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Page 36

by Douglas E Roff

  The two simply turned and walked away. Kendra was shocked, not knowing whether this was real or in jest.

  Adam said, “Congratulations, my love. I have married into royalty. This is very real and there are many in our country and city who adore you, though doubtless you remain unaware of this fact. Please accept these honors in the serious and solemn spirit in which they are given.”


  There was a contingent of twenty natural state Gens outside the Palace and twenty-five human state Gens inside the Palace. One third were always on duty, and four were stationed outside the basement cell holding the prisoners.

  Gens from the Black Forest covered the area for one hundred miles in every direction. Nobody got in or out of the Palace nor anywhere near town or the Village without Gens eyes on the culprits. Logs were kept and the administration of the captivity of the three Musso captives was relatively humane and professional. They received better treatment than they had ever given to their captives; in response, they shouted curses and invectives at the Gens at every opportunity. Were it not for the directives of the Manti, the three would have been dispatched quickly to the afterlife.

  The Gens had hoped that Queen Caroline and the Ladies Eene and Cia would stop by for a visit and though disappointed they would not, they were delighted to be reunited with the Lady Kendra, as the men of the Guard now called her. They soon learned of her new honor and began treating her with the respect accorded royalty in the environs of the Black Forest. But she told her cult followers she preferred the term “Lady Kendra”, or just “Kendra” to “Princess”.

  The Guard had heard stories of the Lady Misti and were wary and on constant guard watching the movements of the Lady Saldana. They did not trust her and were shocked to learn that the Manti had only recently taken her as a mate. Adam understood their unease with his new wife and promised Chel a full explanation for his men later. But, he warned, vigilance was not unwarranted with Saldana; she was dangerous and could not be fully trusted to follow orders not given by him, Adam, personally.


  The following morning Adam and his ladies rose early and were in the kitchen chatting as Adam made breakfast as usual. There was a gentle knock on the kitchen door and the Captain of the Guards stood before Kendra as she answered the knock.

  “Lady Kendra, we beg a moment of your time.”

  “With delight, Yar. I am at your service.” Yar was a senior member of the Guards, a close confidant of Chel and a proven warrior who held great respect for the Lady Kendra.

  Kendra was gone but a few minutes, but when she returned, she said only that a “situation” had developed, and the Manti was urgently required in the Great Room to resolve the issue.

  Adam, wearing his “Kiss the Cook” apron and mixing pancake batter in a large bowl, strolled out to see what all the fuss was about so early in the morning. The prisoners?

  As he entered the Great Room, there was a small contingent of Guards plus thirty young women in their late teens standing in line and in groups of five.

  Yar spoke, “These are the unmarried daughters of the Headmen of the Black Forest and have been sent here to serve the royal household. Though the Queen is not in residence, the Princess designate, Lady Kendra, is. The Headmen beg the Chosen One to accept their daughters into your service for the time you will live among us, which we hope will be lengthy. You may choose and retain only those who please you the most.”

  Adam looked at the assembled group of young women and thought they were all most pleasing in bearing, physical beauty and stature. Among the women were those who were tall or short, whose hair was of every color and description, were of pleasing disposition and smile, thin and zoftig and every other form or description imaginable.

  Yar continued, “The Headmen commit their daughters to the service of the household and your personal needs, Manti, as you shall direct. All will be obedient to your will.”

  Misti turned to Saldana and said, “Our stay here has just extended while he beds each and every one of these young and clearly eager young maidens. We too shall have our pick and when we are done with the many and varied combinations of these flowers of youth, we shall hint that Adam may wish to end his stay. His own decision, of course, as to duration and timing, as befits the Manti.”

  Misti added, “Of course, those inclined to our gender will first desire to bed the Princess, so we must find a way to convince her to share.”

  Saldana said, “Agreed. But I believe I can convince the little one to accommodate our lust. She still desires our experience, which I’m sure we will happily share with her while we are guests here in the Palace. Of course, in return the Princess may also wish to share her bounty too.”

  Yar continued, “Chosen One, I believe we should choose but a handful of these young women and send the rest home. There is little work to be done and so many would have to be protected.”

  There were audible groans from the young ladies, each thinking that they may be among those not chosen and sent home. Each was willing to labor in the Palace, and gladly, but there were many who wished to labor differently with the Chosen One at any time of the day or night, or with the Lady Kendra, or both. Their fathers had been silent on the subject, but their mothers had instructed them that if the opportunity arose, they should make congress with either or preferably both. This, they were told, would bring great honor to them and their families and, if a child were to result, an even greater honor.

  Adam thought for a moment, then leaned over to listen to the wise counsel of Lady Kendra.

  Adam then said, with delight in his voice, “Ah, the perfect solution, proving once again the sagacity of my young wife. We shall put it to a vote. All of the women here assembled who wish to stay, raise your hand and you will, therefore, be commanded to stay.”

  All hands went up in the air.

  “All who wish to go home, raise your hand.”


  “Then I wish to greet each of you in welcome to service to the Palace. And to me.”

  The women giggled in delight.

  Adam held hands with each of the thirty, then oddly asked four to step forward.

  “I wish to speak to each of you four separately, while Lady Kendra greets each of the others individually and assigns their duties and sleeping quarters.”

  Adam turned to the others and said, “I command you to speak freely with each of my wives, who are skilled in many and varied ways, and are most open minded about the needs of younger ladies.”

  The young women smiled, understanding that more was on offer than just the Chosen One. All the young ladies in attendance had all been selected because they enjoyed each gender and were desirous of learning from the wives of the Chosen One the skills of pleasure. For them, all had worked out perfectly.

  But neither Kendra, Saldana nor Misti understood why Adam had chosen the four and already taken them to a small anteroom for further discussion. Adam would explain the meaning to his wives later, but first Adam had to learn the names of the four, their family histories and location of their Villages of origin in the Black Forest. He would keep the four ladies close by and arrange to visit their parents and the councillors in other villages within the territory of each Headman whose daughter was among the four.

  Adam spoke to Kendra and asked her to have the four given rooms downstairs in the Queen’s private quarters, now occupied by Adam and his wives.

  Why this sudden interest was a mystery to all, save Adam.

  Chapter 61

  The next morning the entourage was up and prepared for their first day in Dietschberg just after sunrise. Kendra was comfortable with Adam’s penchant for early morning activity but Misti and Saldana carried on like little children.

  “It’s inhumane,” said Misti. “Outlawed by the Geneva Convention.”

  “Really?” asked Adam.

  “Maybe I’m thinking of that Casino in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. It has a Convention … Center, you know.”

  The big q
uestion of the morning concerned Misti and Saldana grouching that his four young ladies could sleep in for an additional three hours before Kendra would wake them for the day. Adam wanted to have breakfast early then go for an extended visit with the three Musso prisoners. He needed information, which he assumed they had. He would enter their minds and see what he could find; if that didn’t work, he would go old school. They might not realize they had something he was looking for, but he was willing to beat out of each of them whatever they did know. When he was done with them, which might take months, he would eliminate them, one by one. But he would only “do” one; the rest would be given as prizes to his three companions to terminate as they saw fit.

  Adam was pretty sure he would pick the daughter if he picked any at all; her cruelty was rumored to exceed all others by a wide margin. Her plans for Vera were vile and hideous; she would pay for what she wanted to do to Vera, and what she had already done to others.

  Kendra had the right of first refusal on whichever of the Mussos Adam did not pick. She would probably want her long-time fantasy to come true: she would pick the son, Rene and make him pay not only for the murder, rape and torture of almost every woman coming through the estate since he reached puberty but for all the cruelty inflicted by all men on women since the beginning of time. Her fantasy life, mostly unrealized and unrealizable by her, was nonetheless opportunistic and, in this case, the opportunity happened to be Rene Musso.

  Kendra would not consult with Adam and Misti about technique and medical issues but with Saldana on how to proceed. She did not want to be overzealous and kill the poor boy too soon. She needed guidance and was pretty sure Saldana led the pack in relevant knowledge. Misti was brutal in her own way but was more of the “infliction of pain for pleasure” type rather than “sadistic I enjoy watching you bleed to death” type.

  Kendra made a distinction and knew the clear choice but would not let either of her sisters out of the fun. She would propose sharing the opportunity with her sisters, all three taking turns on the two unfortunates not chosen by Adam.

  In this case, Kendra admitted to having a bout of cognitive dissonance, at least as she understood it. She did not believe in stooping as low as the adversary and doing the same evil they did, but in this case the contradiction only involved three very bad humans who deserved the worst kind of death. So, stoop as low as them, or worse, she would. This one time only, then hopefully never again.

  Breakfast being over it was time to meet the Mussos.


  The four left the kitchen and went down the stairs to the old cellar jail cell. There had never been much use for it, so Adam had ordered it restored to modern standards in anticipation of the arrival of the three, possibly all four of the Mussos.

  A young Gens Guard, Sparlan, was on guard outside the door when they arrived.

  “How are they today, Sparlan. Still wish to dispatch them quickly and go home to your family?”

  Even for a Gens, Sparlan was not talkative. He knew his wishes in the matter did not count, so he grunted something in Common Tongue, probably a curse in a local dialect, then said, “They curse and spit and continue to throw food and feces at the guards who approach them. I would, but for your orders, give them a beating to see if it changed their behavior. However, I accede to your commands, as always, Lord.”

  “After today, if they act in the same manner, I give you and you alone permission to beat them until they learn to be civil.”

  “It will be my privilege, and I thank you for it, my Lord.” Sparlan shuffled off, an affliction from a prior conflict with the Collective, whom he detested in ways humans could never understand.

  Kendra asked, “They seem drowsy, Adam. Are they OK?”

  “I had heard of their rambunctious behavior and thought for our first encounter I would talk, and they would listen. Misti, did you bring the ball gags?”

  “I did.”

  “How many?” Adam expected maybe ten.

  “One hundred fifty-three.”

  “Three for them and one hundred fifty for … what?”

  Misti smiled her best feral smile. “Recreation, of course.”

  Adam said, “Please do the honors and we shall await their arrival to full consciousness.”

  Misti did her part and the four sat on a couch brought in especially for the morning session.

  Adam turned to her and asked, “You did not know the morning we left that you would be coming along. How did you …?”

  “I know you. I knew you would forgive me. I’m your kryptonite. You know it; I know it. Learn to live with it. Plus, you’re mine, as you have always been. We are in perfect balance; the Way fulfilled. Alana would be so proud.”

  “Yes, I’m certain you are right,” he scowled.

  Misti leaned over and whispered in his ear. “You can have me any way you want later. And that’s the truth.”

  ‘Kryptonite’ was all she heard him say to himself as he stood up to approach the now sentient prisoners.

  He approached the mother, Marta first. “I understand that you have been very rude guests. Spitting at the very hospitable guards and throwing very disgusting things. You owe them an apology. If you nod that you will not do so to me, I will lower your gag.”

  She nodded.

  “This is illegal detention. You must turn us over to the authorities at once. We are in Germany and we have rights under the Treaty of Rome.”

  “You do. You do indeed. And if you survive my hospitality, I’m sure you will be found guilty of numerous atrocities for which you deserve death but will be put in a psychiatric facility awaiting Federico to bust you out. If that’s what you want, cooperate. If not, then you remain my guest indefinitely. You will simmer in your own feces and urine. Should be fun!”

  “Fuck you, son of a whore. When we are free …”

  That’s as far as she got before Adam back handed her as hard as he could. Then a forehand, then another backhand.

  He replaced the ball gag.

  “Speak to me again like that and I shall fillet one of your nipples. Be civil and we shall all get along just fine.”

  Adam turned to the two children, seemingly unaffected by the plight of their mother.

  “You too shall be respectful. I have given permission to your guard Sparlan to beat you if you misbehave. He’s not human you know. He’s Gens and a proud warrior. Lost most of his right leg fighting your ally, the Collective. Wonderful man, very disciplined and a wonderful father I’m told. Three kids, cute as buttons. But I should not endeavor to anger him, though he is said to be slow to anger. If he is forced to cut you, I shall bring the finest Mediterranean Sea salt to pour on your wounds. Then I shall beat you again myself. Nod if you understand.”

  They did not.

  The Gens had assembled to watch the Manti at work.

  “Sparlan? Where has that warrior gotten off to?”

  “Here my Lord.” He ambled up, standing erect and proud in front of the Chosen One.

  “Choose two of your men who have been offended by these humans and teach these breeders a lesson.”

  “My Lord?”

  “Cut off their clothing and bind them with rope. Then beat them severely as you would any miscreant but do not kill them. Leave ample room for the next beating and the one after that. Work your way up the ladder, if you understand my meaning. Remove the ball gags before you begin, then replace them when you finish. Shackle them naked to the wall.”

  “As you command my Lord. Marlen! Neelan! Front and center lads, the Manti has given us an assignment!”

  The four left. Saldana was impressed and delighted with her mate’s authoritative grasp of the situation. She would have gone much further much faster and not allowed the guards to be given the honor. But she understood why he did and thought him brilliant.

  “I heard Misti whisper to you about tonight. Please let us both pleasure you. I will be unusually accommodating. I am wet from watching you and will need you very soon. But if I must wait, pl
ease let me please you tonight along with your first wife.”

  Kendra had said nothing. “Hey, I was there too you know. I should be included in any pleasuring going on tonight or any other night.”

  Adam asked Kendra, “Did you think my approach excessive? Speak truthfully now.”

  “Yes, in fact I think it was. We should assess each first, then take action.”

  Adam smiled his broadest ‘I’m in love with you’ smile at Kendra. Confused, but understanding she had apparently just pleased her mate, she looked at him quizzically.

  “I love you for who you are, always. Beautiful, kind and thoughtful. And you would normally be correct. My actions in almost any other situation would have been inexcusable. And for the very reasons you have previously stated; just because they are cruel and hateful creatures does not give us the right to act similarly. If we are better than them, we must always be on guard to live those values, no matter our emotions and the difficulty of restraint.”

  He paused. “But we do not have an obligation to adhere blindly to the rules by which we govern ourselves. Sometimes we must violate our own code to prevent an even worse outcome. The Mussos are monsters, of the worst and most vicious kind. What I did today is what they understand, not kindness. In this instance, I need a lot more Saldana, a modicum of Misti and no Kendra. In all other matters, including matters of the bedroom and the heart, politics, war, training and everything else, I need all the Lady Kendra I can get. I value everything you say and think my princess.”

  He turned to Saldana and Misti. “And you two have promised much. And I look forward to the fulfillment of promises made. Will I be able to walk tomorrow?”

  “Perhaps,” said Saldana. “I will let Misti and Kendra moderate my lust. I can sometimes be, shall we say, over-zealous. I’m working on it.”


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