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Page 11

by Douglas E Roff

  Adam said, “Delighted. I’m all ears.”

  “Not what I hear,” said Helena, making a little play on words. “I seem to remember some other parts you had that also functioned well.”

  “Shoosh,” said Adam. “Lock the lips, throw away the key. Remember?”

  “Sorry. But you should know that you are nowhere near as much fun as Vera. She likes dirty talk. As does Marie, if the rumor is true.”

  Adam looked at Bella, who now looked like a school marm. “Sorry, Bella, please continue.”

  “All three items you mentioned are related, almost like a recipe. It’s dangerous, very dangerous to know or talk about any of them. At least for a Gens. To speak of all three together is normally a death sentence.”

  “How so?”

  “The Collective actively seeks out those who know about any of the three parts. Especially the location and numbers of the Eighty-One. The only clan allowed to have any contact with the Collective is the leadership of the Gens Germania. Helena and I were the price for peace between the Eighty-One and the Collective. The experiment failed. We were the cost.

  “The Collective has a group of fanatical humans called the Hunters whose only job in the modern world appears to be to obtain the original copy of the Prophecy, hunt down and kill every member of the Eighty-One and, eventually, every remaining Nobilus in the world.”

  “How many Nobilus are there left?”

  “The Collective believes that there are less than one million. But, in fact, there are over fifty million individuals all over the world that all share one single characteristic.”

  “Which is?”

  Bella said, “Nobilus DNA. Paulo knows of the Prophecy, believes in it as do most Gens, and figured out that the Nobilus present a serious problem for Gens dominance.”

  “And the Eighty-One?”

  “Ditto. They represent a big danger to the Collective. The Collective wants us all dead, including the Eighty-One.”

  “Do tell. How does all this fit together?”

  Chapter 19

  “We should start with who and what the Eighty-One are. Paulo claims that the Collective accounts for around eighty-five percent of all Gens in the world. That number may be correct but very likely isn’t. It all depends on who gets counted in and who gets counted out. Let’s say for purposes of discussion that about a third of Gens are transformed most of the time. Some of those, like Helena and me, all the time. Most of the support for the Fortizi comes from these clans. They have guns and science; most of the rest have claws.

  “Then there are roughly a third or so that never transform but live within the territory we would concede as controlled by the Collective. But the Gens, who live in packs, belong to clans and never transform, do not recognize the Collective as having any authority or legal claim over them or their communities. If Paulo showed up in one of these remote communities, he would probably not last twenty-four hours. The non-transforming Gens clans are fiercely independent and do not welcome outsiders. The vast majority of natural state Gens are in loosely affiliated clans that are called the Wildmen. Recall the Scots and German tribes of the Roman era.

  “The other third of the Collective transform occasionally for one reason or another. Some like human sex, others enjoy traveling. To be honest, these packs only ‘vacation’ in human form. They can take it or leave it. But this third of the Gens Nation worldwide is growing in power and seeking to remain in human form for longer periods of time.

  “In addition, they are only loosely associated with the Gens, largely out of coercion rather than choice. These clans could swing in any direction if a civil war broke out. But Paulo has been careful to cultivate friendships and provide these clans with extra goodies under the Christmas tree.”

  “You guys celebrate Christmas?”

  “Sure, don’t you?”

  “I just wasn’t aware of the Gens having any religious affiliations.”

  “We don’t. We just like the holiday spirit, the Christmas music, decorating the tree and gift giving. The rest of the story, to most of us, is pure mythology. Virgin birth? Really? Come on.”

  “Keep going.”

  “So anyway, the only real hold that Paulo has on the Collective is in the transformed community and doesn’t account for more than a third of the known Gens population worldwide. And within that community, many clans are not loyal to the Collective, or at least the Fortizi run Collective. That’s roughly ninety-five million Gens. His claim to two hundred eighty-five million is pure nonsense. He knows it and so, does every other transformed Gens. The rest simply don’t care.”

  “So why does he perpetuate a falsehood? Makes no sense.”

  “Sure, it does. Would you rather be the leader of a nation of ninety-five million or a nation of almost three hundred million? It may be a lie but it’s a useful lie.”

  “Still, pretty weak.”

  “Maybe, but no one really knows how many in the Collective are truly loyal to the Fortizi Clan. Might be far fewer or way more. Politics.”

  “How does this relate to the Eighty-One? For that matter, what is or who are the Eighty-One?”

  “The Eighty-One are the clans spread out geographically around the world that are not now, have never been or will ever be associated with or become part of the Collective. They largely reflect the entire Gens nation, with some almost always transformed, some occasionally on vacation and some who never transform. Their precise numbers aren’t known, and each clan runs its own affairs. They will never join the Collective.”

  “Why not?”

  “First, like my own people, the Gens Germania, they have lived symbiotically with humans for millennia. It used to be for mutual protection but today it’s more like tradition than anything. There does not appear to be any good reason to change a cultural identity they know and love. Second, we transform by drinking water from certain natural artesian springs. It used to be that each clan had one or more springs. Now we have to ration. But we don’t hunt humans, never have and, like I said, we live symbiotically. We protect each other, keep to ourselves and do not get involved in the outside world.”

  “No video games?”

  “Nope. We’re basically the last vestige of the Ludite Movement. We prefer to lead simpler, less complex lives. Third, and finally, our humans can transform to Gens if they wish. Same water, but in reverse. The Collective uses human blood which of course has no effect on humans. But the insides of the Collective are beginning to unravel; the old world and habitats are being taken over by humans and the human world of technology. That has the effect of encroaching on or destroying our homelands and threatens our very way of life. The perils of discovery are the only thing we used to all agree on and wanted to prevent at all costs. Until now, anyway.”

  “There’s more?”

  “The last important thing is that the Collective doesn’t know our numbers. For that matter neither do I. I even doubt whether the leadership back home has any idea. But worse for Paulo is that in any civil war, not only would the Gens of the Eighty-One fight against the Collective, so too would our human brothers and sisters. Every human attached to one of the Eighty-One Clans has transformed at least once in his or her lifetime. A few humans transform permanently and become reclusive.

  “I see.”

  Bella doubted that Adam saw anything, but she was confident that Misti and Hannah would. “That’s the highlights for the Eighty-One, but even more terrifying to Paulo, is the existence of the Prophecy.”


  “Because every Gens knows of the Prophecy, believes in its message and believes it will come to pass. No Gens of the Collective will admit that out in the open for fear of retribution from Paulo or the Collective. And if it begins to look like the fulfillment of the Prophecy is imminent, Paulo, Enzo and all the Councils of the Collective will crumble into the dustbin of history.


  “The Prophecy foretells the coming of the Chosen One, of the Great Healing and the dawn of a
new age. If the Chosen One is real, he will come forward and bring all the factions of the Gens together in peace. He will be the founder of a new philosophy, which you now call the Way. And he will defeat the forces allied against nature and restore balance to the planet.”

  “And you think he has come. Do you know who he is?”

  “Yes, I believe he has come, and, yes, I know who he is.”


  “A human by the name of Adam Stephen St. James.”

  Adam looked at Bella expecting her to break out laughing at her little joke. Then he remembered that as between the sisters, only Helena had a sense of humor.

  “I will explain why in the context of the Prophecy itself and the role the Nobilus play.”

  Adam said, “You are joking.”

  Helena who had been silent said, “No, she’s not. We now understand the meaning of the Prophecy and what events must now take place.”

  “Like what?”

  “First, you will fight and kill Enzo Fortizi in human form. Then you will fight and kill Paulo in natural state Gens form.”

  “I don’t know if I can transform. So far that’s a mere an unproven boast by the Black Shirts. It’s not a minor detail.”

  “True, but the Chosen One already has the ability to transform at will, without needing human blood, spring water or anything else. It is in you to do this. Literally. And you will need a second. I believe that will be Octavio.”

  Bella paused to collect herself.

  “And I’m not happy about it.”


  Bella explained, “The Prophecy was written many centuries ago, but by who exactly, we don’t know. But we do know that almost all clans around the world have an ancient copy of it. It’s like the Declaration of Independence; there were many ‘original’ copies made produced. And, the Great Libraries also have copies, now carefully preserved and stored.

  “We, as a culture and species, have been trying to figure out the meaning of the Prophecy for centuries, believing that it foretold a Great Healing. Many modern transformed Gens disregard it as mythology; a prank our elders concocted to give future generations hope that our existence would, one day, be revealed to humanity and we would live forever after in harmony with homo sapiens.

  “While it may be cool to publicly mock it as the Collective does, the Gens around the world still believe the Prophecy will one day come true; that the separation of humans and Gens was never meant to be. We come from the same branch of the genealogical and genetic family tree and that some accident of nature prevented what should’ve happened; we should’ve eventually mated and become one super species. And in that combination, the whole would be greater than the sum of its parts.”

  Adam had a flash of insight and looked over immediately at Alana. She smiled and winked. She heard the same message too. Adam continued, now the Devil’s Advocate, “Why would they? Belief in the Prophecy seems a little far-fetched. And I thought humans were a tasty morsel, an occasional snack.”

  “Why Adam St. James, I’m shocked. And you claim to be a devout Catholic boy. I’m surprised you don’t know the answer to your own question.”

  “Sorry, not following your line of thought.”

  “Faith. Faith in the proposition that a war of the species on this planet is not what was intended.”

  “Intended? Intended by who?”

  “We don’t know. But our Shamans, and, yes, we do have Shamans, follow a very simple precept. That there is a God and God seeks harmony with what God has created and given to us. And the tenets are few. God is embodied in the Universe; the Universe being the sum of all that is, all that has ever been and all that will ever be. In our beliefs, everything in the Universe is connected to us, and we to it. We are not separate and apart from the Universe, we are the Universe. And the Universe is conscious as is every component of it.”

  “Even a rock?”

  “Of course. A rock is conscious of itself as a rock. How else could it know how to be a rock?”

  “Never thought of it that way,” said Adam.

  “What Helena and I have done is take every line of the Prophecy and try to explain its propositions and hidden meanings, the uniqueness of them and how they relate to each other. More than two millennia of scholarly reflection. Helena and I have taken the liberty of sharing our understanding of the Prophecy with Noki, Misti and Alana. While it’s true that the Prophecy is vague and lacking in specifics, when put in modern context and considering the events of the last couple of years, it couldn’t be any clearer.”

  “Do I get a copy of your treatise on the subject?”

  “Yes. But, for now, I want you to think back to your first connection with Alana. What was revealed, what were you told, and what were you tasked with doing. Then read the texts as we have written them as well as the summary of the scholarly work by our people. You may be skeptical and thinking that this is wishful thinking, that it’s nothing more than fitting selective facts and events into vague old patterns and constructs to extract new meaning.

  “And, if you do, you may be right. But for now, you have work to do. And time is running short. Paulo will want to have Demora with you soon, but that cannot be. You must leave the Manor soon with Octavio and journey to Germany. You will meet two women there; they will share knowledge and guide you.”

  “You must also speak to Derek Nobilus. From him you will also receive a gift of knowledge and something else. I do not know what those things are nor does anyone other than Derek. And, I understand that Derek has gone to ground; disappeared.”

  “When do I go?”

  “You have one month and then you leave, ready or not. I am guessing at the sequence of events but not the actual events themselves. You will be gone for a very long time. You cannot for any reason deviate from this path. You cannot be drawn out before you are ready. Helena and I have a role in what will be, as do all your women.”

  “And what of my family? What will become of them?”

  “Some have roles; others do not. Some may … perish before this is over. That includes all of us here and everyone in or connected to you in the Eight Families. The outcome is not preordained; if we lose or fail in our duties, we will all perish anyway in the coming war of the races and prophesied Apocalypse.”

  “No pressure there.”

  “When you speak, I am never quite sure whether you are dumb as an Ox but luckier that any creature to have ever existed, or a savant. Which is it?”

  “Depends on who you talk to. One day I’m one and the next day I’m the other. I think I’m quirky.”

  “How did you get so many beautiful and talented women to fall in love with you? It makes no sense.”

  Adam smiled, “Well, at least we agree on that. That’s a start.”

  Bella and Helena stood up to leave with Alana.

  “One more thing before we go our separate ways. I had not wanted to share this bit with anyone until I knew more about controlling my mind and what significance, if any, it had. Now I’m beginning to see that it should be out in the open so I may get guidance.”

  “Which is what?”

  “I can already transform without need of any substance to aid. I can will myself to become a Gens.”

  Bella asked, “Have you succeeded?”

  “Yes. Twice. But the transition drains me each time, though far less the second time than the first.”

  “No different than any other Gens who transform,” said Helena. “It takes time and practice.”

  Bella looked at Alana, then Adam. “No more holdbacks of tidbits like that. They are important and may relate to the Prophecy. It will take some convincing for most Gens, even those in the Eighty-One, to believe you are the Chosen One.


  “The Chosen One is not supposed to be a human. Certainly not the much feared the Human. The Chosen One is supposed to be a Gens.”


  Chapter 20

  Adam was working away diligently in the kitchen havin
g promised his guests new tasty delights he had been learning from his Mom: Mexican fusion cuisine. He was now ready to test his skills on his willing extended family members who had all gathered that night for dinner.

  During the Sunday edition of the daily after work/before dinner walk at the Manor, Misti had spoken to each of her gal pals to summon them, her coven, plus the newbie Kendra Boles, who was rapidly becoming an important addition to both Misti as her lover and Adam as his personal bodyguard. The event was to be a quiet dinner at the newly renamed Misti Residence. Alana and Vera had volunteered to help Adam, with prep and cooking, they themselves being new to the cuisine, but also to pump Adam for information about the super-secret reason for the get together.

  Help they did, but gain information they did not.

  “The answer to your unasked question is yes, I do know why we, or rather you, have been asked by her highness to attend dinner this evening. However, out of respect for my physical safety should I breathe a single solitary word about any of this to you, I have triple safety locked my lips and thrown away the keys.”

  “You know,” Vera said in her most sultry, and sensual voice, “that Alana, and I could be disposed to employ certain physical means to persuade you dish on the plans of the queen bee. Only the things you really enjoy the most, and as copiously, and often as you want. Plus, you can have both of us day or night, separate or together, for anything you’d enjoy. And I mean anything. We’d be happy to extend our joint offer for, say … two full weeks. That’s a bargain for just a few hints, you know.”

  “Tempted as I am at your totally overgenerous offer, for the paltry price of a single kiss from each of you, I will give you one, and only one, tiny, tiny little clue. Best I can do. The other is tempting and I’m crying inside to have to say no, but I fear her more than your amazing inducement. Won’t do me a bit of good if I’m unable to walk, talk or be wantonly promiscuous with the two of you.”

  “Pucker up then,” said Alana. “He won’t tell us anything Vera, but I’d still like that kiss.”


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