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Page 38

by Douglas E Roff

  In mid-mouthful she said, “Nope. Keep going. Fascinating shit. I’m enthralled. And still a little sleepy.”

  Saldana continued, “First we separate the three of them, Rene, then Mom, then Heidi, furthest apart. We go to work on Heidi full bore.”


  “Besides sadistic torture what else are the Mussos really good at. I mean exceptional?”

  All were quizzical and trying to think. They had nothing.

  “Jeez you guys really suck at evil, I mean you’re just terrible. And you, my little one, you’re so bad at evil, I mean I really get hot thinking about what a sweet, innocent …”

  Adam interrupted. “You two should get a room right after we finish. But let’s finish this discussion sometime today. Saldana stay on point.”

  “OK, the Mussos are consummate liars and deceivers. We separate them, beat the crap out of them, but wind it down, and lie at every turn. Tell them one or the other is selling out. Giving up family secrets in exchange for … goodies and special considerations. Hurry up and get your deal while you can. More food, deceptive tactics as we wind it down anyway. Let Heidi out for a walk. Be nicer to her. Stuff like that.”

  Adam asked, “And you think Heidi will talk? No fucking way. She won’t give up her father.”

  “That’s because she doesn’t know where he is, and never did. Beating her is your pastime; it isn’t the route to getting information. You know I’m right.”

  “Afternoon teatime with Heidi? Board games in the evening?”

  “No. Beatings yes, if you still want to go that route, but we talk to her. Be friendlier without the cruelty. Incentivize her with small favors. Ask about her parents. How and where they met. Where they liked to go. That kind of stuff.”


  “So, I think the following: if Federico has gone to ground, and is moving around, this whole thing is a waste of time. Let Kendra, and Misti and I terminate Rene, and Mom. We’ll leave Heidi to you. You do want to do the honors, right?”


  “But I’m betting he has some rabbit holes from his early days; we need to find out where he went after he left Switzerland after his license was taken away. That crap about he died in a car accident, and his cousin took over is complete BS. I think he had some nip and tuck done, and the original Federico is the one we’re looking for. That means he went somewhere for that surgery, and that place might be a lead. Plus, the Mom, Marta, is Spanish. How and where did they meet? The locals say she’s a doctor too. Plastic surgeon? The more we discover about the family, from their village, and from Heidi, the closer we get to finding Federico.”

  “What do we each do from here on out?”

  “Misti sleeps in and eats like an I-don’t-know-what, Kendra goes out with you to train, then fucks all the local girls. You leave the information gathering and interrogation tactics to me. I’ll get what we need then we can all kill all the Mussos. We’ll do these three here, then find Federico, and all take turns with him.”

  Adam didn’t reflect long. “Done. But I still want to beat the girl. Occasionally. She’s the worst of the lot and had big plans for Vera. I’m thinking of doing to her what she was going to do to Vera. Still considering a slow painful death.”

  “Remember what the little one advised. And this knowledge will get out. If that’s what you want, then, by all means, have your way with her. Personally, I’m with my bunny love. Slit her throat and be done with it once she’s no longer of any value.”

  “Can I do just a few things?”

  “No. Kendra is right, and you know it. Top quality revenge isn’t your thing. It’s mine. Leave it to the professionals.”

  Adam grunted a miserable sounding assent, stood up and walked away.

  Kendra shouted after him, “I’ll be with you in an hour. Maybe two. Depends on whether my love bunny is losing her edge. I may have to remind her why I love her so.”

  “Whatever. I’ll be with Chel. I may go hunting this morning for ants, bunny rabbits and other dangerous prey now that I’ve been neutered.”

  Chapter 2

  At breakfasts after the initial meeting with Saldana, which now only included only Kendra, Saldana and Adam, Saldana asked in passing if she could have a word with Adam that day, preferably that night. She had something on her mind, something important. Kendra thought it had to be about sex, or the wives, but Saldana had been changing so much lately, Kendra thought something else could be wrong. Saldana wasn’t usually one to share her emotions, especially with Adam. She felt his equal in every respect, a belief shared by Adam. So, like Misti, Saldana felt herself weak if she needed help.

  “Sure,” said Adam. “Everything alright? You don’t seem yourself.”

  “Just need to talk with you. Alone.”

  When breakfast was over, Adam left to meet up with Chel, and his men for some new training for the fight with Paulo. Chel explained that Paulo would cheat in the fight so, if Adam was dead, who was going to complain? There were no real rules except to try not to die.

  Kendra said she’d catch up with Adam as she wanted to watch the training, and spar with Adam later to ready him for the upcoming fight of the century. But for now, she wanted to speak to Saldana.

  “Sweetie,” Kendra said to Saldana, “are you alright? You seem very upset. Is there anything I can do? What’s wrong?”

  Saldana started to cry.

  “I’m weak, and a mess. I can barely function, and I’m lost. I cannot be this way and be any help to our project. I need to talk to Adam. It’s all his fault this time.”

  “Adam? What has he done now. Tell me and I’ll go kick his ass right now. I’ll drag him here and make him apologize.”

  “No, it’s not like that. It’s worse.”

  Kendra asked, “What could possibly be worse?”

  “I love him. I love him, and I want to be with him just like Misti, Noki and Alana and maybe Hannah if she ever gets her fucking head back on straight. But I want him just like you do, and I want children with him. I told him no, no way and thought I was going to be like you. Strong, smart and confidant. And you are, and I am too. But I’ve been fantasizing about Adam and the little kids we might have. And smiling and being happy and all that shit I hate so much. I can’t even fuck with the Mussos properly. I’m so fucked.”

  Kendra burst out laughing.

  “It’s not funny. I’m a mess and you’re laughing at me. It’s not fair. I’m supposed to be the Demon Queen, not you. Go fuck yourself.”

  “I’m not laughing at you sweetie, I know exactly how you feel. I’ve been feeling the same way lately too and, if it’s any consolation, I want to do the same thing as you. His ju-ju is really strong, and every time we’re alone I want to ask him to get me preggers. Then I chicken out thinking I’m weak, and a total pussy. Motherhood? Never. So maybe if you’d like, we can talk to him together, and then do a double-double team. That way we can each blame this on each other, and we can save face. Deal?”

  “Deal. But it’s all your fault unless it’s mine. You have to promise.”

  “Pinky swear?”

  “That is so stupid. But yes, pinky swear.”


  The day seemed interminably long, and Adam seemed overly tired. Dinner was over, and Misti had plans, so she left for her separate quarters to meet up with a few of the Palace girls. They were interested in trying something new Misti, said she liked, and they wanted to see if it was even physically possible. Then they would settle into their favorite activities, arranging and rearranging partners for maximum pleasure.

  Adam said he would be ready to talk to Saldana, now alone in his Study, so would Kendra excuse them while they spoke?

  “Saldana and I decided we needed to talk to you together if that’s OK with you.”

  “Am I in trouble. You going to hit me?”

  “No, silly. Just the opposite. And, we have a proposition for you. But you might think we’re up to no good; and there’s a secret attached. You need to know i
t, and keep it locked away wherever it is you hide things like that.”

  “As long as I’m not in trouble, we’re good. For now.”

  “In that case, let’s adjourn to your bedroom.”

  “So, I’m really not in any trouble.”

  “Not by a long shot.”


  The three got to Adam’s quarters, and Kendra locked the door. Saldana jumped on the bed and patted the space next to her for Adam to sit down. Kendra then jumped on the bed on the other side. Both were smiling, which would normally make Adam smile too, but not always. They claimed he wasn’t in trouble, so his level of nervousness was low.

  “Alright, you said you weren’t going to hit me, so what’s up?”

  “First of all, we want to tell you how much we both love you. For that you get a kiss.”

  They each kissed him tenderly on the cheek.

  Adam said, “Well, so far this is starting out pretty well. Have I done something to merit this fine start to a serious conversation?”

  “No, only that you listen very carefully, and don’t make any jokes about what we’re going to tell you. This is serious stuff, and it would break our hearts if you took this lightly. Promise?”

  “I promise. Now what’s this all about?”

  “We’ll get to that momentarily. I’m going to start first because Saldana won’t be able to ask about it without crying. I’m doing the first part for both of us.”


  “It concerns mating with each of us, and our agreement with you. And you should know that Saldana has been very upset about it lately and has been very sad and emotional. I caught her crying this morning and it’s all your fault.”

  Adam turned to Saldana. “Sweetie, what have I done? Whatever it was, I’m sure I didn’t mean to hurt you in any way.”

  “Well this is where we get to the part that we each want to discuss about our agreements. We want to change them.”

  “You mean you want to tear them up? Go your own way?”

  “No, silly. Not that. That’s ridiculous; we’re both madly in love with you.”

  “If it’s not that, is it the restriction that I’m the only man you can sleep with?”

  “Hardly. I hate men, except you, of course, and Saldana only wants you. So, no, not that, and not the other part where we can all sleep with as many women as we want. We have some veto over who you congress with, but within reason you can go wild too.”

  Adam was confused. “We’re mated and happy, and we aren’t changing the basic terms of the agreement, but there’s a problem and I caused it. I have no clue what you’re talking about.”

  “We know. And you sort of caused it, though we don’t blame you for this little problem. It isn’t in the basic terms, it’s in the addendum to our two agreements.”

  “The ‘no pregnancy’ clause? You were both quite clear about that subject matter, and especially you little one, as I recall. Did I get you both pregnant somehow?”

  “Nope. What we want to change is that we want to, you know, mate. Like get pregnant and have babies with you. Soon.”

  “If this is a joke, it’s not funny,” said Adam. He fell back flat on the bed, his head hitting a big fluffy down pillow.

  “No, this is totally serious.” The girls lay down on each side of him, while he was looking straight up at the ceiling.

  “What’s changed? I’m not doubting your sincerity, but you were both pretty specific about my fishies swimming upstream to your little egg hatchery.”

  “We realized we couldn’t be apart from you. It’s a little like gravity; if we don’t feel you near, we’re anxious and sad. I get a little panicky, and I know Saldana does too. That’s why we made you promise to take us everywhere you go. Not around the Palace, but you can’t ever leave us behind when you go anywhere away from home. You promised us both and now you know why.”

  “I’m just a little shocked and surprised. Happy, ecstatic, and filled with joy, but really, really surprised. I never knew.”

  “So, the answer is …”

  “Yes, yes of course yes. I love you both, very differently, but each in the same full measure.”

  Saldana began to undress, then said, “OK, mister, go very slow, and tell us each in excruciating detail why we’re wonderful in every way, and don’t leave out the mushy parts that I hate. The little one lives for that nonsense. Well, maybe not nonsense, but mushy stuff. Not Demon Queen material for sure.”

  “That’s easy, though not really romantic. I’m point A and loving you each is point B. With the little one it’s a direct line of pure, unexplainable, chemical and unknowable ‘I love you’; no explanation required. It just is. I don’t know how I got so lucky, but I did. If I have a bad day, I come home, and Kendra is there and makes me forget about all my troubles. Then she hugs me and holds me, and I feel like the most special guy on the planet. Sometimes it’s just how she looks at me and lets me know I’m loved.”

  “But with you, Saldana, the way is winding, and curvy, and a lot more complicated. What you do is give me strength, and support when I flag. You and I are yin and yang, two halves that make a whole. I can’t imagine succeeding without you. You understand me in ways that no one else can; you can pull the trigger. You understand the burdens of command, and leadership; things, unpleasant things, that must be done to prevail. Things that are expedient, but not fair. Nobody else in our group can do that, and I need to know you’re always there for me when I need you. It’s love, but so much more than that. We are so much more than two people when we’re together.”

  “And your other wives? They hate me. What about them?”

  “They got me to you. Not the best route; just don’t ever say that. Misti loves me, but it’s hard to understand how she feels, and why she hasn’t left. Noki never loved me but she was first after Alana. Alana and Hannah want to buy a home in the suburbs and make babies. The rest of this is a bother.”

  “And Vera?”

  “Vera loves Hannah, who loves me. She’ll do anything to make Hannah happy, even procreate with me. I doubt it’ll never happen, though. I don’t think Vera’s role is to love and mate like that with me. She’s got other more important things to do and one of which is to manage her wife and give us guidance when we need it most. She’s underrated in that regard and has been all her life. No more.

  “That leaves the two of you. I love you both, and you are my future and my path. Saldana will tell me hard truths, and Kendra will make me understand what commitment means in this new world we have been given. She tempers me. We all have things for the future, and babies are a part of it. We have one year to prove to the Creator that it isn’t necessary to destroy our existence. Our Lord can take it out on me if necessary, but we must demonstrate that we can fix this mistake.”

  Kendra said, “You know, ‘I love you’ would have been enough. But the other stuff was good too. Let’s get started and make some babies.”

  Saldana said, “Is there any other way to do this? I mean the pregnant part. It’s always a lot of fun in the beginning, then boom, I’m big as a whale. Maybe you can get pregnant for me.”

  “Probably not, but I promise to be with you every day, and tell you how beautiful you are.”

  “And that I’m the Demon Queen.”

  “That too.”

  Chapter 3

  Adam was up well ahead of Saldana and Kendra, who were still asleep in each other’s arms. Like Alana and Misti in Hawaii, the girls looked like perfect angels, peaceful and happy from a brief night of physical activity. Their night had been more celebratory than lusty and, when they finally got to sleep, it was a deep and restful night of warmth and happiness.

  But in the morning, Adam was worried. He hadn’t thought through everything that might change with his girls; he was excited at the prospect of having more children, especially with his two toughest ladies. But their minds worked differently than his other mates because they never wanted children with Adam, or at all. This would make a differenc
e, one they may not want once they were with child. He cursed to himself; he should’ve said something right away. A word of caution warning them that kids are forever.

  The effect of motherhood on all his other mates had been to soften their edges a little; they had become gentler, and more loving, more tolerant and nurturing. It didn’t change them into automatons; they were still the same persons inside. They regularly tore into Adam when he was being an ass, but they cursed at him less, and ignored his tantrums and eccentricities more.

  The effect on Misti had been dramatic, perhaps because of the reorganization of her brain and mind, or perhaps simply because she was a mom. But after the Grand Canyon, Misti was different in big ways. And it continued to the present day.

  Adam too had noticed changes in his own behaviors. He wasn’t angry like he had been before. Part was surely due to the “Misti effect” but part was due to what he perceived as a general higher level of happiness. He didn’t pull the trigger quite as fast or quite as often but, as his behavior with the Mussos amply demonstrated, he hadn’t lost all of the cold fury he was capable of unleashing. He went along with the decisions of his mates generally and trusted their judgment in a way he had never before been comfortable. He needed them, he trusted them, and he relied on their soft, and hard, skills.

  Adam felt his life was so much fuller and interesting; his need to always impose his will or demean others had virtually disappeared.

  For him, for Misti and his other mates, these were Blessings. His women felt the change too; even Vera had experienced a softer, and more tolerant understanding of men. Her visceral distrust of the male gender, though still ever-present, was less automatic, and her reactions to men less angry and hostile on sight. It wasn’t just Adam; James and Raoul were excellent gender role models.

  When the girls finally woke up, and looked around for their absent mate, they found him deep in contemplation on a sofa, coffee in hand, and wearing an expression of concern. Each understood Adam, in very different ways, but each knew that look. Nothing was wrong, but Adam wore his concerns on the outside as intensely as he felt them on the inside.


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