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Kidnapped by a SEAL

Page 9

by Makenna Jameison

  “I can’t—I’m supposed to be safe here.”

  Ryker interrupted her. “Unfortunately, you’re not. Not anymore. I don’t give a shit what they said the other day—we have new intel now. My job was to rescue you. To keep you out of harm’s way. If you don’t want to come with me willingly, then I’ll haul you over my shoulder and carry you out of here caveman style.”

  She bristled beside him.

  “I already rescued you from a damn terrorist compound. If I have to carry you out of here for your own safety, I’ll do it.”

  “Ryker, don’t be so crazy,” she admonished.

  He nailed her with a gaze, daring her to argue with him further. Her strong personality was a turn-on, but this was a matter of life or death. He wouldn’t sit here with her all night arguing about it. If she didn’t want to come with him, he’d take her, consequences be damned.

  “This is insane,” she said, her voice trembling slightly.

  He stood up, watching as her mouth parted. “Pack your things—whatever you need for a few days. We’re leaving in ten minutes.”


  “I’m taking you with me. Pack your stuff.” Ryker turned and left the room, leaving Emily sitting there on her bed. It was the hardest damn thing he’d ever done.

  Chapter 14

  EMILY SHAKILY STUFFED some clothes into her suitcase, glancing around her bedroom. They needed to leave? After she’d finally just gotten back home?

  This was ridiculous.

  She hadn’t even been back for one day—she hadn’t done laundry. Hadn’t unpacked. Hadn’t even slept a full night in her bed.

  Crossing over to her dresser, she pulled out an oversized sweatshirt to wear. It might have only been September, but she was suddenly freezing. She’d lost weight and hadn’t gotten her strength back. Her body hadn’t healed. She hadn’t even gotten a few nights of rest.

  Sighing, she started stuffing clothes into her suitcase—pajamas, a couple of pairs of thong panties, a pair of jeans, some tee shirts. She grabbed a bra and her chest holster. Could she comfortably wear it with her bruised ribs? Doubtful.

  A minute later and she was pulling her suitcase back down the hallway.

  “Jesus, let me get that,” Ryker said, crossing toward her in a couple of long strides. His eyes tracked her movements as she grabbed a different holster and secured her weapon. “Your personal gun?”

  She nodded. “State’s not exactly going to issue me a weapon until I’m cleared for duty.”


  “I’m not on any heavy-duty pain meds,” she assured him. “It’s not a risk.”

  His dark gray eyes met hers. “I trust you. I know you’re trained. But let me get you out of here and to safety.”

  “Where are we going?” she asked.

  “We need to head out of DC. I thought about taking you down to Little Creek, but we could be tracked there. I’d rather let the FBI do their thing and find these thugs. We’re heading out to the Shenandoah mountains. A buddy of mine has a cabin there we can crash in.”

  “Does he know we’re coming?” she asked skeptically.

  Ryker nodded. “He’s not there. It’s fully stocked and totally private—off the beaten path. We’ll have to make sure we’re not followed as we leave the city, but once we’re in the clear, we’ll be safe.”

  “And then...what? We just sit and wait?”

  “Yep. It fucking sucks, I know.”

  “Damn straight,” she replied instantly. “I want to get these bastards.”

  “As do I. But you’re in no condition to be running and fighting. And I want to keep you safe.”

  She glanced over at him, startled at the heat in his tone. Ryker was serious—he’d do everything in his power to protect her. It was strange to have someone else so concerned about her. She knew it had been his mission to rescue her in Afghanistan, but what did it matter to him now? Sure, he was a decent guy, but to go above and beyond like this? She wasn’t quite sure what to think.

  “Let’s get going, Emily,” he said.

  The sound of his deep voice uttering her name had unexplained licks of heat coiling through her. Ryker was sexy and gruff—assertive. Masculine. She didn’t quite know what to make of him controlling the situation, but she also wasn’t in much of a position to argue.

  He was determined to keep her safe, and if she happened to find him attractive? Well, so what.

  He slung his own bag over one shoulder and grabbed her suitcase.

  “Hunter texted me that the FBI is on their way to your building. They’ll be watching for anything suspicious, but we’re not sticking around. They put a BOLO out for the two perps. And State is sending an agent to wait outside your parents’ house.”

  “God—my parents. They’re going to flip. Can we bring them with us?”

  “No, I’m sorry. We need to move as quickly as possible. They’ll be safe with protection though.”

  “Then let’s go,” she said, resigned to the plan.

  “I’m in the garage next to your building. Are you okay to walk that far?” he said, gray eyes piercing her with their intensity.

  “I’m good,” she assured him. “Half asleep, perhaps, but I can walk next door. Let’s roll out.”

  His lips quirked, and he nodded, opening her condo door and glancing around the hallway. She followed him out, not able to see anything over his shoulder. It was weird having a man so concerned about her safety. Her fellow agents at State generally treated her as an equal. They certainly wouldn’t bodily block her from coming out into a hallway until they’d ensured that it was safe.

  “It’s clear,” he said in a low voice.

  Ryker stepped aside, letting her come out. Emily locked her door and then followed him to the stairwell.

  “It’s safer,” he said. “Plus there are cameras on the elevator.”

  “Yep,” she agreed.

  Ryker led the way, hauling both of their bags. She’d put on sneakers before they left, the rubber soles slapping against the steps as they hurried down. Her brief nap had given her a burst of energy—or maybe it was stealing away in the middle of the night with Ryker that had done that.

  She’d be exhausted in the morning, no doubt, but at the moment? She was alert, fueled by adrenaline and the very real need to be aware of her surroundings.

  They exited her building, both of them glancing around, and they hurried to the garage next door. Georgetown was alive late at night with bar hoppers and other party revelers walking around. Headlights filled the city streets, and it was an eerie feeling to be out so late surrounded by other people when she’d been stuck inside all alone for so long.

  Would she get used to life in the city again?

  It almost seemed too loud, too pulsing with energy and people. As crazy as it was to steal away to a remote cabin in the middle of the night, she had a feeling she’d be more comfortable there.

  Ryker popped the trunk of his Jeep, putting their bags inside. He followed her over to the passenger side, opening the door for her. “I’m good,” she assured him, climbing up.

  “And I’m making sure you’re safe,” he replied, shutting the door behind her.

  Her lips quirked as he rounded the car. Goodness. He certainly was attentive even if there was no reason to be. She was a big girl and could get in the damn car by herself. She had her weapon on her and could kill a man if needed.

  Still, Ryker’s attention was a little flattering. He was attractive and assertive—a heady combination. She liked that he knew what he wanted and just did it. Maybe kidnapping her wasn’t exactly the right thing to call it, but she knew without a doubt he’d do whatever was necessary to keep her safe. If she hadn’t willingly come, he would’ve carried her out. Of that she was certain.

  Ten minutes later, and they’d exited the worst of the traffic and were heading toward another part of the city. Ryker kept glancing in his rearview mirror.

  “You think we’re being followed?” she asked, look
ing over at him.

  “Negative. Just being cautious.”

  She nodded, watching traffic in the side mirror. Nothing out of the ordinary caught her attention.

  “Does your SEAL team know we left?” she asked.

  He grunted in reply. “Yep. Hunter’s the one that called with the new intel. He spoke to the CO. And of course State is aware. Hopefully this whole thing will be done with in a couple of days.”

  She nodded, a brief feeling of sadness washing over her. She liked this feeling of Ryker at her side, as crazy as it was. When he’d burst into her room as she’d cried out, she hadn’t known what to think. Then he’d collected her so carefully in his arms—it was an odd contradiction, his strength and intensity compared with his more tender side.

  Not that a man like him would want to be called tender—anything but.

  She’d felt his concern for her though as he’d held her. In that moment, she hadn’t needed to be strong. She could let her guard down and let her tears fall as he just held her. And wasn’t that a change from her life in captivity.

  A few minutes later, as they headed out of DC and onto the highway heading west of the city, she was already yawning.

  “Sleep,” Ryker instructed. “You’ve been through a lot, and we’ve got at least two hours of driving. I know where I’m going, so just get some rest.”

  “I’m fine,” she insisted, stifling another yawn.

  “You’re recovering,” he said, his voice gruff. “Only one of us needs to be awake to drive. I’ll wake you up if it’s urgent,” he assured her.

  “You’re so bossy,” she said, and Ryker chuckled.

  “I like being in control of the situation. Nothing wrong with that.”

  “According to whom?” she asked, and he burst into laughter, the deep sound reverberating inside the Jeep. She smiled and felt a funny little flip in her chest, glancing over at him in the darkness.

  “According to me, sweetheart. According to me.”

  EMILY MUST HAVE EVENTUALLY dosed off, because the next thing she knew, they were bouncing along a dirt road in the middle of the forest. The headlights of Ryker’s Jeep cut through the dark night, and she narrowed her gaze, shocked at how pitch black the world was around them.

  “Are we here?” she asked sleepily.

  “Almost. It’s about a quarter mile up this dirt road.”

  “Wow. It really is in the middle of nowhere.”

  Ryker chuckled. “I think my buddy prefers it that way.”

  “It’s a little bit different than Georgetown.” They bounced along the road another minute, and Emily was thankful that Ryker had a four-wheel drive. A cabin eventually came into view. “Wow, it’s bigger than I expected,” she said.

  “Yep. It’s really more like a small house in the middle of the woods than a rustic cabin—there’s solar powered everything, back-up generators. You’d barely know you’re out here aside from the trees and wildlife.”

  “I don’t suppose there’s a Starbucks inside.”

  She heard the huff of his laugh. “That’s a negative, sweetheart. Coffee? Yes. But you’ll have to make do with a regular old coffeemaker. Plus whatever canned goods and rations are stocked here.”

  “Hey, after being held captive for a month? I can work with a regular old coffeemaker.”

  Ryker growled beside her. “Jesus Christ, I want to make those bastards pay for ever touching you.”

  “You rescued me,” she said. “That was the best revenge. They never got what they wanted—me as one of Izallah’s wives.”

  “It wasn’t enough,” he grumbled.

  “It was more than enough,” she countered, “because now I’m here with you and not locked in a damn dark room. I’m not being beaten or raped.”

  Ryker muttered a curse, parking in front of the house.

  “He doesn’t have this place booby trapped or something, does he?” Emily asked.

  Ryker barked out a short burst of laughter. “No, he’s military like me. He’s got weapons here, I’m sure, but he’s not some survivalist nut. He just likes his peace and quiet out here.”

  Emily opened her door and climbed out, meeting Ryker at the back of the Jeep. He’d produced a large flashlight, which he handed over to her. She held it as he grabbed their bags. “It’s kind of eerily quiet out here,” she said. “It’s still better than the damn desert though.”

  Chapter 15

  RYKER OPENED THE DOOR to his buddy’s cabin, carrying their bags in as Emily followed behind him. He flipped on a light switch, bathing the rustic living room in light.

  “Wow. It’s actually kind of beautiful in here,” she said from beside him as she shut the door. He glanced over, watching her as she took in the room. She was significantly smaller than him, coming up only to his shoulder. The fact that he was so much bigger than her made his protective instincts soar.

  She stood straight though and carried herself with a confidence that he liked. Despite being wounded and captured, she hadn’t lost whatever fighting spirit she had.

  Her dark hair swished around her face as she looked up at him.

  “Yep,” he agreed. “After long deployments, my buddy wanted a quiet place to retreat. I’ve got the spare key because he needs someone to keep an eye on it while he’s gone.”

  “But you’re all the way down in Virginia Beach,” she said.

  He lifted a shoulder. “Just helping him out. Some guys can be gone for eighteen months. It’s not like I need to drop by every weekend or something.” His gaze slid to her sweatshirt. “You’re a Nats fan?” he asked, referring to the Washington Nationals baseball team.

  “I almost bought season tickets, but I travel a lot for work. It seemed like a waste.”

  “I get it,” he said, setting their bags down. He pulled his phone from his pocket and sent a text to Hunter. “Just letting the team know where we are,” he told her.

  “You should get some sleep,” Emily said. “You look totally exhausted.”

  He nodded, not completely surprised that she’d noticed. He’d been up since oh-five-hundred. After drills on base, basketball, and then driving up to Georgetown and out to the Shenandoah mountains, he was wiped. That didn’t mean he’d crash before making sure the cabin was safe for them. “Yeah. Let me just walk around and make sure everything looks secure first. We’re out in the middle of nowhere, but it’s better to check. I haven’t been by in a few months.”

  “Bedrooms are down here?” she asked, looking toward the hallway.

  “Yep. There’s just one, but I’ll crash out here on the sofa.”

  She nodded. “I’m exhausted, too. I guess I’ll call my parents in the morning to let them know I’m gone—I’m sure they’ll totally freak out if I call them right now in the middle of the night. They’ve had enough to worry about lately.”

  “It’s better that you’re safe,” he said, meeting her gaze. A beat passed, and he had the strange urge to go down the hallway with her, to take her into his arms and hold her close all night. Not that he was about to let that happen.

  “True,” she agreed, pulling the handle up from her suitcase. She wheeled it down the hallway before he could protest.

  Ryker walked to the windows, making sure they were each locked, and then went to look around the kitchen. The window there was secure and nothing looked disturbed from the last time he’d checked in on the place.

  He stashed his bag beside the sofa and walked down the hallway. He didn’t want to bother Emily but needed to hit the head before bed. They’d deal with food and scoping out supplies and whatnot in the morning. He’d brought some stuff along from Emily’s condo, and he knew his buddy kept a ton of canned goods and other nonperishables.

  Glancing into the bedroom as he passed by, he saw Emily standing beside the bed, pulling off her sweatshirt. Her breasts pushed against the tee shirt she still had on, and he swore he’d never seen anything sexier in his life.

  Ryker sure the hell appreciated a woman strutting around in lingerie
or a skimpy little string bikini, but damn. Emily in those joggers and tee shirt was just about the prettiest damn thing he’d ever seen.

  He felt a little bit like he’d intruded on a private moment as he looked in the bedroom, but she’d left the door wide open and was still fully dressed.

  “Everything looks secure,” he called out as he stepped into the bathroom.

  He heard her muffled reply as he did his business, and then he was surprised to see Emily standing in the hallway when he walked back out. It had taken everything in him not to stand there ogling her in the doorway, and now she’d come to find him?

  Emily looked nervous, which seemed unlike her.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked in a low voice.

  “Yes,” she said, nodding. “Look, I know this is kind of weird of me to ask, but can you stay with me tonight? I don’t think I can sleep being in this new place all alone. I mean you don’t have to, but—” She cut off, her cheeks pinkening. Was she embarrassed to appear vulnerable in front of him? Or nervous about asking him to sleep in the same room?

  His eyes softened. “Sure. I can grab a pillow and crash on the floor. No biggie.”

  She nodded, looking a little uncertain. “It’s a big bed. I mean—I could just stay on my side.”

  “Whatever you’re comfortable with, sweetheart,” he said, his voice catching.


  Could he spend the night in this woman’s bed without touching her? Sure, he wasn’t a total jackass and respected a woman’s choices, but hell. He’d be hard as a rock knowing her body was only a few feet away. And it’s not like he made a habit of sharing a bed with a woman he didn’t intend to fuck.

  Still, if it made her feel better to have him sleeping right beside her, he’d do it.

  He could look but not touch, sleep in the same bed and give her the peace of mind she needed. If anything, she deserved that sense of security after what she’d been through. He might be attracted to her, but he could be a gentleman. He was the one who’d dragged her out here in the middle of the night after all. He wanted her to feel safe.


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