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Duet in Blood

Page 15

by J. P. Bowie

A murmur of approval rippled through the crowd, and Joseph squeezed my hand.

  Roger winked at me. I looked suitably modest.

  “The power of the Wizard Brotherhood no longer exists,” Marcus continued. “Gragon summoned the aid of the Dark Forces, but as we all know, and it was reinforced again today—the Dark Forces can never be trusted. They agreed with me not to intervene in this battle. They lied, but fortunately for us, their treachery was to our benefit. So, dear friends, I thank you for allying yourselves with us and for helping to free Joseph from his old enemies.”

  One of the vampires, a hunky blond who could have been a Ralph Lauren fragrance

  model, stepped forward. “What shall we do with the few wizards who survived?” he asked Marcus, who shrugged his wide shoulders and looked over at the cowering cowards.

  “Without Gragon they are virtually powerless,” he said. “But as we know, evil breeds more evil. Do with them as you see fit.”

  I gulped. Goodbye, wizards.


  J.P. Bowie


  “The machine Gragon invented must be destroyed,” Marcus said, “along with the

  formula for the simulated light. That cannot fall into the wrong hands. Find out from the survivors where it is hidden.” He beckoned the Ralph Lauren model over. “Andre, how many of our people died in the conflict?”

  “I counted five,” Andre replied with sadness. “But Joseph’s quick action stopped the light beam from burning too many of us. One or two have superficial burns that are already healing.”

  Joseph took my arm and led me away from the rest of them. We walked outside into the shadowed courtyard, lit faintly by a crescent moon.

  “I must get you back to LA before you are missed,” he said, lightly kissing my lips.

  “Where are we, exactly?” I asked, holding him to me.

  “About fifty miles south of Paris.”

  “So near,” I murmured. “And yet, so far.”

  He nibbled my earlobe. “What are you saying?”

  “That I’d like to see Paris…with you.”

  “It is a wondrous time of year…the autumn leaves, the longer nights, the lights on the Champs Elysees, the riverboats on the Seine, the longer nights.”

  “I could call in sick.”

  “You do look a little pale.”

  “Would you take me to Paris, Joseph?”

  “In a heartbeat but perhaps, first, we should find our clothes. The night air will prove a little chilly.”

  I laughed. Of course, I had forgotten we were both practically naked. The flimsy tunics we’d been forced to wear were torn to shreds, first by our passion for one another, then in the melee that had followed.

  “I’m surprised Roger didn’t come up with some smart remark about these outfits,” I said, chuckling.

  “Give him a moment.”

  He took my hand, and we began to walk back towards the castle entrance—then, it

  happened. I stiffened as I felt the approach of something neither of us could have foreseen.

  “What’s wrong?” Joseph asked as my hand tightened on his.


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  “I don’t know,” I whispered. “Something—”

  From out of the darkness came the sound of laughter that chilled my blood. Joseph froze then stepped in front of me, shielding me with his body.

  “Who’s there?” he snapped.

  A figure, tall and menacing appeared out of the shadows.


  Wait a minute...we just saw him being torn in two.

  His face was an unreadable mask of complacency as he stared at us both. “I told you we had allied ourselves with the Dark Forces,” he said, gloating at our stunned expressions.

  “But they killed you,” Joseph murmured. I could practically hear his mind questioning what he was now seeing. “Or was that an illusion?”

  “Of course it was. It was their idea to lull you into a state of false security.”

  “And Gragon?”

  “Oh, he’s dead all right. He was not part of the bargain I made with the Dark Forces.”

  He laughed again. “I don’t need him anymore, you see, nor the rest of his pathetic Brotherhood.” His burning eyes rested on me, and he grimaced. “Your little friend here is not worthy of you, Joseph..”


  Joseph put his arm around me. “Micah means everything to me, Angelo.”

  “How touching—but irrelevant. You belong to me, Joseph—and now I have the power

  to make you mine for all time.”

  “But not to make me love you.”

  The creep sniggered. “Also irrelevant. In time, you will love me again. And time, my dear Joseph, is something we both have plenty of.”

  He came closer, and I could see that whatever power he now had, he had used to make himself that much more beautiful.

  Even though I hated the fucker with all my heart, I had to admit he really looked incredible. His face was smooth, unlined, and his expression calm and serene. His hair shone with a lustre that made you want to touch it.

  Joseph gripped my arm. “Go inside, Micah. Now. Let me deal with this.”


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  “No way,” I muttered. “I’m not leaving you alone with this jerk.” I turned and bellowed at the top of my voice. “Marcus! We need your help out here!”

  “No, Micah!”

  But Joseph’s cry of warning was lost in the blinding flash of light that erupted all around us. I was slammed into the ground with such force that all the wind was knocked out of me. I lay there, groaning with pain, dazed by the shock wave that had accompanied the lightning.

  “Micah.” It was Roger, standing over me, his expression a mixture of concern and disbelief. “What happened? Where’s Joseph?” He helped me to my feet, and I stared around me, my heart pounding with fear.

  “Angelo. He was here.”

  Marcus gripped my shoulder so hard I winced. “Sorry” He relaxed his hold a little.

  “What happened?”

  “Joseph and I…” I felt like I was about to burst into tears. “…We were talking about going to Paris together, then that fucker Angelo was here. He said the Dark Forces had duped us, that they had created an illusion to make it look like they had killed him. They had given him more power, he said.”

  I saw Jean-Claude turn and race back into the castle. In a moment, he was back, his mouth set in a grim line. “There is no sign of Angelo’s body,” he said.

  “They must have created an illusion to make us believe they killed him.” Marcus paced about as he spoke. “I cannot hear Joseph’s mind…”

  “What does that mean?” I asked, hating the shakiness in my voice.

  “It means he has been taken out of this realm, out of this time,” Jean-Claude said. “If Marcus cannot reach him, then he no longer exists.”

  “Oh, my God,” I whimpered. Roger clutched at my hand, squeezing it gently.

  Marcus stopped pacing. “He no longer exists in this time frame.” There was sympathy in his eyes as he looked at me. “It’s possible that Angelo transported him back in time to when they were lovers.”

  “They were lovers?” My stomach turned over. “That monster and Joseph?”

  “We are talking about a long, long time ago,” Marcus said, understanding my pain.

  “Angelo was not always a demon. When Joseph first met him, he was the young man who DUET IN BLOOD

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  tended to his every need. His tenderness caused Joseph to love him. Surely you can understand that?”

  I nodded. “Yes, I can. It’s just hard to believe that…that thing that crashed into my bookstore and carried me here then took Joseph away is the same guy you’re talking about.”

  “Evil comes in all shapes and sizes,” Marcus said. “And sometimes, without being sought after. In
the beginning, I don’t think Angelo had a choice in the matter. His abduction into the Brotherhood began as a form of punishment for loving Joseph. But the wizards, with their endless capability for evil, devised an even greater hell for him. They turned him into a monster who would serve them.”

  “Until he turned against them,” Jean-Claude murmured.

  “Yeah. Making deals with the Dark Forces behind the wizards’ backs,” Roger remarked.

  Marcus shook his head. “Even he cannot know what peril he has placed himself in by making that dangerous move. The Dark Forces can never be trusted. Never.”

  “So, how do we find Joseph?” I asked, impatient to cut to the chase.

  The vampires exchanged worried looks. Oh, oh. I didn’t like that. Surely, they had some sort of plan? I mean, these guys were vampires, for heaven’s sake.

  Marcus smiled wryly. “Micah, your thoughts are loud and clear, but even we cannot travel back in time.”

  “But Angelo can?” I rasped at him. “And take Joseph with him? If that creep can do it, why can’t we?”

  “Marcus.” Jean-Claude looked around the castle grounds. “Micah has a point. Angelo could not travel through time without some kind of help. A portal, maybe…somewhere nearby.”

  “A portal. Yes.” Marcus looked more hopeful. “If it is still open.”

  “How would we know where to look?” I asked.

  “It must be close by.” His eyes scanned the grounds and walls. “Where did Angelo appear from?”

  “Over there,” I said, pointing to the darkened corner between the castle wall and the entrance to the Great Hall.

  Jean-Claude walked quickly into the shadows and disappeared. Then came an excited shout.


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  “Here…there is a burst of energy, right here. Quick! It is failing.” We ran to where he stood before a pulsing blue light embedded in the wall. It didn’t look like much of a portal to me…way too solid.

  “Micah.” Marcus looked at me gravely. “We will go through the portal, but you must stay here. There is no way of knowing what lies beyond. Perhaps your mortal state will be ill equipped to deal with what we will encounter. Wait here for us.”

  “No!” I yelled. “You can’t leave me here. What if you can’t get back? Then I’m stuck here not knowing what happened to you and to Joseph. You have to take me with you.”

  “Micah’s right,” Roger said. “We can’t just leave him here, Marcus.”

  Marcus looked like he knew he had already lost this particular argument. With a long look at Roger, he put his hand on my shoulder and said, “Very well, but you will stay close to me at all times. Jean-Claude, Roger…you go first. I will bring Micah through with me.”

  Without another word, Jean-Claude stepped into the blue light and vanished, followed closely by Roger. Marcus stepped forward. His hand still gripping my shoulder, he pushed me gently into the light, and Wham! my nose hit the brick and I fell back, slightly stunned by the shock.

  “Ow!” I yelped, rubbing my nose and looking at Marcus with surprise. He looked as astonished as me and pushed his hand through the light, feeling the way.

  “Strange,” he muttered, watching half his arm disappear through the portal. I tried my luck a second time and banged my knuckles on the wall.

  “Shit. What’s going on?”

  Roger’s head poked through the portal. “What’s holding you guys up?”

  “I can’t get through,” I told him, in a peevish tone.

  “That’s weird,” he said, stepping all the way through to us.

  “Micah.” Marcus didn’t look too upset by what he was about to tell me. “I’m afraid mortals cannot pass through here.”


  “The portal is conjured by magic. Only supernatural beings can pass through. You will have to wait here.”

  “No way.” I punched the wall in disgust. “Ow!”

  “What did you see on the other side?” Marcus asked Roger.


  J.P. Bowie


  “A lot of nothing. Mist and stuff. Jean-Claude flew off into it.”

  Marcus frowned. “I must go after him. Roger, will you stay with Micah?”

  Roger hesitated, then he nodded, though I could tell he didn’t like it one bit. “Okay,” he said. “But if you’re not back soon, I’m coming in.”

  “Give me an hour, but if you must come through, bring Andre and some of the others who will volunteer to help. Do not come alone.” He pulled Roger into his arms and whispered gently. “Promise me?”

  “I promise.”

  I watched, feeling a twinge of envy as they kissed with a tender passion. I could only hope and pray I would be able to kiss Joseph like that again—and soon.

  Marcus released Roger and smiled at me. “You will, Micah. I promise I’ll bring him back to you.” With that he was gone, leaving Roger and me alone near the darkly shadowed wall.

  Roger sat on the ground, his back resting on the wall. “Sit,” he said, patting the ground next to him. “I’ll give him a few minutes, then I’ll send for the cavalry.”

  I sat down next to him. “He said an hour.”

  “Do you know what could happen in an hour? That portal could close up. I’m not

  waiting that long.” He looked at me and grinned. “And the big guy knows it. I have a reputation for not doing as I’m told. Got myself into some deep shit from time to time.”

  “You and Marcus,” I said. “You really seem connected.”

  “We are. Forever companions means just that. As long as we exist, there will be no others in our lives. Not that I would even contemplate such a thing, of course. Once you’ve had the best—and I have—who could possibly compare?”

  I nodded my understanding. “I feel that way about Joseph.”

  “Joseph’s a wonderful guy. He and Marcus have been friends for a long time. But I have to tell you I’m kinda ticked at Marcus right now. Before I was changed, he told me he’d never had any contact with the Dark Forces, and now, I find out he went to bargain with them, and Jean-Claude told me he and Darius, their leader, are old enemies.”

  “Maybe he didn’t want to worry you with all of that.”

  “Yeah, probably.” He gave me a quizzical look. “You know what needs to be done if you and Joseph are to bond, don’t you?”


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  “Yes. We’ve exchanged blood already. Angelo bit me, and Joseph had to cleanse my blood of the contamination.”

  “You drank from Joseph?”


  He stared into my eyes for a moment. “Yeah, I can see you did. Hmm, I wonder.” He took my hand in his. “How crazy are you, Micah?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Are you crazy enough to try something with me? If it works, it means we could go through that portal together and find Joseph.”

  “Then, I’m crazy enough,” I said. “What do I have to do?”

  “The blood in my veins is very powerful.” He looked me straight in the eye as he spoke.

  “When I told you I’d been sick some months back, what I really meant was, I died. Some bastard called Thomas drained me to the point of death, and it took Marcus’, Andorra’s and Tony’s blood to bring me back. That cocktail provides a powerful kick—that’s why sometimes when I forget to control it, my strength can still take me, and others, by surprise.”

  “I remember,” I said. “You’ve come close to breaking some of my bones when you hug me.”

  “Right, but here’s what I was thinking. Joseph has initiated the change in you. His blood is also very powerful. It came from Marcus—but that’s another story. You already have vampire blood in your veins. Maybe some more would help you pass through that portal.”

  “You mean…?”

  “Yeah, drink from me, Micah. I know it’ll make you strong. Strong enough to take on the m
agic that controls the portal? That I don’t know, but, if you’re willing to try it, I’m willing to share my blood with you.”

  For a moment, I was dumbstruck by what he had just offered me. What would happen if I agreed? I had to voice that concern. “Would that bond the two of us, Roger?”

  “Only as friends.” He smiled. “Don’t worry. I won’t put the make on you.”

  “That made me sound like an ingrate,” I said. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be. So, what d’you think?”

  “Let’s do it.”


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  “Excellent.” He looked across at the portal. “We’ll have to hurry. I don’t know how much longer that thing will stay open.”

  “If it closes, how do we get back?”

  “We’ll burn that bridge when we get to the water.” He laughed at his mixed metaphors, then he got serious again. “Okay, here we go. Don’t look.” He covered his mouth, I guessed to hide his fangs, then he bit into his wrist, severing the vein. He held his wrist to my lips.

  “Drink, Micah, ’til I tell you to stop.”

  I grabbed his wrist and sucked. He put his arm around my shoulders and held me close as I drank his blood. While I didn’t experience the same wild sexual rush I had while drinking Joseph’s blood, I could definitely feel a deepening closeness to the man who held me and whose blood now coursed through my veins, potently filling me with its strength and vibrancy.

  “That’s it. That’s good,” Roger crooned, stroking my hair with his free hand.

  “Mmm,” I mumbled, gobbling steadily at his wrist.

  I drank until he said, “Okay, that’s enough, Micah. That should do it.”

  I leaned back into the comfort of his arm as it cushioned the back of my head. “Wow,” I murmured. “Thank you. That was a rush and a half.”

  Roger chuckled. “Better keep that stiffie you’re sporting for the man you love.”

  I felt myself grow red. “Jeez, that’s embarrassing.”

  “And a little hard to hide under that Fredericks of Hollywood nightie you’re wearing,”

  he said, chuckling some more.

  He stood up and gave me his hand, pulling me to my feet. “How d’you feel?”


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