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The Nexus Mirror

Page 41

by Noah Michael

  A second-born child stood by the graves all those who had been childless. The Chief moved to Gore’s graveside and closed his eyes. Alia moved beside her soldier’s grave and stood erect. The men joined her in solute.

  “Lift the sword of the fallen so that they may live on through the blade.” All at once, the children lifted up their fathers’ swords with great difficulty. The moonlight reflected off the blades onto the children’s tear-stained faces. They held the swords with honor and privilege, igniting within their hearts strength and hope. “Bring pride to your fathers, young ones.”

  The Chief lifted Gore’s blade. “Goodbye, my friend.”

  People returned to their villages as the ceremony ended. Usually, a victory would have been means for festivities, the fallen crowned as heroes in celebration. But never before had the Shadow tribe experienced a victory at such a cost. There was no feeling of victory. That would come later. Now, it was time to heal.

  Arias leaned in as the Chief rejoined him. “Perhaps you should speak to the King about an alliance. Roko may attempt to rebuild his army.”

  “You speak wisely, Arias. I shall go speak with him. You should go be with your sister.”

  Arias looked out towards Atara. She stood solemnly with Suria and a few others by the graves of those who lost their lives in the very first days of having become a warrior.

  “Your majesty.” The Chief walked up to the King, who had just finished visiting the graves of his men.

  “This is the first time my people have ever experienced a military funeral. It is the first time my people have ever fought for a cause.”

  “And how does it feel?”

  “It is terrible, yet rich and full of meaning. For the first time since his death, I can feel my son’s presence. I can feel his touch in the world. These deaths are ephemeral. They represent the eternal cause, the greater purpose that shall live on through their sacrifice.”

  “I believe our people have much to learn from one another. We have forever been too comfortable with war, and you with passivity. We can learn from your value of peace, while you can learn from our value of fighting for something greater.”

  “Are you proposing an alliance?”

  “I believe it to be in the best interest of both our peoples. Who knows if Roko will rise again? I killed his drone. However, there could very well be a greater mind behind it.”

  “My people have indeed been looking to extend our hand to other tribes, to learn and to teach, to advance higher in the global arena. I shall discuss your proposal with my advisors and the senate. We shall meet again to discuss it in more detail.”

  “Thank you, your majesty.”

  “I know that your resources have been greatly diminished. My people shall offer our assistance in rebuilding and defending your kingdom.”

  “I could not thank you enough. Your presence in the next few weeks would be highly appreciated. We shall not forget your kindness.”

  The two leaders shook hands.

  “Your honor.” Yuran turned around, facing Maximus. Sarah stood quietly by his side.

  “How do you feel, Maximus?”

  “My wounds are quickly healing.”

  “How are the humans?”

  “They have been taken care of. They believe that they had witnessed a very graphic film and are ready to be transported back to their homes.”

  “Thank you, Maximus. And you, Sarah...” The Chief looked down at her, a slight smirk upon his face. “You were incredible. You saved thousands of lives.”

  Sarah couldn’t help but produce a small smile.

  “If only Raiden could have been here to see it,” Maximus added.

  “The human shall return. I know it.”

  “I hope so. This was not his war, yet he joined anyway for the sole sake of freedom and justice. He was a true friend.”

  “Your honor, I have been meaning to speak to you about the future,” Maximus said, breaking the silence.

  “Speak your mind, Maximus.”

  “As you know, Sarah, Raiden, and I set off on a specific task, the first step of which was to defeat Roko, and insure that he did not awaken Galaxius, which has been successfully accomplished. The next step, however, was to reestablish the Alliance. I need to know if you share that goal. If not, we shall go on alone, Sarah and I.”

  “Maximus, although I understand why this mission means so much to you, my allegiance is with my people, not with the alliance. They need my full focus right now. It is bad enough that I missed most of the war. We need to rebuild, to re-strengthen. We need time to heal. This world is safe from the horrors of the past, if at least for the moment. The mirror is destroyed.”

  “I understand. We shall be departing first thing in the morning.”

  “This does not mean we cannot remain friends and allies. If you ever need somewhere safe to flee, or even just to sleep for the night, you are always welcome here. That includes you of course, Sarah.”

  Sarah smiled. “Thank you, your honor.”

  They turned, walking back towards the school. The Chief looked out at the graveyard, spotting Arias in the crowd. He stood beside Atara, her head on his shoulder. It made him think of his own sister.

  I will find you Mara. Do not give up. We shall be together again.

  “Your honor,” said Bastion from his side, “It has been a long day. Perhaps you should get some rest. I can watch over your remaining responsibilities for the night. In fact, nothing would make me happier after sitting in a room guarding that damn mirror the entire war.”

  “Thank you, Bastion.” The Chief turned sadly towards Gore’s grave. “He was a great man. I have truly come to rely upon you three, to trust you. I cannot afford to lose another one of you.”

  Bastion placed his hand on Yuran’s shoulder. “I am not going anywhere, my Chief.”

  The Chief turned around, looking Bastion in the eye. Thank you, Bastion. Goodnight.”

  He headed off back towards the school.


  “Alia.” Alia turned at Alroy’s call.

  “Are you here to preach to me of my sins? I do not need any more reminders. Nothing could make me feel any worse. I need to go.” She turned to leave.

  “Alia, he will forgive you.”

  She stopped.

  “You have a good heart. One day, he shall forgive you. Today, you have helped him find peace. Thank you.”

  Alia closed her eyes, tears falling slowly down her cheeks. She continued to walk, heading for the valley. It was time to go home.


  For the first time in days, the night was quiet. Perhaps even peaceful.

  The villagers lay sleeping in their homes. The surviving warriors held their wives and children close, hoping never to leave them again. In the palace, for the first time in weeks, the Chief lay asleep in his quarters, his dreams dreadful and vivid.

  “Mara, run!” Mara ran as quickly as she could towards the mirror, her breathing heavy, eyes wide with fear.

  “I cannot make it! I cannot make it!”

  “Do not give up, Mara! Do not give up!”

  The beast let out a terrible roar from behind her, the room shaking with each step, lava flowing from its hands.

  “Come on!” Yuran jumped through the mirror, making it safely through the other side.

  “Wait for me, Yuran, wait for me!”

  Yuran drew his sword, aiming it at the mirror.

  “What are you doing!? Yuran, you cannot leave me! Please, don’t do this!”

  Yuran swung the sword, tears in his eyes.

  “NO!” Mara’s tear-stained face appeared on the mirror as it shattered to pieces, Yuran falling to his knees.

  “What have I done...” He looked up at the sky. “What have I done!!?”

  “Come, my Chief. You must see this!” The Chief shot up from his bed, his breathing heavy. A warrior stood anxiously in the doorway. The Chief quickly threw on his armor and ran out of the room where Bastion and Arias awaited him
along with the warrior.

  “What has happened?”

  “We do not know, you must see for yourself! Come to the roof!”

  The Chief followed them to the roof. He climbed up the stairs, opening the door at the very top of the staircase, walking through. Dozens of warriors stood waiting for him on the rooftop. A dark cloud was forming over the mountain, twirling violently in the night sky, drawing in and extinguishing all the surrounding stars.

  Arias moved beside the Chief. “What is that?”

  “I have never experienced such a phenomenon in my lifetime.” The wind whirled with increasing turbulence, sending trees crashing to the ground, ripping crops from their roots, houses from their foundations, lifting it all up into the air. All throughout the villages, lights began turning on, the villagers stepping outside their homes, looking fearfully towards the heavens.

  “Send whatever available men we have to move the villagers to proper shelter!” The Chief shouted to Bastion. Bastion nodded, running back into the school.

  “My Chief, there is something emerging from the hole!”

  The Chief looked carefully at the center of the hole, out of which a man emerged. It was too far away to see his face. His skin was black, and he exuded an aura of power. The only visible part of his face was a crescent moon glowing brightly from his forehead. The clouds moved rapidly around him, lowering him slowly to the ground as the sky roared and rumbled.

  Maximus rushed up onto the roof, hurrying towards the Chief. “I came as fast as I—” His face filling with dread. “ cannot be...”

  “Do you know who that is, Maximus?”

  “That is...Galaxius, second to Vespirus, the most powerful of all the Fury.”

  “Why would he be coming here?”

  “To propose his ultimatum.”

  “Members of the tribe of Shadows!” The voice boomed powerfully throughout the night sky, his tone deep and dark in an African accent. It was as if the entire universe was projecting his words from each direction, filling the people with fear.

  “The days of the Fury’s return grow near. Resistance shall be dealt with mercilessly. I present you with a choice. You may join my cause and accept me as your supreme leader. Or you may perish.”

  The sky spun faster and faster. Two more figures emerged from the hole. “Stone!” Maximus seethed, recognizing one of the figures, “He is responsible for this!”

  The sky erupted into a sea of flames, the cloud of darkness bursting into a fiery inferno, sending out a wave of heat. Out of the tornado marched an army of Burners dressed in black and red armor, led by their six warlords, their eyes glowing a devilish red, their bodies radiating fire.

  “The Burners have joined him,” Maximus said. “With their support he shall surely win over the Shifters as well.”

  Balls of fire rained down setting the fields aflame and sending villagers fleeing for cover.

  “You have twenty-four hours to decide. Choose wisely.”

  The Burners followed Galaxius to the top of the mountain as the storm calmed, restoring the quiet of the night. The Chief looked out at the villages. The people were stricken with fear. All eyes were turned towards him.

  “We must fight him.” Maximus said. “We cannot give in to him!”

  “I cannot do that to my people, Maximus. They have bled so is not fair!” The Chief turned towards Arias, his face filled with grief. “I know what I must do, my brother.”


  “Our entire tribe was watching. They are scared, Arias. They cannot fight any longer. The spirit of our people has been broken. I will go to Galaxius. I will challenge him to fight to the death.”

  “He is too powerful! He will kill you!”

  “I’d rather die than see my people suffer. This is the only way.”

  Yuran stormed towards the door, to the entrance of the school, Arias chasing him from behind. “Yuran, I shall not allow you to do this!” He stormed through the first floor of the school towards the exit. Arias ran as fast as he could, but Yuran reached the school doors first and threw them open.

  The Chief stood at the doorstep of the castle, tears in his eyes, as the entire nation stood solemnly before him. The surviving soldiers, armed with their swords, dressed in their armor. The women brought with them whatever supplies remained. The children held the swords of their fallen fathers. They looked up at their Chief, their hearts burning brightly, ready for battle.

  Suria and Montis walked out to the front of the crowd. Looking fiercely up at the Chief, they held out their swords, clanging them against their armor in rhythm. Another warrior joined in, and then another. Soon, the entire nation joined together in an incredible display of unity, spirit, and determination. “We shall fight with you until the very end!” Montis roared above the clamor, raising the entire crowd to cheers.

  “A Shadow never surrenders! A Shadow never gives in to fear!” Suria shouted thunderously.

  The Chief looked out at his people, drawing strength from their united power, the fire returning to his eyes. He lifted his arms into the air. “Tomorrow, we shall force back our enemies to the last breath! Better to die a nation with honor than to live on as slaves!” The peoples’ cheers grew to deafening heights. “A people whose spirit can never be broken!”

  The Chief drew his sword, raising it into the air. “Arias,” he said, turning, “Summon the King. We must prepare for war.”


  “Your majesty.” The King walked out onto the roof, Arloy by his side. The Chief awaited him, accompanied by Arias and Bastion. The night sky continued to rage as Galaxius’s army set up camp upon the mountaintop. The King looked out at the enemy, his expression grave.

  “I had hoped we would be able to experience together the rebirth of both our peoples. Instead, it seems fate prefers us to share a common death.”

  “So, you shall fight with us?”

  “Have I another choice? They shall be after my people once they finish with yours.”

  “Our strategists calculate that the city shall be conquered within two days, at most. With Galaxius’s power, we do not stand a chance,” Alroy sighed hopelessly.

  “Roko was supposed to have defeated us within one,” Arias answered determinedly, “Yet we beat the odds.”

  “Perhaps we should strike at them first. Galaxius may not see it coming,” the King said.

  “That seems to be the best option. I would prefer to keep the villagers far away from the battlefield. My high commanders are preparing our warriors as we speak. They shall be prepared for the invasion within an hour.”

  “As will ours.”

  “Good. It is settled then. The attack shall commence in an hour’s time.”

  The king looked hopelessly out towards the mountaintops.

  “Time to decide how to best spend one’s final hour on this Earth.”

  “Your majesty, you should not speak such words.”.

  “It does not help to hide from the truth. I have come to terms with our imminent doom. I advise you to do the same.”


  Maximus sat upon his bed, his armor on, sword at his side. The Chief had insisted he stay out of the battle due to injury, but he would fight anyway. Galaxius had been his responsibility. He had failed to prevent the awakening, and now he must correct it. He picked up the sword slowly with his injured left arm, gritting his teeth in pain. He needed to maintain his strength, despite the injury.

  There was a knock at the door and Sarah walked inside the room. She looked exhausted. “Sarah, you should be sleeping.”

  “I couldn’t sleep. I tried, I promise. I just couldn’t. I’m worried about Raiden.”

  “Raiden will be fine. He is a strong man. He will find a way back home.”

  Sarah propped herself up onto the bed. “Maximus,” she asked softly, “are we going to die today?”

  “No Sarah,” he answered. “We shall not die today.”

  “Don’t leave me,” she whispered, fallin
g asleep, her breathing calm, her face at peace.

  “I shall not let anything happen to you,” Maximus whispered, “You are all I have.”

  He moved her gently down onto his bed, laying the covers on top of her. He picked up his sword, walking towards the door. “I am sorry, Sarah, but this is something I must do. No matter what happens, I shall always be with you.”

  He walked down to the main floor of the school and out the main exit, heading for the fields. He looked out towards the warrior encampments. The warriors were still being organized, armed, and generally prepared. They would not be discussing the strategy for another twenty minutes, so he decided on taking a short walk. He headed through the fields towards the village where the final battle against the drone army had taken place. The village was left completely in ruin, its trees uprooted, its homes overturned, smoke still rising from piles of burnt wood and stone. As he walked, he felt something beneath his foot. He looked down at the singed remains of a doll, reminding him of Sarah.

  As he rounded a corner, Maximus froze in his tracks. Something moved through the darkness, in the corner of his eye. He turned towards the movement. It was a hooded man. He was fleeing swiftly towards the mountaintop where Galaxius and his men held camp.

  He is going to inform Galaxius of our attack! I must stop him!

  “Stop!” Maximus shouted, his voice deep and hypnotic.

  The man froze in his tracks. Maximus ran, stopping a few feet away from the man.

  “Show yourself!” The man turned around. “Remove the hood!”

  The man brought his hands to his head, slowly removing the hood.

  Raiden stared briefly into Maximus’s eyes before sprinting back towards the mountain.

  Maximus understood. He had to warn the Chief


  Maximus barged through the door, storming onto the rooftop, breathing heavily.

  The Chief turned in surprise, having been in the middle of an important conversation with the King and his generals. “Maximus, what is the meaning of th-”

  “We must attack immediately!”

  “The troops are not yet prepared.”


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