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A Coyote Ridge Christmas (The Walkers of Coyote Ridge, 7)

Page 8

by Edwards, Nicole

  And here she was, sitting in a semi-dark room with two of the sexiest men on the planet. She knew she would regret standing them up tonight, but she’d never anticipated they’d make a house call. Or hotel room, as was the case now.

  Not that she had any intention of letting them know she wasn’t entirely disappointed that they’d tracked her down. In fact, she planned to continue with the ruse of making them believe she had absolutely no interest. Which, of course, was a painful lie. But sometimes self-preservation was the most important thing.

  “Should we put a time limit on this?” Keegan asked, a teasing note in his voice.

  “I’m thinkin’,” she argued, though she hadn’t given a second’s thought about something she’d never done.

  Taking a deep breath, she willed her mind to quiet, to ignore the fact that Kaden and Keegan Walker had interrupted what would’ve been a perfectly boring night.

  “Ten, nine…”

  Bristol laughed. “Hush it. I’m thinkin’. Okay, fine. Never have I ever … stolen a car.”

  Keegan’s sexy mouth curved into a wide grin while his twin’s twitched. Kaden lifted his glass, drained it while Keegan took a swig on the bottle.

  Bristol’s eyes widened. “You’ve stolen a car?”

  “Technically,” Kaden said, “we misappropriated it. Temporarily.”

  Bristol raised her eyebrows, urging him to continue.

  “It was our old man’s car,” Keegan explained. “Needless to say, we spent a good portion of our freshman year grounded.”

  Bristol realized she shouldn’t have been surprised. Kaden and Keegan were the very definition of a bad boy. In duplicate.

  “My turn,” Keegan said. “Never have I ever snuck a boy in my bedroom window.”

  Realizing the twist he’d put on that, Bristol chuckled, only it came out as a snort. A very unladylike one, at that.

  “Well?” Kaden prompted, his blue-gray eyes locked on her as though he couldn’t wait to find out the answer.

  Bristol took a big swallow of her drink.

  “I knew it!” Keegan laughed. “Explain yourself, young lady.”

  “I was a junior, I think. His name was David. He was a senior and I thought he hung the moon.”

  “Did you get caught?” Kaden inquired.

  “Nope. But I never did it again after that. I was so freaked out that my dad would catch me, I couldn’t even look at him. He stayed for about twenty minutes, then hightailed it. Never talked to me again after that.”

  “Probably for the best,” Keegan noted, then glanced at Kaden. “Your turn.”

  Kaden seemed to consider it, then said, “Never have I ever cried while watching a movie.”

  “Good one,” Keegan said.

  Bristol was the only one to drink.

  “Last movie you cried at,” Kaden prompted.

  “Oh, geez.” Bristol tried to think but wasn’t even sure. “I have no idea, but I can admit, I tend to get weepy. I have no shame.”

  The game took off from there.

  Bristol: “Never have I ever lied to get a job.”

  Kaden and Keegan both drank.

  “Mechanic shop,” Keegan supplied. “We were seventeen. Lied and said we were eighteen.”

  “Did you get hired?”


  Keegan: “Never have I ever been on a fad diet.”

  Bristol drank, Kaden didn’t.

  “More than one,” she admitted.

  Kaden: “Never have I ever cut my own hair.”

  Keegan drank, Bristol did, too.

  “I wanted bangs,” Bristol said when Kaden stared at her. “For the record, it did not turn out well.”

  “Well, I shaved my head,” Keegan admitted, getting to his knees to add more vodka to her glass.

  “Did you do it, too?” she asked Kaden.

  “Hell no. He looked like a douche.”

  That made her laugh so hard tears came to her eyes. It took a minute or two, but she finally calmed herself.

  Bristol: “Never have I ever played strip poker.”

  “Totally missin’ out, darlin’,” Keegan said as he took a pull on the bottle.

  Kaden downed his drink, held his glass out for more.

  At this point, Bristol was feeling no pain, so she offered up her glass, too.

  Keegan: “Never have I ever eaten food that fell on the floor.”

  Kaden drank, Bristol didn’t.

  “Five-second rule,” Kaden said defensively, and followed it with a sinful smirk.

  More vodka was added.

  Kaden: “Never have I ever gotten a tattoo I regretted.”

  Keegan drank, Bristol didn’t.

  “I was drunk and stupid.”

  “What’s the tattoo of?”

  “An anchor.” He tapped over his left shoulder to show where it was. “Luckily, I never have to look at it.”

  Bristol: “Never have I ever slept in the nude.”

  Both men drank. Kaden had to get more.

  “Every night, darlin’,” Kaden supplied.

  Keegan: “Never have I ever regifted something someone gave me.”

  Bristol downed what was in her glass, laughing. She knew she should chill on the shots, but she couldn’t seem to help herself. For the first time in a long time, she was totally chill.

  “It gets worse,” she explained, giggling. “It was a gift from Bianca. I gifted it back to her two years later. She totally busted me.”

  Both men laughed and she realized how much she loved the rough grind of their voices.

  Keegan supplied more alcohol.

  Kaden: “Never have I ever talked my way out of a ticket.”

  Bristol drank, Keegan didn’t.

  “I was sixteen,” she told them. “And in my defense, I’ve never been pulled over since.”

  Another refill.

  Bristol: “Never have I ever hated a gift but said I loved it.”

  Both men looked at one another, then drank.

  “Our mother buys us socks for Christmas every year,” Kaden noted.

  Keegan: “Never have I ever tried to make someone jealous.”

  Bristol grinned, drank, and so did Kaden.

  “That same guy in high school,” she told them. “David.”

  “Did it work?”

  She grinned at the memory. “Nope. But I figure that was my good fortune. He’s been married three times now.”

  Kaden: “Never have I—”

  “Okay,” Bristol interrupted. “One more, then I have to stop or I’ll be sick.”

  “Party pooper,” Keegan teased as he poured a small amount in her glass.

  Kaden: “Never have I ever wanted to date two men at one time.”

  Bristol’s head was spinning from the alcohol. She blamed that for why she downed her drink. Luckily, their wide eyes stopped her from blurting exactly who she’d wanted to date at the same time.

  Of course, Keegan didn’t let it go.

  “Spill it,” he insisted.

  She shook her head.

  He was smiling as he got to his feet, moved over to the bed.

  Bristol’s lungs stopped working as she stared up at the handsome man. He was tall and lean and so freaking beautiful.

  “Okay, give me a hint,” he urged.

  No way could she tell them. No freaking way.

  “How old were you when you wanted to date two men at one time?” Kaden asked, joining his brother, both of them looming over her.

  Bristol shook her head again. If she told them…

  “Do I need to tickle it out of you?” Keegan’s barely disguised threat made her laugh.

  “Not ticklish,” she told him. Luckily, it was true.

  Evidently he didn’t believe her, because Keegan took her empty glass, set it on the nightstand, then put one knee on the bed as he reached for her.

  When his hand gripped her side, she couldn’t have laughed if she’d wanted to. The air in the room became scarce, and a fierce heat took up residence i
nside her, flooding her veins. That was when she realized neither of them were laughing. Something had shifted in the air, taking their carefree game and turning it into something far more dangerous.

  “Tell me somethin’,” Keegan whispered, his eyes imploring her.


  “Have you ever kissed twins?”


  “Do you want to?”

  His warm hand was still on her side, even though he kept a decent distance between them.

  Bristol looked over at Kaden, held his gaze for a second, then revealed the one secret she’d sworn she would take to her grave.


  KADEN HAD KNOWN THE SECOND KEEGAN SUGGESTED they pay Bristol a visit that there was a good chance things were going to get out of control. He’d been doubly certain of that when Keegan procured the vodka.

  Then again, out of control was the name of the game when Keegan was in charge, and no doubt about it, his twin had taken the reins from the moment he knocked on her door.

  His lungs were constricted as he waited with bated breath for her to answer Keegan’s question of whether or not she wanted to slide down the slippery slope and kiss the two of them, to try some twin action on for size.

  “Yes,” Bristol whispered. “I do.”

  He was pretty damn sure his heart skipped a few beats as soon as those words tumbled out of her sweet, pouty lips.

  Blame it on the alcohol or the game or, hell, on the setting, didn’t matter. While Kaden was usually the level-headed one, he found himself doing something he never would’ve done had they not been in this particular room, with this particular woman.

  Kaden put one knee on the bed, then leaned over Bristol, shouldering Keegan out of the way in the process. His brother was not about to sample the goods before him, because Christ Almighty, Kaden had been waiting too long for this.

  He held Bristol’s gaze as he got closer, waited for her to throw up the big red stop sign. That was the only reason he nearly fell over when Bristol reached for him, her soft, smooth fingers curling around his neck as she pulled him down until their mouths touched. His lips brushed hers ever so lightly, then more insistently. His tongue got with the program, sliding over her bottom lip. They shared air for a moment, and when she sighed, Kaden sealed his mouth to hers, kissing her the way he’d fantasized for months. Her soft moan reverberated against his lips, and it took tremendous effort not to press her into the mattress.

  When he pulled back, he watched as her eyes slowly opened, glittering with a heat he’d only caught glimpses of before.

  “My turn.”

  His brother’s raspy words pulled him back from the edge. Rather than get up, though, Kaden drew his other leg up on the bed and shifted to the side, watching as Bristol locked lips with his twin.

  Most people wouldn’t understand their desire to share a woman between them, but that was the only thing they’d ever wanted. Hell, sometimes Kaden couldn’t wrap his head around how it had come to be, but he’d long ago stopped trying to figure it out because this … here … with Bristol…

  This was fucking perfect.

  More so than any other moment in Kaden’s entire existence.

  Keegan growled low in his throat as he leaned over her. Bristol’s hand remained curled around Keegan’s neck, and she was pulling him down as she leaned back on the pillow. Kaden knew he should put a stop to this. Come tomorrow, when the three of them were battling hangovers, he damn sure didn’t want regret to intrude, and there was no doubt in his mind that would happen. For Bristol, of course. Kaden wasn’t going to regret a thing, unless, of course, he managed to push her away with this little stunt. While he’d suspected she was interested in them, Kaden had noticed she did her best to pretend otherwise.

  He was just about to call a halt when Keegan’s hand locked onto Kaden’s wrist. His twin relocated his hand, setting it on Bristol’s thigh before Keegan refocused on the kiss.

  Bristol didn’t push his hand away, even as he slid his palm down her shin until he reached her ankle. He caressed her smooth skin, working his way up her calf, pushing the thin pajama pants upward. He wasn’t working to get them off her, merely wanted to touch, to explore. She was definitely as soft as he’d imagined, maybe softer.

  God, he’d wanted this for so damn long. Wanted her.

  Bristol moaned again, drawing Kaden’s attention to the way her lips were still fused to Keegan’s. Kaden didn’t move, didn’t interrupt, though he wanted to feel her mouth on his more than he wanted oxygen. He mimicked a statue, right up until she reached for him, her fingers gliding over his wrist. When she tugged, evidently wanting him closer, Kaden shifted, his thigh brushing hers. It was then she pulled back from Keegan.

  Again, he waited for her to stop, but she surprised him, reaching for him.

  Kaden had always prided himself on his self-control, but when it came to Bristol, it seemed to fail him. Epically. As his lips covered hers once more, he knew he needed to back off. The vodka had lowered her inhibitions, and if they moved forward, she would hate them both come morning.

  And Kaden wasn’t willing to risk that.

  “God, you’re sweet,” he whispered, pulling his mouth back and pressing his forehead to hers. “So fucking sweet, Bristol.”

  She was breathing hard, as was he, more so when her hand slid beneath his shirt, her cool fingers brushing against his abs. Fucking hell.

  This had to stop.

  Kaden took a deep breath, reached for her wrist, and removed her hand, though it pained him to do so.

  “You’re gonna leave, aren’t you?” she asked, her voice so soft he barely heard her.

  “We are, yes. But when you’re ready … really ready, Bristol … just know we’re waitin’ for you.” Kaden lifted his head, met and held her gaze. “Only you.”

  He could see the hint of uncertainty in her eyes, but Kaden knew this was the only option. Falling into bed with her would be amazing. They could rock her world all fucking night long, but Kaden wanted a hell of a lot more than one night with her.

  Forcing himself to his feet, Kaden met Keegan’s eyes. His twin nodded once. They were on the same page, thank God.

  “Dream about us,” Keegan said softly, smiling down at her.

  When Kaden stepped out into the hallway, his body ached with the need for her, but he was getting used to it. As it was, he’d wanted Bristol for so long, he wasn’t sure he remembered a time when he wasn’t aching for her.

  “She’s gonna push us away,” Keegan said, lifting the vodka bottle to his lips as they headed toward the elevator to their floor.

  “She is,” he agreed, but all good things came to those who waited.

  And Kaden was willing to wait as long as it took, because in the end, it would be so fucking worth it.

  Chapter Ten

  Saturday, December 28, 2019

  FINALLY BACK HOME, THE KIDS TUCKED INTO their beds, Travis sat on the couch, Kylie curled up against him. As he stared at the television screen, his mind flipped through the images from the past week. The laughter, the smiles. It had turned out exactly as he’d hoped it would, the perfect Christmas gift.

  “What’s on your mind?” Kylie asked, turning her head so she was looking up at him.

  Travis peered down at her. “Our vacation.”

  Her hand flattened over his chest, rubbing gently. “It was perfect, Travis. The kids had the best time.”

  “What about you?” He’d seen her smile, watched her laugh and interact with his family and hers, so he hoped she had enjoyed herself, though he honestly wasn’t sure if he’d stopped long enough to ask.

  “It was amazing. But I would’ve had a good time if we’d stayed here.”

  He kissed her forehead. “Really?”

  “Yes. Anywhere is perfect, as long as you and Gage are with me, and the kids. I don’t need much more than that.”

  “So that’s a no to making it a yearly occurrence?”

  Kylie giggled. “Hey, if you want all of us
to invade the resort for five days out of every year, who am I to argue?”

  “And the others? Did they have a good time?” Travis knew his insecurities were showing, but when it came to Kylie, he didn’t care. She and Gage were the only two he allowed to see them, because he’d long ago accepted they would love him despite his flaws.

  “From what I gathered, everyone’s hoping for a repeat next year.”

  He nodded, glanced at the television.

  “Only next year,” she continued, “maybe we can be in on the secret. Help out some.”

  “You do enough as it is,” he told her, pulling her closer to him.

  “So do you,” she countered, shifting so that she was sitting up.

  Travis instantly missed her warmth, but he turned his full attention to her.

  “Are you tellin’ me you don’t like surprises, wife?” he teased.

  “Oh, I definitely like them.” Kylie moved toward him, on her knees. “But I prefer to give them more than to get them.”

  When his wife straddled his thighs, he rested his hands on her hips. “Is that what you’re doin’ now?”

  “Attempting to. Is it working?”

  “Most definitely.”

  She leaned forward, smiled, then pressed her lips to his.

  “You’re gonna wake the beast,” he informed her when she dipped her fingers into the waistband of his sweatpants.

  “Does he want to come out and play?” she whispered, a teasing note in her voice.

  “You know he does.”

  Kylie pressed her breasts to his chest, her other hand sliding down his whiskered jaw, his neck. Travis relaxed, letting her warmth consume him. He loved when his wife was playful like this. While he’d hoped to enjoy some stolen moments at the resort, time had gotten away from them these past few days. Mainly because they’d been stowed away with five little ones, and sneaking in some private time had been impossible.

  “Do you think it’s safe?” she asked, her lips gliding over his neck.

  His response was a soft growl of approval as he pulled her hips forward, showing her how much he believed it was.

  She was wearing one of Gage’s T-shirts, and Travis loved how her scent mixed with Gage’s. It went right to his head every damn time.


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