Book Read Free

Always There (Always Series: Book Two)

Page 2

by Lindsay Becs

  I nuzzle in closer to his chest. I’m not even ashamed of myself. You’d think I would be, but no. “Mmm…you smell so good. I’m definitely more than fine.”

  “I’d offer to buy you a drink… but are you already drunk?” He slowly asks the last part, not wanting to offend me. It’s my turn to laugh now.

  “Nope. Not drunk. I literally just fell into this place.”

  “Do you want a drink then? My treat.”


  “Um, did you hit your head? You haven’t opened your eyes yet, and I’m beginning to worry you have a concussion.”

  My chin is resting on his chest with my face tilted up. I can feel his questioning eyes on me with mine still closed. All at once, I pop my green eyes open then and yell, “Boo!”

  “OK, crazy leprechaun, let’s get you a drink. Maybe it’ll tone you down,” he says through a smile, taking my hand in his and pulling me toward the bar. “I started without you. Didn’t think I’d have a girl fall into my arms tonight.” He pulls out the stool next to his chosen place for the night and helps me hop up.

  “Laying it on a little thick. No need. Unless you turn stalker or murderer, I’m a sure thing for you tonight, buddy,” I tell him as I flip through the drink menu. Beer or cocktail, beer or cocktail… “Drunken Bastard!”

  “Excuse me?” the guy says, almost spitting out the sip of beer he just took.

  “It’s a drink on the menu. It’s Dr. Pepper and whiskey. Usually comes with a cherry, too,” I say, wagging my brows. “What are you drinking?”

  “I decided to go down the line of their beers on tap. This is an espresso stout.”

  “That sounds a little girlie and a lot hipster. Are you either of those? That might be a deal breaker for me.”

  “Ha! How do you know I’m a sure thing? And I’m neither of those, by the way.”

  “You’re a dude. You’re here alone. I don’t see a ring. You’re buying me a drink. Should I go on?” I ask, turning to face him. Damn. I felt him and I smelled him, but I didn’t really look at him. He’s freaking hot! He’s got dark brown hair and blue eyes. A little more than a five o’clock shadow on his face makes him look rugged and fuckable. Yum!

  “No, that’s good. You aren’t like other women…” he says into his glass, taking another drink.

  “One and only.” I smile. “I’m Bexley. What name will I be screaming later?”

  He laughs, fully relaxing then. I got him now! “I’m Oliver. Most people call me Ollie though. You’re welcome to scream either,” he tells me as his eyes travel down and back up my body, ending with a wink when he reaches my face again.

  It’s my turn to laugh. Again. “Please. No winks or smirks or quirked eyebrows. I can’t with those.” I hold up a hand.

  “But what if that’s just what my face does?”

  “Stop it if you want to get laid.”

  He tries to do all three at the same time, but it ends up looking like he’s having a seizure. We both bust out laughing again. And we continue laughing as we eat tiny food and drink overpriced drinks. It’s one of the best nights I’ve had in a long time and exactly what I needed after this week. Jokes and teasing and conversation have flowed easily all night. We’ve kept it light, and the most personal thing we’ve shared is our first names. It’s the perfect set up for the best one-night stand ever.

  I’m feeling the last drink I had, and I’m ready to leave and get to know Ollie on a new level. If you know what I mean.

  “You ready to get naked?” I ask him, waving a hand to get the bartender’s attention.

  “Hell yeah, I am.”

  He pays my bill, which was nice but not necessary. And I move to slide off my stool but forget that my heel broke and almost fall all over. Ollie grabs me again, this time scooping me up in his arms.

  “Do you even know how to walk?” He laughs into my ear, sending tingles to my stomach.

  “I thought so. Guess I was wrong.” In one movement, he swings me around to carry me piggy-back style. “Ollie! Stop! I’m in a skirt, and now I’m flashing everyone your prize for winning hero of the night.”

  “I never was good at being humble. I always shoved it in everyone’s face when I got the new toy they all wanted. Guess not much has changed,” he says and starts walking out of the bar with me still on his back with my face buried in his neck.

  The night air hits us both as he saunters, yes saunters, out of the bar. “I live around the corner. Unless you live next door, I’m closer,” I tell him, ending with a bite on his neck.

  He growls and agrees. I give him directions, and by the time we’ve reached my door, he’s still carrying me, but I’m wrapped around his front instead of his back. I unlock my door as Ollie pushes it open and then closes it with me pressed up against it. I drop my keys and purse to free my hands and pull his shirt off.

  “Holy hell, that is the softest shirt I’ve ever felt,” I tell him, pausing to rub it on my face and inhale his scent again.

  “My sister bought it for me.”

  “Uh, that’s, uh, OK. Let’s not talk about your sister when we’re about to get primal.”

  “I don’t know who’s getting primal, but I’m about to fuck you so good, you’re gonna be feeling me for at least the next week.” And then his mouth finds mine. Oh fuck, did it find mine. It’s the first we’ve kissed since our night together began. It’s not soft and sweet or a get-to-know-you kind of kiss. No, it’s frantic and unrelenting and passionate.

  “Bedroom. Down the hall. Right. Fuck. Yes. Don’t stop,” I say between kisses as he listens and does what I ask. He’s rid me of my shirt and bra on our way to my room. Our naked chests feel amazing rubbing against each other, but I need more.

  I reach between us to unzip and unbutton his pants, my hand going in to feel him. Hard, velvet steel. A wet tip. I can’t close my fingers fully around him. Wait. Shut the front door! He’s got veins... Can I get a freaking amen? This is a first for me, and I’m probably a little too excited about it. But dreams do come true. I don’t even need to see him to know this is good. This is very, very good. I stroke him a few times up and down, earning me a growl. Oh, I like that.

  “Fuck, Bex. You have to stop that or this is not going to last long.”

  I pull my hand out, reluctantly. “What are you waiting for then?” I ask, flicking the tip of my tongue on his chin.

  He growls again before throwing me down onto my bed with a bounce. My boobs wobble all over, but I don’t even care. The way he’s watching me in a predatory way makes me feel beautiful and wanted. I don’t feel weird or awkward, even though I just met this guy. He kicks off his shoes and out of his pants as he watches me. I’m so turned on, I bite my lip to hold back a moan from… nothing really. I’m just that turned on by this guy and this night. I can’t hold out any longer, so I slide my fingers up my sides and pinch my hard nipples. I see the fire ignite in his eyes as he stands over me and watches. He slides his boxer briefs off, and then it’s my turn to stare because there it is. My new favorite thing. He reaches down and grips himself, palming and then stroking up and down a few times.

  “Come play with me,” I tell him as I keep pinching and rolling my nips.

  “You really are a lucky leprechaun,” he murmurs, crawling onto the bed and covering me with his toned, naked body.

  I don’t say anything because his mouth crashes onto mine, hot and needy. We both open at the same time, wanting more and allowing our tongues to meet. He works his way down my neck and chest and stops on a nipple. The stubble on his face sends a totally new zing of sensations through me, making me groan. His mouth works my breasts over like they’re a hot fudge sundae while his fingers find my center. Pushing my panties aside, he runs a finger through my wetness and then plunges it inside, causing me to cry out.

  I’m feeling slightly selfish, as he’s making me feel like I’ve died and gone to heaven. I’ve got one hand in his hair and the other above my head, stretching me out for him to fully use and play with as he
wishes. I know he’ll get his, too, so I’m not feeling too guilty about not playing with him yet. However, this is different. Usually guys are all about themselves, especially the first time they’re with someone. The fact that he’s not begging me to suck him off and hasn’t even tried to go for a goal yet is a little disconcerting. Be that as it may, I’m fully enjoying this.

  Oh…he added a second finger and his thumb is on my clit, rubbing and pumping and working me over just right. Holy hell! “Yes, yes, yes…” I chant as I feel myself getting closer and closer. His mouth moves back up to my neck, kissing and nipping his way to my mouth. It’s not forceful, but not totally gentle either, and I love how he’s commanding my body and doing what he wants while I’m left in a jumble of tingles and sensations waiting to explode. He is an amazing kisser, and when he bites my lip and then sucks on it, it sends me over. I cry out in ecstasy as he pulls every last ounce of my orgasm from me.

  When I open my eyes, he’s lying on his side watching me with a grin on his face. “Yes,” I say all breathy. Where has this man been all my life? He pulls his fingers from me, bringing them to his mouth and sucking them clean. His eyes never leave mine as he tastes me from his fingers.

  “That might be my favorite thing I tasted all night,” he says and then kisses me again, making me taste myself when his tongue pushes into my mouth. It’s so fucking hot, and the way my body is still utterly turned on is something new. I’ve never been a multiple orgasm kind of girl, but right now I’m thinking maybe tonight will be a first.

  “I need inside you now. You have condoms close?”

  “In the drawer of my nightstand,” I say turning away from him, but he stops me from moving.

  He gets off the bed and walks over to retrieve the condoms. Tossing a couple on the bed, he then walks back to me and stops where my feet are. Reaching up my legs, he hooks his fingers into the band of my panties, pulling them off. He crawls back onto the bed and straddles my legs before leaning over me to grab a foil package. Sitting back, he pushes my skirt up, exposing me more than before. Ripping the square open, he pulls the condom from it and rolls it on. I’ll never tire of seeing men do that simple, sexy act.

  “You ready for me to show you another rainbow?” his gravelly voice asks as he leans over me. His lips ghost over mine as his hardness rubs through my wetness, coating himself in the pleasure he brought out of me.

  “I want to see all the colors,” I reply, pressing my lips to his as he pushes inside me. We both groan at the same time. He fills me up, and we fit together like we were made for this moment.

  “Fuck, you’re perfect,” he says into my mouth and begins to rock back and forth. He starts slow but gets faster and faster. He pulls one of my knees up to my chest, and the new angle has him hitting my G spot in perfection.

  “Oh…yes, right there. Yes,” I pant as he rolls his hips with mine. He slides nearly all the way out, and when he slams back in, I scream. He does it again and again, pulling me closer and closer to the edge. “Oliver!” I yell as another orgasm crashes over me. I’m boneless and high when I feel his release hit. With his face in my neck, he grunts out a growl, milking his own orgasm.

  We lie there for a minute, and then he kisses me sweetly on the cheek before he stands and walks to the bathroom. When he comes back, I haven’t moved from how he left me. He pauses, looking at me, and smiles. He’s so damn sexy.

  “Did you find your pot of gold?” I ask with a smile of my own.

  “I did,” he answers, lying down next to me, pulling me against him. He kisses my temple. The act is simple and sweet and surprising. I actually feel cared for by a stranger in a way I never have after sex before. “Best fucking pot of gold I’ve ever found.”

  “So, this is usually the awkward part of the night.”

  “It doesn’t have to be,” he says.

  “Yeah, I guess not. You’re welcome to crash for the night, or you can go if you need to. I won’t be offended either way.”

  “Alright then, Leppy. Let’s pull the blanket up and get warm because I’m fucking freezing now,” he laughs.


  “Leppy… Leprechaun… Your green eyes remind me of one.” He shrugs as I lay on his chest and our legs tangle together.

  “Do leprechauns turn you on? Is it a weird fetish I should be worried about?”

  He barks out a laugh. “Not even a little bit. Your eyes are really beautiful. I feel lucky that I met you tonight.” He shrugs again. “I believe in luck and fate.”

  “I think I’m flattered. But Leppy sounds like leprosy, and that’s not something I want to be called. Bex will do if you need a nickname.”

  “Whatever you say, Leppy.”

  Chapter 3


  As I drive to my old house to hang with my family for the day, I can’t stop thinking about the green-eyed beauty I left sleeping this morning.

  I’ve never met a more refreshing girl in my life. She was so blunt and honest and weird, and I loved it. We kept things simple and didn’t get personal, but had the best time. Not to mention the sex was fucking fantastic! Talk about chemistry. The moment she opened her big green eyes and yelled boo in my face after falling into my arms, I knew I wanted this girl. I was drawn to her. It was strange. I’ve never felt like that with anyone before. I don’t get attached. I don’t do relationships. And I never stay the night, but I couldn’t bring myself to leave her after the great time we had.

  I didn’t want to seem like a sleaze, slipping out while she slept, but I needed to get home and cleaned up before I headed out for the day. I had lain there watching her sleep, my fingers dancing over the bare skin of her back. She was remarkable, but I couldn’t stay. I dressed, kissed her softly on the cheek, and left. I didn’t leave a note, didn’t put my number in her phone; I left well enough alone. If we were meant to have a second go, we’d see each other again another time… But I couldn’t stop thinking about her and those fucking eyes.

  Snap out of it, Ollie!

  “Ollie! Dad said you were coming!” Penny yells, running down the walkway toward me. She leaps into my arms, and I catch her and spin her around in circles.

  “How’s my girl today?” I ask, moving her to my back to carry her inside, reminding me of carrying Bexley that way last night.

  “I’m great! I beat Dad at Uno six times in a row yesterday.”

  “That’s impressive, Pen.”

  “I thought so,” she says and then squeezes my neck tight. “I’m so glad you’re here, Ollie. I missed you.”

  Well, shoot me in the fucking heart. “I missed you, too, but that’s because you’re so awesome. Why did you miss me?” I ask as we enter the house.

  “Dad’s been a little sad. He misses Mommy, I think. I try to cheer him up, but he doesn’t get those bright eyes anymore.” Shiiiiit. This girl is too observant for her own good. “Ollie’s here!” she yells as we walk out back to where Travis is sitting.

  “Hey, man, didn’t think you’d actually show up this early. Want some coffee?”

  “I’m hurt you think I’d waste a minute of precious time with you,” I say with a hand on my heart as I put Penny down. “But, yes, wench, get me some coffee.” I plop down in a chair on the deck, and Penny crawls up with me again.

  “What’s a wench?” she asks.

  “Nice,” Travis says as he walks inside like the good little wench he is.

  “It’s someone who gets drinks for others. But it’s not really a nice thing to call them. You know not to repeat anything I say, right, Pen?”

  “Uh, der! I get in trouble whenever I do.”

  “Good girl.”

  Travis joins us again with two mugs of steaming coffee. “Thanks, pumpkin,” I say, taking my mug from him.

  “Dude, it’s too early for your shit. Please, give me time to wake up before you start being 100% Ollie. I need you at about 60% max right now.”

  “Your dad is cranky this morning,” I whisper with a chuckle to Penny. She nods in agree
ment, eyes wide.

  “You know why.” He gives me a pointed look. I do know why. This week is my mom’s birthday week. She would be turning forty-three this year.

  “Hey, Pen? Can you give me and your dad some time to guy talk for a little bit? Then, later, I challenge you to Uno. I bet you can’t beat me six times in a row.”

  “You’re on, wench!” she yells as she runs into the house.

  I sit there stunned for a second before I can’t help but laugh. That girl is trouble with a capital T, but the best kind. It doesn’t take long before Travis starts to laugh, too. Good, he needs to laugh.

  “Thanks for that,” he says, shaking his head.

  “Stop. You know it’s hilarious. Leave her alone. She’s the most kick-ass girl around.”

  “Yeah, she is,” he says with the sadness Penny mentioned written all over his face.

  “Don’t. Don’t do that.”

  “What?” he snaps.

  “She told me you’re sad. If she can see it, then you are.”

  “If you came here to lecture me on how to raise my kid, you can go now. I’m not in the mood for your shit today, Ollie.”

  “Do you think I don’t miss her, too? Don’t you think I wish she were here to see that I’m a doctor now or to see how awesome Penny is or that Tatum is so fucking gorgeous she’s being scouted all over? I miss her all the time. She was your wife, but she was my fucking mom. I don’t need this shit from you, either. This moping around is bullshit.” I stand and throw my coffee mug in the yard. “If you can’t deal, then at least let me take Pen for a while so you can get your head straight.”

  “What? You can’t do that!” he yells, standing to meet me toe to toe.

  “The fuck I can’t. Wake up. Be there. Stop wallowing. You are her dad, and she counts on you. She deserves nothing but happiness and rainbows and fucking unicorns. If you can’t give her that, then I will.”

  “I just miss her so much.” He sits back down and leans forward with his head in his hands. “I thought after the first year, things would get easier, but they haven’t. It hurts so much.” His shoulders start to shake.


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