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Consumed By Rage: A Stained Souls MC Novel - Book 1

Page 17

by Zara Teleg

  “Wait, Rage, it’s not safe. Don’t go down there,” she pleaded, trying to grab onto me.

  “It’s gonna be fine, babe. Just get in the truck right now. I’ll be back.” I said, calm but firm so as not to scare her further. “Lock the doors and keep your phone on. Stay low on the floor. I promise, I’ll be fine. Just stay down.”

  Chapter Fifteen


  Restless, I held Lord close to me as I checked the bedroom clock again. Hawk had made one of the prospects drive me and Ivy home; he’d thought it would be best if we stayed together. I was terrified when I realized the fireworks had turned into gunfire. After Rage left me in the truck, I kept peeking up, looking around for any sign of him. It wasn’t long before Brody, the prospect, came to get me. He assured me that Rage was fine and he was to take me and Ivy home. Thank God no one had been hurt. Rage had called about two hours later and said it had been a rival MC sending a message. They had shot at the few bikes closest to the road.

  I gazed over the mountain of blankets to see Ivy was still sleeping. As tired as I was, my adrenaline kept me awake most of the night. I worried about the guys. Were they all okay? Who was this other MC and what did they want? Would they try something at one of the Stained Souls businesses next?

  On my mind, more than anything, was Rage. My finger ran over my lips a thousand times as I lay in my bed struggling to fall asleep. All rational thoughts left me as dawn began to light the sky.

  Since sleep refused to come, I thought a shower might make me feel better and relax me. Stepping into the steam-filled room, my body welcomed the lavender scent and the hot spray that gently pelted my back.

  I had always been a hopeless romantic. I kept it to myself mostly. My Kindle was full of romance novels, mostly paranormal. My DVD collection consisted of cheesy vampire romances: True Blood, Vampire Diaries, Originals, Twilight, Moonlight, and if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, the full collections of Buffy and Angel.

  The independent woman I was turned to a pile of mush when the strong woman lead gets swept away by the sexy bad boy. For the first time in my life, the passion I had thought to only exist between the pages of books or on screen had become my reality. It made my four years of celibacy almost worth it.

  My mind replayed the night as I washed yesterday from my skin. When Rage’s mouth had stolen mine in front of the whole MC, and when he’d thrown me over his shoulder, all beast and savage-like, I’d melted. All the questions in my head had been answered: He did want me and I knew I wanted him.

  His brute strength and possessive nature made my inner feminist cringe in disapproval. My body, on the other hand, reacted as if it had been set on fire and he was the only one who could put me out and relieve the ache that consumed me.

  There was nothing about Rage that was not all man. The way he had handled my body, his kisses had been tender and rough. I squeezed my legs together, inhaling deeply. I kept my eyes closed, letting the water run over me as I tried to recall every moment on the back of his truck. The way his hands had caressed the length of my legs and grabbed my ass. The way he had kissed me everywhere. I thought I was going to burst.

  Lord’s bark startled me, bringing me back to the present. I needed to get this built-up frustration out somehow. A visit to The Pit to beat a bag would do the trick. It was too hot and humid here to get a workout. I knew if I got there early enough, I could get in and out without running into anybody, especially Rage. He and I needed to talk about last night, but I wasn’t ready yet.

  I checked my phone, no word from Rage. He had told me that he would call today after sorting things out at the club. Gathering my gym bag quietly, I exited the bedroom, trying not to wake Ivy. A shoe flew at me, missing my head by an inch. Then a raspy voice asked, “What the hell are you doing up?” Ivy’s blond hair splayed every which way, her eyes shut as she spoke.

  “Nice shot, but you missed.” Giggling, I dove onto the bed, jumping on her sheet-covered body. She tucked her head under the pillow. Lord joined me when he saw her moving.

  “Go away,” her hand pointed out from under the sheet. “Both of you early birds need to leave.”

  “I’m heading to The Pit for a workout, then I’ll pick us up something from Juiced. You are welcome to hold down the bed, and feel free to shower when you get up. You know where everything is.”

  “The Pit? Now?” She rolled over, tugging the pillow down hard over her. “Isn’t it closed?” she mumbled from under it.

  “Yes, but Leo gave me a key.” I jingled the set in the air. “I’ll be back in an hour or two. Hopefully, you’ll be less of a monster by then.” I joked.

  “Juliet, thank you so much. I appreciate you making extra time for me.” Jenny was making significant progress through our private lessons. Thankfully, Ivy didn’t mind if I used the studio for private clients before or after classes.

  “Are you kidding me? I’m thrilled seeing your progress.” I walked her to the door. The damn phone was ringing again. It rang in the office through our whole session, over and over again. I glanced at the phone that still had a green light, so no message was left. Even telemarketers didn’t call repeatedly.

  I hugged Jenny and shut the door behind her when I heard it ring again. In my hurry to catch the call, I didn’t bother locking the door. My bare feet flew across the newly polished hardwood floors, tripping over Ivy’s weights and skidding to a stop at the reception desk. I lifted the receiver entirely out of breath. NO CALLER ID, FLORIDA was still lit up on the small screen. I hesitated before I spoke, “Fluid, this is Juliet, how can I help you?”

  “Anabelle, I’m so glad you answered,” said a familiar voice.

  My stomach dropped, a cold chill ran through me. I couldn’t speak.

  “Ana?” he paused. “I mean, Juliet?”

  “Gavin?” I whispered back.

  “I’m so sorry to call you at work, but I thought it was the safest place to reach you. I first called your friend, Ivy, as you’ve asked me to if I ever needed to get in touch with you. She said you were there.”

  I felt nauseated. “W-What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “Everything is okay, well, for now.”

  I tried to control my breathing. My legs were unsteady. I reached for Ivy’s fuzzy white chair to sit down.

  “I need to talk to you. I’m sure you are well aware of what is coming around the corner.”

  My mind spun, I closed my eyes tightly, acknowledgment in my silence. I let out the deep breath I was holding.

  “Probation,” I said. I knew it was going to happen one day. “How long?”

  “Antonio is up for a hearing by the end of October. If it goes well, he will be out by November.” Marco had spared no expense to get Antonio the short sentence and a chance at an early release.

  “Juliet, please don’t panic. I think you’ve kept your cover safe, but you need to be aware and know that this is not the time to let your guard down. These are not forgiving men.”

  My stomach soured as he spoke.

  “My sources have told me you and Paige have made Marco’s radar in anticipation of his brother’s return.”

  “Paige?” My heart was hammering, and my hands began to tremble. I gripped the desk to try and keep myself steady.

  “I really shouldn’t be telling you this.” Gavin took a deep breath. “I have a source in the cartel who provides me with intel. Marco has someone trying to locate your sister, to press her for info on you.”

  I tried to keep listening, my mind and emotions in a thousand directions. “The source told me they didn’t have leads on Paige since she moved. You were lucky that they were engaged in a war with another cartel when you and your sister relocated. You should know, Marco has been rapidly expanding his territory and his drug reach. He’s trying to move farther up the coast. Looks like has big plans for Antonio upon his return.”

  I was staring at the picture on Ivy’s desk. It was us, about ten years old. We were putting bunny ears on each other’s heads. Sadnes
s overwhelmed me. I knew I was going to lose her again when I left. I picked up the frame and clutched it to my chest.

  “I could lose my badge if anyone found out I told you any of this, but I couldn’t live with myself if I hadn’t warned you and something happened.”

  Gavin took in a sharp breath after my silence. “Juliet,” he whispered, “how are you?” He breathed, waiting for a response that I did not give. “There is not a day that goes by that I don’t think of you…I miss you more than you could know. I wish I could be there with you, to protect you.”

  I stayed silent for a moment. Gavin always had a way of making me feel guilty that I could not return the feelings he had for me. I cared about him so much, but not in the way he cared for me. No matter how many times I told him, he still believed I would change my mind.

  “Juliet, are you still there?”

  “Gavin, thank you for calling me. Please let me know if you hear anything more. I have a burner, so if you call Ivy, I will get in touch with you. I think it’s better if you don’t call here again.”

  “Juliet, wait, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. It’s just that…hearing your voice stirred up things. I’m really sorry.”

  He had done a lot for me over the years, and I owed him a lot, even my life. Not a day had gone by that he hadn’t been there for me since my attack. He’d always been looking out for me and my family, even until now. I treasured his friendship so much, but I had never been able to look at him as something beyond that. It always made my heart break a little every time I had to break his.

  “Gavin,” I said more warmly this time, “thanks for the warning. I promise, I’ll be on the lookout, but I’m more concerned about Paige than myself. She just got done with school and is interning in Austin, Texas. Our parents are due for a yearlong trip around the world helping various missionaries. They’ve been planning it for years. They cannot find out, or it could ruin everything they had worked for.”

  “Paige’s safety and yours are my priority. I won’t let either of you end up like Sophie.”

  And there it was. The dagger that sliced my heart. Images of Sophie’s battered body flashed in my mind. Gavin, devastated over his baby sister, who was killed by the cartel. My finger ran over the scar on my brow.

  I sighed, “Gavin, I know. I’m sorry, I just, this is all overwhelming.” My words were not enough to express the emotions I felt.

  I could hear the plea in his voice. “I know, I just want you aware. You know, my best friend from the academy is a detective in Austin. I could have him check in on Paige if I get wind of anything else.”

  A small bit of relief filled me. “That would be great. I would really appreciate it. Don’t worry about me. I’m in a small town with many friends. I’ll notice if anything is out of place here. I don’t want to alarm her if I don’t have to. She had nothing to do with any of this.”

  It was then that I noticed someone heading toward the studio. It was hard to make out who it was in the dark until the street light made him visible. Rage was crossing the street and was headed this way. I swallowed hard. I had been avoiding him the last few days.

  “Gavin, uh, I have to go. Leave Ivy a number so I can reach you back. And Gavin, thanks.” He hung up just in time as the bells jingled and the door opened.

  “Okay, thank you, it was my pleasure.” I faked, then hung up.

  My eyes now fell on the large man in front of me. He was frowning. He closed the door, leaned against it, and just looked at me. I wondered if he could sense my panic from the phone call.

  “Why are you here by yourself without the door locked?” he asked in an authoritative tone, crossing his muscled arms. “It’s not safe.”

  God, if he only knew.

  I stood from behind the desk, pushing the chair out. “Well, if you have to know, I just walked my last private client out, and the phone kept ringing. In my hurry to catch it, I just forgot to lock it behind her.” His frown was still there.

  “Look, I am okay and safe, Mr. Overprotective.” I waved my hands at him, sweeping them from my head to my feet. “My dad didn’t bug me as much as you do,” I said, rolling my eyes. His mere presence made the unease I felt moments ago dissipate. But from the stern look on his face, he didn’t find my comment funny.

  “It’s just never a good idea to be alone and not have the doors locked. You never know who could walk in. It might even be someone you’ve been avoiding for a few days.” He crossed his arms and tapped his fingers against a bulging bicep.

  I could feel blood rushing to my face, which was probably turning bright red. He freaking called me straight out on it. He was right. I had been avoiding him.

  His eyes now bored into mine, looking for an answer. So, I tried to be cute. I covered my face with my hands, peeked at him through my fingers, and squeaked a tiny “Sorry.”

  He pulled my hands away from my face. His hands were huge compared to mine. He slid his hands up and down from my shoulders to my wrists before depositing one hand on each shoulder and staring directly into my eyes. He left me no escape.

  “I saw your Jeep hidden far back in the alley where you never park, and you haven’t been at the gym during your usual time. I was going to wait until tomorrow and catch you at Roasted, but I was lucky to have to stop at Stained Skyn and saw you. If you’re trying to play a game here, Juliet, I am not that kind of man. I won’t chase you. You know how I feel about you. I want to see you.”

  His finger covered my mouth as my protest was about to begin.

  “As much as I like you, and I know we have become friends, I got to tell you, I will not be able to see you with anyone else after the other night. So, I want it straight from you. Why the fuck have you been avoiding me? Because I know,” his finger now trailing from my lips to under my chin, he lifted it to have my eyes meet his, “you were just as into it as I was.”

  Desire flooded me. I hated demanding men, but damn, he made it hot. He was so controlled and to the point. I loved his no-nonsense way.

  I gave him my best sexy smile and placed a small kiss on his lips before drawing back. I looked at him intently, my eyes hooded as they took him in.

  “I…” I swallowed, then tried again. “The other night was—” I cleared my throat, trying to control how my body was responding to the memory of the back of his truck. “It was amazing.”

  “Short of getting shot at, I would not have wanted to be anywhere but with you at that moment.” I took a deep breath and pushed a wayward pink strand from my face. “You,” I pointed to him circling my index finger at his chest, “are a lot to take in. I didn’t know what to do the next day, so I thought it would be best to hide until I figured it out.” I bit the side of my lip and shrugged my shoulders.

  “I’m sorry. I’m just not good at this. I have a bad history of falling for the wrong person.” I swallowed, waiting for him to respond.

  He blinked at my words and appeared uncertain. “Juliet, I’m not asking you to marry me. I don’t even date. But, you and I, I think there is something between us that’s worth exploring. Juliet, I care about you. I have never been so fucking attracted to someone, but I won’t let you play with me, so you need to figure out what you want.” His thumb ran across my lips.

  “Saturday night is my fight. I heard you, Ivy, and Shelly are going to be my ring girls.” A huge smile lit up his face. It was contagious.

  “Ugh, you have no idea what Ivy has planned,” I groaned, remembering the outfits she ordered up.

  “I’ll let you have some time to give what I just said some thought. I don’t want to pressure you, so you have to let me know after the fight if I’m wasting my time.”

  I placed my hands on both sides of his chiseled cheeks, then kissed him lightly before pulling away.

  “Thanks, Rage. I’m just a little confused right now,” I said, shaking my head with my eyes closed. “I’m not playing a game.” I’m just a fucking damaged mess, I thought. A mess he might one day regret.

  What chan
ce could I give him? A chance to get killed by the cartel? Every fiber of me wanted this man, body and soul. But I couldn’t allow myself that. What I needed to do was finish out the season, let Paige finish her internship, and get us the hell out of Marco’s grasp. I needed to make sure that the people I cared about were safe, including most of all, Rage.

  Then he kissed me. No, he devoured me, taking me out of my swirling thoughts until all I could think about was him and me and this kiss. My body weakened when his hand tangled into my hair, my core aching for him. I returned the kiss with just as much passion, and then suddenly he pulled back.

  “You can add that when you’re deciding on what you want.” He turned to walk out the door. “See you Saturday. And Juliet, lock the door behind me.”

  I was left standing there, my body unable to move for a few seconds. I made it to the door to lock it, then leaned into it to support my melting body.

  Gavin’s phone call had shaken me to the core. For three days in a row, every time I had laid my head down to sleep, my subconscious replayed that night like a movie. That night was a permanent tattoo on my brain, there was no detail that I couldn’t recall.

  Four years ago…

  It was a typical day at our home on Juniper Street. I had gone to school, taught a yoga class, and then came home to cook dinner. Antonio said he would be back no later than five. I had the table set and his favorite meal waiting. Ever since he began working with his control freak brother, Marco, being late and putting me on the back burner had become common.

  I slammed a few pots and pans, cursing to myself at six, watching our dinner get cold, again. Frustrated there was no sign of Antonio, I figured it was a good time to feed my new pal.

  Walking to the back alley, I put two fingers in my mouth and let out a sharp whistle. I placed the bowl of kibble down and the second bowl with water. I had to keep them hidden in my potting bench. Within a matter of seconds, I saw his floppy ears and pit bull smile rounding the corner. He ran to me, knocking me back with wet kisses. He dropped to the ground and rolled onto his back, begging for a belly rub. I granted his wish and gave the sweet pup some love and comfort. I’d found him sleeping on the porch the past week, and every morning I had been waking up early to feed him in the alley.


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