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Love Grows In The Dark

Page 47

by Eli Lowe

  But it was not that, Markus was intending to help the pathetic man even for a little bit, as he started beating the hell out of the already deformed man with his fists using all his strength right away, until he decides to speak out the truth in front of everyone present here right now, only for the sake of his own life.

  Even I was startled to see Markus like this for the first time. But deep inside, I was feeling a weird kind of satisfaction, thinking that they brought the rogue here and I could have the opportunity to deal with him later, after I was done with Benjamin.

  The sounds of bones cracking and the heavy beatings filled the surrounding once again only to be replaced by the deathly screams of the rogue in the next second, who was now pleading for mercy, saying that he was all ready, to tell the truth.

  “Stop. Stop. I will tell them. Please stop.” The rogue cried out, and only then the ruthless fist of Markus stopped right away, letting him speak further.

  “It. It was Benjamin who asked me to bring my men to the forest that night years ago. He said that he was sending the alpha and luna of Lunar High, whom we needed to stop and if possible we needed to kill them as well. But it seemed that they were even stronger than we had imagined back then, as the only two of them was giving us a really hard time. And certainly, we could not kill them as Benjamin had asked us to, but we made sure to injure them pretty badly.

  I am telling you, we did not kill them at all.

  Cause, it was Benjamin who came at the last moment and attacked them from behind and ended up killing them both, before all our eyes.

  And it was not the first time for him to kill the alpha and luna of some pack, as he had done it before.

  Years ago, even before he murdered the alpha and luna of the Lunar High, he even killed the alpha and luna of the Blood Bay as well, and came out of the situation untouched and untraced, as no one knew back then that it was all his doing.

  Believe me, that is all I know.” Just when he finished the whole ground was already filled with a lot of gasps of the utmost shock. Markus, threw the rogue aside in an instant only for men from the Blood Bay to look after the rogue very well for the time being, while he came towards Benjamin with his heavy footsteps with a terrifying expression on his face.

  No one stopped him this time, neither they spoke any word further after getting to know the reality of Benjamin, whom they respected as their alpha until this morning.

  But the table had turned now.

  Everyone was gathering around to have their turns to get the traitor and murderer Benjamin in their hands so that they could settle their grudges and losses that they came to know just a while ago.

  Even before they could do anything, Markus grabbed Benjamin by his nape and threw him on the ground with all his strength.

  No one was unaware of the fact that it was now his turn to treat him the same way as Kazan did before.

  Soon it turned into a horrible sight to watch, as Benjamin became all covered in his own blood, his most of the bones were now smashed, still, he was struggling to get himself free.

  But little did we all imagined that, even in such condition, he would not let go of the last opportunity to get away without paying for his sins.

  Cause, in the next moment, something worst happened, even when we were all present there, and for which I can never forgive myself in the future.

  Why was I not careful enough?

  Why did I let him do such a thing?

  I kept cursing myself.

  Cause, just when Benjamin got the slightest bit of time, he got up from the ground any how, using the last bit of strength that he had left still, and pulled the one who was standing nearest to him at that moment, only to rest the dagger he was hiding until now, on the throat of the one whom he caught as his last chance to escape.

  “Stop, or I will never think twice to cut the head down.” Benjamin shouted, while each one us could see how the tip of his dagger kept sinking in the pale and tender throat, letting the blood flow down without any mercy.

  None of us could afford to do anything anymore, as we knew what he was capable to do. Benjamin was ruthless...and killing some innocent was some trivial matter to him.

  But for us, it was something huge, and we just could not afford to sacrifice anyone. And absolutely not the one whom he was using right now, to flee out from this situation.

  Cause, he got none other than Jenny, who was indeed not a fighter at all, and she was never meant for all this brutality.

  Even when she was terrified as hell, she knew how to stay calm at such a situation, but it was not the same for someone in particular.

  An earth-shattering growl resonated all over the place, and there was no doubt that it came from no one but Kaith.

  Seeing that his mate was bleeding by Benjamin's vicious dagger, who was going to harm her any time soon, Kaith just could not stay sane at such a moment.

  Without thinking much he took the most desperate leap to save Jenny from Benjamin's vicious claws.

  But in the next second the most menacing sound of cutting the flesh by a sharp metal, came to all of us shaking each and every heart with absolute terror.

  Jenny's body fell on the ground mercilessly, while blood started to flow with no intention to stop, from the deep cut across her throat.


  ****to be continued****

  Episode 78

  Summer's P.O.V

  ****flashback continues****

  Once again, he did the same thing, and I could not do anything this time either, just like before. The only thing I was left to do was to watch Benjamin snatching away each and everyone from me one by one whoever was closer to my heart, even now as well as in the past, years ago.

  First, he took away my mom and dad treacherously, then he made sure that everyone in my own pack hates me for nothing only to keep me alone in order to make me all powerless, then he wanted me to take down my own mate and his entire pack for his own good. He even tried to kill Kazan himself, by sending his army in the darkness of the night. And now, he did not even spare Jenny, who had never hurt anyone in her entire life...who never had anything to do with the revenge plan that I have plotted against him, way before.

  Then why?

  Why the innocent always have to suffer while the sinner gets away without having to pay for their deeds, which must not be forgivable ever?

  And most of all why he had to choose Jenny?

  Even so, what did he got by harming the one who had never done anything against Benjamin?

  Everything happened so fast that I could not even recollect myself to realise what Benjamin just did.

  Kaith who took the leap earlier to save Jenny, could not even pounce on Benjamin, as the sight of Jenny falling down on the ground with blood oozing out from the deep cut on her neck, made him absolutely terrified and he froze without being able to realise what he should do now or should not.

  It was not just him who was beyond shocked and traumatised, cause everyone else who was present there and witnessed the scene, screamed in absolute terror.

  The entire ground broke out into ultimate chaos, as each and everyone started to run here and there in order to help the girl who was now fighting with life and death.

  I rushed to her side, without bothering about anything and anyone right now, cause at such a moment, Jenny needed us the most than anyone else did.

  But she did not let any trace of fear appear on her face even when she knew as well that she was already at the verge of death.

  How brave she could be?

  Yes, to me, she was the real fighter, who was not at all afraid to die. Or even if she was, for the sake of us and mainly for Kaith she just did not let us know how terrified she became right at this moment, and kept all her fears at the bottom of her heart.

  Seeing Jenny in such a miserable condition, to the least of his expectations, Kaith could not control himself anymore, as he started acting all crazy and showed how much reluctant he was to let someone t
ake away Jenny from his side, even when she needed to be treated urgently.

  His huge wolf body was giving others a hard time, whoever was trying to stop him from his careless movements right now, when none of us had much time to lose as Jenny needed to be taken to the pack hospital as soon as possible.

  But it seemed that Kaith was not at all ready to listen to any one of them.

  He just kept howling ever so desperately, making the whole surrounding feel his pain as he could clearly see that his mate was about to die.

  His howls were nothing but the cries of a wolf for his mate, who was now in danger.

  “Kaith!!! Kaith!! You need to let them take her to the hospital. They can help.” Seth tried to calm him down, but he was not at all willing to listen to his father either.

  Seeing this, Kazan came forward all of a sudden and lifted Jenny up in his arms, ignoring Kaith's repetitive growls, and rushed out of the place.

  It was no wonder that Kaith became mad and tried to go after him, but Markus did not let him took any more steps further, as he held Kaith's huge wolf body back, within his tight grip using all of his strength, and thus he spared Kazan enough time to take away Jenny away from Kaith, as it was the only way to save Jenny now.

  “Kaith! She will be okay, but only if you keep calm a little bit. You are indeed making it even worse. She is in safe hands. You need to have faith. Trust me, we will not let anything happen to her, any further.” Even though I was not sure of my own words, I needed to console him at this situation. Cause that was the only thing we could do right now.

  I have never seen Kaith like this before, but I can clearly feel his fears and anxiety as I had also gone through such situation once, not long ago, and indeed I felt the same way without any doubt.

  And at that time, Kaith was there and helped me when I became the most vulnerable.

  So, now it was my turn to do the same for him, as I just could not see Kaith like this way, even when my heart was also devastated and in the utmost pain, seeing my friends suffer for my personal gain.

  I just can not accept it.

  I just can never forgive myself.

  And seeing Kaith now, I understood how important it is for us to see our mates safe and sound, at any cost.

  We just can not help reacting in such a way if we have to see our mates getting harmed before our eyes, to the point that they might die, leaving us all alone in this huge world that we might end up praying for our own deaths. It was really hard to keep ourselves sane, when the fear of losing the one we love the most comes to mess our heart and soul entirely, making us feel absolutely miserable without any mercy.

  So, I lifted my hand and touched Kaith who was still struggling to get out of Markus's tight hold only to go to Jenny, I said, looking at his eyes,

  “Kaith! I promise, I am going to make him pay, for what he did to your mate as well as my friend.”

  Listening to my words, Kaith howled once again, more ferociously than before, as he became enraged once again, hearing just one single name, which ruined all our lives, ruthlessly without any mercy at all.

  And only then, a sudden fear came across my mind, causing my heart to skip a beat.

  My blood boiled once again, while the utmost anger went beyond my tolerance which made my whole body shiver in absolute hatred and the urge to taint myself with the blood of the one and only Benjamin.

  But the fact is, he was now nowhere to be seen, as he had already made himself flee, successfully after leaving Jenny behind to die miserably.

  And as we panicked and went busy to help her out as soon as possible, no one cared to watch him, which gave him enough opportunity to run away, without having to pay for his sins.

  Now, without bothering to stay by Kaith's side, I suddenly felt the urgency to look for the traitor who was now on run. And I was definitely not letting him go this time.

  I stood up from the ground as fast as I could and took the sword with me and left the place in the next moment hurriedly, without bothering to inform others where exactly I was going in such a rush, neither did anyone notice that I was not present there anymore, cause they had a more serious matter to look after right at this moment, as Kaith was making a whole new havoc, once again.

  But the most difficult part for me was to find out that brute Benjamin even before he could get out of the town.

  So, the only thing that came to my mind at this moment was that Benjamin was badly injured and he just can not be that fast to escape the town even when it was the only thing he might do right now as most of the pack in this town was now aware of his crimes and will be watching out for him, so none of them was going to give him the space to hide from us. Neither he could shift into his wolf form as it would surely cause him a lot of pain that he might not be able to endure.

  I decided to follow my senses this time, and tried to keep my mind calm and with that, I left for the place that leads the one and only road out of our town.

  This time, no one could spare him from me, neither he has anyone to use now to get away like before.

  ****end of the flashback****

  Even when the surrounding was absolutely quiet and gloomy, a harsh wind brushed passed all of a sudden, declaring that the time had now come at last.

  For whom I was waiting desperately till now, had already started to appear in my sight from a far distance, being absolutely unaware of my presence here right at this moment.

  He had no idea what exactly was waiting for him in the next moment, while he was busy to limp on the street in order to try his best to get out of this town, which I will not allow him to do, at any cost.

  Now, was not the time to be afraid of the ones that I have left to protect.

  The only thing I could think of was justice.

  So, seeing that he did not notice me yet, I decided to go to a side to hide myself, for the time being, letting Benjamin come all the way here without being aware of my presence, beforehand, not even for a little bit.

  And only when I saw that he had already covered the distance and came within my reach, I got out and stood in front of him as his doom.

  Benjamin stopped.

  His face turned even paler while he started to sweat once again, ever so horribly.

  Seeing me holding the swords in both of my hands, there was no doubt that he got frightened, as he might have never imagined that all his efforts for years to pretend to be good to me, will go all in vain one day.

  “Let me pass, Summer.” He ordered, using his alpha tone, hoping that he might make me obey his orders.

  But little did he know that this kind of tricks was beyond one's capability who does not have the alpha aura by birth, cause Benjamin became an alpha just by his conspiracy and betrayals behind everyone's back. And moreover, it was absolutely impossible to enact his orders on the one who was always meant to be an alpha.

  Seeing such a foolish as the so-called alpha, I could not help but sneer at his face, showing how ridiculous his effort was.

  “Come and take me down then.” I scoffed at Benjamin.

  “Do not do this. You are my only niece, and I have always looked after you, even when your parents were gone and also when everyone abandoned you. And now, you are choosing them over your uncle, when they had never listened to you before? They definitely lied about me. I did not kill your mom and dad that night. I mean how could I? Let me go, Summer.” Benjamin started to beg in front of me, and I just can not explain how pleased my heart was becoming seeing him like this. But it was not enough to get myself satisfied at all.

  “You are wrong, dear uncle. They did not know anything about you, so it was quite impossible for them to manipulate me against you.

  Guess what, who did this all?

  It is me, uncle.

  Your little and dear niece.” I sneered, seeing him quiver in ultimate terror as he might have also guessed that there no way out for him now, when I was already standing there to prey on him.

  Without saying another word, he tried to run once

  As if it was possible.

  I grabbed his nape by my bare hand and dragged him behind only to throw his deformed and tattered body up in the air with all my strength and then slammed him hard on the road.

  His deadly scream eased my heart for a little bit, right away.

  Blood came out from his body as few of his bones broke and tore the flesh from inside to come out without any mercy.

  With a lot of force, I kept smashing his body under my feet and kicked him hard a few times, letting him see the horror of his own death. His body flew away and fell within a little bit distance just when I kicked his abdomen with all my strength.

  Benjamin coughed blood, making the road taint with his deep crimson coloured blood, and attempted to get up.

  But even before he could do so, I approached to his side once more, and lifted him up by his neck, strangling him out of breath. His legs kept dangling in the air while he struggled to loosen my grasp on him, as his bloody eyes were already started to pop out, due to the suffocation.

  I did not even realise how I gained such strength at this moment.

  In fact, I was not at all in the right mind to think properly, as the only thing I could see right now was the murderer before my eyes and nothing else.

  I could not even realise how long I kept beating up that brute, that the last light of the sinking sun had already left us, even without my awareness.

  Still, I had no intention to stop.

  I left not a single place on Benjamin's body that was not bleeding, or swollen or even broken, but even so, I made sure to keep him alive to feel the pain altogether.

  Even I have lost count how many times I have punched him, kicked his body without any mercy, even smashed him under my feet or threw him only to make him knock on the road or on the trees that were around us right at that moment.


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