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Page 24

by Douglas E Roff

  Eene extended her hands, which Adam gently grasped, bringing her closer to him. “I desire union with you. And I believe we will, together, heal each other and this world in which we live. I need you, and, so does your clan, our planet and our peoples. Our future is bound up, should we take this first step.

  “If you wish, we can invite Caroline and Kendra to join us in union to allay your remaining fears. I have just learned of your burdens and can assure you that you are neither ugly, evil nor immoral. You are just a woman who has been wronged by many for such a long time that you have begun to doubt yourself and your worth without cause. You are beautiful, inside and out.”

  “I would like very much to be joined in union by Caroline and Kendra.”

  “That would please me too.”

  Kendra said, “Wow! Did not see that coming. You are correct, yet I think you undervalue my desire for full union with you, Adam. But, in the main, I can do without any man, even you.”

  “Then, I invite you to cease doing what you do not enjoy.”

  “Doubtful. In fact, no way. There are still parts to which I thrill. I will not forego that which is pleasurable, though the gender source isn’t my preference. You are skilled and that one thing you let me do makes everything even more erotic.”

  Caroline suddenly perked up. “What thing?”

  “Adam allows me to congress with the whomever I prefer to envision as my partner. Male, female; famous or stranger.”

  Adam was disconsolate, but only momentarily. “Women do not choose to see me as partner more frequently than is healthy for my ego, but a commitment is something to be honored.”

  Caroline smiled. “Now that’s knowledge worth knowing. But I will always prefer your beautiful face over any other. Maybe another every so often, just for varieties sake. And you, whose countenance do you favor?”

  “Just the one I’m with. Like the song by Crosby, Stills and Nash.”


  All four then lay on the big bed and passed the night one body coupling with another, then all in sensual combination. By morning, Eene no longer feared herself, her place in the world nor her beauty, inside or out. Her comfort with her own sexual proclivities were allayed, as Adam shared some others of Misti and Helena. Both had consented to appropriate disclosure, just not in general. Then they were to be erased from the viewer’s mind.

  Eene said, “I cannot believe I punished myself for that. I will never again hold such things inside. Even if I have to cross the Universe alone, I will always come to you, Adam. You are a blessing.”

  Adam smiled.

  “And the sex. Thank the Creator, Chosen One. I didn’t know pleasure could be so ... pleasurable … and fun. Now what?”

  “More practice. You are far behind on your studies, young apprentice.”

  “Then I shall need more cardio. Suggestions?”

  “Only one.”

  Chapter 40

  The next day was, however, in no way like the previous night. Hans and Tarken showed up at the massive oak doors of the Palace expecting to be granted entrance immediately. They had been forbidden to enter Dietschberg, much less the Palace. They ignored the commands of the Queen, expecting to act with impunity.

  One of the very large Palace Guards greeted them warmly, but blocked their impudent attempt to just walk in. They were outraged and demanded that the guard, Soren, step out of the way or face the wrath of the Queen.

  “The Queen has summoned us. How dare you prevent out immediate entrance; you have no authority over us.”

  Soren said, “That would be true except that we’re in The Palace of Dietschberg and I have been instructed by the Queen to expect you to try this subterfuge. You were to see her at midday, not at first light. I have been ordered to bar your entry, and to inform her immediately if either of you showed up unannounced.”

  “And if your orders have changed? What will you do then, Soren? We have been bidden attend the Queen and you’re preventing us from exercising our official duties. You should allow us entry and immediately or face the consequences.”

  “So be it,” said Soren. “But you shall not enter the Palace until I have spoken with the Queen.”

  “Asleep, undoubtedly, at this hour.”

  “Actually not. Wait here while I inform the Queen you have arrived as she predicted.” Soren shut, and locked the massive doors, the walked to the kitchen to speak with the Queen. He passed two other Guards seated and enjoying a light morning meal.

  He said, “Go to the entrance doors and see to it no one enters. Hans and Tarken are outside and have been forbidden entrance by the Queen herself. They are demanding entry, but don’t listen to their lies.”

  The two men snapped to attention and briskly walked to the entrance. Hans and Tarken were issuing new threats to the two men who had taken the place at Soren’s command; the men paid no attention to the pair outside.

  The Queen showed up minutes later with Soren by her side. Adam lurked in the background, believing, correctly, that his visible presence would only make matters worse. He stood silently to the side and awaited the Queen to speak to the two Gens.

  Soren bid the guards open the doors.

  Caroline spoke first, and directly. “Why are you here? You were bidden at midday, not this hour.” Her tone was unfriendly and challenging.

  “We came to speak with you and to guide the humans to the Village. My father is concerned for their safety and didn’t want them to wander off.”

  “And Hans, is this true? Your Headman sent you to speak to me and to guide the humans to training? Speak truthfully; much depends on it.”

  “I didn’t personally hear the orders from Tarken’s father, but I don’t disbelieve what Tarken said. I have no reason to doubt the instructions from my Headman nor those relayed by his son.”

  “I didn’t ask you for obfuscation and avoidance of a direct question. Did your Headman so instruct you and Tarken?”

  “I was not so instructed.”

  Tarken’s ire was rising, and he demanded entrance, but specified no reason. He tried to push Soren out of the way but, in human form, had no chance of succeeding.

  “If I return here in natural state, Soren, the result of any conflict will be swift and deadly. I suggest you step aside. And as to you, Caroline, I suggest you rethink your instructions to your guards. After we wed, you will obey my commands. I find this insolent behavior to be unworthy of my wife; you shall regret your intemperance.”

  “And what shall you do, Tarken? Punish me as you would a cowering Gens child bride? Use your size and skill to intimidate me? Hit me? Tie me to a tree until I beg you to set me free. I knew your arrogance was growing, somehow fueled by Hans inciting your ego and temper. But this naked attempt to usurp my throne, mine not yours, is unworthy of the son of the Headman.

  “I suspected foul play and have for months. I believe that somehow the Fortizi clan is behind this. I shall go to visit your father immediately and we shall see what truth is in your words.”

  Caroline turned to Soren and the guards, “Bind them and prepare to depart immediately.”

  Tarken said, “I have already taken the spring water. It will be a short time now before I will be at full strength. Then I shall teach you, Soren, your last lesson and you, Caroline, proper respect. Our wedding will be on the morrow and you shall soon learn obedience and proper behavior.”

  Hans said, “Do as he commands, and all will be well. You are promised to him and will obey him in all matters. Your wedding will be consummated at sunrise tomorrow.”

  “And does Akira know of these plans?”

  “That old fool knows nothing. You will remain here under guard, until I return. We will marry in secret with my fellow clan supporters in attendance to confirm your assent and my personal Shaman will officiate according to our laws. Your Shaman will agree to the union or we will find another human who will. I will displace my father immediately thereafter. Hans will transform within the quarter hour and your resistance to him
will avail you nothing. Do not leave, or even attempt to leave; my patience can only withstand so much of your brazen disrespect. Don’t anger me further or you can expect your punishment to be lengthy and severe. Your screams of anguish will be heard in nearby villages and at great distances away. There will be a new order here in the Black Forest, and that order will be according to my law.”

  He turned to walk away, as Hans began to push his way inside. On any other day, little could be done but acquiesce to Tarnek’s demands. The Village, where Akira was in control and who would swat down then kill his son for treason, was too far off. Tarnek and Hans would transform too soon. If Hans transformed, Soren would be dead, and the Queen taken prisoner. Akira would soon follow Soren’s fate and, by right and law, Tarnek would become Headman. Tarnek would then attempt to control the whole of the Black Forest and would undoubtedly make war on the rest of the Eighty-One.

  It seemed as though Paulo and Enzo Fortizi had been busy little beavers.

  As Hans gained entrance, he spotted first Kendra, then Adam.

  “Tarnek,” he shouted. “They live. The humans.”

  “What? They should’ve been killed in their sleep last night. How did we not know they still walked the earth?”

  Adam answered. “Because when they failed, they probably did the smart thing and fled. Now, Tarnek, you have a problem.”

  “No, it is you. I will transform and then kill you. How long will you last? A minute? Two? And with Hans transformed, we will make quick work of the Chosen One. Chosen for an early death.”

  Caroline and Soren were frightened. Tarnek was correct; if he and Hans transformed, Adam was not strong enough to fight them both for more than a few minutes.

  “Yes, yes, that little ploy. It was convincing was it not? It was the idea of your father, Akira, and his Council. They suspected your treason for some time now; at least since you accompanied the Queen to America. So, no, I will not transform back within minutes; I will remain transformed as long as I wish. Your father has given me the privilege of fighting you and Hans, so at least your deaths will appear honorable and the shame you have brought to the Gens Germania buried as a footnote in the Histories of your kind. By the way, you are surrounded by your own military. There is no escape.”

  Hans lunged for Adam, but Kendra blocked his way. She was slashed, wounded but she still took him down while in human form.

  Akira suddenly appeared at the entrance, as if a phantom. He looked at Kendra, then Caroline, and said, “Kill Hans and remove him from our sight.”

  Caroline reached for her blade. Kendra held him in a choke hold, facing up, his throat exposed as she pulled his head back by his hair. With one swift stroke, Caroline cut Hans’ throat. The blood gushed in spurts, causing Caroline a momentary loss of control, the fresh scent of her kill filling her nostrils and driving her to rage. To Akira, Caroline was the paradigm of a Gens female warrior; fierce, ruthless and merciless to the enemies of their people.

  Tarnek was to be taken to the Village to face his end in the field where bunnies often met their doom. He was already beginning to transform, so Akira asked if Adam would do the honors right there in the driveway.

  Adam waited for Tarnek to fully transform and allowed him to utter his curses at Adam in the Common Tongue. Adam stood in human form, listening politely as was the custom of Akira’s clan. When the threats uttered appeared to have no impact on the human, Adam transformed.

  He was bigger than before, massive in size and a nightmare to behold. Tarnek thought to run but was hemmed in by his own military.

  Adam, now formally given the name Manti by Akira, said in Common tongue, “I am the Chosen One, Manti of the Gens Germania, avowed defender of Gens Germania, their Village, the Queen and her subjects in Dietschberg and the Mixed-races. I am the Chosen One now come to life. Tarnek, it is your fate, as passed upon by your own people in Council and by military command, that you fight me to the death. We begin.”

  Tarnek lunged for Adam wildly but couldn’t seem to get close to Adam. Adam extended his paw claws and swiftly kicked Tarnek to the ground. Adam sliced off both of Tarnek’s forepaws, symbolizing the fate of a traitor.

  “Now you die.” With that, Adam severed Tarnek’s head, stood back and kicked it away from Akira, as required by custom. He howled in blood lust as his kill lay at his feet. Akira and Caroline, though in human form, together with the Gens warriors, and military accompanying Akira, all began to howl in unison with Adam. As Adam stopped, so did the others. Kendra couldn’t comprehend how surreal the sight was and wouldn’t soon forget the savagery of the event. Her respect for Adam’s martial qualities had always been high though often underrated. Tonight, her assessment reached a new zenith.

  Adam turned to Akira, “I grieve for the loss of your eldest son. Please accept my apologies for carrying out his sentence. I beg your forgiveness.”

  Akira looked at Adam, “Given, with respect,” was all he said. Then he turned to his men and said, “Collect his remains, and burn them. Then scatter his ashes outside the confines of the Black Forest.

  Akira turned to Caroline, “He was never fit to be your consort. I have asked Adam to formally join our clan. I ask you Caroline, and you Kendra Boles, to honor us by becoming one with our Village and our people. As the last of your line, you will be honored as our one and only Queen, though it is my wish that you mate and bear progeny that will forever unite our peoples as one. It is so foretold in the Prophecy that such will be our fate when the Chosen One is revealed, as is he now. I bid you return to the Village in two days’ time. Until then, peace be upon you.”

  Chapter 41

  Tarnek’s body was quickly swept away along with Hans’ as Akira and his men melted into the forest. Caroline, Soren, the two guards and Kendra all stood in the doorway, though a few others of the household, along with Eene, witnessed the events of the morning from inside the Palace. The sun had risen and presaged a beautiful day ahead.

  Adam said, “Well that was exciting! What’s for breakfast, cook? I no longer am required to eat that awful mush.”

  Caroline and Kendra pushed forward to stand directly in front of Adam, Eene not far behind. They looked up at him, staring, Adam now bloodied with Tarnek’s life force but couldn’t form the words. They all thought they would soon be dead, Adam first among them.

  Kendra said, “When were you going to mention the plan to us, mister? I am more than a little riled at you at this very moment. Thanks, however, that was nice work.”

  Eene and Caroline, in unison, both said, “And riled am I. And me, too.” They attempted indignancy but couldn’t maintain their faux emotions.

  “Tell you the surprise? And spoil it? Where’s the fun in that? Besides I couldn’t say anything; it was the wish of Akira and the Council. The military assented too. Tarnek needed to believe that he had to act soon before I could stop him. In this way only could we confirm his treachery, and allegiance to the Collective. So, we devised this deception. Akira and the Council had suspected that Hans had been plotting the overthrow of Akira for years and that Akira’s son, Tarnek, had sold out to the Collective with the promise of sovereignty over the entire Black Forest. You, my Queen would be forced to marry him, then you would be eliminated, leaving the last of the royal house in his hands. It would all seem completely accidental and unplanned, though your confinement in the Palace was to be a living hell. His plans for you were – unspeakable, his hatred for you so great.”

  “But why?”

  “Because his people, the Gens of the Village and the Black Forest loved you, not him. Though not their custom, the Elders of the villages wished you to be given a special honor: become their one and only Queen. They petitioned the Headmen and Councils in convocation and in secret to make this singular exception. Tarnek would thereafter only be your consort, Headman perhaps, but not beloved by the people.”

  Caroline said, “But it couldn’t last. Not forever.”

  “Agreed, so after a few years of ‘sickness’, you wo
uld gently pass into the afterlife. Case closed, and the Eighty-One soon to be subjugated and made part of the Collective. Even Eene, a Headman, wasn’t allowed to know. Her closeness to the Queen was considered a risk to the plan. I am sorry for deceiving each of you, I truly am. I wish I could’ve been honest. I hope you will not be angry with me. At least not for long.”

  Caroline, Eene and Kendra abruptly turned in unison and returned inside to the warmth of the Palace. They were still stunned, and unable to collect their thoughts. Adam stood alone in the gravel driveway and watched as the women walked inside silently, not looking back. As Adam slowly began his walk back inside, feeling that in winning he had lost something, Soren and his men, all of the Palace Guards approached.

  “Sir, a moment.”


  The men all dropped to one knee and bowed their heads. “We haven’t sworn an oath of loyalty in many generations. But we do this day. We pledge our lives and fortunes to the Chosen One. Our people of the Black Forest will all know of your deeds by sunrise tomorrow. We pledge our loyalty to you, and to our Queen.”

  They stood and walked away. As Adam entered the Palace, the servants and guests assembled there all took a knee, saying “My Lord.”

  Adam bid them rise, asking once again for the cook. Several stepped forward.

  One asked, “Yes, my Lord. What is your desire?”

  “Breakfast, good woman. In the Great Hall and all are invited to join me. Is the larder full?”

  “It is, sire.”

  “Then send word to the Queen, Eene of the Aziri and Kendra Boles, my wife, that it’s time to break our fast. Bid them please forgive me for my deception and beg them to join us at their leisure.”

  A young woman, a handmaiden in service to the Queen said, “Yes my Lord. I shall bring each, even if I have to carry them myself, one by one.”


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