The Thirty-Year Genocide

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The Thirty-Year Genocide Page 77

by Benny Morris

119. Hampson to Currie, 28 July 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1887; Cambon to Foreign Office, 3 September 1895, MAE, Turquie 523, 240; and Bergeron, Consul in Erzurum, to Cambon, 8 August 1895, MAE Turquie 523, 245.

  120. Hallward to Graves, 2 February 1895, Turkey No. 6 (1896), 237–239.

  121. Henry D. Barnham (Aleppo) to Currie, 1 June 1895, Turkey No. 6 (1896), 320.

  122. Terrell to Olney, 1 October 1895, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 20; Cambon to Foreign Office, 30 September 1895, MAE, Turquie 523, 403–404;Terrell to Olney, 24 October 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1325–1327; and Dwight, “Bad Days at Constantinople,” undated, Houghton ABC

  16.10.1, Vol. 5. See also Ottoman police reports about preparations before the demonstration, 26 September 1895, BOA, Y. PRK. ASK, 106 / 67.

  123. Currie to Salisbury, 3 October 1895, Turkey No. 2 (1896), 30–35.

  124. Currie to Salisbury, 1 October 1895, Turkey No. 2 (1896), 22. “Inclosure 2 in No. 50. Petition,”

  30 September 1895, Turkey No. 2 (1896), 32–35.

  125. Currie to Salisbury, 3 October 1895, Turkey No. 2 (1896), 30–35.

  126. Cambon to Foreign Minister, 30 September 1895, MAE, Turquie 524, 11–13. See also later detailed reports: Cambon to Foreign Minister, 2 October 1895, MAE, Turquie 524, 27–31; and Currie to Salisbury, 1 October 1895, Turkey No. 2 (1896), No. 30, 22.

  127. Cambon to Foreign Minister, 30 September 1895, MAE, Turquie 524, 11–13.

  128. Currie to Salisbury, 1 October 1895, Turkey No. 2 (1896), No. 30, 22.

  129. Cambon to Foreign Minister, [?Paris?] 30 September 1895, MAE, Turquie 523, 11–13.

  130. Cambon to Foreign Minister, 30 September 1895, MAE, Turquie 523, 11–13.

  131. Cambon to Foreign Minister, 2 October 1895, MAE, Turquie 524, 11.

  132. Cambon to Foreign Minister, 2 October 1895, MAE, Turquie 524, 11.

  Notes to Pages 68–73

  133. Henry Dwight, “Bad Days at Constantinople,” undated, Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol. 5.

  134. Cambon to Foreign Minister, 2 October 1895, MAE, Turquie 524, 11–13 and 58.

  135. Currie to Salisbury, 2 October 1895, Turkey No. 2 (1896), 22–23.

  136. Terrell to Olney, 8 October 1895, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 20.

  137. Cambon to Foreign Minister, 2 October 1895, MAE, Turquie 524, 11–13.

  138. Cambon to Foreign Minister, 2 October 1895, MAE, Turquie 524, 11–13; and Ottoman reports, 5 October 1895, BOA, Y. PRK. ZB, 16 / 49. See also instructions against letting those besieged in the churches leave with their weapons, 6 October 1895, BOA, Y. A. RES, 76 / 54.

  139. Terrell to Olney, 1 October 1895; Terrell to Olney, 3 October 1895; and undated “Copy of Tele-gram,” Terrell to Olney, Washington, all three in USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 20; and Dwight, “Bad Days at Constantinople,” undated, Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol. 5.

  140. Terrell to Richard Olney, 8 October 1895, enclosure, “Translation from the Sabah of October 5,”

  USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 20; and Dwight to Currie, 12 October 1895, UKNA FO

  195 / 1907.

  141. Dwight to Currie, 12 October 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1907. For the Ottoman description of events see Police Minister (Nazir- i zabtiye) Nazim’s report, 5 October 1895, BOA, Y. PRK. ZB, 16 / 51. Its gist is that, amid shouts of “long live Armenia,” Armenians attacked Muslims who then defended themselves.

  142. Cambon to Foreign Minister, 3 October 1895, MAE, Turquie 524, 39–49.

  143. Terrell to Olney, 8 October 1895, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 20.

  144. Dwight, “Bad Days at Constantinople,” undated, Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol. 5.

  145. Terrell to Olney, 8 October 1895, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 20; and J. W.

  Whittall to Currie, 14 October 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1907.

  146. Currie to Salisbury, 22 October 1895, Inclosure 2 in No. 204, “Vizirial Order addressed to the Valis of Erzerum, Van, Bitlis, Diyarbekir, Mamuret- ul- Aziz, and Sivas, and to the Inspector, Shakir Pasha,”

  and Inclosure No. 3 to No. 204, “Scheme of Reforms,” Turkey No. 1 (1896), 160–176.



  History of the Armenian Genocide, 163.

  148. Terrell to Olney, 24 October 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1325–1328. See also Fuller (Aintab) to Smith, 31 October 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  149. Unsigned, undated memorandum headed “Trebizond, October 9, 1895,” UKNA FO 195 / 1907.

  It was prob ably written by a missionary. See also Cambon to Foreign Minister, 15 December 1895, MAE, Turquie 525, 287–288. The French consul, Villière, said, “The taste for pillage has developed among the Turkish population to an alarming degree.” He noted that the Turks had targeted other Christian populations, including the region’s Greeks, many of whom fled to Rus sia.

  150. Longworth to Currie, 17 December 1894, UKNA FO 195 / 1854.

  151. Terrell to Olney, 16 December 1895, USNA RG 84, Turkey (Constantinople), Vol. 20.

  152. Cambon to Foreign Minister, 12 December 1895, MAE, Turquie 525, 284–300.

  153. Barnham to Currie, 24 November 1895, Turkey No. 2 (1896), 227.

  154. Longworth to Herbert, 6 November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902.

  155. Hampson to Cumberbatch, 3 December 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1893.

  156. Hampson to Cumberbatch, 7 January 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1941.

  157. Fitzmaurice (Urfa) to Currie, 6 September 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1930. For a copy of an Ottoman circular, perhaps the one referred to by Fitzmaurice, see police report, 20 February 1896, BOA, Y. PRK.

  ASK, 106 / 67.

  158. Fontana to Currie, 19 May 1896, with two attached signed depositions, UKNA FO 195 / 1944.

  159. Longworth to Currie, 9 October 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902. For an Ottoman description of these events, see report sent to the grand vizier’s bureau (Sadaret Mektubi, Mühimme Kalemi), 14 October 1895, BOA, A. MKT. MHM, 638 / 7; see also petitions submitted to the Sultan, 19 October 1895,

  Notes to Pages 73–76

  BOA, Y. MTV, 130 / 10. For the French take, see consul in Trabzon to Cambon, 15 October 1895, MAE, Turquie 524, 280–297.

  160. Unsigned, undated memorandum headed “Trebizond, October 9, 1895,” UKNA FO

  195 / 1907.

  161. Longworth to Currie, 5 October 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902; and “Report on the Armenian Trou bles at Trebizond, Signed by the Civil and Military Officials, the Ulema s, and Notables of the Vilayet (Mussulman, Greek, Orthodox, and Catholic),” enclosed in Mavroyeni Bey, Ottoman ambassador to Washington, to Olney, 27 December 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1418–1420.

  162. The French consul claimed the vali menaced the Trabzon Armenians until they handed over the suspects (consul to Cambon, 15 October 1895, MAE, Turquie 524, 280–297).

  163. “Report on the Armenian Trou bles at Trebizond, Signed by the Civil and Military Officials, the Ulema s, and Notables of the Vilayet (Mussulman, Greek, Orthodox, and Catholic),” enclosed in Mavroyeni Bey to Olney, 27 December 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1418–1420.

  164. Longworth to Currie, 5 October 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902.

  165. “Report on the Armenian Trou bles at Trebizond, Signed by Civil and Military Officials, the Ulema s, and Notables of the Vilayet (Mussulman, Greek, Orthodox, and Catholic),” FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1418–1420; and petitions and report by Trabzon Vali, Mehmet Kadri, to Grand Vizier, 19 October 1895, BOA, Y. MTV, 130 / 10.

  166. Unsigned typewritten report prob ably by an American missionary, Trebizond, 9 October 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1907.

  167. Herbert to Salisbury, 9 November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1870; and Longworth to Herbert, 2

  November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902.

  168. Longworth to Herbert, 14 November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902. See also Cambon to Foreign Minister, 18 December 1895, MAE, Turquie 525, 310; and Deringil, “Armenian Question Is Fi nally Closed.”

  169. Longworth to Currie, 12 October 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902.

  170. Cambon to Foreign Minister, 16 March 1896, MAE, Turquie 527, 95–96.

  171. Longworth to Currie, 7 February 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1936. Some, if not all of the Turkish and Greek dead were apparently killed by Turks (Longworth to Currie, 12 October 1895, Turkey No. 2 (1896), 87–88; and Kadri to Grand Vizier, 19 October 1895, BOA, Y. MTV, 130 / 10). See also Cambon to Foreign Minister, 31 October 1895, MAE, Turquie 524, 271–272.

  172. Longworth to Herbert, 2 November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902.

  173. Longworth to Currie, 18 October 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902.

  174. Longworth to Herbert, 2 November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902.

  175. Longworth to Currie, 9 October 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902.

  176. “Report on the Armenian Trou bles at Trebizond, Signed by the Civil and Military Officials, the Ulema s, and Notables of the Vilayet (Mussulman, Greek, Orthodox, and Catholic),” enclosed in Mavroyeni Bey to Olney, 27 December 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1418–1420. Also, see report by Mehmet Kadri to Grand Vizier, 19 October 1895, BOA, Y. MTV, 130 / 10.

  177. Grand Vizier, “Account of the Trebizond Massacres,” undated, Turkey No. 2 (1896), 118–122; and Cambon to Foreign Ministry, 29 October 1895 and 31 October 1895, MAE, Turquie 524, 227, 271.

  178. Quoted in Ihrig, Justifying Genocide, 38.

  179. Longworth to Currie, 9 October 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902. The Greeks later denied participation in the killing and looting, but Longworth stuck to his guns, writing, “That Greeks participated in the looting is unquestionable” (Longworth to Currie, 23 April 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1936).

  180. Longworth to Currie, 12 October 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902.

  181. Longworth to Currie, 9 October 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902.

  Notes to Pages 76–80

  182. Longworth to Currie, 12 October 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902; and collection of reports from Trabzon, October– November 1895, “Projets de réformes,” 199–200, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 211–212.

  183. Longworth to Currie, 8 February 1896, Turkey No. 8 (1896), 61.

  184. Longworth to Herbert, 2 November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902. For the French take, see reports from Trèbizonde, October- November 1895, “Projets de réformes,” 199–200, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 211–212. Lepsius also concluded that the killing began and ended “at the signal of a trumpet.”

  Ihirg, Justifying Genocide, 50.

  185. Sanders to Barnham, 11 January 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1883.

  186. Lucius O. Lee (Maraş) to Judson Smith, 30 October 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  187. F. W. Macallum (?) to Smith, 6 November 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  188. Extract from Lee (Maraş) to ?, 13 November 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1359.

  189. Unsigned but prob ably by Lee, undated, “The Massacre in Marash,” Houghton ABC 16.9.5; and summary of reports from 23 October, 3 November, and 18 November 1895, in “Projets de réformes,”

  208, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 211–212. The Ottoman Army comprised vari ous Muslim groups, including Arabs.

  190. Unsigned letter from Maraş American missionary, 28 November 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1434–1437; Marsden (?) to ?, undated, Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol. 6; and extract from Lee to ?, 20

  November 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1387.

  191. Unsigned, undated, handwritten memorandum (prob ably by Lee), “The Massacre in Marash,”

  Houghton ABC 16.9.5. See also Deringil, “Armenian Question Is Fi nally Closed.”

  192. Currie to Salisbury (quoting a cable from Barnham), 30 January 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1914; and instructions from Grand Vizier’s office to Maraş vilayet, 18 November 1895, BOA, A. MKT. MHM, 647 / 12.

  193. Lee to Smith, 9 February 1896, Houghton ABC 16.9.5. French missionaries later concluded that 856 had been killed and 140 houses levelled (Barnham to Currie, 6 January 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1932).

  194. Lee to Whittall, 28 March 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1950; and Lee to Smith, 30 March 1896, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  195. Thomas D. Christie (Tarsus) to McWilliams, 20 November 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  196. Unsigned, undated letter or memorandum, by a Maraş American missionary, Houghton ABC

  16.10.1, Vol. 5.

  197. Ibid.; and Barnham to Currie, 31 December 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1883.

  198. Macallum to Smith, 31 July 1896, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  199. Barnham to Currie, 6 January 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1932.

  200. Marsden (?) to ?, undated, Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol. 6.

  201. Barnham (Aleppo) to Currie (quoting a “private and confidential” letter from Maraş, prob ably from Lee), 25 November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1883. One missionary, prob ably Lee, wrote that “the massacre was . . . carefully planned by the authorities” (unsigned, undated “The Massacre in Marash,”

  Houghton ABC 16.9.5).

  202. Barnham to Currie, 6 January 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1932.

  203. Lee to Smith, 30 March 1896, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  204. Macallum to Smith, 26 November 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  205. “Extract from a private letter from Mr. [Thomas] Boyajian [the former British vice- consul at Diyarbekir], dated July 15th, 1895, Kharput,” UKNA FO 195 / 1892. See also French report on Harput from 28 June 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1906.

  206. Barnum to Dwight, 2 October 1895, attached to Dwight to Currie, 16 October 1895, UKNA FO

  195 / 1907.

  Notes to Pages 80–83

  207. Unknown author, “Extracts from Private Letters from Kharput,” 19 August and 12 August 1895, Turkey No. 2 (1896), 10–11. Father Adorno, a Capuchin monk, described how revolutionaries arrived in town and animated the Armenians with talk of in de pen dence and bombings (Boulinière to Hannotaux, 23 May 1896, MAE, Turquie 528, 118–119).

  208. “Private letter from Kharpout, October 25th & 26th, 1895,” 28 October 1895, UKNA FO

  195 / 1893.

  209. Gates to Terrell, 19 November 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1370–1375. The massacre at Bitlis occurred on October 25. Hundreds were murdered.

  210. Cumberbatch to Currie, 1 February 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1941, enclosing the translation of a letter from an unnamed Shepik Armenian, from 31 December 1895, describing what happened; and Gates to Terrell, 19 November 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1371–1372, regarding other villages. American missionaries in Harput later put the total number of Christians killed in the mission district during October–

  November at 15,834, the figure including those killed in Diyarbekir (2,000), Malatya (5,000), and Arabkir (4,000). For some reason the figure excluded Harput town (“List of Houses burnt and of Persons killed in the District of the American Mission of Kharput,” enclosed in Cumberbatch to Currie, 8 January 1896, Turkey No. 8 (1896), 11).

  211. Gates to Terrell, 19 November 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1370–1375; Cambon to Foreign Minister, 14 November 1895 and 12 December 1895, MAE, Turquie 525, 75–76 and 286; and “Affidavit of Rev. H. N. Barnum,” 17 September 1896, FRUS 1896, 888–889.

  212. “Affidavit of Mrs. Mary E. Barnum,” 17 September 1896, FRUS 1896, 890.

  213. Gates to Terrell, 19 November 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1370–1375.

  214. Fontana to Currie, 25 April 1896, and Fontana, “Summary of Evidence,” UKNA FO 195 / 1944.

  215. Unsigned but apparently by a missionary named von Fischer, “Inclosure 1,” Harput, 26 November 1895, in Terrell to Olney, 15 December 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1395–1397.

  216. Wheeler to Dr. and Mrs. Barton, 30 December 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.8, Vol. 8.

  217. Gates to Terrell, 19 November 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1370–1375; and Emily Wheeler to ?, 4 December 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.8, Vol. 7.

  218. Fontana to Currie, 25 April 1896, and Fontana, “Summary of Evidence,” UKNA FO 195 / 1944; and summary of reports on Harput, 10–11 November 1895, in “Projets de réformes,” 203, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 211–212.

  219. Barnum to Terrell, 21 November 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1380–1381. See also Cambon to Foreign minister, 12 December 1895, MAE, Turqu
ie 525, 286–287.

  220. ? (Harput) to Terrell, 9 December 1895, enclosed in Terrell to Olney, 29 December 1895, FRUS

  1895, Part 2, 1423–1427.

  221. Fontana to Currie, 25 April 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1944.

  222. Gates to Terrell, 25 November 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1392–1395.

  223. Gates to Smith, 30 November 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.8, Vol. 5. Cambon reported that the authorities had assured the Kurds that they would not be punished if they attacked the Christians (12 December 1895, MAE, Turquie 525, 284–293).

  224. Fontana to Currie, 25 April 1896, and Fontana, “Summary of Evidence,” UKNA FO 195 / 1944.

  225. “Extract from another letter evidently written by Hafiz Mehmet . . . ,” 23 November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1944.


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