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Consumed By Rage: A Stained Souls MC Novel - Book 1

Page 10

by Zara Teleg

  Was he…trying to ask me out? I was caught me off guard, especially with Big Red watching from a treadmill. I gripped the strap of my bag tightly as he talked. I needed to calm myself. I didn’t want to hurt him by saying I had a date, but didn’t he have someone, too?

  Before I could respond, Richard acted like a dog trying to mark his territory and yelled out the details of our date. Dick move. I didn’t like men speaking for me or acting like they have some ownership over me. I could see the anger in Rage’s eyes as his jaw ticked and his forehead furrowed. I gave a little shrug and an awkward wave and walked away without elaborating. What the hell was that?

  The clock neared seven. I put the final touches on my sparse makeup and regretfully looked at the high-heeled sandals Ivy had insisted I wear tonight. I rolled my eyes at the tall, thin wedge with wraparound straps. Why she had thought my ankle boots were not good enough for this outfit was a mystery.

  We were going to see a band in Black Rock, and I wouldn’t possibly be able to dance in these death traps if I wanted to. I stood in front of the full-length mirror, making final adjustments before Richard arrived.

  I left my hair down tonight with long loose curls. The rainbow colors peeked through the natural gold and caramel color. It was parted slightly to one side, and a violet curl fell over one eye, making the green even more intense. My lotus flower belly ring, big gold hoop earrings, matching bangle bracelets, and new toe ring completed my ensemble. I smacked my shiny pink lips and applied a final layer of gloss before spritzing some of my favorite perfume in the air around me, stepping into the fresh honeysuckle scent. I took one last look in the mirror before grabbing my sweater. I was ready.

  Lord nuzzled at my legs—he knew I was leaving. He then started barking, alerting me someone was here. I opened the door to greet a perfectly polished Richard. Perfectly polished. Maybe that was why I was trying to give him a chance. I was trying to get away from the bad boys, and Richard had not given up in his pursuit since we met at Roasted two years ago. This was our fourth time going out. The first two were dinners that were nice but boring. He talked about himself a little too much. The last date was a wine tasting, which was also nice, and also boring. This time, when he mentioned we were going to see a band, I was all in.

  I loved Black Water. I saw them last year with Ivy. She nearly had gotten us kicked out of the bar with her over-the-top behavior, a night I wouldn’t soon forget.

  I hoped tonight Richard would loosen up and we could have fun together. Otherwise, this might be our last date. I plastered on my best smile as I invited him in.

  Lord was going a little crazy, even growling. “Lord, what’s wrong with you, bud?” I pulled his collar, keeping him close to me. “I’m sorry, he’s fine, I promise.”

  “No, that’s cool. I’ll wait outside. I’m not a big fan of dogs.” He backed away from the door, shutting the screen door.

  What kind of person doesn’t like dogs? Lord busted past me outside onto the porch and kept growling at Richard, who had his hands up as he backed away. Weird, he’d never reacted this way to people.

  I pulled him back in the house, scolding him for misbehaving. Lord’s eyes got big and looked sad. How could I stay mad at that face? I leaned down to tell him that I would be home soon and that I loved him. I planted a huge kiss on his massive head. He nuzzled me as Richard looked at me with disgust and said, “Yuck! You just kissed that animal.”

  “Yes, so? Lord is like my child,” I laughed. He gave me a disapproving look. I wondered what he would think of the fact that Lord slept in bed with me every night and sometimes shared my pillow?

  “Bring a jacket,” Richard reminded me. “It can get cold on the drive with the top down.” He referred to the ridiculous convertible Mercedes parked next to my Jeep. So boring and predictable. I hoped he wasn’t trying to impress me ‘cause that car wouldn’t do it. I grabbed my sweater and gave Lord one last goodbye. I patted his head and told him to be a good boy. His blue eyes begged me not to go.

  The drive to Black Rock was about forty-five minutes. We didn’t talk much because of the noise from the convertible. I was happy to arrive without too much damage to my hair. Parking was just about full at Black Rock Microbrew. I was looking forward to the deck after dinner. It was enormous and offered fantastic mountain views.

  Being vegan, especially in the mountains, I didn’t always have many food options when I went out. But I was able to order a fabulous plate of grilled veggies that were on kabobs over rice. Richard seemed to frown at my choice, which kind of pissed me off. I remembered how Rage was very interested in my being vegan; he asked a million questions and didn’t mock my choices. I took in a breath, then let it out slowly. Yoga taught me, to each his own, live and let live. So, I wasn’t one to frown disapprovingly all over his order of bloody steak. He also got a top-shelf Tennessee whiskey, neat, while I sipped on an amazing sweet strawberry maple ale.

  After dinner, we searched out a spot on the deck. My stupid heels caught in the space between the boards. Thankfully, I got it out without anyone noticing. The outdoor area was expansive, with dark wood flooring and small tables everywhere. There were almost no seats open, but somehow, we were able to snag a small table close to the stage. It might have been the cash Richard handed the hostess.

  An over-friendly waitress, Candy, came to take our order. She wore shorts that were more like underwear and her enormous fake boobs sprung out of her three-sizes-too-small tank. I found it slightly annoying that she not only seemed to know Richard but she repeatedly flirted with him and shoved her boobs in his face like I wasn’t there.

  I nursed my beer during the band’s first set; they were even better than the last time I had seen them. I swayed to the cool blues sound, the purple sky behind them was a perfect backdrop to the stage. The mountain air began to chill when the sun went down. I drank a second beer, warming my body.

  By the time the second set started, the place was wall to wall with people, and I felt loose and ready to dance. I was excited to see Charlene and two of her friends who take classes at Fluid. The girls hauled me out for a few songs. Richard wanted no part of the dance floor.

  “You probably shouldn’t spend so much time on the dance floor. You’re going to get sweaty,” he told me when I got back to our table. He placed a new beer in front of me, popping the top.

  “I’m not sweaty, and I’m also not ready for another beer, thanks.” I pushed it back toward him. He wrinkled his nose and downed another whiskey.

  “You may want to slow down on those. You have to drive me home,” I said as Candy The Waitress placed another glass down. “Here you go, handsome.”

  “I’m fine.” He took my wrist and pulled me in, the whiskey greeting me. His face was now inches from mine. “You need to finish your beer. You’re too uptight, loosen up.”

  Oh, no, he didn’t! Did he just tell me I needed to loosen up? Maybe it was the alcohol, but he was being such an ass tonight. “Oh, I’m not the one who is being uptight here, Richard.”

  His face softened, “You’re right, I’m sorry. I just wanted to make sure you are having a good time. I thought you might want another drink to feel more relaxed, that’s all.” He flashed me a winning smile. I gave him a fake smile and tilted my beer to him before taking a long pull, just to get him off my case. I probably needed to drink a little more so I could tolerate his arrogance for the rest of this night.

  A few sips into the beer, my body was humming, the vibrations of music were taking over. I jumped off my stool and joined the girls again. I had a small giggling fit when the girls I was dancing with told some silly joke. Feeling free, I opened my arms and spun, letting the music take over and my body move to the beat. The stupid heels held me back, but I felt sexy swinging my hips to the deep baritone that was filling my ears. The music and dancing were drawing me. But then an unease began to set in as my surroundings seemed to move a little bit more slowly than normal. I really shouldn’t have had that last beer.

  A l
arge hand caught mine. “Last dance, Juliet. I’m ready to get out of here.” Richard pulled on my wrist. “You’re all sweaty! I told you—”

  “Yeah, Richard, it’s summer, we’re at an outdoor bar, and I was just dancing.” His lip curled, “Yeah, I know.”

  “Ya know, we’ve only heard two sets?” I protested in a sing-song voice.

  He looked and his watch. “The music is too loud, and it’s getting late.”

  I rolled my eyes. What a bore. Richard didn’t look tired when Candy The Waitress came by. But I agreed, it was probably better if we ended this date sooner than later.

  “Alright, let me hit the restroom first.” I huffed and made my way to the ladies’ room.

  “Make it fast.”

  What the hell was his hurry? An uncomfortable racing of my heart had me stop and take a deep breath. A little wave of nausea coursed through my body and my stomach felt sour. The line for the ladies’ room was so long. I groaned and fussed with my nails in boredom. I watched our table, studying Richard, who had been on his phone until Candy bounced over.

  Throughout the evening, I noticed that every time I’d left him, she’d made an appearance. As I was coming out of the restroom, I saw her hand him a paper with what I was sure was her number. Then she leaned in and whispered in his ear. He laughed as he took the paper and put it in his wallet. He grinned a devilish smile as his eyes scanned her body, finally landing on her tits. Did he just lick his lips?

  Oh, hell, no! Adrenaline filled me, and my already racing heart began to hammer. I could feel it in my ears. I wasn’t jealous—he could take Candy The Waitress home for all I care. Spending tonight with him made me realize that I didn’t even like him ‘cause he was so arrogant. But I wouldn’t let this asshole disrespect me and go unscathed. A sort of dizziness started as I made my way straight toward the table to give him a piece of my mind.


  “Here’s the paperwork.” Colt slapped a large yellow envelope in my hand but didn’t let go. It was sealed and marked. “Do not lose this. Make sure that it gets directly to Tiny, no one else.” He released it with a nod, making sure I understood.

  “I know, I got it.” My cell rang just before I headed out.

  “Rage,” I could hardly make out Tiny’s voice over the music and crowd. “Yeah, bro, I can hardly hear you.”

  “Have you left yet?” he shouted into the line.

  “No, I was just getting ready to. Why?”

  “Dude, this place is wall-to-wall people. Gold Label is on special tonight. I don’t think we have enough to get through. You think you might be able to swing by the warehouse on your way up and grab ten cases?”

  I looked at the clock blinking 8:45. “Yeah, I can do that.”

  “Man, you’re a life saver! Park around back, and I’ll have the guys unload it for you.” There was a screaming cheer in the background. “Shit, I got to go. Thanks again.”

  I had planned on riding my bike, but this task would give me an excuse to take Black Betty on the road. I’d missed my sleek blacked-out 1990 4x4 Dodge Dakota convertible truck. With her six-inch lift, she’s a beast.

  A half hour later, I was loaded up and on the road. It was a perfect night to put her top down and enjoy the ride. I blared the blues through her speakers and sang along.

  Tiny wasn’t kidding. It was still early, but the place was already packed. I pulled around back and began unloading the cases in the beer storage area. The employee entrance led to the kitchen, where I saw Tiny talking to a bartender. He caught my eye and waved me over.

  “Rage! Brother, thanks for coming.”

  The man was massive. “Damn, Tiny, it looks like the brewery is doing well. Congratulations, man!”

  He put his arm around my shoulder. “Let’s go somewhere we don’t have to yell to talk.” He shouted over the music and ushered me toward his office, where we could hear each other. He shut the door and lit a smoke. He offered me one, but I declined. He poured us both a shot. We clinked our glasses together, threw it back, and slammed them empty onto the desk. “You got those papers?” He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand.

  I nodded and pulled the folded envelope from inside my cut. Tiny stroked the long dark goatee on his chin as he studied the documents.

  “Another?” He pointed to my empty glass.

  “Yeah, thanks.” The Kentucky bourbon went down smooth. He kept the good stuff in the office. He leaned on the desk, the stacks of paper and a huge monitor not giving him much room.

  “It’s great to see you, man. You happy to be back?” The smoke he exhaled came out in a large white cloud. I waved it out of my face. Tiny smiled. “Sorry.”

  “It’s great to be back. I missed a lot, but I’m catching up fast.”

  “When are you getting in the ring again?” He took another long drag, blowing out the smoke as he spoke. “The last event, I had to watch that asshole Ramsey kick Lorenzo Montana’s ass. I thought Enzo would put up a better fight, but Ramsey killed him in the ring.”

  Just the reminder of Ramsey made my blood boil over again. I cracked my knuckles. “Fourth of July, the Firecracker Fights.”

  He slapped the side of my arm. “Damn! Good man, I love the Firecracker Fights! It hasn’t been the same without you in the ring, but I heard you gave the Tennessee boys a good whopping.” He whistled.

  Our conversation was interrupted by tapping, then the door to the office swung open. The bartender warned, “Tiny, I think you better get out there. Some hot piece of ass is reaming out her man, and the bouncers already have their hands full.”

  “What else is new?” he rolled his eyes. “C’mon, Rage, back me up, and I’ll buy you a beer.”

  We entered the dance area from the bar. A sea of people swayed their bodies and sang along to the cover of Free Bird. I pushed through the crowd, trying not to knock into anyone. The woman’s arms were flailing as she argued with a man.

  “No fucking way.” I whispered under my breath.

  I pulled Tiny’s shoulder back to get his attention. “I got this,” I told him, pointing to Ramsey. Tiny nodded and moved out of my way.

  “Keep it clean, Rage. I got a business to run,” he warned, hollering over the loud music.

  There, on the side of the dance floor, was an angry Juliet. Waving her hand in Richard’s face, obviously giving him a piece of her mind. She was pointing from him to a very well-stacked waitress.

  Juliet looked so fucking hot even when angry. Her black shorts showed off those lean muscular legs and her thick ass. The heels tied around her ankles were sexy as fuck and matched the pink and gold top that swayed loosely on her thin frame. A small band of her defined abs was showing as she moved. Her colorful curls bounced as she yelled.

  Just looking at her made me hard. She was one beautiful woman.

  I came to a stop behind her, crossing my arms, towering over her small frame. “Is there a problem here?” I asked, grinning at that asshole Ramsey over her head.

  Just give me an excuse, I thought. Go ahead, give me an excuse to punch your lights out.

  “No, no problem.” He tried dismissing me and grabbed Juliet. “We were just leaving. We’ll finish our night somewhere else.”

  She pulled away from him. Backing up, she bumped into me but still didn’t turn around, continuing her rant. “The hell we are, maybe you and Big Boobs, but I’m not leaving, not with you, anyway.” She shooed him with her hand. “Go have a good night, Richard,” Juliet yelled over the music. Her body began to sway a little. How much had she had to drink?

  “Dick,” I said loudly. I folded my arms across my chest. “I think the lady wants you to leave.” I smiled at him again, trying to antagonize him after the stunt he pulled earlier at The Pit. Juliet slowly turned around as she recognized my voice.

  “Rage? What the hell are you doing here?”

  “Babe, this is the run I was trying to invite you to ‘cause I thought you’d like the band. But you said you already had plans.”

  She sm
iled and looked up at me with glassy eyes. Then she turned to Richard and said, “Yes, Dick, the lady wants you to leave,” smiling and batting her lashes for emphasis.

  Richard’s face contorted, red rising up his neck from the crisp white shirt he wore. “Yeah, I don’t think so,” he answered in a cruel tone aimed at me. He wasn’t even looking at her; he was just glaring at me.

  “Juliet,” I took her hand and pulled her around my back, “I would be happy to take you home now, unless you want to stay here with me and finish listening to the band a little longer.”

  “Why, yes, Rage, that sounds like a fantastic idea.” Juliet smiled, giving Richard a pointed look.

  “The fuck you are,” Richard growled at Juliet. His jugular pulsed.

  It took all I had not to pound his arrogant face into the bar. I ground my teeth, “Don’t fucking ever talk to her disrespectfully again.” I felt the muscles in my body tensing. My jaw was tight. I didn’t want to start a fight in the brother’s bar; Tiny wouldn’t be happy if this ruined his night. There were a few more hours to rake in money.

  “Want to take it outside?” I clenched my fists at my sides.

  “Juliet, you want to stay here with this lowlife biker?” he spat.

  She nodded, yes, moving her body closer to mine.

  “Fucking whore! I can’t believe I wasted time on you,” he said, narrowing his eyes at Juliet. Her mouth gaped open, taken back by his words.

  The surprise was apparent on his face when I spun him around and jacked him up against the wall. Anger surged through my body. We were nose to nose. “Is that how you talk to women?” I balled his shirt in my fists, holding him in place. He pushed back off the wall. I sent a punch straight to his gut. Bent over, he clutched his stomach, catching his breath. I leaned close to him.


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