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Resolution Page 26

by Douglas E Roff

  “Shall I prepare your bath?”

  “No. Now quickly there is no time to lose.”

  Liesl was off in an instant and headed right to where she knew her mistress was. She would locate the Lady Eene later.

  “My Queen, Lord Adam bids you meet him in the Library urgently. Please attend him quickly. And he asks for the Lady Eene too. Is she in the Palace?”

  “She is. She’s in her rooms with her aides discussing the Great Gathering of Headmen to begin next week. Please send her to us in the Library at once.”

  Eene arrived with Liesl a few minutes after the Queen and saw sullen faces on both Adam, and Kendra. Liesl began to depart, but Adam called out for her to stay.

  “You must hear this Liesl, and I fear grow up sooner than the Creator would wish for you.”

  “Yes, my Lord.” She sat down and spoke not a word, listening only.

  “When is our next opportunity to message out by satellite?”

  Liesl looked at the clock. Approximately eight minutes and forty seconds. Shall I prepare the connection?”

  “Yes. The coded coordinates in the DLM file. Be quick, please.”

  Caroline was confused as was Eene. “What has happened?”

  “Two of my wives are in grave danger and they may already be in imminent danger from our enemies. It’s urgent that I contact Paraiso and confirm their whereabouts.”

  “But, how is this possible? Only the three of us, and Liesl know which file contains all the access codes to contact Paraiso. Only a few have the access code to use the Sat phone.”

  Adam looked at the Queen, then Eene. “But the file isn’t secured or encrypted. Did either of you change the access code to the Sat phone? Since the deaths of Hans and Tarnek?”

  “No,” said the Queen. “With them gone I saw no need. Then we gave it to Liesl as you requested, but that was only days ago.”

  Liesl looked worried, as if she had done something wrong. “Lord, I did not …”

  Adam said, “You did nothing wrong, my brave Princess. This has nothing to do with you, that is certain.”

  Adam thought for just a moment. “It was Tarnek, possibly Hans. Tarnek and Hans sold out to the Collective long ago. I suspect one or both also sold out to the Black Shirts at the same time, just in case. If so, my wives may already be captured or are dead. The last time my family was attacked, it was against Vera Capri in London. This reeks of Tarnek’s treachery. My only wish is that he was alive again, so I could end his miserable existence a second time, this time more slowly.”

  The ladies, all of them, could sense the consuming rage building within Adam as he waited for the Sat phone signal to come into range.

  Only Liesl seemed unmoved. Her cold resolve had first been noted by Adam, then Kendra. They adored her and went out of their way to include her in meetings that were clearly inappropriate for her age and status. Adam didn’t care; Liesl sat by his side, and Kendra’s, and nobody argued with the decisions of the Chosen One and his fearsome wife.

  One day, after a meeting with the Shamans, Adam and Kendra took Liesl off to a small side room.

  “My young Princess …”

  “My Lord, I’m but a low Commoner with no stature or status of note. I’m only twenty seasons. My father is a miller and my mother a seamstress. We’re not of royal blood. I shouldn’t be addressed in this manner, though I am honored beyond words at your kindness.”

  “My Princess,” Adam continued, “you’re destined for, far more than a handmaiden’s role in the household of a dying line. Lady Kendra, and I have seen what your future may be, and the future we expect will come to pass. Before that time, and before you become Queen of a new Royal line, you will see much danger, and I will require your absolute loyalty, no matter the circumstances. This will happen soon. I must know now, this moment if you swear fealty to Queen Caroline and the Chosen One. You can have no hesitation.”

  Liesl coolly looked at Adam, then Kendra, and instantly said, “I so swear. And to the Lady Kendra, though not asked of me.”


  As the Sat phone shown green, Liesl said, “Ready Lord in 5-4-3-2-1 go!”

  Adam listened as the phone dialed. “Central,” was the answer. The sat phone was on speaker so everyone could her the conversation.

  “This is Adam, please connect me with Alana and Noki without delay.”

  “Yes sir,”

  “Noki here, is this Adam? Where are you? Alana and I thought that you, and Kendra would be in Athens by now with Hannah and Vera. Have you been delayed?”

  “Oh my God. They have left the City?”

  “Of course. You said you needed them urgently and to depart for Athens right away. You would meet them at the Regal Parthenon Hotel. Rooms were booked. They flew anonymously, per protocol, to Amman, then connected by your other charter to Athens. You said you’d send a Limo to collect them. Why do you ask? You know this already.”

  “I do not, because I did not call. There has been treachery, and I fear that Hannah and Vera are now captives of the Collective, or worse, the Black Shirts.”

  Alana was now on the phone. “What are your orders, Adam?”

  “First, is Octavio still in the City? And Misti?”

  Alana said, “Octavio is here, but Misti’s location is unknown.”

  Adam said, in a harsh tone, “I don’t wish to be angry with you Alana, but you are to contact her through whatever secret means you have devised and have her fly directly to Athens. She knows where. Do you understand me?”

  “I do. I will, I mean, of course.”

  “Then tell Octavio and Francois to collect Raoul and James and go directly to Athens. Same place as Misti. Tell Octavio to contact the Paz brothers, collect his other men from the Grand Canyon mission and go directly to South Dakota, and await my orders. Tell Rod and Cindy to bring at least two hundred men from the Barrows Bay mission and await my orders in South Dakota. Send Cindy with one hundred additional men to Zurich, Switzerland. Have Rafi make all the arrangements, including the new weapons. Human and Gens. Am I clear?”

  “You are? What has …”

  “Hannah and Vera have been kidnapped. There are only so many suspects. I will be in Athens by morning. If anyone contacts you as they did Hannah and Vera, take a message. If I call, I will use the secure line on the DL Main.”

  He clicked off.

  Adam turned and noticed that Liesl had disappeared. By the time he stood, Liesl had returned with the entire Palace Guard and fifty of the Gens Germania military, including their Commander, Chel.

  Chel asked, “There is trouble my Lord? What are your orders?”

  Chel was standing at attention awaiting the commands of the Chosen One.

  “Chel, you are to return to the Village and inform Akira that I must depart. He should hear it from you. Then I ask that you and twenty of your best depart with me immediately, no questions asked. We are bound for Switzerland, and from there I don’t know. Tell me who you choose and give that information to Liesl.”

  He turned to Liesl. “Liesel, you will use this Sat phone and call this number. You will take headshot photos of Chel and the twenty men Chel has chosen and send an email file of the photos to the man on the other end of the call. Ask for him by name and tell him that this request comes from Edward and Adam. Nothing more. You will tell him that you need these documents. Adam wrote them down in German. Can you do this, my Princess.”

  “Of course, my Lord.”

  He turned back to Chel. “You are to send fifty of your warriors here to the Palace. Akira may wish to join, but don’t leave your Village unguarded. Bring all your Gens from the Village here to Dietschberg if you wish, as it can more easily be defended. Contact the other clans in the area, and bid them be on guard for strangers, especially unfamiliar Gens. I await your return, then we depart for the Swiss border.”

  Caroline was in tears, “I am afraid, Adam. I fear you shall not return again to my side. I cannot imagine my days here without hearing your voice, seeing your st
rength, and feeling your touch.”

  “Then you shall go to that place inside your mind and think of sweeter days until my return. As shall the Lady Eene. Keep to each other at night, and in counsel solely, until I return. Two trusted guards each of the Palace Guards, and the Gens Military shall attend you at all times, discretely. They will obey your commands without question.”

  Eene, cried quietly and softly, her head now turned away. Adam put his arms around her, enveloping her slight frame in his massive arms.

  “You shall have no fear my Lady. You are chosen for greatness and it’s unseemly that you should weep over parting with a mere human such as I. Dry your tears and lead your folk as a Headman of the Gens Germania. I shall think of you daily and thank the Creator for putting you in my life. And when I return again to your arms, I shall rejoice in your great beauty once again, and share the pleasures we have come so often to embrace.”

  He turned to Caroline and Eene. “Don’t be afraid, for I am Manti, and you are under my protection. I shall return and when I do, Lady Kendra and I will have such cause for celebration that we shall not leave the Queen’s private quarters for a week. It shall be only my Queen, my Lady Eene and my beloved wife, Kendra.”

  From a distance, Liesl said, “I too am of age.” All three hearing her turned to their court favorite. “I am twenty seasons and am long past waiting for an arranged marriage to a local goatherd. For my part I expect reward from the Chosen One, and his Consort. I don’t know how or what to do, but I am willing to learn.”

  Adam smiled at his Princess, “Let us return first, and discuss your reward upon that glad day.”

  Chapter 44

  Only minutes later, the giant oaken doors of the Palace swung open wide, as if pushed by two male Genda, the giant creatures of the deep forest, feared by all, save one. Before a surprised and elated Lady Eene, accompanied by Adam and Kendra, stood a short, waif-like young girl. She hadn’t said a word, but was covered in mud and filth, dressed in clothing that might only be eventually identified as such after several thorough washings.

  Eene said, “You knew I was here …”

  “I waited, hidden, until I felt your presence, and the absence of the other whose presence I feel is now departed. Was I wrong to do so?”

  Speaking to the Queen, Eene said, “Tarken, she means. And Hans. They both wished her dead. They feared her greatly.”

  Eene swept down the steps to the waif, hugging and kissing her, wiping away the thick mud that hid her face, which was masked and began tending to her with great affection and care. Adam and Kendra stood back, amazed, and simply watched.

  Yar and three soldiers came running in after the child, but Adam waived to hold their place.

  Yar said, “We thought her a poor villager who had lost her way. Our apologies my Lord, we shall remove this shameful disgrace immediately from your presence.”

  Eene turned to Yar, then Adam, “You shall do no such thing. This is the Lady Cia of Anterra, for whom I sent three days ago, though her travels have obviously been impeded, though not successfully so. Please sire, allow her to stay. She’s honored among our people and she shall be a mighty weapon in your service. I swear to you on my life.”

  Yar said, “I too will vouch for this good woman, if she is the Lady Cia, whom I didn’t at first recognize. She may only seem a child to the eye, and although Lady Cia is shunned of necessity, she’s revered among our people.”

  Cia said, “I have journeyed here to enroll in your service and swear allegiance to you. I humbly request your Lordship to grant my request.”

  Adam turned to the dripping mass of mud and filth, “Do you offer your service to me not knowing whether I am the worst tyrant ever to walk the earth? What say you, Cia of Anterra?”

  Adam began walking toward Lady Cia and Lady Eene as all gave way to his presence.

  Lady Cia said, “I have grazed the skin of Lady Eene and know that both she and the Queen believe in you and your journey. With the testament of Lady Eene in support, I shall serve you as my Lord, and obey your every command. Even until death.”

  Adam now stood before Lady Cia, on his knees.

  “You look but twelve seasons to my eyes but the Lady Eene says you are her elder by four years. Does she deceive me Lady Cia of Anterra?”

  “No Lord, she does not.”

  Adam began to rise, “Your service is accepted, and I wish to see you with the Lady Kendra and the Lady Eene before I must leave. Lady Eene, I command you to bathe the Lady Cia, perfume her and clothe her in a manner befitting her station a Lady of the Court. Attend to her needs and make it so. We shall meet in the Library. Do not tarry; Kendra and I must hasten our departure.”

  They began to walk off.

  “Cia of Alterra, halt,” commanded Adam.” She did. “I command you to turn, face me, and come back to my presence.”

  “Yes, Lord.”

  Adam spoke as she approached her lord. “Remove your gloves.”

  Eene said, “Sire, it may not be prudent to do so. You must understand …”

  To Lady Cia, Adam said, “Are you in service to me or to her, your friend of many years; you swore an oath to me, as I recall, as your Lord.”

  “I did. Lord. Yet her advice is not unwarranted. I am more dangerous than I appear.”

  “You are in my service, Lady Cia; you will obey me in all matters. I wish to embrace you and receive a kiss of fealty. You shall clasp my hands, embrace me as if a lover and kiss me. It’s a requirement for entrance into our clan for all females.”

  There being no clan, there could be no requirement. Kendra was puzzled, as were Caroline and Eene.

  Adam said, looking at a frightened Lady Cia, said “Fear not young one, for you are mine now. I shall now possess you as no other.”

  It was an odd thing to say and none save the Lady Cia knew what it might mean.

  He whispered in her ear as he embraced her and slowly, suggestively removed her gloves. “Do you fear my touch, Lady Cia?”

  “I do. I don’t wish to harm you, my Lord,” she whispered back.

  Adam removed her gloves, clasped her hands and hugged her, muck and all.

  “See there. As I said, you are now mine forever and you shall have no fear of my touch nor I of yours. This burden is lifted from you and for the Lady Eene, the Queen and all who you accept as friend.”

  The crowd knew exactly what had just taken place, especially the guards. The touch of the Anterrans was deadly to all Gens and humans. The race of Anterrans had been hunted by humans and Gens in the past and was near extinction. For all they knew, Lady Cia was last of her kind.

  She was not.

  The Lady Cia was in tears. “May I please, if it would be no burden and allowed by your grace, have but one more kiss?”

  “I am the Chosen One, and if you ask, you may have ten kisses now, and fifty more when we once again meet. And you shall no longer bear the burden of your race. You may be touched and held by all who love you.”

  Cia burst into tears, freed from the prison she had known all her life. It was the only gift she ever desired; to be touched and to touch. “And congress?”

  “When you desire it. But not here and now, my divine one. That would be unseemly.”

  Adam remained on his knees while Cia began to kiss him, free from any sense of modesty. Cia had never been kissed before or touched on her skin in any way except sparingly by those of her kind as a child. Cia desired physical contact and a warm embrace more than anything in life. She took her fill, then a little more.

  “My immodesty is overwhelming. I will submit to your punishment if I have offended in any way.”

  “I shall consider what punishment is merited for later, if such impertinence persists.”

  The Lady Cia hung her head.

  “I have given it great and serious consideration and believe the penalty shall be one less kiss a day for the next week and intense training in how you should physically pleasure me.”

  The Lady Cia smiled. “Then I sh
all be very, very immodest my Lord, and break every rule. Twice”

  “Then I shall await you in my quarters with Lady Eene the night of my return. For this occasion, I shall arrive early.”

  The Lady Cia turned to walk away with the Lady Eene.

  “My Lord, may I have another word with you in private?”

  “Of course, my divine one. At any time. What troubles you?”

  The Lady Cia approached Adam, still filthy and covered in muck and held him.

  She whispered in his ear, “You aren’t just the Chosen One, my Lord, though you have other titles by which you’re known and feely given by those who love you. There are but a few who truly know who you are, and who know the lore surrounding you, and your rightful name. But know this, you are far more powerful and wise than even the Prophecy foretold of the Chosen One. I have seen in you the interaction you have had with the Creator, and other lesser beings, most still hidden from even your knowledge and awareness.

  “My Lord, they fear you, though truly I don’t know why. As to the one you will come to know as Hecate, take care. The Creator has performed some magic to weaken you and she’s to be the source. I know not why, but since they fear you, you must now begin to explore your mind even deeper, and more disciplined than ever before. Discover your Source. With this I can help and so can Lady Eene, though she doesn’t know it yet. We are given to serve you and to assist in teaching you the deeper meanings and powers you possess through your commitment to the Way and the Balance, if you will allow us the privilege.”

  “And you my divine one, what of you?”

  “What sire?”

  “Do you fear me.”

  “Don’t be silly, my Lord. I love you. I was born to serve you and I will for the rest of my life. And you and I shall have congress and it will be magic; unlike anything this world could possibly offer.”

  To the Lady Eene she said quietly, “From now on, the Chosen One called Adam St. James, shall henceforth be named our Lord and Master. Forget this ‘Adam’ nonsense. His wives are chosen to guide him on his path. Their children are Royal and our Lord will found of a new line that shall unite the people of Dietschberg and the Village as one race and, eventually, the whole world. The King he shall be named, and he will be acknowledged as the founder of the new order in the City of Light; we shall all be his subjects, equal in his eyes, as in the eyes of the laws pronounced under our new sovereign. His reign will be long, his justice renowned if he still lives in two years time.”


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