Book Read Free

Heart Thief

Page 9

by Ker Dukey

  “What the hell are you both doing out here?” I ask. I was just getting back when I saw them come outside.

  “Power went out. We thought we saw something out here.” Cash shakes his head.

  “Fuck, we need to get you to the hospital.” He winces when he comes closer and sees blood.

  “It’s just a graze. Luckily you’re a shit shot,” I bark.

  “It’s bleeding.” Mona bites her lip nervously.

  “Maybe we go inside and stop playing hero?” I grunt, storming off.

  The power is out, putting me in a worse mood than I already was.

  “Where have you been?” Cash asks, locking up the gun. He pours a tumbler of whiskey and hands it to me. Mona helps me slip out of my jacket and shirt.

  There’s a slice through my shoulder where the bullet skimmed. “You could have hit Mona for fuck’s sake,” I fume.

  “I was aiming for you. I wouldn’t have gotten her. I wanted to wound you, not kill.”

  “You should always go for the kill.” I scoff.

  “Where have you been?” he repeats himself. Mona runs off to get some clean water and bandages.

  “I went to see Father,” I mutter, gulping down the whiskey.


  “Because I want fucking answers for Mona, for you, us.” I fling my hands up, wincing from the sting of the wound.

  “And did you get the answer you wanted? He’s never going to admit to killing her.”

  “I’m not convinced he did kill her.” I hand him the glass and gesture for him to refill it with a nod of my head. Rolling his eyes, he pours another. “You drink too much.”

  “That’s rich coming from you, asshole. And let’s not forget you fucking shot me.”

  “Why do you think he didn’t kill her?” Rage and fire burn inside me. I’m fucking tired of this shit.

  “Because he thinks I did it,” I roar, throwing my glass across the room. It shatters into a million pieces just as Mona returns. She looks between us, confused.

  “Come on. Let’s get this over with,” I snap.

  “Are you okay?” she asks, placing her bowl down. Cash holds the flashlight on the wound so she can clean it.

  “I’m fine,” I brood.

  Grabbing the bandage from her hands I stick it to my skin before getting up and going upstairs. I need a towel and some sleep.

  I lie in the bed, the sky cracking open above me keeping sleep away. The door opens a sliver, and a petite figure crosses the room to my side of the bed.

  “What are you doing?” I groan, not strong enough to deny her if she asks me to kiss her, fuck her, worship her.

  “Can I sleep with you? I don’t want to be alone.”

  I open my mouth to ask her why she doesn’t go to Cash—he’s the safer option—but I’m selfish and I don’t want to give up something I want.

  “I can leave.” She frowns, her voice shaking.

  I shift over, pulling back the covers. “I already told you, you’re never leaving me.” I smile, a first real smile in days.

  Her body curls up next to mine, sating my turbulent thoughts.

  “What’s troubling you?” she whispers her fingers tracing the tattoo on my chest and attentively circling the bullet graze.

  “I want answers for you so you aren’t here solely for reasons so fucking brutal and dark. I want you to want to be here, to like what you’ve found.”

  “I do,” she breathes, moving closer, every inch of her touching part of me.

  “Do you think it was your father?”

  “I honestly don’t know. If it were, would you want him to die?”

  If she says yes, I’ll load my shotgun right now and deliver his heart to her in offering.

  “Yes.” She sighs. “No.” She shrugs. “I just want answers. I want to know where her heart is—why someone would harm her. She was kind and innocent.”

  “Like you?” I kiss the top of her head.

  “She was better than me.”

  “There doesn’t get better than you, islander.”

  A loud crack of thunder bursts through the sky. Mona jolts and climbs on top of me, her legs spread around my waist, tits pushing into my chest. My cock comes alive from the heat of her pussy.

  “Erm…” I grunt.

  “Can I stay here for a while?” she breathes against my skin, her lips on my chest.

  “I can’t guarantee my cock isn’t going to stab you in the ass.” I chuckle, and she barks out a laugh, making her body wriggle over mine.


  “It feels so good being in your arms, but I also feel guilt for living the life Clara wanted for herself with Cash.”

  “What would she want for you?” I ask, circling her body with my arms.

  “Everything,” she exhales, lifting her head. “She would want me to have everything she couldn’t and more.” And with that, she lowers her lips to mine.



  Every part of him is touching every part of me. I’ve never felt more alive than right now in his arms. His large palm grasps my cheek, pulling me closer, our lips dancing, tasting, devouring. Flicking his tongue across the seam and gaining access, the world around me tips on its axis. His warm tongue explores, tasting every corner, every inch of space, claiming, owning. His other palm slides up my body beneath my bed shirt and he grasps my breast, kneading.

  My nipples peak painfully, begging for relief. He lightly pinches, eliciting a sharp tremor of pleasure.

  He seems to crowd every part of me. His scent invades mine as he spins us so he’s above me, towering, keeping me his willing captive just as the sky cracks with an electric charge.

  With little effort, he grips the neck of my shirt and tears down the middle, exposing my flesh to his hungry gaze. I’m overheating, the anticipation overwhelming every molecule of my being.

  “You could have just asked me to remove it.” I giggle, a mix of nerves and euphoria making me feel delirious.

  “Where’s the fun in that?” He covers my nipple with his lips, rendering me speechless. My back arches to meet his delicious administrations.

  “You like that?” he asks, his lips hooking up at the corner. Every part of my body awakens to his smile. He could rule the world with that damn smile. Hungry eyes track my pulse jumping wildly in my neck. He seals his lips over the thump, claiming me there.

  “You’re so fucking precious, little islander. I don’t deserve you,” he whispers against the shallow of my neck. My body is on fire. An ache I’ve only felt from my own touch before throbs wildly between the apex of my thighs. Urgent kisses trace down my body, using his tongue, lips, teeth.

  God above unleashes his rage as the sky fractures and batters the house. I writhe with every touch, stroke, caress. My body comes alive under Colt’s touch. If this is sinning, I’ll burn in the depths of hell willingly, accepting God’s wrath to feel this good.

  Reaching the apex of my thighs, he hooks his fingers into the hem of my panties, slips them down my legs, and discards them. I inhale sharply as his tongue swipes out to taste me, making me whimper in need.

  “Fuck, I can smell your arousal. You need to be eaten,” he growls, gripping my thighs to open me wider. My hips buck as he suckles my bundle of nerves. I’ve never been touched like this. It’s glorious. My hands reach up to grip the bed frame as he devours me, swirling his tongue, making my legs shake and core tighten. “Oh God,” I call out, quivering, looking down to watch him render me a shuddering mess.

  I’m floating in a state of pure pleasure and need. Hands everywhere, lips touching, kissing, licking. The atmosphere quakes with the surge of desire swirling in the air around us. I didn’t think pleasure could feel so intense, so euphoric. Fingers part my folds as his tongue swirls and sucks at me, stealing my breath. My skin is alight from within, every nerve ending experiencing delights I didn’t comprehend my body was capable of.

  My hips writhe, pushing Colt’s face farther into me, my core needing more. He trav
els up my body, his lips latching onto mine. “Taste how beautiful you are,” he says, my scent all over his mouth. My legs circle his waist. I can’t get enough. I want to be consumed by him. We’re not Mona and Colt in this moment—we’re two souls fusing together to create pure bliss.

  I tug at his boxer briefs, helping to relieve him of them until we’re skin on skin. He’s pure masculine beauty. Smooth, tan skin over hard planes of muscle, his body painted in an array of beautiful pictures, memories.

  “What will that feel like?” I ask in wonder when I see he has jewelry running like a ladder up his thick shaft.

  “You’re about to find out.” He grins, then steals my lips, lines himself up, and thrusts inside me, knocking the air from my lungs.

  “Fuck, you’re so beautiful,” he groans. I’m being stretched and filled to the max. The jewels caress my inner walls as his hips piston into me, making me throw my head back in enraptured throes of pleasure.

  I feel feverish. Sweat coats our bodies as we grind in sync, every nerve alight, energy zapping, sending ripples of elation through my body. “Colt,” I cry out as his strokes become more intense and rooted, swelling inside me, filling me up, tipping me over the edge. Light dances behind my eyelids. A tear forms, spilling to my cheek. The hot pulse of his release trickles from within me, coating my thighs. He takes a few seconds before easing beside me and pulling me against him.

  “Fuck,” he pants, his breathing labored.

  “Fuck. Fucking. Mmmm…I think I like that word.” I sigh dreamily into his chest. A chuckle rumbles from inside him.

  I’m cocooned in two powerful arms, the world I once knew now altered forever.

  My body aches in ways I never knew possible. Lazy limbs feel weighed down by invisible threads.

  “What are you thinking about?” Colt’s voice vibrates against my ear, sending ripples of pleasure through every part of me.

  “You,” I say truthfully.

  “Oh yeah? What part of me?” He nibbles my shoulder, then kisses down my back, tipping me onto my stomach. I grasp the side of the mattress to anchor myself to the moment, feeling everything, my skin sensitive, nerves raw. Biting my lip, I lift my hips in offering, making him chuckle against my flesh. It doesn’t last. We both jolt when the bedroom door bursts open, making me scream in fright.

  “What the fuck!” Colt shouts before moving off me and racing toward his brother. I sit up, gathering the blankets to cover myself.

  “What the fuck? Is that your blood,” Colt panics, checking his brother all over for injury. My heart races, fear gripping my throat. Cash looks like he’s in shock, blood coating his hands and splattered over his shirt.

  “Cash?” I gulp down my panic.


  “What?” Colt exhales.

  Cash points behind him.

  “Cash, what the fuck happened?”

  “I found Annemarie. She was missing her heart,” he stammers.

  Sickness burns my throat.


  Cash turns around and starts walking. Colt grabs his boxer briefs and follows. I chase behind them as they descend the stairs and walk out the front door.

  “Mona, stay inside,” Colt orders, but nothing is keeping me away.

  The trees where I saw the person watching the house. Ice saturates me in a wintery sheen. Tears form and burn a track down my cheek. The woman, Annemarie, is naked, her skin ashen, a gaping hole in her chest, blood…so much blood. Her eyes peer up to the sky, lifeless.

  “She was laying here. I tried to close the hole.” Cash quakes.

  “Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Colt swipes his hands through his hair, pacing.

  “This has to be dad, right? Sending a message,” Colt steams.

  My knees buckle beneath me, and I fall to the ground. This was how Clara was left, like a dead animal carcass abandoned as trash. Vomit races up my throat, spewing onto the grass.

  “Get her inside, Cash. I need to get this sorted. Fuck.”

  “What are you going to do?” I ask, trembling.

  “I need to report it. I have to call the police. And then I’m going to fucking kill that bastard.”



  “I’ve already told you what happened for two fucking days,” I tell the detective, who asked me to come in and have another chat with him. Like before, they have no fucking clue who’s responsible. The storm caused chaos, knocking out power all over the place. There were no cameras to track activity, and no one knows who she was last seen with. I’m exhausted. This shit just reminds me of Clara. No one knew fuck all then either.

  “You’re free to leave, Mr. Ward, but don’t be taking any out-of-town trips.”

  “Am I a suspect?” I sneer.

  “Everyone is, until we get proof otherwise.”

  I approach Cash where he’s sitting in the waiting area. He looks how I fucking feel. Like shit.

  “They released Dad yesterday. He has an alibi.” He shakes his head.

  “Of course he does,” I snap.

  “I need to sleep,” Cash groans. “There are cameras out front. I parked in the back. They’re going to let us out the rear entrance.”

  “Where’s Mona?” Fuck, I need to hold her.

  “In the car. I didn’t want to leave her at home, but didn’t want to bring her in this dump either and get the cops asking questions about who she is.”

  Good thinking. Not wanting them to know who she is is why they keep asking me to come back down here. She’s my alibi and I can’t fucking use her.

  When we get outside, Mona opens the car door and runs toward us, throwing herself into my arms. “Are you okay?” she sobs.

  “I’m fine.” I smile, clutching her to me, breathing her in.

  “Come on, let’s grab food and go home. We need to figure out what we’re going to do.” Cash pats my back.

  He understands what we have to do. This has to be our Father. There’s no one else. We have to fucking end him once and for all—end this.

  The shower blasts over my skin, washing away the past couple days. My mind runs rampant with theories of how to get rid of my father without raising suspicion. I hear the soft click of the door over the torrent of the shower and inhale sharply when Mona walks through the steam clouds fully naked. Her dark hair lays over her tits. Her tiny waist dips in before her hips flare wide. She’s so fucking perfect, like a fantasy straight out of the mind of a God.

  Dainty hands stroke up my chest in slow, torturous movements. Her thick, plump lips taste the water on my skin. “Hey.” I smirk down at her as her large amber eyes look up at me through thick lashes. “Hey.” She flicks her tongue out, teasing.

  “Tell me what you want, little islander?” I groan when she palms my cock.

  “I want you to fuck me,” she tells me, breathless. My heart pounds loud in my chest, the blood roaring through my body and settling in my swelling cock.

  I grasp her under the armpits and lift her effortlessly. Her legs wrap around my waist, my cock cocooning in the crease of her pussy, pulsing with need to be inside her. I shift us toward the wall, leaning her back against the tiles, devouring her mouth with hungry, needy stokes of my tongue. A growl rumbles up my throat when she moves her hips, lowering her cunt over my shaft. Her tight walls squeeze me on entry into her warm pussy.

  “Damn, girl,” I grunt, placing my head against hers to gain some control.

  “I have an appetite for your touch,” she murmurs, rotating her hips, moaning in pleasure when my fat head strokes her in all the right places.

  My lips latch on to her neck, marking her there. I lower a hand to her pussy, pushing the pad of my thumb through her folds, finding her clit and stroking, adding pressure, circling.

  Our combined groans fill the room. “I think your pussy is my new fucking fetish,” I rumble, thrusting my hips into her, skin slapping skin, reckless and pure. I buck my hips, pulsing into her in a rhythmic state of pleasure, sensation and desire
driving our movements into an desperate climax.

  “I love fucking you.” She sighs, coming down from the high.

  And although it’s ludicrous, I want to say, “I fucking love you.”

  “What will you do about your father?” Mona asks on a whisper.

  “I’m going to kill him,” I tell her, our sated bodies lying naked on my bed. My fingers brush through her hair.

  “You think you can actually kill?”

  “If it means keeping you safe, I’d kill every person in this world and beyond,” I tell her honestly.

  She snuggles in further, trying to crawl under my skin, her hands stroking over the tattoos decorating my flesh.

  “Could you still be with a man who killed?” I ask, my muscles flexing, jaw tightening.

  There a pause of silence, and then, “I don’t fear the darkness in you. It’s in me too. I’d kill to keep you safe,” she breathes. “I think I need to end my father’s reign, to be truly free and liberate my people trapped there.”

  Her father is a piece of shit. It’s the thing we have in common. “Let it all crash down. Burn the whole fucking place to the ground. It’s poison, Mona. They feed you lies to keep you in line.”

  “Will you help me?”

  I tilt her face up to mine. “Again, if I have to kill every person in this world and the next to keep you safe, I’m willing and ready.” I steal a kiss from her lips.

  Knuckles rapping against the door before it opens announce Cash’s entry.

  Mona looks over at him. Crooking her finger, she invites him over. He crawls across the bed, taking the space to Mona’s left, his arm slinging over her hip.

  “I set up a fake meeting with our father. We can finally end this once and for all,” he tells me on a yawn.

  “When?” I growl, eager to finish this.


  Mona grips my hand and clasps Cash’s in her other.

  “Tomorrow it is.”


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