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Resolution Page 25

by Douglas E Roff

  “And what’s your name young lady, so it can be recorded in our Histories.”

  “I am Liesl, and I am the miller’s daughter. And sire?”

  “Yes, Liesl, the miller’s daughter?”

  “Humbly accept our gratitude for your bravery today. And for protecting our Queen, whom we love beyond measure.”


  Breakfast was raucous and chaotic, the people of the Dietschberg now stopping in to meet and greet the Chosen One. Adam’s day passed as he was guided around Dietschberg to see all who couldn’t come to the Palace and to be blessed by the Shamans. Dinner that night was to be formal and Adam hadn’t been permitted to see his three companions all day.

  They skipped breakfast in the Great Hall, instead taking the morning meal in Caroline’s rooms.

  Adam thought that he had made an error in judgment, upsetting the Queen, Eene and most of all, Kendra.

  The Chief Steward of the Palace guided Adam to the seat at head of the table, reserved for the King in older times. Adam would vacate the seat as soon as the Queen arrived, should she arrive. Adam was puzzled by the reaction of the three women, though less so with Kendra. He understood her slight pique with him for not being informed of the “plan”; she was after all, his bodyguard, a job about which she didn’t joke or take lightly.

  Deep in Kendra’s soul she had committed herself to forfeit her life willingly for the Chosen One. While she thought all the haughty lingo around Adam was ridiculous, as did Adam, after a while she just got used to the idea that this terminology was how others thought of him. Who was she to criticize their cultural and metaphysical beliefs? Adam was one strange cat, she granted that; he was a superstar in her mind, but he was still just a man. A thrilling man, but just a man. Flesh and bone.

  Kendra entered the Great Hall first, dressed formally as Adam had never seen her before. Kendra made the “ripped jeans” look chic in everyday life and her natural beauty was sufficient to catch the attention of any woman. He had never even seen her in a dress, much less an exquisite formal black floor length gown, her skirt slit just high enough to reveal the temptation beneath. Heads turned, as did Adam’s.

  His wife was breathtaking.

  Minutes later, the Queen and Eene of the Aziri entered the room, each attired in formal dress of their clan, culture and position. Liesl, the miller’s daughter trailed behind them smiling. She too was now dressed in regional attire and would one day break hearts throughout the Black Forest. The young pages, and Palace Guards, though few, straightened up as she passed by.

  Adam himself stood at attention as the three most beautiful and regal looking women entered the Hall and made their way slowly to the head of the table. Adam stepped aside, pulling out the chair he had occupied, respectfully seating the Queen first. He then replicated the same courtesy for Eene and then for his wife.

  As he seated Kendra, she whispered, “You look especially yummy tonight. Bathed and dressed in formal attire, you clean up well. You have caught the attention of all the ladies, and I don’t mean just Caroline and Eene. If it was your wish, you’d be getting more you-know-what than Clooney and Pitt combined. Apparently, the Gens females of eligible age all wish a turn with the Chosen One in human form before you leave. I hope you will have some spare time for training.”

  “And you, my wife? Have you forgiven me for keeping secrets from you? What are my chances with you?”

  “I admit to feeling some pique with you initially, but it left my consciousness almost as quickly as it entered. However, if you feel any residuum of guilt, I will be more than pleased to let you make it up to me somehow. We can decide later, although I have a few stray thoughts that you may fancy too.”

  “And the ladies, Caroline and Eene? I sense they are happy with the result but not the process by which we achieved that result. They departed quickly and refused to see me. Are they very angry?”

  Kendra laughed. “Hardly. As Queen and Headman, Caroline and Eene felt they couldn’t be seen by the household and people of Dietschberg crying then hugging and kissing the Chosen One. Their happiness and relief were great, and they were overcome with emotion. It took several hours and the intervention of young Liesl to get the ladies settled and arranged. Both wanted to appear beautiful, and regal for their Chosen One. It took some time to throw this frock together for me, but Liesl’s mother is a seamstress and able to modify one of Caroline’s dresses. A little tight, especially in the boob area but the fit is otherwise comfortable.”

  “I don’t think the men or women assembled here tonight will mind a little regal display of your ‘boob area’. Your many new admirers have suddenly ‘discovered’ the inhuman human, the warrior princess.”

  Kendra leaned over to her husband. “And later, after dinner and the celebration, you have been invited to the ‘after party’. A small soiree numbering a party of four. By invitation only. Apparently, you are the guest of honor and the three women in attendance will have to arm wrestle for ‘first privilege’. Fortunately, we three have agreed to a tie, so we’ll all get to the festivities with you right away. You have tomorrow off, and will need it, but then you and I go back to training the day after.”

  “I’m delighted.”

  “You will be vastly more delighted when you experience the gratitude of three horny women. But, keep your tool in check ‘til later; it would be unseemly to show off now.”

  “Roger that.”

  “And when we resume training, Eene and Caroline have both agreed to teach me how to transform properly, though you still need to teach me how to do it instantly like you. Then I will join in the martial training a few days following my mastery of transformation.”

  Chapter 42

  Back at the Manor, the government types were combing through an empty Estate. Nothing much remained, and the security services were furious that the Prime Minister and President let these criminals go. They couldn’t understand Canada’s silence in the matter and the young PM was tight lipped and saying nothing. CSIS was similarly uncooperative, which was annoying to both MI-6 and the CIA/NSA.

  The PM in Ottawa simply asked to be left out of the mess the US and the UK had created; Canada hadn’t been informed, so it wouldn’t interfere. Canada had other reasons, but that was now a state secret. Only the young PM knew the whereabouts of Adam and his family and had been invited to visit and tour the new homeland of a future people. He would be honored by the Nabataeans and a few previously hidden apocalyptic societies residing in the Kenyan bush. They were asked to abandon their settlements and join the new territory of Paraiso. They decided that the name of their capital city, where most now lived except the Nabataeans, would be called the “City of Light”.

  The invitation to other pre-existing colonies included the colony where Derek Nobilus resided, though the true nature of Paraiso wasn’t revealed to him or his fellow colonists.


  They met in an underground bunker at a British military based on the plains of Salisbury. In attendance were senior representatives of MI-6, the Mossad, the CIA and the NSA. Connected by secure satellite link were the security services of several other NATO countries. Absent was Canada, punished for not being a team player.

  The young PM was unconcerned but his CSIS advisors thought it a dangerous path. The PM simply assured them that the danger lay not with Canada, but with those meeting in Salisbury.


  The American General spoke, “What do we know of their activities at this facility they called the Manor.”

  The MI-6 woman said, “From intelligence gathered from our plants, they were working on two main projects. One was some fantasy anthropological nonsense involving vampires, while the other concerned the new materials and weapons we wish to control. The second part is quite real.

  They have amply demonstrated ability to deploy and lethality, ease of manufacture, and materials acquisition making this technology the most advanced on the planet. Should they choose, they can wreak havoc on our military capability,
just as they have threatened.”

  “What else?”

  “The tech depends on sophisticated software and the use of the DL Main. These terrorists have access to both.”

  “How is that possible? Didn’t we learn anything from Snowden?”

  His aide said, “Not really the same, sir. Dr. Edward and Dr. Adam St. James run the DataLab Project, and Dr. Adam St. James designed the DL Main. He writes most of the software.”

  “Shut it down then. Withdraw their credentials. Cut them off.”

  “Can’t sir, at least not yet. Seems that Dr. Adam St. James already thought of that. He’s cut us off.”

  “Bastard. Can we find him? Kill or capture him. Make an example of him?”

  “Tried that. Didn’t work.”

  “Rendition his family? Turn the screws?”

  “Illegal and his family has disappeared too. Ghosts. Left with him.”

  “Any way to contact him?”

  “The PM of Canada, who you just called a chicken shit punk. Former President Obama. Maybe Tony Blair. My recollection is that they don’t like you much nor you them. I wouldn’t expect cooperation.”

  “Traitors. All of them. Disloyal to the President and the restoration of America’s greatness.”

  “We have a number to call, a woman, an American named Misti Alarcon. Connected somehow. Made that scene in Congress a week or so ago. She’s our only connection to Dr. Adam St. James. They were close at one time; don’t know the status now.”

  “Get a hold of her. Get her in custody off shore, maybe Guantanamo. Then let’s see where we go from there. Keep looking for this rat’s nest of terrorists. I want them found.”

  “We were directed by the Joint Chiefs to cease operations.”

  “Fuck the Joint Chiefs. I have orders directly from the President. Now move.”

  “I’m sorry sir, but I must see those orders. Please produce written orders from the President. What you’re asking us to do is illegal and unconstitutional. I swore an oath. We all did.”

  “You’re questioning a superior officer?”

  “I am. These are American citizens and have broken no laws, at least that we know of yet. No one is hurt, and rendition is illegal. The Alarcon incident is different. She was on American soil. That’s an FBI matter now. If the President has ordered what you just told me to do, I need to see the authorizing document.”

  “He called me. Gave me the OK. Now, get going.”

  “No sir, I will not.”

  “Guards remove the Colonel. Confine him to a cell. Then put him on the first flight to our base in Poland.”

  The Colonel straightened up. “Do so, and you will all go down with the General.”

  The Americans didn’t move, but the IDF guards present did. The Colonel was topside and on a plane within hours, rerouted and bound for Tel Aviv.

  His fate wouldn’t be known for another two years.


  Adam knew nothing of this nor what was about to happen in his life. He and Kendra were blissfully unaware, happy with their three months of training and their evening life at the Palace with Caroline and Eene. Everyone, Gens, mixed-race, and human alike were aware of the living situation, but none spoke a word of criticism or disapproval. In any other time, this conduct would have been outrageous and scandalous.

  To the Village, Dietschberg and mixed-race communities, all was well. They loved their Queen, and the Chosen One lived among them. Who slept with who was, to their way of thinking, none of their concern.

  Adam’s daily life consisted of early morning combat training with the Gens military in the Village, followed by lessons from the women folk on culture and cooking. He spent time in the local school and tried to learn rashii, the local sport. He was terrible, but the children approved.

  It was much the same in Dietschberg when he returned at midday. He greeted his Queen and Eene, then walked the city with Kendra speaking to shopkeepers, Shamans and the local farmers. He helped raise barns and build new homes for the new young married couples. They both engaged in field work, though not often, and it was far from their favorite pastime. They could not understand what the Queen saw in farming.

  Both Adam and Kendra had thoughts of never leaving. They too were happy, and although Kendra spent more bed time with her husband than ever before, she found new companions among the humans, transformed Gens and mixed-race women to idle her time. And, idle she did.

  At four months, Adam was informed by Akira and the Military Council that his training would be near complete in two more months. They invited him to stay longer to acquire further skills and he was disposed to do so. So, was Kendra.

  Kendra was an anomaly to the Military Council. She was fierce, even savage, in human form. None of the transformed Gens warriors wished to spar with her. She seemed to have no curbs on her aggression. Both Adam and the Council spoke to her about it, respectfully, but with little success.

  But it was her aggression and savagery while in transformed Gens state that worried them the most. She seemed to almost be the equal of Adam, but without the ability to restrain herself. She often had to be restrained until Adam came to settle her mind.

  Kendra was always apologetic and remorseful; she had not killed anyone, but most men gave her a wide berth, but not the women. The women, human, Gens and mixed-race adored her. They sought her out to spend time with the wife of the Chosen One and sought her favor. The men would have preferred her to move on – anywhere but where she now resided.

  One day an old Shaman, barely able to walk, showed up early and unannounced at the Village training site. He sought out Kendra, Adam, Akira and the Head of the Military Council.

  “I understand that our young female acolyte has been terrifying the men of the Village. In human and Gens form. Is this true?”

  There was silence. Finally, Akira spoke up. “Yes, this is true. Kendra has all the skills and aggression of the Chosen One, but sometimes enjoys her blood lust beyond sparring. None will spar with her now, for fear of injury – or death. None save the Chosen One.”

  The old man looked at each male then finally approached Kendra putting his hands on her shoulders. Is this your version of the facts too, my young warrior princess?”

  “I sometimes have difficulty in restraining my – passions. It’s only in the presence of Adam, the Chosen One, that I find calm and restraint. I fear my condition worsens and the calming influence of my husband grows weaker. I am afraid that the time approaches when I must depart this land and go home, though it’s not my wish to do so.”

  The Shaman, wrinkled, bent and time-worn, smiled. He chuckled, then burst out laughing. The Military Head was incensed at the disrespect shown the men assembled.

  “Careful old man, such disrespect is not tolerated among the Gens Germania.”

  “Oh really? What will you do then? Punish me? I might not survive the journey walking back to my cave, much less a beating from a strapping young buck as yourself. But I may ask the protection of the young she-warrior, Kendra of the Boles. I know her history. I knew her kin and she’s no ordinary human. She’s much more than that.”

  He turned to Kendra. “With your permission and that of you husband, the Chosen One, I ask that you accompany me home to my cave. Alone.”

  “For how long?”

  “A week, no more. Perhaps less. My granddaughter will be in attendance and she will enjoy your company immensely. She, so seldom receives she-visitors and, so few of them enjoy her physical skills.”

  Kendra turned to Adam. “Up to you. But I’d say yes.”

  The old man said, “I have something you must learn, and it will make you less fearsome to these great and valiant warriors. This I promise above all else. Control. But then there are a few things you should understand to help your husband on his journey. Shall we go?”

  Kendra gathered her pack and weapons and departed.


  A week later she returned.

  She gathered early at the village, all the men
assembled. “I promise to behave properly now. I have been instructed by the Shaman and his granddaughter how to correct, or at least restrain, my blood lust, and savage behavior. However, he has also instructed me how to release it again, should the need arise. He has asked that I beg your pardon for past indiscretions, as is the way of the Gens warrior class.”

  All heads bowed to her in acquiescence.

  “Then we begin again. Who’s first?”

  There was silence.

  The Head of the Military Council spoke up. “Me. I wish to test the lighter version of the Demon Kendra. I mean that as a compliment, so please, don’t kill me,”

  She didn’t.

  Chapter 43

  Immediately following the tussle between Chel, the Head of the Military Council and Kendra, others lined up for their bout, but were warned off.

  “I’m sorry, but Adam and I must depart immediately. We hope to be back tomorrow, but I cannot promise that this will not be our last time together. Until we meet again, we thank you and we are honored to have been in your care and training.”

  With that, and without discussion, she took Adam’s hand and led him down the trail toward Dietschberg and the Palace.

  Adam asked, “Wow. What’s the rush?”

  “I have reason to believe that both Vera and Hannah are in great danger. Soon, if not already.”


  Kendra gave Adam the short version, causing Adam to break into a run, Kendra running hard behind him to catch up. They reached the town and arrived at the Palace shortly thereafter. Adam shouted ahead, and the Guards opened the massive oak doors just as the two arrived.

  They were greeted by Liesl, now an honored member of the Queen’s staff, having risen in esteem, and authority, even beyond her young age. She displayed confidence and poise such that no one any longer doubted her orders. Kendra especially doted on the young lady as did Eene and the Queen.

  “My Lord, my Lady, how may I serve you?”

  “Please run and locate the Queen, and Lady Eene immediately, and bid them meet us in the Library.”


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