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Love Grows In The Dark

Page 16

by Eli Lowe

  “Speak, you brute.” Kaith kept repeating the same phrase with each of his violent attack with his rock hard fist, as if he had already turned crazy with utter hatred and disgust.

  “What you want me to say? Did not you just hear what she had confessed? She did all of this.” Adrian dared to open his mouth once again in between his unstable breathing, irrespective of Kaith's unstoppable punching.

  And he did not say anything different from his previous words.


  He lied again.

  Even though I knew he was lying...even though Kaith believed in me too... But still, I could see no other way in which the truth could be revealed before everyone.

  Kazan would not believe.

  Not even the other members of my pack would be believing me either and I really doubted now what my uncle would see me as, too.

  I turned to look at Kazan, but it appeared like he was still waiting for some unknown reason. He was letting Kaith beat the hell out of his friend, without doing anything at all.

  But why?

  What would he get?

  And then, at last, he lifted up his sword quite unwillingly though, and pointed at Kaith, saying,


  Let him go.

  Until now, you could prove nothing and neither did Adrian said anything else, different than before.

  And also what are you trying to make him say when Summer had already accepted her deeds?” Kazan's deep voice made the others flinch in terror, except us three. Adrian smiled the most menacing smile ever, as if he had succeeded finally with his treacherous schemes. And I shattered from inside after hearing what mate just said.

  Yes, he believed the lies.

  Anyway, as if I was expecting him to say otherwise.

  For me, it was fated to happen.

  Kaith did stop and stood up, while he made sure not to loosen the grip on Adrian and dragged his tattered body up, only to make him stand up on the ground along with himself.

  “Just because she accepted and he did not say anything different than before, lies do not become truth, that easily.

  You could be blind, but I am not.” Kaith replied ferociously, and just when he was about to beat Adrian once again, Kazan swung his sword, cutting the thin air ever so swiftly with his inevitable and fast motion in immense force from the depth of his muscles only to slash Kaith this time, before my eyes.

  As if I would ever let that happen.

  As if I would let Kazan harm the only one who always stayed by my side, no matter what.

  So, I lifted my sword too even before Kazan's blade could even touch a single hair on Kaith's body.

  The fierce clanking sound of crashing our blades, resonated through the surrounding once again.

  And this time I saw my end in his obsidian eyes.

  But it could not scare me at all, because I was ready to die.

  I was ready to end all my agony in the hands of my own mate.

  And just when Kazan's sword was about to cut through my heart, it stopped an inch before my skin with the ferocious growl ever.

  Even the earth shook.

  “Kazan!!!!!!” The very familiar voice pierced through the air.

  And Adrian's face became paler than ever, cause there was standing Markus, all conscious and healed up completely.

  Without delaying another second, Markus came to stand in front of me, shoving me behind cautiously only to stand at the stake of Kazan's wrathful sword, making me quite surprised with his sudden act.

  Was he the same Markus I used to hate once?

  I was completely stupefied.

  And so was the others. Kaith sighed in a bit of relief while Adrian started to tremble, assuming what was going to come up next which would definitely not spare him for whatever treacherous scheme he had conspired, in the absence of Markus.

  And Kazan?


  His eyes could not even believe that Markus came here all this way only to stand against him.

  “Summer did nothing.” Markus's words were more than enough for Kazan to realize the whole conspiracy and it did not take even a second to figure out who was behind all of this havoc.

  His eyes became even darker, as if he was even more disgusted with himself this time.

  Yes, he might have realised what he had been doing all this while, because even when he kept looking at me, it still seemed that he could not meet my eyes anymore.

  I saw guilt in his seductive blue.

  “How are you here? You were still unconscious when I last saw you at the hospital.” Seeing himself completely trapped in his own scheme, Adrian asked with his trembling voice, as he could have never imagined that Markus would not stand by his side this time, unlike before.

  “And you used the opportunity very well. Didn't you?

  Even though I was not fully awake at that time, but voices did not fail to fell on my ears.

  Yes, I heard each and everything that you two were saying, and I am not that naive to not understand what you were trying to prove, Adrian.

  And when I was fully conscious, I tried to call Kazan but he did not receive, and I realised in an instant that havoc had already begun, exactly what I was afraid of.

  Thankfully, Jeremy was nearby and brought me here, otherwise, I could have never forgiven myself, if something worse happened.

  You did let me down this time, Adrian.” Markus stopped, only after clearing each and every doubt but still, it was not enough to make Kazan move his eyes off me, until Kaith came to stand between us blocking his sight fully.

  The sword fell from his hand, creating a menacing sound just before he grabbed Adrian's neck brutally, without uttering a single word.

  No, his eyes did not cease to eject the fire, but this time it was not me but Adrian who was about to burn under his fuming blaze.

  And just when he was about to go back to vent his anger rightfully on certain someone, dragging Adrian along with him ever so brutally, Kazan said at last, without bothering to look back at me,

  “The sinner must pay.

  So, I will let you decide how you want me to pay for what I did to you. Summer.”

  He left, and I knew exactly what I had to do next to end all the misery forever.

  And for that, I need to meet him for one last time.

  Episode 26

  Summer's P.O.V

  “Why did you not tell Kazan that you were not the one who stabbed me?

  Why did you choose to let him harm you this way?

  Why did you not even ask him to wait until I woke up to clarify that it was not you?

  Why do you always have to be that much stubborn?

  Why Summer?

  Answer me.” Markus kept asking while his eyes did not fail to show that how much concerned he was for me. But I could not answer any of his questions for the time being, as I was completely stunned.

  No doubt that it was something new to me to see Markus this way.

  The one who should be showing all the concern for his mate just like I could see the same in Markus's eyes, had left already after slashing my body and soul into millions of pieces. And here was the one whom I used to hate once, was worrying the hell out of him for no reason.

  Funny. Isn't it?

  I sighed realising how pitiful my destiny is.

  “It is none of your business. You are acting in such a way that you have always cared for her. When the reality tells that you never did. So, stop pretending, Markus.

  Not only that you have never cared for her, but you were always one of them who did not bother to think twice before indulging in a fight with her for your own satisfaction.

  Tell me if I am wrong.” Kaith retorted back instead of me, while he made sure to stand between me and Markus, shoving him a bit aside to show that he should stay away from me.

  But he forgot one thing.

  It was not him, but I should stay away from them...from everyone.


  It is not his fault either. If y
ou want to blame someone or something, then blame my unfortunate fate which made me stand in such conflicts, always. So, no one did anything to me. Not even him.

  And, Markus!

  Let me ask you one thing.

  If it was not for the fact that something made you change the way you think of me recently, and if you were in the position of Kazan, would you have believed me? Even if I tried to tell you that I did not do anything, and the whole thing was just a conspiracy of someone else, would you have believed me even then?” I asked but it seemed that no other answers would have been as perfect as my questions in respect to his queries, to make him absolutely stupefied.

  Yes, neither Kaith nor Markus said a single word to answer me. They just kept looking at me with some different emotions written on their faces among which some I could read and the rest I could not.

  “No, right? Then I think you got your answers, Markus!” I did not bother to say further as I felt that whatever I said was enough for him to understand my reasons.

  “Summer. Could you please forgive me for being such a bad person to you? And I promise I will never give you a single chance in the future to make you regret your decision of letting me become your friend.

  Do I really not deserve another chance, Summer?” I heard Markus's words very clearly but it was his eyes which were telling me that every single letter of his words did come from the depth of his heart. Yes, he was really meaning whatever he was saying right at this moment.

  And I was no one to overlook such sincere eyes.

  “Yes. I can consider you as my friend from now on.” I said, but I did not know that just a few of my words could cause him to become exceptionally happy. His eyes started to sparkle in joy while his lips did not bother to hold back the warmest smile ever.

  “Markus, we need to go now, or Kazan will surely kill Adrian. I just got a message in my link that he had already taken him to the dungeon and deadly screams did not stop to come out of that place ever since. We need to stop him and we do not have much time to waste in this case.” Jeremy informed, as soon as he came rushing to us and there was no doubt that I could clearly see terror was written all over his face. He might have known the brutality of Kazan too. Maybe he was well aware of Kazan's law of justice, and that was why he was hell scared.

  “You go. We will talk later.” I ensured him just before he rushed out along with Jeremy without delaying another second.

  I sighed.

  I looked around to see that the crowd which was formed by the members of my pack when I was being wrongly accused, was now disappeared without bothering to wait further, after finding me not guilty.

  They might be disappointed even more now.

  Yes, my pack was one such pack where every member only cared to have fun by watching me suffer and except that, nothing else mattered to them, not even the fact that I was finally proved to be the innocent.

  As always.

  Anyway, there was nothing left for me to keep standing in the pack yard anymore, so I moved my legs without much effort as they were always dying to leave the place ever since, where I was not even wanted. I started to walk back to my house while Kaith did the same, maybe because he wanted to make sure that I was okay, after all these that I had to face today.

  But the next moment he said something, which I had never expected him to say, at least not until when I tell him myself.

  “It is no one but Kazan, right?” Kaith spoke up all of a sudden leaving me all startled. Even though I had already guessed what he wanted to ask but still I wanted to ensure that he was asking the very same thing that I was assuming.

  “What do you mean?” I stopped on my track, but I was scared to look at him. Cause I knew that if I do so, he would not fail at all to see how vulnerable I had become right now. And I did not want that.

  “You know very well what I meant. But still, if you want me to ask clearly then I will, definitely.


  Kazan is your unknown mate, right Summer? He is the one with whom you wanted to play hide and seek in the dark. Isn't it?

  But the major question is how and when did you get to know that he is the one. As far as I recall, until last night you did not know either, but when I saw you the first time this morning during your fight, you were all preplanned about covering each and every way for him to know that you both are mates.

  I want to know what else happened in my absence.

  Summer, tell me.” Kaith's each and every words reflected the fact that he was indeed worried for me. But what should I say to him?

  “How did you know?” I decided to ask him first, the very thing which no doubt made me startled.

  “What do you think, Sam? Those eyes which had never cared to become moist no matter how hard the situation turns to be, could not even hide the trace of the already welled up tears all the while, and also when they could never afford to turn away from Kazan even for the slightest second... how could I not know?” Said Kaith, causing me to sigh even more.

  “Now you tell me.” He uttered right after, as he did not want to wait long to find out the answers of his queries. And I had no intention to make him wait either.

  “Last night, when I went to meet him, I found out that he never came. And even after waiting for him for long, I could not get to see him. I was really curious to know what happened. So, I ran back to home to get the number that he had left with me last night. Even when I wanted to call, I could not, but he did. And the funny thing was I never gave him my number. So, when I picked up I found out that it was Kazan and was coming to make me pay for what happened to Markus. That is all.” I explained him in short as I did not feel like talking about all these things all over again. All I wanted, for now, was to stay alone, away from everyone.

  “So, what will you do next? Do you know it is Kazan we are talking about? If he ever finds out that you were the one all this while who had been meeting with him in the dark, I have no idea what he would do.

  But I could guess, that the result will not be any good.

  You are playing with fire, Sam, and you might get burned. Do you know that?” Yes, Kaith was right. Everything that he had said, I just could not disagree with him.

  “I know. And that is why I need to do the one last thing. Tonight.” That was what I could say to him for now. Because if he could ever guess what I had planned, he would surely never let me do such a thing. Cause, I know him very well.

  “You are going to meet him again tonight?” He asked, even when he was a bit concerned, realising the whole conflicting situation between me and Kazan, Kaith did not stop me at all.

  “Yes.” That was all I said just before I started to walk again towards my house. Kaith followed too.

  “By the way, where did you leave your bike?” Kaith asked again, as soon as we reached home and also when he could not see my bike once again.

  “I will bring it back tonight, for sure, do not worry.” I assured him and went straight to my room.

  I was exhausted.

  Neither I wanted to move even for the slightest bit, nor I could. But even then, I could not stay like this, covered with all this blood and filth.

  Though quite reluctantly, I dragged my body to the bathroom and got out of all my clothes in no time, keeping them aside only to throw them away later. Without wasting any time further, I hop into the shower to let the cold water run down my body, taking all the filth away from my skin without letting me bother myself much to move, attempting to scrub the dirt out.

  I stood under the shower for long today, but after some time even the cold water could not ease away my pain anymore. No, my body was not aching but my heart was. So, I kept saying myself that if not now, the next few more moments, would surely make me feel better. But, it seemed like the moment never came.

  So, with no further hope, I came out of the shower and stood in front of the mirror. Even though I was standing in front of my very own reflection, I could not recognise myself, anymore. Rather I could not see myself anymore.<
br />
  The innumerable scars were all I could see.

  My cuts did heal very fast but as if the scars were never meant to disappear. Yes, the scars were now invading every inch of my skin without any mercy, only to remind me of what happened today...only to remind me how unfortunate I am...only to remind me of the one who gifted me with all these. Yes, my mate.

  It was not that, only my body was ruined because the scars were visible. Because the invisible scar left me the greatest pain of all.


  I have to live with it now. Except accepting my ever so cruel fate, I was left with no other better choice if I look now.

  And to stay this way, I need to meet Markus tonight.

  So, throughout the day I did not feel like going out to anywhere else, neither Kaith insisted me to do anything this time either. I just stayed in my bed all day.

  Until, it was time.

  Time to meet Kazan.

  I dressed up quickly once again to go out. I was a bit earlier though, cause I did not want to be late tonight.

  “Do you want me to drop you?” As soon as I went out of my room, Kaith asked seeing me all ready to go out. It seemed as if he was waiting for me the whole day ever so patiently, giving myself enough space to stay alone, at least for today, just like I needed.

  How could he understand me so well every time, without any effort?

  I must have done something good for sure to get a best friend like Kaith.

  And I always believe that.

  “No, I want to walk there. You stay at home and rest. I will be fine. Do not worry, Kaith. Okay?” I wanted to make him assured that he had nothing to worry about me. Even when I knew that my words would not work at all, until he makes sure himself, still I tried. And surprisingly he said nothing this time as well.

  “Fine. Do not think twice to call me when you feel like.” With that, he made himself comfortable on the couch once again just before I walked out of the house.


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