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The Thirty-Year Genocide Page 78

by Benny Morris

  226. Unknown author, “Letter received from Kharput,” 13 November 1895, Turkey No. 2 (1896), 206–207.

  227. ? to Terrell, 9 December 1895, enclosed in Terrell to Olney, 29 December 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1423–1427.

  228. Gates to Terrell, 25 November 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1392–1395.

  Notes to Pages 83–88

  229. Fontana to Currie, 25 April 1896, and Fontana, “Summary of Evidence,” UKNA FO 195 / 1944.

  230. Gates to Terrell, 19 November 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1374. A French investigation later put the number of conversions in the Harput region at 12,500 (June 1896, MAE, Turquie 528, 320).

  231. “Inclosure 1,” Harput, 26 November 1895, in Terrell to Olney, 15 December 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1395–1397; and Fontana to Currie, 25 April 1895, and Fontana, “Summary of Evidence,” UKNA FO 195 / 1944.

  232. ? (Harput) to Terrell, 9 December 1895, enclosed in Terrell to Olney, 29 December 1895, FRUS

  1895, Part 2, 1423–1427; and Deringil, “Armenian Question Is Fi nally Closed,” 354.

  233. Cumberbatch to Currie, 10 March 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1941.

  234. ? (Harput) to Terrell, 9 December 1895, enclosed in Terrell to Olney, 29 December 1895, FRUS

  1895, Part 2, 1423–1427.

  235. ? (Harput) to Terrell, 9 December 1895, enclosed in Terrell to Olney, 29 December 1895, FRUS

  1895, Part 2, 1423–1427; and ? (Harput) to Terrell, 18 December 1895, enclosed in Terrell to Olney, 10

  January 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1452–1453.

  236. “Inclosure 2 in No. 11,” attached to Cumberbatch to Currie, 11 March 1896, Turkey No. 8 (1896), 105.

  237. Unsigned, undated memorandum, prob ably by a missionary, from late January 1896, Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol. 6; and a breakdown of these statistics is in Terrell to Currie, undated but from February 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1949.

  238. Carrie Bush, “Work for Orphans in the Harpoot Field,” 28 July 1896, Houghton ABC 16.9.7.



  240. ? (Harput) to Armenian relief Commission, 1 February 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1949.

  241. “Report of G. B. Fitzmaurice to Sir Philip Currie, Constantinople— Ourfa, March 16, 1896,”

  Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol. 12. Fitzmaurice wrote, “I have obtained” most of the information “from Mussulman sources, or have had [it] confirmed by Mussulman authority.” His description tallies with that of the French consul in Baghdad, who also relied on diverse sources (consul to Cambon, 23 February 1896, MAE, Turquie 527, 160).

  242. “Report of G. H. Fitzmaurice to Sir Philip Currie, Constantinople— Ourfa, March 16, 1896,”

  Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol. 12.

  243. Shattuck to Friends, 4 November 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  244. “Report of G. H. Fitzmaurice to Sir Philip Currie, Constantinople— Ourfa, March 16, 1896,”

  Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol. 12.

  245. “Copy of Journal of Miss Corinna Shattuck of the American Mission at Aintab, Five Terrible Weeks at Ourfa,” UKNA FO 195 / 1907.

  246. Ibid. See also Pognon, the consul in Baghdad, to de la Moulinière, 23 February 1896, MAE, Turquie 527, 158–160.

  247. “Report of G. H. Fitzmaurice to Sir Philip Currie, Constantinople— Ourfa, March 16, 1896,”

  Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol. 12; and “Copy of Journal of Miss Corinna Shattuck of the American Mission at Aintab, Five Terrible Weeks at Ourfa,” UKNA FO 195 / 1907. The first massacre was succinctly reported in an Ottoman tele gram on 29 October 1895, blaming the Armenians (see Nazim, Ermeni Olayları Tarihi, vol. 1, 99).

  248. “Report of G. H. Fitzmaurice to Sir Philip Currie, Constantinople— Ourfa, March 16, 1896,”

  Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol. 12.

  249. Shattuck to “Friends,” 4 November 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5; and French consul, Baghdad, to ?, undated, MAE, Turquie 527, 158–159, conveying the gist of the Capuchin novice’s report.

  250. “Report of G. H. Fitzmaurice to Sir Philip Currie, Constantinople— Ourfa, March 16, 1896,”

  Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol. 12.

  Notes to Pages 88–92

  251. Shattuck to “Friends,” 7 January 1896, Houghton ABC 16.9.5. See also Cambon to Foreign Minister, 8 January 1895, MAE, Turquie 526, 37–38. The French consul in Baghdad wrote that the protection afforded the missionaries was a proof of the authorities’ complicity in the massacre (MAE, Turquie 527, 159).

  252. “Report of G. H. Fitzmaurice to Sir Philip Currie, Constantinople— Ourfa, March 16, 1896,”

  Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol. 12.

  253. Shattuck to “Friends,” 7 January 1896, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  254. “Report of G. H. Fitzmaurice to Sir Philip Currie, Constantinople— Ourfa, March 16, 1896,”

  Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol. 12.

  255. “Report of G. H. Fitzmaurice to Sir Philip Currie, Constantinople— Ourfa, March 16, 1896,”

  Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol. 12; and Barnham to Currie, 6 January 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1932.

  256. Barnham to Currie, 10 January 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1932.

  257. ? to ?, 3 February 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1949.

  258. Shattuck to ?, 22 March 1896, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  259. Fitzmaurice to Herbert, 27 June 1896, Turkey No. 8 (1896), 270.

  260. “Report of G. H. Fitzmaurice to Sir Philip Currie, Constantinople— Ourfa, March 16, 1896,”

  Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol. 12.

  261. Fitzmaurice (Urfa) to Currie, 10 September 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1930.

  262. Shattuck to Judsen Smith, 1 February 1896, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  263. Currie to Salisbury, c. 9 January 1896 (draft tele gram), UKNA FO 195 / 1914.

  264. Boyajian to Currie, 26 March 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1887; Armenian Patriarchate, “Occurrences in 1895 in Asia Minor,” undated but from 1896, 327; and summaries of reports on events in Diyarbekir, November- December 1895, “Projets de réformes,” 204–205, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 211–212.

  265. “The Martyrdom of Protestant Preachers in the Region of Diyarbekir,” unsigned and undated, Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol. 6; and Armenian Patriarchate, “Occurrences in 1895 in Asia Minor,” undated, Turkey No. 2 (1896), 327. See also de Courtois, Forgotten Genocide, 110.

  266. A series of Ottoman reports to the grand vizier’s office on “clashes” between Muslims and Christians, early November 1895, BOA, A. MKT. MHM, 636 / 11, 14, 16, 17, 44. One of the reports is by an Ira nian consul concerning “Armenian provocations.” Another describes steps taken to stop Kurdish attacks on Armenian villages. See also Hallward to Cumberbatch, 17 March 1896, Turkey No. 8 (1896), 126–127; and summaries of reports from November– December 1895, in “Projets de réformes,” 204–

  205, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 211–212.



  Talaat Pasha, 103–104.

  268. An unsigned letter from Mardin, 25 November 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1408–1410; and “The Martyrdom of Protestant Preachers in the Region of Diyarbekir,” unsigned and undated, Houghton ABC

  16.10.1, Vol. 6. See also reports to Grand Vizier’s office about attacks against Assyrians, 26 November 1895, BOA, A. MKT. MHM, 619 / 23; attacks on villages in the area of Lice, 14 December 1895, BOA, A. MKT. MHM, 613 / 23, 636 / 17; and orders to prevent future attacks, 21 November 1895, BOA, A. MKT. MHM, 636 / 33.




  Forgotten Genocide, 114–118; and Gaunt, Massacres, 43.

  270. In his report to the grand vizier, the vali of Diyarbekir estimated that 70 Muslims and “over 300”

  Armenians had been killed in the province, 5 November 1895, BOA, A. MKT. MHM, 636 / 16.

  271. Hampson to Cumberbatch, 11 December 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1893. On Lice, see also 26 November 1895, BOA, A. MKT. MHM, 619 / 23.

  272. Hallward to Cumberbatch, 17 March 1896, Turkey No. 8 (1896), 126–129.

  273. Hampson to Cumberbatch, 11 December 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1893. O
n Lice, see also BOA, A. MKT. MHM, 619 / 23, 26 November 1895.

  Notes to Pages 92–96

  274. F. D. Shepard to James Barton, 9 October 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  275. Barnham to Currie, ? November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1883.

  276. Extract from letter from Fuller, Aintab, to Chas E. Swett, 9 May 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  277. Barnham to Currie, ? November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1883; and Poche to Terrell, 2 November 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1346–1347.

  278. Fuller to Smith, 5 November 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  279. Fuller to Clark, 23 November 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5; and Fuller to Lord Bryce, 5

  March 1896, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  280. Fuller to Clark, 23 November 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  281. Fuller to Clark, 23 November 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5; and Shepard to Alice Shepard, 18

  November 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  282. Saunders to Terrell, 27 November 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1388–1390.

  283. Fuller to Clark, 23 November 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5; Shepard to Alice Shepard, 18 November 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5; and summary of report on Aleppo, September (?) 1895, “Projets de réformes,” 207, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 211–212.

  284. Barnham to Currie, 21 January 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1932.

  285. Barnham to Currie, 21 January 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1932.

  286. Fuller to Clark, 23 November 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  287. Barnham to Currie, ? November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1883.

  288. F. D. Shepard to Alice Shepard, 18 November 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  289. Fuller to Smith, 25 December 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  290. Barnham to Currie, ? November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1883.

  291. Barnham to Currie, 21 January 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1932. An order from the grand vizier’s office to the governors of Aleppo and Diyarbekir cited intelligence reports claiming that the outlaws (erbab- ı fesad) in Antep were waiting for an opportunity to renew their rebellion (26 December 1895, BOA, A.

  MKT. MHM, 648 / 6). See also Fuller to Smith, 6 February 1896, and Rebecca Kreikorian to “my Sister,”

  5 February 1896, both in Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  292. Fuller to ?, 17 December 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  293. Barnham to Currie, 21 January 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1932.

  294. “Notes on the Situation at Aintab (Province of Aleppo),” 6 February 1896, unsigned, attached to Dwight to Currie, 19 February 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1949.

  295. Fuller, “News Notes No. 1,” 12 March 1896, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  296. Fuller, “News Notes No. 2,” 19 March 1896, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  297. Fuller to Smith, 25 December 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  298. Catoni to Herbert, 1 July 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1932.

  299. Fuller to Smith, 25 December 1895, Houghton ABC 16.9.5.

  300. Sanders to Barnham, 11 December 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1883.

  301. Barnham to Currie, 21 January 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1932.

  302. Barnham to Currie, ? November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1883.

  303. Jewett to Longworth, 26 March 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902.

  304. “The Massacre at Marsovan,” undated, unsigned but by a local missionary, attached to Dodd to Terrell, 19 November 1895, FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1361–1363; Longworth to Currie, 17 December 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902. This figure also appears in Cambon to Foreign Minister, received on 18 November 1895, MAE Turquie 525, 96. See also summary of events in Marsovan, 5 November 1895, in

  “Projets de réformes,” 207, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 211–212.

  305. “Massacre at Gurun,” unsigned and undated, attached to Fontana to Currie, 11 December 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1884.

  Notes to Pages 96–98

  306. Bulman to Currie, 4 February 1896, Turkey No. 8 (1896), 38.

  307. Cambon to Foreign Minister, 26 December 1895, MAE, Turquie 525, 365.

  308. Fontana to Currie, 24 December 1895, Turkey No. 2 (1896), 286.

  309. “Letter Received from Caesarea,” 12 December 1895, Turkey No. 2 (1896), 260–262; Cambon to Foreign Minister, 26 December 1895, MAE, Turquie 525, 366; and Cambon to Foreign Minister, 13

  January 1896, MAE, Turquie 526, 98–99.

  310. Fontana to Currie, 24 December 1895, Turkey No. 2 (1896), 286.

  311. Barnham to Currie, 21 January 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1932; Fitzmaurice to Currie, 5 March 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1930; and unsigned, “The Massacre at Biredjik,” 1 February 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1949.

  312. Fitzmaurice to Currie, 5 March 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1930; and Barnham to Currie, (prob ably) 21 January 1896, Turkey No. 8 (1896), 48.

  313. Fitzmaurice to Herbert, 22 July 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1930.

  314. Fitzmaurice to Currie, 8 March 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1953.

  315. R. Chambers (Bahçecik, Izmit) to Currie, 16 October 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1907; and Currie to Salisbury, 17 October 1895, and Currie to Salisbury, 22 October 1895, both in Turkey No. 2 (1896), 54–55, and 56–57.

  316. Armenian Patriarchate, “Occurrences in 1895 in Asia Minor,” 1896, Turkey No. 2 (1896), 323.

  Hampson (Muş) to Cumberbatch, 29 October 1895, and 6 November 1895, both in UKNA FO 195 / 1893; and George Knapp (Bitlis) to Cumberbatch, 6 November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1893.

  317. Longworth to Herbert, 15 November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902.

  318. Cumberbatch to Herbert, 12 November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1893; Armenian Patriarchate,

  “Occurrences in 1895 in Asia Minor,” undated but from 1896, Turkey No. 2 (1896), 322; and unsigned notes on the October- December massacres, prob ably by a U.S. missionary, undated, Houghton ABC

  16.10.1, Vol. 5.

  319. Cumberbatch to Herbert, 12 November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1893; Cumberbatch to Herbert, 4 November 1895, and V. Maximov (consul- general of Rus sia), A. Monaco (consul of Italy), Cumberbatch, and Roqueferrier (vice- consul of France), “Memorandum,” 7 November 1895, both in UKNA FO

  195 / 1893; “Information Furnished by the Governor- General of the Vilayet of Erzerum on the Facts Mentioned in the Memorandum Drawn Up by the Rus sian Consul- General, the Italian and British Consuls, and the French Vice- Consul on the Subject of the Disorders which Took Place in the Capital of the Vilayet,” undated, Turkey No. 8 (1896), 44–45; and “Observations by Consul Cumberbatch on the Report of the Governor- General of Erzurum, Commenting on the Consular Memorandum on the Disorders at Erzurum,” attached to Cumberbatch to Currie, 6 March 1896, Turkey No. 8 (1896), 94–98.

  320. Fitzmaurice to Currie, 25 March 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1930.

  321. Gates, “Three Cities,” 26 November 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1953.

  322. Armenian Patriarchate, “Occurrences in 1895 in Asia Minor,” undated but 1896, Turkey No. 2

  (1896), 325.

  323. Armenian Patriarchate, “Occurrences in 1895 in Asia Minor,” undated but 1896, Turkey No. 2

  (1896), 326. Unsigned memorandum, untitled, Harput, 20 August 1896, Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol.

  12. Unsigned, “Remarks,” UKNA FO 195 / 1907, speaks of “5,029” killed at Malatya.

  324. Fitzmaurice to Currie, 25 March 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1930.

  325. Jewett to Longworth, 13 November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902; Longworth to Currie, 28 November 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1902; Terrell to Olney, 12 December 1895, and enclosure, “Massacre at Sivas,” FRUS 1895, Part 2, 1390–1391; and Armenian Patriarchate, “Occurrences in 1895 in Asia Minor,”

  undated but 1896, Turkey No. 2 (1896), 328.

  326. Bulman to Currie, 31 December 1895, UKNA FO 195 / 1887.

  Notes to Pages 98–101

  327. Untitled memorandum, signature unclear (but by a U.S. missionary), 17 February 1896, Houghton ABC 16.10.1, Vol. 5.

  328. ? (Tokat) to Herbert, 25 June 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1951; and Longworth to Herbert, 13

  July 1896, Turkey No. 8 (1896), 276.

  329. Barnham to Currie, 28 January 1896, UKNA FO 195 / 1932.

  330. “Memor
andum by Consul Barnham respecting the Zeitoun Insurrection, 1895–96,” 18 June 1896, attached to Barnham to Salisbury, 21 June 1896, Turkey No. 8 (1896), 212–213.

  331. Quoted in Salt, Imperialism, Evangelism, 60.

  332. “Memorandum by Consul Barnham . . . ,” Turkey No. 8 (1896), 213.

  333. “Memorandum by Consul Barnham . . . ,” Turkey No. 8 (1896), 213–214; and Ottoman Army intelligence report about rebels and weapons in Zeytun, 6 November 1895, BOA, Y. PRK. ASK, 108 / 18.

  See also Verheij, “Les Frères de terre et d’eau,” 250–251.

  334. Halil Pasha (vali of Sivas) to the Imperial Palace, 30 October 1895, BOA, Y. PRK. UM, 33 / 21.


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