiving me. Despite what I did, I really did love him like my own. Only she would be able to get that across.

  “Am I interrupting anything?” Heath stuck his head inside.

  I didn’t even hear him knock. “Nope. Come in.” I wiped the look of misery off my face.

  Heath approached my desk wearing a collared shirt with a black tie. His slacks were tight on his thin legs. “How are you?”

  “Good. You?”

  Heath saw through my lie. “Cayson is still giving you the cold shoulder?”


  “He’ll come around.”

  I was tired of people saying that because it was absolutely meaningless. “How can I help you?” Heath had become an addition to the family. Scarlet and I both loved him, as a person and a partner for Roland. He was respectful, intelligent, and compassionate.

  “I wanted to talk to you. But I can come by at a different time if necessary.”

  “No, this is great. I’m just sitting here brooding anyway.”

  “Well, maybe this wil
l cheer you up.” He pulled a box out of his pocket. It was clearly a ring box from a jewelry store.

  Did that mean what I think it meant?

  “I know this is untraditional and a little confusing but…do I have your blessing to marry your son?”

  I stared at the box in his hands and zoned out for a moment. Was this really happening? Was my son about to get engaged? I slowly rose to my feet and finally made eye contact with him. “Of course…I’m just surprised.”

  “I’m ready and I know he is.” He set the box on my desk.

  I opened the lid and saw the charcoal gray ring inside. It was sleek and shiny, but masculine and elegant. “It’s nice.” I closed the box and pushed it across the desk toward him.

  “Thanks. I’m getting a matching one.”

  I was still winded from all of this.

  “So…is this okay?”

  “Oh, I’m sorry.” I ran my fingers through my hair. “You just caught me off guard. Of course you have my blessing. I’m very happy for you. You’re already a member of this family so now it’ll be official.”

  Heath sighed like he was afraid I was going to say something else. “Thanks. That means a lot to me.”

  I came around the desk and hugged him. “Congratulations, Heath. I know you two will take care of each other.”

  “He’s a pretty amazing guy. I’m very lucky.”

  I patted his shoulder. “When are you going to ask?”

  “Friday night. I got reservations at a nice place.”

  “I’m sure he’ll like that.”

  “I think so too.” He returned the ring to his pocket and watched my face. “Why do I get the impression something is wrong? And it doesn’t have anything to do with Cayson?”

  I shouldn’t quit my day job and pursue acting. “I don’t want you to take it the wrong way…”

  “I’ll try not to.”

  “It’s just…” I ran my fingers through my hair in discomfort. “Roland has only been with one guy. Is that enough for him to know who he should spend his life with?” I knew those words were hurtful but I had to say them.

  Heath nodded. “I guess I see your point.”

  “I’m not saying you two shouldn’t be together but…it’s just something on my mind.”

  “I don’t think Roland needs to play the field to figure out I’m the right guy for him. We’re very happy together, and I’ve been in a lot of relationships. None of them are like ours. I know Roland understands that without the experience.”

  “I’m sure you’re right, Heath.” I patted his shoulder again.

  “I know I am,” he said.

  “Then go for it. We’d love to celebrate afterwards…if you guys are up for it.”

  “Roland would like that,” he said. “Why don’t we rent out Mega Shake?”

  I smiled wide, remembering a different engagement party I went to long ago. “That’s the best idea I’ve ever heard.”


  “It’s perfect.”

  “Why do I feel like I’m missing something?”

  “When Scarlet and I got engaged, we went to Mega Shake afterwards.”

  His eyes softened. “Then it really is perfect.”

  “Scarlet will love that.”

  “Alright,” he said. “I’ll see you on Friday night then.”

  “Wouldn’t miss it for the world.”


  I stopped by Skye’s place first since Cayson wouldn’t be there. He usually got off work later than I did, and it would make things much simpler if I just avoided him altogether.

  Skye let me inside and we moved to the couches in the living room.

  “What’s up, Dad?” She was bubbly and happy, happier than I’ve seen her in a long time.

  “You’re in a good mood. Pregnancy suits you.”

  “I’m not happy over the pregnancy,” she said. “Cayson and I finally worked out our problems.”

  That was a relief. “I’m really glad to hear that, pumpkin. I knew he would come around eventually.”

  “And he’s who he used to be, you know? I missed him so much…”

  “I can imagine.”

  “He’s getting rid of his apartment and getting the rest of his stuff.” She couldn’t stop smiling. “And we stopped going to marriage counseling.”

  “Sounds like you don’t need it anymore.”

  “We don’t.”

  I nodded. “Your mom will be thrilled when I tell her.”

  “I already told her,” she said. “She came over for lunch.”

  “Good.” Having her next door made Scarlet really happy. She could see her daughter whenever she wanted. I loved having that same luxury.

  “Are you just stopping by?” Her smile faded. “Or is it work? Do you need me?”

  “No, not at all, pumpkin. I actually came to talk about Cayson…”

  Her eyes fell like she knew exactly what I was talking about.

  “Pumpkin, please help me out. Say something to him.”

  “I will, Dad. I promise.”

  I breathed a sigh of relief.

  “But I’m not going to do it right now,” she said. “We just got back together. I don’t want to stir the pot.”

  I understood that. “That makes sense.”

  “But I will soon…give me a week or so.”

  “Whenever it’s convenient for you.” I feared I would never get this sorted out with him.

  “I’m sorry, Dad. Cayson will come around. I know he will.”

  “I hope you’re right.”

  Skye moved to my side on the couch and put a comforting arm around me. It was ironic because it usually happened the other way around. “I’m here, Dad.”

  “Thanks, pumpkin.” I patted her thigh.

  “Anything new with you?”

  “Actually, yes. I have some very exciting news.”

  “Ooh. What?” Her eyes widened and her mood picked up.

  “I spoke to Heath a few hours ago. He asked for my permission to propose.”

  Skye covered her mouth and gasped. “No fucking way.”

  I laughed when she cursed. “Yes way.”

  “That’s so amazing.” She fanned her eyes like she was going to cry. “They are so damn cute together.”

  “They are pretty cute…”

  “When? When?”

  “On Friday. We’re meeting at Mega Shake to celebrate afterward.”

  “That’s so awesome. Awe, I’m so happy for my brother.”

  “I am too.”

  She clapped her hands in excitement. “I can’t wait. I wonder if Roland will cry. I know I will.”

  “Heath is a good guy. He’ll take care of Roland.”

  “And Roland will take care of him.”

  I was happy for my son. I really was. But it was hard to be happy when my relationship with Cayson was so strained. The guilt ate me alive every single day. I hated myself, and when I experienced this kind of self-loathing it was impossible to be truly happy.


  The second I walked in the door Scarlet ran and jumped on me. “Roland’s getting married!” Her legs wrapped around my waist and her arms wrapped around my neck.

  I caught her with one arm.

  “Isn’t it exciting?” She smiled as she looked into my face. “And Skye and Cayson are okay again. The world is returning to normal.”

  I didn’t want to spoil this with my own misery. “It is, baby.” I gave her a long kiss. “And how did you know that?”

  “Heath stopped by.”

  “He stopped by my office too.” I kicked the door behind me and carried Scarlet into the living room.

  “And we’re going to Mega Shake afterward. Isn’t that perfect?”

  “It’s very perfect.” I sat down with her still in my arms.

  “So our daughter is having a baby and Roland is getting married. We did it!”

  It was hard not to smile. “We succeeded. We’re kickass parents.”

  “And then we’ll have gr
andchildren and we’ll spend all our time with them…” She rambled on about all the exciting things we’d do with our grandbabies. “And every Easter I can leave them baskets on the doorstep.”

  I let her have this because she deserved it. “And all the gifts we’ll get them for Christmas…”

  “They’ll be so spoiled. Skye will be so mad.” She chuckled to herself.

  “She’ll get worked up just like her mother.”

  “It’s such an exciting time. Now I can’t wait until Friday. That seems like an eternity away.”

  “It’ll be here before you know it, baby.”

  “In the meantime…we should celebrate.” She placed kisses along my jaw and to my neck.

  I held her tighter to me, her tits pressed against me.

  “Maybe in the Jacuzzi…?”

  “That sounds like a good idea.”

  “With champagne.”

  “Baby, I don’t care about the champagne. I care about the sexy, naked lady in the water.” I stood up and carried her with me.

  “And I care about this big, strong stud.”

  “Stud, huh?” She really was in a good mood.

  “Oh yeah.” She continued kissing my neck while I carried her outside and got the water going. It was chilly outside, but that made the hot tub more fun.

  After I set her down she got undressed and slipped under the water. “Strip!”

  I turned on the radio then pulled my jacket off.


  “Are you drunk?” I asked.

  “I might have started drinking after Heath left…”

  I yanked my tie off then unbutton my shirt.

  “Ooh…look at those abs.”

  I tried not to roll my eyes.

  When I got my slacks off and then my boxers Scarlet enjoyed that even more.

  “Ooh…someone’s excited.”

  “Your tits are right in my face.”

  “Come here and get a better look.”

  My wife was a lot of fun when she was drunk. A lot. “I’m coming.” I slid into the water, and the second I was there she crawled onto my lap and straddled my hips beneath the water. Her playfulness immediately evaporated. “Thank you for being my husband, giving me an incredible life, and making such beautiful children with me.”

  Her unexpected words moved me. “I should be thanking you, not the other way around.”

  “I don’t agree.”

  “Then let’s thank each other,” I said. “Even though all of this was meant to happen anyway.”


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