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Obsessed with a Daddy

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by Kelli Callahan

  Obsessed With A Daddy

  Once Upon A Daddy

  Kelli Callahan

  Copyright © 2019 by Kelli Callahan

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  Daddy’s Best Friend: Sneak Peek

  Join My Mailing List

  Kelli’s Voracious Vixens

  About the Author

  Also by Kelli Callahan

  Chapter One


  “Whoa, is someone moving in next door?” My best friend, Amelia, put her hand up to block out the sun and stared at the house next to mine. “There’s a moving truck parked by the road.”

  “Yeah, the real estate agent took the sign down last week.” I leaned against the railing that ran along the side of my deck and nodded. “I didn’t think that house was ever going to sell—my parents said it was ruining the value of all of the other houses in the neighborhood because it had been on the market so long.”

  “Have you met them?” Amelia looked over at me and raised an eyebrow inquisitively.

  “It’s just a him.” I shrugged. “My parents said he’s a doctor—or will be. They grilled the real-estate agent for all of the details she could share the other day. I think he’s finishing up his residency or something. I don’t really know how all of that works.” “Me either.” Amelia focused her gaze on the backyard—and I followed her stare. “He’ll probably tear that old tree house down if he doesn’t have kids.”

  “He should tear it down regardless. That thing was a hazard five years ago,” I laughed under my breath.

  “It wasn’t that bad.” Amelia laughed. “We had a lot of fun up there—when the Henderson brothers lived next door.”

  “Until we got our hearts broken the day they moved away.” I sighed. “We’re lucky we didn’t know what we were doing back then—or those two would have gotten a lot more than our first kisses.”

  “We did a little more than kiss them…” Amelia nudged me and grinned.

  “We’re not going to talk about that.” I gave Amelia a disapproving glare and shook my head quickly.

  “Lots of memories in that tree house…” She giggled. “I don’t regret a single one of them.”

  “Neither do I.” My lips curled into a smile.

  It’s hard to regret something as special as that…

  “Ready to finish packing?” She looked over at me.

  “Yeah, let’s get it over with.” I nodded. “Then we can enjoy the rest of our weekend.”

  “Our last weekend.” She walked to the door and pulled it open.

  Yeah, our last one for a while.

  Amelia and I had been friends since elementary school. We met on the bus, and it wasn’t long before we became inseparable. Our days of constantly shadowing each other were coming to an end. Amelia was headed to Georgia to spend four years picking peaches, or whatever they did there when class wasn’t in session. I was going to Arizona to dodge dust storms when my nose wasn’t buried in a textbook. The only thing that would be left in Los Angeles was the memories we shared and our parents—although I wasn’t sure if mine would stay. My father had been talking about early retirement for a while, and with me out of the house, he might actually live out his dream of seeing the country from the driver’s seat of an RV while my mother told him to keep his eyes on the road.

  Later that evening

  “I think that’s it.” I looked around my bedroom, which was filled with the boxes that I would be taking to college.

  “Do you want to load the car tonight or wait until the morning.” Amelia stretched out on my bed. “I vote—tomorrow.”

  “Yeah, I’m good with that.” I sat down on the edge of the bed and nodded. “Tomorrow, we get to do this all over again at your house.”

  “My parents aren’t out of town for the weekend, so it won’t be nearly as much fun.” Amelia sat up. “We also won’t be able to do this…”

  “What?” I stared as Amelia reached for her purse and pulled out a pack of Camel Crush cigarettes. “I thought you quit.”

  “I’ll quit when I get to college.” She flipped open the lid and pulled out something that obviously wasn’t a cigarette—it was hand-rolled. “One last time?”

  “Oh God.” I grinned and shook my head. “Sure, why not. It’s our last weekend together.”

  Amelia lit the joint, sucked a huge puff of smoke into her lungs, and passed it to me. I could count the number of times I had gotten high on one hand, and Amelia was always at the center of that debauchery. We had the house to ourselves for the rest of the weekend, and since my room was packed, we didn’t have anything to do until we went to her house the next day. All I normally did when I got high was raid the kitchen, and my parents made sure it was fully stocked before they left, so one last herbal treat wasn’t going to be that big of a deal. I hit the joint, passed the joint to her, and held the smoke in my lungs until my chest hurt. It did feel nice—I couldn’t deny that. She got her weed from one of the guys who sold to the rich kids, so it was always incredible. It only took a few hits for me to get so high I waved off her next attempt to pass.

  “I’m pretty high.” Amelia giggled. “I think I’ll just put it out. We can hit it again in a couple of hours.”

  “Sounds good.” I laid back on my mattress and stared at the ceiling.

  “Okay, I need a cigarette.” Amelia opened her pack again.

  “Wait!” I sat up quickly. “Not in the house…”

  “We can smoke weed in here, but a cigarette is a problem?” She raised an eyebrow.

  “Let’s go outside.” I bounced to my feet and started laughing—for no reason at all.

  “Fine…” Amelia rolled her eyes and stood.

  It wasn’t like the smell was going to still be in my room when my parents got home, but I couldn’t shake the paranoia. I followed Amelia outside and took a cigarette from her when she offered it. We both crushed the filter against our thumb to make the taste a lot more pleasant, and I leaned forward so she could light mine. I hoped she was serious about quitting once she got to college—although I had heard her say she was going to quit a few times during high school, and it hadn’t happened yet. I barely inhaled mine. I was mostly just smoking to be sociable since I was going to be outside if she was. I enjoyed the joint, but the nicotine rush just made me feel queasy. My stomach reminded me that we skipped lunch entirely and demanded rectification—my buzz was giving me a serious case of the munchies.

  “I’m hungry…” I pressed the tip of my cigarette to the back side of the deck until it was extinguished.

  “Me too.” Amelia nodded, but a strange look settled on her face. “Oh my god, your new neighbor doesn’t have any curtains up yet.”

  “What?” I walked close to the edge of the deck and leaned forward. “Damn—you’re right.”

  “The tree house has a really good view—remember that time we saw Mr. and Mrs. Henderson…” She grinned.

  “No, don’t remind me.” I held up my hand and nearly gagged. “I still have menta
l scars.”

  “Come on.” Amelia grabbed my hand. “Let’s get a closer look at your new neighbor.”

  “What do you mean?” I stared at her in confusion.

  I knew what she meant before she started walking down the steps with me in tow, but I was still buzzing, so I thought it was a good idea too. We half-walked, half-ran to the back gate, and pushed it open. The houses in the neighborhood were cookie-cutter designs, and that included the privacy fences which surrounded the backyards. The Henderson’s never put a lock on their back gate, and the new owner hadn’t been there long enough to know that one was necessary to keep people out of his backyard. Amelia ran to the ladder that led to the tree house and started giggling way too loud. I quickly hushed her, and then we started climbing the ladder, listening to the creaks as the weathered wood protested underneath our weight.

  “This tree house is a serious hazard,” I sighed, but I kept climbing.

  “Its fine. We’re almost there.” Amelia pushed the trap door open and hoisted herself up. “See—no problem at all.”

  “It’s shaking…” I felt a sense of panic sweep through my veins as Amelia helped me climb into the tree house.

  “It always shakes.” Amelia waved off my concern and crawled over to the window. “Holy shit, Holly. He’s hot!”

  “What? I want to see!” I quickly crawled over beside her. “Damn—you’re right.”

  My new neighbor didn’t have a single curtain on any of his windows. That wasn’t a big deal for the front of the house since it was easy to avoid the big window in the living room, but the back out house had a lot of windows. He was strolling through his bedroom in nothing but a towel—with a body that looked like it was straight out of Greek mythology on full display. His hair was wet, so it appeared that we had just missed his shower. He dug through a few boxes, tossed some clothes on the bed, and then reached for his towel.

  “Yeah baby, take it off.” Even in the darkness, I could see Amelia’s eyes flash.

  “We really shouldn’t spy…” I blinked a couple of times, but I didn’t look away.

  “Are you high—don’t answer that.” Amelia giggled. “There’s no harm in looking…”

  My new neighbor tossed his towel to the side, and we got a full view of his naked body—from the back at least. I was mesmerized by the sight. He wasn’t just hot; he was smoldering. I wouldn’t have been surprised if the water droplets just turned to steam on the spot. He dug through one of his boxes, tossed out several articles of clothing, and then turned towards us as he picked up a pair of boxer shorts. It wasn’t the first dick I had seen—the Henderson brothers had no shame when we were in the tree house—but his was a lot bigger. It swung back and forth as he slid his boxer shorts on, and the second that his endowment was hidden behind the fabric, I was finally able to divert my gaze—Amelia was doing the complete opposite. She had a stupid grin on her face, and her eyes were practically bulging.

  “This was totally worth the trip.” Amelia snapped out of her trance and looked over at me.

  “We should probably go…” I watched as my new neighbor moved a box off his bed and moved the covers. “I think he has an early bedtime.”

  “I would send him to bed early every night—but we wouldn’t be doing much sleeping when the lights went out.” Amelia grinned.

  “Seriously, let’s go.” I stared at the house, and when the bedroom light went off, I tugged on Amelia’s arm.

  “Yeah, the shows over,” she sighed and crawled towards the trap door.

  Amelia and I made it back to my house without any incidents. As soon as we were inside, Amelia lit the joint and passed it to me. My buzz was starting to wear off, so it was perfect timing. By the time we finished the joint, my stomach was audibly upset, so I went into the kitchen to make some food. Frozen pizzas seemed like they would be the easiest thing to make, but we added some extra cheese and pepperoni while we waited on the oven to preheat. Once the pizza was in the oven, I set a timer, and Amelia persuaded me to join her on the deck for another cigarette while it cooked.

  “Do you think he’s single?” Amelia raised an eyebrow after exhaling a stream of smoke.

  “I don’t know.” I shrugged. “It doesn’t really matter. We’re about to leave for college.”

  “Of course it matters!” Amelia giggled—obviously the joint was doing the trick for her again. “You know what we should do? We should bake him some cookies!”

  “Cookies?” My vision felt like it was throbbing—the weed wasn’t making me as jovial as it normally did for some reason.

  “Yeah!” Amelia took another drag from her cigarette and nodded. “Good neighbors bake cookies when someone new moves into the neighborhood!”

  “I don’t know.” I shook my head back and forth and stabbed out my cigarette before I even took a second puff. “I think I just want to chill for a little bit. I’m not feeling very good right now…”

  “You probably just need to eat something.” Amelia took one last drag, then pressed the tip of her cigarette against the wood on the opposite side of the deck. “Let’s go inside and see if the pizza is ready.”

  “It’s not ready…” I walked to the door and opened it. “It hasn’t even been ten minutes yet.”

  I sat down on the couch, and the sick feeling inside me got more intense. I was definitely hungry. Amelia took care of the pizzas, and I just stared at the wall until they were ready. Once I had a few bites, the sick feeling started to pass, along with some of the buzz. The mild buzz was much better, but neither of us really wanted to get up and make cookies, so we just found a movie to watch on Netflix. By the time it was over, I was struggling to keep my eyes open. I had spent most of the day working, and the exhaustion was catching up with me—the weed accelerated that once the buzz wore off completely. Amelia decided to stay up a little longer since she wasn’t tired yet, so I went upstairs and changed into my pajamas. After I laid down, my thoughts returned to the extremely sexy doctor next door.

  It figures that a gorgeous and possibly single doctor would move in next door right before I’m about to leave for college—but he probably wouldn’t be interested in me, even if I was staying.

  The next day

  I was up with the sun after going to bed so early the previous night, but Amelia didn’t show any signs of waking up when I nudged her. I had no idea how late she stayed up, but I wouldn’t have been surprised if she stayed up all night. The living room seems to support that theory. There were several soda cans, an empty pack of Oreo cookies, and a half-eaten bag of chips that she didn’t bother to close. The munchies appeared to have hit her hard after I passed out. I cleaned everything up and put her cell phone on the charger since I assumed it was nearly dead. Her pack of Camel Crush cigarettes still had a couple left, so I tossed it on the counter so she could get it before she left. All of my stuff was packed, so I really didn’t have anything to do until she woke up. The next thing on our agenda was getting everything packed up at her house. I grabbed a soda and sat down on the couch to watch some television while I waited on her to finally show signs of life—that’s when I started remembering what we did before I passed out.

  Oh god—did we really go spy on my new neighbor last night?

  My memories from the previous evening began to come back to me in flashes once the caffeine in the soda flushed some of the morning fog out of my thoughts. I silently swore off marijuana for the rest of my life as everything started to register. There was one part of my memories that wasn’t foggy—the gorgeous image of my neighbor on full display in front of the window. Thinking about that made my whole body tingle, and if Amelia hadn’t been sleeping in my bed, I would have been tempted to go back to my room—my new neighbor was hotter than any of the other guys I pulled out of my imagination when I pleasured myself. His chiseled physique looked like it belonged on the cover of a magazine or one of the romance novels that my mother kept hidden in her closet.

  I think I need to start my day with a very cold shower…

  Later that day

  “How long have you been up?” Amelia stumbled into the living room and rubbed her eyes.

  “Long enough to shower and for my hair to dry.” I looked up at her and shook my head. “Go get dressed. We need to go to your house and get started.”

  “I’m going to need a lot of caffeine and a really long shower first.” She groaned and turned her head towards the kitchen. “Did you make coffee?”

  “No.” I raised an eyebrow. “Since when do you drink coffee?”

  “I think I should start today…” She blinked a couple of times and then stumbled towards the kitchen.

  “Damn, how late did you stay up?” I stared at Amelia, but the only reply I got was a grunt.

  Amelia seemed to come to life once she made a cup of coffee in my mother’s Keurig and downed it. I waited patiently while she showered and got dressed. I was ready to get started, mainly because I wanted to be done so I could relax for the rest of the weekend. My parents were coming home on Monday, and I wouldn’t get to spend much time with them before it was time for me to leave, so I didn’t want our last day together to be rushed. Amelia decided to make another cup of coffee for the road, and I grabbed two sodas—her parents were health nuts and usually didn’t have anything in the house to drink except water. We walked outside, and as soon as we got to Amelia’s car, the front door of my neighbor’s house opened—the sexy doctor we spied on the night before walked out in a pair of gym shorts and a t-shirt.

  “Oh damn.” I grabbed Amelia’s arm.


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