The Thirty-Year Genocide

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The Thirty-Year Genocide Page 82

by Benny Morris

  Celal published his memoirs in installments in the newspaper Vakit.

  2. Enclosure by Merrill in Jackson to Morgenthau, 21 April 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.00, Roll 6.


  Talât to Resid, 12 July 1915, BOA, DH. SFR, 54 / 406; and Üngör, “Center and Periphery in the Armenian Genocide,” 71–72.


  Dündar, Crime of Numbers, 87–89.


  Dündar, Crime of Numbers, 83.

  6. “Council of Ministers” (Meclis- i vükela) decision, 30 May 1915, MV 198 / 24, Sevk ve Iskan, 155–

  157, doc. 81.


  Dündar, Crime of Numbers, 103–104.

  8. “Report by Eyewitness Lieutenant Sayied Ahmed Moukhtar Baas,” 26 December 1916, UKNA FO 371 / 2768. Dündar, Crime of Numbers, 91, and full text, in Turkish and translation, on 217–218.


  Akçam, Young Turks’ Crime, 193–194.

  10. Celal Bey, Memoirs, Vakit, 12 December 1918.



  Armenian Massacres, 162.

  12. Jagow, Berlin, to Constantinople embassy, 15 January 1914, DE / PA- AA / R14083.

  13. Wangenheim to Bethmann- Hollweg, 30 December 1914, DE / PA- AA / R14085.

  Notes to Pages 175–179

  14. Interior Ministry’s Security Directorate to Van, Bitlis, and Erzurum vilayets, 17 February 1915, BOA, DH. EUM. MEM, 61 / 3.

  15. Security Directorate to Van, Bitlis, and Erzurum vilayets, 12 April 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 52 / 321; Army General Staff to Trabzon vilayet, 15 April 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 52 / 15; Interior Ministry to Erzurum vilayet, 21 April 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 468 / 46 (confirmed on 22 April 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 468 / 66); and Interior Ministry to vali of Erzurum, 11 May 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 470 / 122.

  16. Interior Ministry’s Special Bureau (Kalem- i mahsus) to Erzurum vilayet, 5 April 1915, BOA, DH.

  ŞFR, 51 / 215.

  17. Malta file of Mahmud Kiamil Pasha opened on 29 May 1919, UKNA FO 371 / 6500. On the meeting (no exact date given) and on Third Army commander Kamil see, among others, Akçam, Shameful Act, 172.

  18. Vilayet of Mamuretulaziz to Interior Ministry, 4 March 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 463 / 117; and Finance Ministry to Sivas and other vilayets, 7 May 1915, DH. ŞFR, 52 / 249. See also Army General Staff to Interior Ministry, 22 July 1914, Sevk ve Iskan, 88–89, doc. 26.

  19. Wangenheim to consul in Erzurum, 28 April 1915, DE / PA- AA / BoKon / 168. These instructions were repeated a few days later (Wangenheim to consul in Erzurum, 19 May 1915, DE / PA- AA / BoKon / 168).

  Scheubner- Richter, who opposed the massacre of Armenians on moral grounds, later became a prominent early Nazi. He was killed at Hitler’s side by police during the Munich Putsch in 1923.

  20. Scheubner- Richter to Wangenheim, 20 May 1915, DE / PA- AA / BoKon / 169. See also a group of deported Armenians to Bishop Sambat of Erzurum, 22 May 1915, DE / PA- AA / BoKon / 169, Enc. 1.

  21. ARF Report dated 29 June 1915, attached to Morgenthau to Sec State, 20 July 1915, U. S. Official Rec ords, 102–104. See also Scheubner- Richter to Wangenheim, 9 July 1915, German Foreign Office, 244–245.

  22. Scheubner- Richter to Wangenheim, 22 May 1915, DE / PA- AA / BoKon / 169.

  23. See for example Interior Ministry to Sivas vilayet, 19 May 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR 471 / 144; and Interior Ministry to Erzurum vilayet, BOA, 18 May 1915, DH. ŞFR, 53 / 48.

  24. File on Tahsin Bey, UKNA FO 371 / 6501. See also Kevorkian, Armenian Genocide, 294–295.

  25. Testimony of Victoria Khatchadour Barutjibashian, no date, but sent by Morgenthau to SecState, 10 August 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 43. Scheubner- Richter wrote, “According to a statement made by the government, 14 of these people were murdered. . . . I have received private information that almost all the men were murdered” (Scheubner- Richter to Hohenlohe- Langenburg, 5 August 1915, German Foreign Office, 279). See also Lewy, Armenian Massacres, 163.

  26. Victoria Khatchadour Barutjibashian, undated, sent by Morgenthau to SecState, 10 August 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 43.

  27. Report by eyewitness Lieutenant Sayied Ahmed Moukhtar Baas, 26 December 1916, UKNA FO

  371 / 2768. For Scheubner- Richter’s report, see Akçam, Shameful Act, 158; and Suny, They Can Live in the Desert, 279.

  28. Testimony of Missak Vartanian, recorded at Pera on 10 August 1920, Malta file of Hadji Ahmet Adil, UKNA FO 371 / 6501.

  29. Scheubner- Richter to Hohenlohe- Langenburg, 5 August 1915, Enclosure 1, German Foreign Office, 284–285. See also testimony of Rev. Robert Stapleton, (undated), Malta file of Tahsin Bey, UKNA FO 371 / 6501.

  30. Testimony of Kourkin Kellerian, recorded 2 September 1920, Malta file of Madjid Bey, UKNA FO 371 / 6800; and Malta file of Memduh Bey, UKNA FO 371 / 6500. See also Lewy, Armenian Massacres, 164–165.

  31. Evidence of Binganoush Bogosian, recorded 19 May 1919, Malta file of Ejzaji Mehmet Effendi, UKNA FO 37 / 6501.

  Notes to Pages 179–184

  32. Testimony of Mr. Saprastian, recorded at Tiflis on 15 March 1916, file of Tahsin Bey, UKNA FO

  371 / 6501. Akçam believes that Tahsin Bey did his best to resist the deportations and killings ( Shameful Acts, 167). Scheubner- Richter also believed that the vali was blameless, but testimony from Saprastian and others suggests otherwise ( German Foreign Office, 280).



  Armenian Genocide, 313–314.

  34. Col o nel Stange to Military Mission in Istanbul, 23 August 1915, German Foreign Office, 330.

  35. Col o nel Stange’s report, 23 August 1915, German Foreign Office, 328.



  Armenian Genocide, 314. For additional testimony about the Kemah Gorge massacres, see doctor’s report from the German Red Cross Hospital in Erzincan, German Foreign Office, 223.

  See also Scheubner’s remarks quoted in Ihrig, Justifying Genocide, 120.

  37. Davis to Morgenthau, 11 June [should be 11 July] 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 43; and Davis to Morgenthau, 24 July 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 44.

  38. Oscar Heizer to Morgenthau, 12 July 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 43. Heizer wrote: “The real authority here seems to be in the hands of a committee of which Nail Bey is the head and he apparently receives his orders from Constantinople and not from the vali.” See also Akçam, Shameful Act, 179.

  39. Heizer to Morgenthau, 28 June 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 43, attachment translated by the American Embassy.

  40. Ibid. Another eyewitness, Mrs. Tahbazian (?), remembered the government’s threat that anyone who helped Armenians “would be hanged outside his front door and his house burnt” (testimony recorded 22 January 1920, in Malta file of Hadji Bekir Mehmed Ali Bey, UKNA FO 371 / 6501). See also Der Matossian, “Taboo within the Taboo,” 8–9.

  41. Report by eyewitness Lieutenant Sayed Ahmed Moukhtar Baas, 26 December 1916, UKNA FO

  371 / 2768; and Col o nel Stange to German Military Mission in Constantinople, 23 August 1915, DE / PA- AA / BoKon / 170. See also Kevorkian, Armenian Genocide, 469.

  42. Pallavicini to Herrn Stephan Baron Burián, Vienna, 27 June 1915, HHStA, PA XII 209, No. 50 / P.C., 2nd attachment (tele gram dated 26 June 1915).

  43. Heizer to Morgenthau, 28 July 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 44. Another version of the story was told by Mrs. Tahbazian (?), testimony recorded 22 January 1920, in Malta file of Hadji Bekir Mehmed Ali Bey, UKNA FO 371 / 6501. See also report of the mekhitarists of Constantinople to the German Embassy, 7 August 1915, German Foreign Office, 292.

  44. Cemal Azmi, vali of Trabzon, to Talât, 24 June 1915, BOA, DH. EUM. 2Şb, 68 / 39. On Cemal Azmi Bey, known as Sopalı Mutasarrıf, see Akçam, Shameful Act, 132.



  Armenian Genocide, 469.

  46. Heizer to Morgenthau, 28 June 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 43.

  47. Pallavicini to Baron Burián, Vienna, 27 June 1915, HHStA, PA XII
209, No. 50 / P.C. Re: Report No. 49 / P.F of 24 June 1915.

  48. Pallavicini to Baron Burián, Vienna, 27 June 1915, HHStA, PA XII 209, No. 50 / P.C. Heizer to Morgenthau, 28 June 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 43. See also Peet to Morgenthau, 15 July 1915, FDRL, HM Sr. Papers, Letters 473.

  49. Heizer to Morgenthau, 3 July 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 43. See also Ottoman Education Ministry to all vilayets asking for details about suitable lodgings for orphans under ten years of age, 26 June 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 54 / 150.

  50. Report by eyewitness Lieutenant Sayied Ahmed Moukhtar Baas, 26 December 1916, UKNA FO

  371 / 2768. See also Malta file of Hadji Bekir Mehmed Ali Bey, the director of the Trabzon Customs House, UKNA FO 371 / 6501. He allegedly participated in “throwing into the Black Sea little children stuffed in sacks.”

  51. Heizer to Morgenthau, 28 July 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 44.

  Notes to Pages 184–189

  52. Bergfeld to Bethmann- Hollweg, 25 July 1915, German Foreign Office, 263.

  53. “Report by Eyewitness Lieutenant Sayied Ahmed Moukhtar Baas,” 26 December 1916, UKNA FO 371 / 2768.

  54. Heizer to Morgenthau, 28 July 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 44; and Lewy, Armenian Massacres, 179–180.

  55. Bergfeld to Bethmann- Hollweg, 25 July 1915, German Foreign Office, 263.

  56. Heizer to Morgenthau, 28 July 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 44.

  57. Kwiatkowski to Minister in Vienna, 31 July 1915, HHStA, PA XII 209, No. 46 / P.

  58. Heizer to Morgenthau, 10 July 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 43. Mrs. Tahbazian (?), testimony recorded 22 January 1920, in Malta file of Hadji Bekir Mehmed Ali Bey, UKNA FO 371 / 6501.

  59. “Report by Eyewitness Lieutenant Sayied Ahmed Moukhtar Baas,” 26 December 1916, UKNA FO 371 / 2768.

  60. Ibid. See also Austrian Consul Kwiatkowski’s report, quoted in Akçam, Shameful Act, 144.

  61. Heizer to Morgenthau, 28 July 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 44.

  62. Barton to Bryce, 6 June 1916, Bodl. MS Lord Bryce Papers 202.

  63. Unsigned, “Weekly Report on Turkey and other Moslem Countries,” 20 March 1918, UKNA FO 371 / 3400.

  64. Malta file of Fazıl Berki Bey, interned 2.6.1919, UKNA FO 371 / 6500. See also Dadrian, “Role of Turkish Physicians,” 174.

  65. Sivas vilayet to Interior Ministry, 19 May 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 471, 144.

  66. Dadrian, “Secret Young- Turk Ittihadist Conference,” 191.

  67. Testimony of George E. White, 10 April 1918, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–

  1919, no. 818, Roll 39.

  68. Report from 31 May 1915 of Dr. C. E. Clark, attached to Morgenthau to SecState, 12 June 1916, U. S. Official Rec ords, 509–513. See also testimony of George E. White, 10 April 1918, USNA RG 256,

  “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, no. 818, Roll 39.

  69. Armenian Patriarchate to Morgenthau, 15 June 1915, U. S. Official Rec ords, 98.

  70. Report of Dr. C. E. Clark, 31 May 1916, U. S. Official Rec ords, 509–513; and Partridge to Peet, 3

  July 1915, U. S. Official Rec ords, 72–74.

  71. ARF report dated 15 June 1915, attached to Morgenthau to SecState, 20 July 1915, U. S. Official Rec ords, 98–99.

  72. Testimony of White, 10 April 1918, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, no. 818, Roll 39.



  74. Mary L. Graffam to Peet, 7 August 1915, U. S. Official Rec ords, 242.

  75. Jackson to Morgenthau, 29 September 1915, and enclosure 4, U.S. Official Rec ords, 314.

  76. Report sent by teacher in Merzifon to Morgenthau, attached to Morgenthau to SecState, 26

  July 1915, U. S. Official Rec ords, 140–142. See also unsigned, undated report, “Conditions in Marsovan,”

  attached to Morgenthau to SecState, 26 July 1915, U. S. Official Rec ords, 140–143.

  77. Statement by Dr. J. K. Marden, U. S. Official Rec ords, 524.

  78. Testimony of George E. White, 10 April 1918, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–

  1919, no. 818, Roll 39.

  79. Dadrian, “Role of Turkish Physicians,” 179–180.

  80. Justice Ministry to Sivas vilayet, 6 July 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 54 / 318.

  81. Statement from Dr. J. K. Marden, missionary at Merzifon, attached to Maurice Francis Egan (minister in Copenhagen) to SecState, 3 July 1915, U. S. Official Rec ords, 525; and Dündar, Crime of Numbers, 98–101.

  Notes to Pages 189–194

  82. American consular agent in Samsun to Morgenthau, 26 August 1915, U. S. Official Rec ords, 323, 410.

  83. Mary L. Graffam to Peet, 7 August 1915, U. S. Official Rec ords, 240–244. See also Suny, They Can Live in the Desert, 310.



  Bardakçı, Talât Paşanın Evrak- ı Metrukesi, 77.

  85. Testimony of George E. White, 10 April 1918, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–

  1919, no. 818, Roll 39.

  86. Riggs to Barton, 3 February 1913, Houghton ABC 16.9.7, A467, Reel 715.



  Armenian Genocide, 382.

  88. Vali of Mamuretulaziz to Interior Ministry, 6 March 1914, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 463 / 117.

  89. Interior Ministry to Mamuretulaziz vilayet, 6 May 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 470 / 2.





  Namık Bey, former director of police in Harput, (date unclear), and other

  testimonies in Malta file of Saghir Zade Sabit Bey, interned on 2.6.1919, UKNA FO 371 / 6500. On Sabit, see Report of Leslie Davis, American Consul, Formerly of Harput, 9 February 1918, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 46, 7. Akçam, Shameful Acts, 150.

  91. Sabit to Talât, 28 July 1915, in Malta file of Saghir Zade Sabit Bey, UKNA FO 371 / 6500.

  92. The government claimed, in a “Red Book” published in 1916, to have found dynamite and more than 5,000 firearms in the vilayet, but, as Ehmann notes, in real ity little compromising material was discovered (Lewy, Armenian Massacres, 168–169).

  93. Statement of Police Director Mehmet Namik Bey, Malta file of Sashin Zade Sabit Bey, UKNA FO

  371 / 6500.

  94. Ehmann to Wangenheim, 18 May 1915, DE







  168, embassy register

  A53a/1915/3343. See also Jacobsen, Diaries of a Danish Missionary, 62–63.

  95. Davis to Morgenthau, 30 June 1915, U. S. Official Rec ords, 455.



  Diaries of a Danish Missionary, 65.

  97. Ernest Riggs to Peet, 19 July 1915, Houghton ABC, 16.9.7, A467, Reel 715. See also Jacobsen, Diaries of a Danish Missionary, 71; and Testimony of Tacy W. Atkinson, 11 April 1918, USNA RG 256,

  “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, no. 210, Roll 39.

  98. Riggs to Peet, 19 July 1915, Houghton ABC, 16.9.7, A467, Reel 715.

  99. Testimony of Tacy W. Atkinson, missionary in Harput, 11 April 1918, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, no. 210, Roll 39.


  Muhacir s Directorate to Sivas, Trabzon, and Mamuretulaziz vilayets and to Canik mutasarrıflık, 27 June 1915, BOA, DH. ŞFR, 54 / 202.

  101. Report of Leslie A. Davis, 9 February 1918, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 46, 27–29.

  102. Entry for 3 June 1915, Jacobsen, Diaries of a Danish Missionary, 72.

  103. Ibid. See also Report of Leslie A. Davis, 9 February 1918, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 46, 23; and Jacobsen, Diaries of a Danish Missionary, 72.

  104. Davis to Morgenthau, 24 July 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 44. See also Akçam, Shameful Act, 202.



  Diaries of a Danish Missionary, 73–75. See also testimony of Tacy W. Atkinson, 11

  April 1918, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917�
�1919, Doc. 210, Roll 39; and Davis to Morgenthau, 24 July 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 44.

  106. Testimony of Mary W. Riggs, 15 April 1918, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, Roll 39.



  Diaries of a Danish Missionary, 75.


  Talȃt to Mamuretulaziz vilayet, 18 August 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 221, doc. 170.

  109. Report of Leslie A. Davis, 9 February 1918, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 46, 36–37. See also Talȃt to Diyarbekir and Mamuretulaziz vilayets, 31 July 1915, Sevk ve Iskan, 202, doc. 142.

  Notes to Pages 194–199

  110. Testimony of Tacy W. Atkinson, missionary in Harpoot, 11 April 1918, USNA RG 256, “Inquiry Documents,” 1917–1919, no. 210, Roll 39.

  111. Davis to Morgenthau, 11 July 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 43. See also Jacobsen, Diaries of a Danish Missionary, 73–75.

  112. Jackson to SecState, 16 October 1915, USNA RG 59, 867.4016, Roll 44.


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