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Broken Beats

Page 21

by D. Kelly

  I lean forward and kiss her cheek. She blushes, and I whisper in her ear, “I love you.”

  Haddie squeezes my fingers before releasing my hand and mouths the words back to me. Cadence steps in and takes Haddie’s bouquet and passes it to Marina.

  “Welcome, everyone!” the minister begins. “Darren and Haddie are thrilled you could all join them this evening.”

  She pauses, and Haddie smiles at me. This has to be the most formal, non-traditional wedding ever.

  “Our universe is an incredible force filled with many souls. On occasion, we’re lucky enough to find the soul meant for us. And when we’re truly lucky, we find love more than one time. Darren and Haddie were both blessed to know great love before they found each other.”

  I’m sure my family is freaking out at this new-age minister, but Haddie and I think she’s great.

  “Darren and Haddie want to send a reminder out to the universe that although they’re moving on, love never dies. Cadence, would you be so kind as to retrieve the butterflies?”

  Cadence nods excitedly and brings a small birdcage with two monarch butterflies to Haddie and me.

  “In many cultures, butterflies represent the soul. Monarch butterflies specifically are believed to represent transition and new life, spiritual evolvement, and guardian angels. Some say orange butterflies represent love. Tonight, Darren and Haddie are going to release two monarch butterflies out into the world with the hope that Richie and Belle can feel their love. While Darren and Haddie are moving on with new love for each other, Richie and Belle will always have a place in their lives. They are gone from this earth but never from their hearts.”

  Haddie and I hold the cage in the best amount of light, and when Cadence looks up at us, we nod as she opens the lid and the majestic butterflies fly free into the night sky.

  Haddie blinks back her tears as I swallow over the newly formed lump in my throat. I close the lid, and Cadence takes the cage and moves it off to the side. Mel, Anna, and Marina shed silent tears at our gesture.

  “Darren and Haddie have chosen to say their own vows. Darren, whenever you’re ready.”

  The minister takes a step back, and I take one forward and reach for Haddie’s hands.

  “Haddie, you came into my world at a time when I was lost. Although our first few sentences may have not been the most eloquent, they opened the door to a life I never thought I’d have. We shared similar nightmares, and we discovered kindred spirits within each other.”

  A tear slips from her eye.

  “You’re sexy, brilliant, honest, and one of the most compassionate people I’ve ever met. You stepped into my life and made me want more for myself and for Cadence. Because of you, I understood a mother’s love could be more than the stories we told and photos and videos we shared. That it was okay for us to let someone in to help with the skinned knees and to give hugs after bad dreams. I learned through my daughter’s happiness it was okay for someone new to help pick out clothes, cheer on her accomplishments, and love her as completely as I do. You’ve taught me I’m not taking anything away but instead adding another mother to her heart.”

  Tears stream down Haddie’s cheeks, and I want to wipe them away but I have to finish.

  “Haddie Davidson, you are my everything. With you by my side, the world makes sense. I can’t imagine my life without you, and I pray I’ll never have to. I want to spend the rest of my days making you happy, seeing you smile, and loving you so completely that you’ll always look at me as you are right now. You are my salvation, Haddie. I’m in love with you. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”

  “Yes,” she cries through a sob as she nods.

  Sawyer hands me her rings, and I slide them on her finger as a huge weight lifts from my chest. This time, the universe gave me the opportunity to do it right.

  The minister steps forward.

  “Before Haddie says her vows, Cadence Miller would like to talk to her.”

  Haddie looks at me with wide eyes, and I smile. Cadence and I worked on this part together; it was important to her. I lift Cadence into my arms so Haddie doesn’t have to crouch down in her dress.

  “Haddie, thank you for making our family complete again. I know you’re going to be my stepmom now, but since my mommy is in heaven, I wanted to know if I can call you mom.”

  As her tears fall faster, Haddie reaches out and hugs Cady in my arms. “Oh, sweetie, of course. I’d be honored.”

  Cadence hugs her back and kisses her cheek. “I love you, but now it’s your turn.”

  Haddie returns her kiss. “I love you too, so very much.”

  Cadence smiles from ear to ear as she steps back in front of Mel. Mel and Anna couldn’t reel in their pregnancy hormones if they tried right now. They’re both a sobbing mess, but they did have a heads-up and made sure to have tissues.

  “Whenever you’re ready, Haddie,” the minister says as Haddie swipes at her cheeks with a handkerchief.

  “Oh man,” she says, inhaling deeply. “You couldn’t have warned me?”

  “Where would the surprise be in that? Breathe, baby, we have all the time in the world.”

  She looks out at the crowd. Sam passes Warren a tissue—Warren plays tough, but he’s the biggest sap out of all of us. I’m pretty sure even my grandmother is dabbing away a few tears.

  Haddie takes another deep breath and reaches for my hands.

  “The night we met, I thought you were crazy and conceited. Who demands to know if they’ve been recognized? Obviously, I had no clue who you were, but I’m always going to be happy you aren’t the kind of person who gives up easily.”

  I smile at the memory of our first meeting. I’m glad I didn’t give up either.

  “There was something about you that told me I needed to know you better. Perhaps it was the way you looked at me. No one has ever looked at me the way you do. It’s difficult to describe, but it’s like adoration, desire, love, and intrigue all in one glance. It is the best feeling in the world when you look at me that way. Someone who can put that much emotion into a look was someone I had to know.”

  I flash her “the look,” and her hands tremble in mine as her lips tip up into the briefest of smirks. She knows exactly what I’m doing.

  “Considering our shared histories, I know the universe brought us together that night for a greater purpose. We were meant to end up here together. We stumbled a bit as we fell in love. I think it was not only expected, considering our pasts, but necessary. With every stumble, we granted each other grace and forgiveness. And since we both understand loss more than we’d like, we held on tighter during the difficult times because that’s when we needed each other the most. I promise you’ll feel my love even more during the hard times. The two of us are a team, but the three of us are a family. I vow my love and devotion not only to you today but to Cadence as well. Our adventures are only getting started, but I promise to cherish each one and never to take a single memory for granted.”

  Haddie pauses, and Marina hands her my ring. She holds it up I her trembling hand. I lock my eyes on hers and hope she knows there’s nothing to fear.

  “Darren Miller, will you be my husband?”

  “Yes.” Because I’m me and can’t hold back, I answer the way I really want to. “Fuck yes!”

  As she slides the ring onto my finger, I pull her face to mine and kiss her. I make it short as the crowd chuckles, but fuck, I needed that fix.

  The minister steps forward again.

  “By the power vested in me by the State of California, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride … again.”

  The music begins to play, and this time I kiss Haddie deeply and without one single fuck of who is watching me stick my tongue in her mouth.

  When we break apart, the first thing I hear is Cadence. “Auntie Mel, is Nate going to kiss me like that one day?”

  My mouth drops, and Mel flashes me a smile as Haddie politely pushes my mouth closed. “Relax, husband. I
f she loves him even half as much as I love you, they’re going to have an amazing story to tell.”

  I groan and pull her into my arms again, forgetting all about Cadence and Nate for now. “Mrs. Miller, can we go home now? I’m ready to strip you out of that dress with my teeth. What do you say, wife?”

  “I say your grandmother would probably kill us in our sleep if we leave before we dance and cut the cake, but after that, I’m all yours.”

  “I love the sound of that.”

  As Haddie and I make our way up the aisle and toward the reception area, everyone claps and cheers. We’re supposed to meet up with the photographers for some more pictures, but I pull Haddie off to the side of the house near the rose garden instead.

  “Darren, we’re going to throw off the schedule.”

  I wrap my arms around her waist and kiss her cheek. “Do you care?”

  “Not really,” she answers softly.

  “I want us to enjoy our night, but I also wanted to pause and check in. Including Belle and Richie was a bit unorthodox, and I know it was hard for both of us. Are you okay?”

  She cups my cheeks and kisses me. “I’m better than I thought I would be. I will never forget Richie, but my heart is in your hands now, Darren, not his. You’re my husband, and I’m never going to treat that lightly. I’m looking forward to making new memories with my new family. The past will still be there, but the pain will ease with time. I know it’s different for you, and that’s okay because I’m going to love you through it.”

  “I only had Belle for a year from start to finish, but in that year, I swear I loved her enough for a lifetime. At times, I wonder if I’d have moved on sooner if I hadn’t been blessed with Cady. Because of Cadence, Belle will never be in my past, but when I talk to her, it’s about Cady and you—the love of my life. She would love you, and I know she’d be happy you’re Cadence’s mom.

  “You’re my wife now, Haddie, and even though it’s hard for me to describe my love for you,” I cup the back of her head and tilt her face to look into her eyes, “I’m excited to show you how much I love you every day in the most creative ways. Words are inadequate most of the time anyway.” I lick the column of her neck from her collarbone to her ear, and she whimpers. “That whimper means you’re needy for my cock.”

  She hisses, and I run my hand over the curve of her ass and pull her to my groin. “My dick is pretty fucking ready for you too. If I wasn’t worried about one of the kids finding us, I’d push you up against the wall, hike up your dress, and fuck you slow and deep.”

  “Darren …”

  “I’d bring you to the edge of orgasm, but I wouldn’t let you come. We’d finish our night with you desperate for release, and when we get to the hotel, I’d push you against the wall, drop to my knees, and feast on your pussy until you come all over my face.”

  She closes her eyes and inhales deeply. “Why are you doing this to me?”

  I dip my tongue into her mouth and taste her thoroughly before stepping away. “Because when we get to Paris, I’m going to recreate that exact scenario. Be ready, Haddie. Our adventures are only beginning.”

  Haddie and I dance the night away. Our first dance is to “Spend My Life with You” by Eric Benet and Tamia. We take it all the way back and teach the kids the electric slide. Veronica took the lead on that; she’s better at it than all of us combined. My grandmother even lets me spin her around for a few songs. While Haddie mingles with a few of her co-workers, I step off to the side to grab a drink and soak it all in.

  It’s been nine years since we took off on our last tour. Our lives have changed dramatically since that day. We’re no longer young men figuring out who we were. Now we’re raising a whole new generation of kids who will be there soon enough. We may be the grownups, but we’re always going to be brothers first. I miss Noah more than ever tonight. It has hit me hard enough that I’m considering finally pulling out that video he left me and watching it. But not tonight. Whatever Noah has to say will make me cry like a baby. Maybe when we get back from Paris.

  Haddie joins me and leans her head on my shoulder. “You doing okay over here?”

  “I’m perfect. Just thinking about how grown up we all are now compared to our rock star days.”

  Haddie laughs. “You say that as if those days are in the past. Have you looked around tonight? This is a pretty big rock star wedding. There are celebrities here people would kill to meet. Marina’s been drooling over the lead singer of Collateral Damage all night. At least he’s single.”

  “This is tame compared to what it used to be.”

  “Do you miss it?”

  I wrap my arm around her waist. “I miss making new music with my brothers.”

  “Do you think watching Noah’s video may help you with that dilemma? Either by figuring out a way to make new music, or helping you let that dream go and focus on something new?”

  It’s like she can read my mind.

  “I was just thinking about watching it when we get back from our trip. Speaking of, have we danced enough? Had enough cake?”

  Haddie laughs. “Come on, can you ever have enough cake?”

  “Good point. What if I told you I had Mac put two pieces in the car with our luggage?”

  “Post-sex snack?”

  I lower my voice so only she can hear. “During-sex feast. I’m dying to lick frosting from all your erogenous zones.”

  “Darren …”

  “Yes?” I flash her a devious smile.

  “You win. Let’s go say our farewells.”

  We say our goodbyes fairly quickly, but when Sawyer and Mel bring Cadence out to the car, I almost break down. I’ve never been apart from her for more than a few days. Haddie and I are going to be gone for three weeks.

  I crouch down and pull her into my arms. “I’m going to miss you so much.”

  “I’ll miss you too, but Uncle Sawyer said we can Skype whenever I miss you guys.”

  “That sounds like a good plan.”

  Sawyer pats my shoulder. “She’ll be fine, Darren. We won’t let anything happen to her. You have our word.”

  “I love you, Daddy. Have fun!”

  Cadence releases me and turns to Haddie and hugs her. “Will you bring me a pretty doll? And some candy? But don’t forget something for Nate and Jake and Heather …”

  Haddie laughs. “I’ve got the list, sweetie. I won’t let you down.”

  “I know you won’t, Mom, I’m just reminding you. I love you. Have fun!”

  All night I held it back, but hearing her call Haddie “mom” finally does me in. I’m blaming it on the alcohol. We wave as we hop in the car, and Haddie wipes my cheeks as Mac pulls out of the driveway.

  “Will you ever get used to it? Or is it going to make you cry each time?”

  “Why aren’t you crying?”

  Haddie flashes me a beaming smile. “It’s one of the best things I’ve ever heard. She makes me incredibly happy.”

  “And that’s why it’s making me cry. I know we were meant for each other and you were meant to fill this role in our lives. I’m completely blissed out knowing everything is as it should be.”

  “We’re quite the pair, Mr. Miller.”

  “I wouldn’t have it any other way, Mrs. Miller.”

  Sometimes, life is wicked and unkind. It puts us through the worst kind of torment, and the only thing we can do is fight to see another day. But when we least expect it, we’re given incredible people to walk beside us. They’re the ones who help keep the bad days in the shadows. They make us laugh, and they love us through anything life throws our way. With Haddie by my side, I’ll fight through anything put in my path as long as I have her love and she’ll always have mine.

  * * *

  Keep reading for deleted scenes.

  If you want to know more about Shawn Lucas and Ryder Stone, be sure to check out Incognito and Only Ever You by Siobhan Davis.



  Seven Dates.
  Seven chances to win my heart.

  It’s not hard–

  Don’t put ketchup on your eggs.

  Don’t wear tasseled loafers.

  For the love of all that’s Holy, don’t ogle the waitress.

  See? Simple…

  Yet no one can get it right.

  * * *


  Dating Roulette.

  It’s Bexley’s game.

  Correction - it’s her life.

  A constant rotation of dates.

  You might get one; you might get seven.

  No one has ever gotten to eight.

  There’s only one rule –

  Don’t commit a dating sin.

  I’ve watched for years and bided my time.

  Now, it’s my turn to play.

  Coming July 9th 2019

  Pre Order Now


  Most of all, I want to thank you for reading Darren and Haddie’s story. I know so many of you have been waiting on pins and needles for it, and I hope it was worth the wait.

  Siobhan Davis – Thank you so much for believing in these characters and for loaning me Ryder and Shawn. You’re a wonderful friend with an amazing heart. I’m so blessed to know you.

  Lyra Parish – I love you to pieces. Thank you for being my sounding board, my sprinting partner, my technical guru, and most of all, my friend.

  Emilie Couture – Thank you for all you do, especially for keeping me organized and mostly on target. I know I’m a hard one to keep focused, but I try.

  Ashley Griffieth – Life is hectic, but you’re still my girl! Thank you for all you do. I love you.

  Dee’s Awesome Arc’etts – Thank you so much for being part of my team. Your support and dedication means the world to me. I love you all.

  Dee’s Dirty Divas – You guys are the best. Thank you so much for being in the group and for your unending support. I know I’ve been quiet lately, but that’s about to change. Pretty sure you’ll wish I’d be quiet. I love you, ladies.


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