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Page 40

by Douglas E Roff

  Then she would begin again, a chocolate mess in the beginning, but stronger, and tougher than ever before. The future had never frightened Vera when she was with Hannah. Now the uncertainty began to panic her.

  She felt alone as never before; but she wasn’t. Her parents were dead, but her family had grown so large, and she was loved so much.

  Vera Ann Capri Parker would be just fine. She just didn’t know it yet.

  Chapter 5

  It was well after midnight when the plane landed carrying the Lady Cia, and the Lady Eene along with what was supposed to be only a few members of their entourage. Along and unannounced was the team assembled by Adam to visit the various councils of the Eighty-One who were winding up their visits after months of travel. The last stop was Amman, Jordan.

  The King of Jordan, and his advisors were well versed in the lore of the Gens, a secret long held by one Royal Family after another dating back thousands of years. They all knew Edward and Adam well, and had acceded to their request to let them come and go through remote parts of the Kingdom, unannounced and undetected. Eventually, the King was apprised by the British and Americans security services of the search for Adam and his retinue, but both the King and his very efficient Security Services responded that they knew nothing of Adam, his family nor whatever they were working on.

  As the cabin door opened Akira, Tar and Queen Caroline all joined with the Lady Cia and Lady Eene exiting the plane. There to greet the plane were Alana, Helena and Bella along with many of the new residents of the Gens Germania of the Black Forest. The reunion was joyful as they departed immediately for the City of Light below, suffering many hours of lost sleep catching up on the gossip and events that had taken place recently.

  Alana mentioned that what had been an informational trip to update the people of Paraiso, had suddenly taken on new, more complicated dimensions. She explained the events that had taken place with the departure of Adam, Kendra and Misti, some of which were known to the Queen, but not the subsequent reaction, and falling out among Adam with his family, and especially Hannah. The Lady Cia and Lady Eene knew almost nothing and, though having joined in union with Adam, knew only of the spat, but not of its significance. They both believed that human culture could be so odd; how could wives talk like that to their husbands, particularly to the Manti, the Chosen One.

  Both were surprised to hear that Adam’s wives weren’t impressed and even less likely to show him respect and “proper obedience”.

  “It’s not our cultural value any longer,” Alana said. “We love him, but none of us feel we must obey him. I know he cares only for the safety of the ones he loves, but his methods are often more of a tyrant than a partner. Many close to him are very angry, and are considering leaving Paraiso, and returning home. Hannah was particularly offended; Adam said some very hurtful things that are still raw with her. It has caused a rift in her marriage with her wife, who lays asleep in my quarters while her wife prepares to leave and go home.”

  All were astounded as they knew nothing of this side of Adam. His past, certainly, but that he could be so insensitive wasn’t something they believed was even possible. They had never seen this side of him. His prowess in taking heads; the mastery of his authority in Germany, yes. But sharpness with his women and wives, never. His respect for the opposite sex, his sense of protectiveness was well-known among all of the Gens of the Black Forest. Cultural norms were rapidly changing as stories of punishment meted out by the Manti to males accused of mistreatment of their wives or children were well known. Adam had commanded nothing; he was said to rule by example. Adam thought that this shouldn’t be a lesson that was required to be taught.

  And yet it was.

  Lady Cia and Lady Eene did not believe that this confrontation nor the aftermath was solely Adam’s fault. They just didn’t. Among married couples, blame or responsibility could often equally be apportioned.

  Eene asked, “Did he beat any of his wives; strike them in any fashion?”

  “No, of course not. Adam would never do that.”

  “This was a disagreement; an argument about one of his decisions?”

  When phrased in that light by the Lady Cia, the whole episode seemed to lose its gravity.

  “Yes, but …”

  “It seems to me that you don’t understand the burdens your husband carries nor the consequences that can be caused by those who might disobey him. Is disobedience common or rare?”

  “If you mean do we often ignore his wishes, the answer is yes. We don’t commonly ‘obey’ or ‘disobey’ our mates.”

  “He’s not just your mate. He’s the Manti, the Chosen One and, as I will reveal tomorrow, he is beyond that. He is the Chosen of Chosen. His powers are awesome yet not fully known to him. His new mate, Saldana Ri, is also of his kind, though undeveloped. Together they could rule this world, should they so choose, but have instead committed themselves to enlightenment and peace.”

  “Saldana Ri?”

  “Yes. She has mated with the Manti, and it has changed her on a fundamental level. He calls her his yin to her yang an obscure reference I don’t understand, but she has made him happy with wise and courteous decisions. She does, however, inspire fear in the populace as a whole, and there are few who wish discourse with her. It only adds to the reputation of the Manti that he alone controls her, which he most assuredly does. Both she, and the Princess Kendra have given up their right to refuse to produce heirs, and the Lady Saldana is now with child.”

  The assembled of Paraiso knew nothing of this, principally because they didn’t get their news from Kendra or Misti, but directly from Saldana herself. It was now clearer to Alana why they did not have this knowledge; Saldana was the only woman who could be trusted to not tell Adam of events in the City of Light and to faithfully account for the events in Germany. That a few particulars were missing was now fully understood. It might not have been received well and inflamed passions.

  Lady Cia continued. “My assessment is that the wives of the Chosen One have been spoiled by his generous nature, and love of family, and the duty he feels to all who inhabit this planet. Surely you are aware that if and when the Manti saves us all, the Creator will have him killed. The Creator has already sent an Incorporeal Immortal to attempt to derail the efforts of the Chosen One to achieve that end.”

  Lady Cia stopped briefly, looked at Alana and said, “The ingratitude of his wives and family almost creates more sadness than I can bear. I shall retire now; we shall postpone our meetings, and speeches to the citizens of Paraiso for one day while I speak to the family, and wives of the Manti individually. I have much to discuss and knowledge to impart though I must admit I am less certain now that it should be entrusted to them.

  “I find this attitude on your parts to be both selfish and irresponsible. You have deeply wounded the Manti with your behavior, which I now understand. And this wife Hannah Parker shouldn’t be allowed to leave. She must be found and kept within the confines of Paraiso. If she’s found outside the territory of our new homeland, she will be treated most unkindly by the worst elements and made to talk. Now, show me to my quarters please. I have much to contemplate.”

  Alana ordered the Guards to go to Hannah’s quarters with Vera and prevent her departure. Her plane was cancelled.

  When they arrived at her quarters, Hannah was nowhere to be found. Her bags were unpacked, and her quarters unchanged. A search of the home, its immediate vicinity, and the surrounding streets yielded no clue as to her whereabouts.

  Hannah Parker was missing.


  The next day Alana asked for a gathering of all Adam’s folk; wives, family, close friends and important people devoted to Adam. She had contemplated discussing the talk she had the previous night with Lady Cia and thought it best to tell those who knew Adam to hear what she now knew.

  Alana began, “I wanted to bring you all together this morning to discuss something I learned last night. I was speaking to ….”

was as far as she got before a voice from the back interrupted. It was Nocera Lee.

  “Before you begin, and I take my leave, I have something to say. I know about the conversation you had last night, and it is my considered opinion that the Lady Cia is correct in every respect, even her implicit criticisms raised by the questions she asked, and you did not answer. We all bear responsibility for our own actions; even I am not immune from things I have demanded of my husband, who has been nothing but kind and considerate of my needs, and those of our son, though his burdens, as the Lady Cia points out, have been great. More than any of us could ever have been able to bear on our own. But he has borne those burdens, and never complained or shown any of us despondency or despair. And what has our response been? Derision, sarcasm, mockery and ridicule. We ignore his ‘commands’ because we disagree with him, not because he’s wrong. He may be wrong at times, and yes he can be difficult, even, as many of you say, a complete asshole.”

  Noki paused.

  “Shame. Shame on all of us for treating our friend and husband in this fashion. And family too. We have all had a part in this, going behind his back, withholding things from him and yes, disobeying his wishes. He doesn’t command us because he is better than us; he commands us because he wants nothing more than to protect us. His love for us is great and yet we take the first opportunity at the first terse word or poorly worded phrase to take it as a slight. As if he needs to keep us always happy and content. We don’t do this for him, yet we demand that he does it for us.”

  She paused again.

  “Shame on us, all of us. He deserves better, and we have failed him. Now there are those who feign such anger that they would desert him. Desert him? Who among us believes that he would not give his life for us to keep us safe? Certainly not Vera who knows this better than most. Even you, Alana. And our sister Hannah, what is she now, but an ungrateful spiteful woman who complains as if somehow, he has wronged her. He rescued Hannah’s wife, freed Hannah, and stopped a war between us and the Black Shirts. Most of our ‘enemies’ now reside among us, converts to our cause, and faithful to their new leader, our husband and friend. And yet she complains that she didn’t get her way and has chosen to flee. A pox on all of us. I will take my leave now as I have much to contemplate, and much to discuss with my husband when I am reunited with him again. He has remained close to me especially in times of need and stress, though he demanded nothing of me. Unlike all of you who can only think of congress and wanton selfishness, he wishes only the exploration of mind with me. He knows my desires don’t include physical congress, and he respects that. And for that I love him and always shall.”

  Someone began to speak.

  “Shush. You can have your turn when I am finished. I leave you now but suggest you rethink your petty grievances that have blossomed into blatant disrespect. Have your talk and mull over the hurts and harms he has supposedly caused you. Then list them and tell me what his punishment should be for simply caring more for us than he does for himself.

  “When he accomplishes his task and we are all safe in this world, the Creator will destroy him. He doesn’t have to end this way; he can instead choose to do as he Creator commands, and rule a world of his making, of his desires. He chose death over power. How many of you would have made that same choice?

  “I leave you to your childish prattle.”

  Noki left and the first to speak afterward was Edward.

  “I wish I could agree with Noki, but I do not. She’s wrong and Adam has acted as he had before, petty and petulant at not getting his way. He commands imperiously and expects obedience. He has lost his way. Maybe his mind.”

  From the side of the room, Bella rose.

  “I love and respect you, Edward. You have been kind to me and my sister; you have taken in our children and protected us. But you’re wrong. Noki is right, and if the Lady Cia has caused us to have this discussion, then bless her. Her wisdom is greater than our knowledge. Knowledge without compassion is what Adam has always said it was: data, just data. I too am ashamed at the pettiness of the offenses I have held against Adam, and for the smallness of my character in response to greater needs. I wished for his admiration and gratefulness and didn’t get enough of either. I was unhappy with a lack of respect that I thought I was do and was never there.”

  Bella paused.

  “I am ashamed of myself and my behavior. If I could make amends and convey how much sorrow I feel and say how sorry I am, I would do so. I have been one of his greatest critics recently and I truly am sorry for my conduct.”

  A female voice called out from the door at the back of the room.

  “And I too wish to acknowledge that my conduct has been both reprehensible and irresponsible. I am so, sorry to have been the way I have acted lately. Were it not for the chastising I received last night from my loving and honest wife, I might’ve already left my home and family. Noki and Vera were both right, and if the source of revelation is the lady Cia, we should hear her out as soon as she can tolerate our presence.”

  Vera flew to her wife, crying and so elated she was still home and safe.

  “I was out all night, marveling at the City of Light, and I know I must look a fright, disheveled and unkempt, dirty and a mess. But when I heard of this gathering I came immediately. Please forgive me.”

  She stepped forward, and all thought only of the beauty that radiated from Hannah Parker. They hugged her, and welcomed her home with open arms, and open hearts.

  Chapter 6

  A crowd by the tens of thousands gathered underground at the new Grand Hall of the People that though large, remained unfinished. Housing for the thousands of humans, Gens and mixed-race peoples were the number one priority. But the speech would be carried live over thousands of new televisions, created overnight by the new tech provided by Maria, Agustin and Adam.

  A few of the Nobilus and mixed race Nobilus had heard of the new country and wished to be added to the long list of growing pioneers to the experiment in Earth reform. Derek Nobilus remained a guest of the citizens of Paraiso but was unhappy with his status. He found it odd, though he shouldn’t have, that when the Nobilus purebred and mixed race discovered he was held in Paraiso against his will, they didn’t rally to his defense.

  In fact, the opposite was true. The Nobilus folk warned the various councils of natural born Gens, humans, and mixed race who lived in harmony within their own towns and villages, that Derek Nobilus wasn’t to be trusted and, except for lineage, didn’t represent the will of the Nobilus Maximus as a species. The Nobilus as a whole aligned themselves with the humans while it was widely known that Derek aligned himself with the Gens Collective. This they said was for money and power. The Nobilus were a peaceful race who absolutely rejected the entire concept of war and didn’t feel themselves to have anything in common with the Collective which thrived on war and subjugation.

  Nobilus folk had often been taken captive by the Gens and placed in chains until they accepted their fate as slaves. It wasn’t in the nature of the Nobilus to hate, but they knew an enemy and traitor when they saw one. Derek had sold them out for money, and this was now his fate. They wouldn’t harm Derek, the Nobilus having qualities of tolerance and forgiveness in abundance, though they would turn a blind eye if a Gens Germania warrior accidently took his head.

  There were three women on the dais, two looking in their late twenties to early thirties, and one who looked like a child of twelve.

  The child approached the microphone and brought the speaker down to her level. At the flip of a computer switch, the microphone was instantly sized to her height. She nodded in thanks to whomever had done her the kindness, and she thanked him personally later.

  “My name is Lady Cia of Anterra, a small village in the far reaches of the great mountains near the tree line far to the north and east of the Capital City of Dietschberg. I am not, therefore, of royal birth, and neither my companion Lady Eene nor I are entitled by birth to use any title before our names. But we wer
e adopted into the Royal Family at an early age at the insistence of the then reigning King and Queen, the grandmother and grandfather to the present Queen Caroline. Both of our parents had been killed defending Dietschberg so, they adopted us as their own children out of love and respect not just for our parents sacrifice, but out of the love they felt as humans for the Gens Germania of the Black Forest, and my race, the Narrans, whom they wished to protect. Since our Great Awakening in 1507 in the Black Forest, the Gens, human sand mixed races have lived together in peace and harmony, each adding to the welfare and culture of the other.

  “We have intermarried, and there are some Gens who have solely adopted human form and an equal number of humans who have adopted solely Gens form. There are those who adopt a life of solace, and contemplation, and those transformed Gens who have become mayors of human cities. There are no distinctions or differences in status or class among us.

  “This is not decreed by law; rather, it is accepted by culture and belief. We are stronger together as a people, and a nation, than separate and on our own. The Gens Germania, the mixed-race folk, and humans of Dietschberg belong to the Eighty-One and I am their representative to you today. I speak for the Council of the Eighty-One and have been tasked with evaluating how this experiment in ‘Earth Reform’ is working and whether the Manti, the Chosen One or the human known as Adam St. James is the true Chosen of Chosen, or an impostor.”

  “I have come before you to discuss weighty matters, but I understand that my appearance may be a distraction. I appear a child, and unworthy of your time and attention. It might have been better to have sent the Elder Council Headman, but the vote was unanimous that I be sent with the Lady Eene. She is pure Gens and will transform for you now.”


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