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Page 48

by Douglas E Roff

  “Again, I don’t know what to say.”

  “Not an option in any event, Adam, if She doesn’t change her mind. I wish She would, for your sake. I cannot help you directly, but I can help or motivate others who may wish to help you. Or your whores.”


  “Sorry, slip of the tongue. But don’t you just love the way that word sounds. Hell, you can call me Hecate the Whore if you like. Just not around the children. They might get the wrong impression.

  “By the way, is that why they call you ‘daddy’ while having physical relations? I thought children were offspring of a human couple?”

  “Let me explain that bit a little later. For now, I suggest you merge with the computer I built called the DL Main. In it you will find most of the collective knowledge of mankind, the good and the bad, and you will understand more about how we express love and happiness. And touch. It will not be the same as feeling it, but it’s a place to start. Then we can talk some more. I think you will have a million questions.”

  “I am very smart you know, I may not have any.”

  “I accede to your wisdom.”

  “Why would you help me? You know what I must do when your time is up.”

  “I think you are only doing your job, what the Creator is tasking you to do. Just like me. If not you, then another Immortal. Maybe less interested in our small blue planet and maybe less able to restrain him or herself. At least we are talking. And, except for the killing thing, you seem nice. I think I’d like to get to know you better too.”

  “Nice? What is …”

  “Just connect, if you can, to the computer and learn all you can. The rest we can discuss whenever you wish.”

  “You’re better than I thought you would be. Frankly, I was expecting the worst. I shall take your advice and learn from your machine. I can connect and absorb all your information and data in a moment. I shall study it, then when I am able, I shall return to talk more. I like this. I cannot, however, explain why.”

  “Sometimes things just are. No explanation. Now, would you like to meet my whores? Next visit perhaps?”

  “You said a bad word. When we meet, I shall tell them what you said. I understand from the whore you call Misti that you occasionally endure a good ‘spanking’. I believe it is some form of primitive punishment for bad behavior.”

  Adam smiled. “Not always.”

  Chapter 19

  The introduction of the Immortal Hecate went better than Adam expected when they all convened in the Palace one evening, and via mind link to Paraiso. Saldana, Adam could tell, felt a little displaced, but handled it well, understanding what was at stake. Saldana had always been the Demon Queen of the harem; now this Hecate thing might outdo her in her ‘evilness’. That was just wrong. Wrong, she thought.

  Saldana, having not believed Hecate’s motives for one single solitary moment, started out after introductions by Adam.

  “It’s good of you to appear to us lower life forms but for what, to dispense your wisdom? Adam seems to think you want to help, but I for one don’t trust you one iota. You’re up to something, something bad and I don’t like it. Can’t do anything about it, but don’t ask for my help. You won’t get it.”

  “I believe the first part of your diatribe was sarcasm, but the rest was just plain ‘I don’t like you’; is that correct?”

  “No. Because I don’t trust you either. You’re here to kill Adam; suddenly you need his help to study us. Why? Make sure you’re a better murderer? I cannot see the wisdom in helping you. Ladies?”

  All the women were skeptical, and if they thought bringing Saldana into the cabal was idiotic, they really didn’t understand why he would include Hecate. Her mission was clear.

  “Adam was correct when he told me if I fail in my task, another will come to replace me. Perhaps better, perhaps worse. But I think that She, the Creator, has made a mistake in this case. I will fulfill my mission, but there may be things I can do to help before that day comes. And I don’t have to do, you-know-what right away, just sometime after one year. Could be decades. Maybe slow down or even change her mind. She is the Creator, not God. Her mind can be changed; her moods are often fickle. This is a great example. I believe if She could take it all back, She would. But She can’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Why do you think? Pride, arrogance, stupidity? We’re Immortal, but maybe not as wise as we think we are. Smart, yes. But wise is a different matter altogether. I read that somewhere. Oh, that’s right, I think it was in Misti’s mind after husband’s chat with the Lady Cia.”

  “You aren’t his mate. He’s not your husband,” huffed Saldana. “And have you and Misti been chatting like sisters I presume?”

  “Yes, and with all his other mates too, except you. Even that delightful girl Beata. How cute is she?”

  Saldana said nothing but was steaming inside.

  “You are angry with me, and don’t want to listen. Your sisters are more open to dialogue, though none, just like you, trust me. I have knowledge but lack wisdom. There is a difference, and I wish to learn what it is.”

  “Which mates? Just us here or …”

  “All his mates everywhere, even those who just anticipate their mating. Cia and Eene, Beata and the other two girls who adore the Chosen of Chosen. If you don’t believe me, or will not, there is little I can do to change your minds. But I can help, and in ways that are permissible.”

  “Such as?”

  “For you Saldana, and for the one they call Alana, I ask, have you ever been to Granada, Spain? Many old villas besides the main attraction of the Alhambra, although that alone is worth the trip. You might want to inquire with the authorities which Villas have been in families for many decades, even centuries. Old families, with new Latinized last names. But, what interests me, may not interest you. However, I do know that all the old records are digitized, and Alana has capabilities in that area, correct?”

  “We do.”

  “And you have a world class archeologist in the family too, who might be interested in uncovering ancient buried relics. Christian relics. Perhaps there’s a rumor circulating that a piece of the Holy Cross is buried in a lead box on the site of one of those Villas. I have heard that the Vatican, one Marchetti, is working for the Holy See, and seeks the cooperation of Dr. Edward St. James in finding this Cardinal Bellinelli or Musso, whoever he is.”

  “And you’re saying …”

  “I’m saying nothing, as I am prohibited from helping. I’m simply applying some new knowledge that I recently acquired as conjecture to your search.”

  “OK, we’ll look into it.”

  “Good, now I must spend time alone with your mate. I have some private lessons to learn. You are not part of the lesson, though I may ask Misti and Kendra to help with demonstrations if they have time.”

  The connection with all minds everywhere in on the meeting were instantly severed.

  Hecate asked, “Would you prefer audible speech or mind communication. Perhaps both?”

  Misti spoke first, “Both! Let’s get started. I understand that sex is a complicated subject for you. So, different for you as an Incorporeal. What would you like to see first?”

  “Well, the most interesting is …”

  The evening and next few days were long, and Hecate’s education quite thorough. More ‘helpers’ were brought in to assist, and Hecate asked permission to enter minds to feel raw emotions, and physical sensations. In the end, she wanted more ‘education’, but was willing to give the teachers a rest.

  “I shall return next week for more education if you agree. We can travel by mind to the City of Light to include all your mates, if you choose. I would enjoy that, and love to meet them again. I don’t expect your trust overnight, but I can help if you will let me. I promise not to deceive and to be as truthful as I am permitted. I will not betray you under any circumstances, though in the end there is a duty I must fulfill.”

  Adam said, “If we can find Mus
so, then all distractions are finished, and I can concentrate on the task at hand. I assume you can help there too?”

  “Yes, but with care. I would dearly love five minutes alone with your mind, Chosen of Chosen. I caught glimpses of yours in the minds of your mates and lovers, but to roam freely would be magic. I cannot now, but perhaps one day.”

  “It is my wish too, Hecate the Immoral. My guess is your imagination is virtually without limit.”

  “It is vast, Adam St. James. Vast.”


  The next day, Adam’s first two calls were to his father, and his brother. Alana didn’t need to be asked to do what she normally does, so he didn’t think to bother. In any event, by ten in the morning Adam received a file from Alana verifying the ‘conjecture’ that Hecate had suggested, but not suggested. She, whose IQ was now through the roof, had merely ‘surmised’ as she put it, scenarios that might be true, not actually confirming that any of it was in fact was true. Hecate had become a regular each day with all the ladies, and Adam, and contacted each for chats at the oddest times of the day or night.

  Hecate simply assumed that no one was actually angry at her for the task of murdering Adam at some future date, assuming, as did Adam, that she would be compelled to carry out his death sentence. When he died, her task for existence being fulfilled, she too would likely be vaporized. To Adam’s way of thinking, Hecate now had just as much reason to see Adam succeed as he did, and to delay the inevitable. There was at least a chance the Creator could be swayed to Hecate’s new view of the ‘lower life form and his whores’.”

  The women were less sure; Saldana thought Hecate was a up to no good and lying. Adam concurred in Saldana’s conclusion, but somehow, for some reason, thought Hecate might be telling the truth anyway. Cognitive dissonance. Alana pointed out that if Adam had directed Hecate to the DL Main, she could probably do everything Alana could do, except faster and smarter. While the future child murderess might lack wisdom, no one thought she lacked superior knowledge, and probably superior reasoning, and problem-solving skills. Clever deception didn’t require either wisdom or compassion; it required only the things that Hecate already possessed.

  All his harem and everyone else familiar with the situation cautioned Adam not to be gullible. Hecate, even on her best day, would still kill him if instructed by her celestial boss.

  Adam alone believed she wouldn’t. He couldn’t explain it; he just felt it. It was Kendra who counseled that wanting something to be true, even desperately so, wasn’t the same as it being true. She also counseled him to keep his thoughts to himself as Kendra had no doubt that Hecate was entering minds without permission, just not his. What she could access in other minds was an unknown.

  “Of course, little one, as usual, you are correct, and for all the right reasons. I shall be more careful. She will kill me when directed to do so. That, I’m afraid is the only reality that matters to us. Especially me.”

  Chapter 20

  “Dad, I was wondering if we might have a chat about a couple of things. Would you have time today?”

  “Musso, I suspect?”

  “Yes, I’d like to end this soon for everyone, not the least of them being his next victims. But I will need help in planning and logistics.”

  “Why not ask your brother and Cindy. They would be my first choices.”

  “I asked Rod this morning. He said no. Murder wasn’t his thing, and his advice was that he thought I should know better. I won’t ask Cindy to go behind my brother’s back.”

  “And you think I can help? Maybe talk to Cindy for you?”

  “Oh, hell no, Dad. I want to discuss the new Vatican offer to you of an audience with his Holiness. I have recent new information that the Holy See has its own investigation going on into the Bellinelli/Musso matter which is being conducted by a Detective Marchetti of the Vatican Police. Quite a capable fellow I understand, and the Vatican wishes this problem to disappear, and quickly.”

  “Share with them? Seems risky, given past events.”

  “I didn’t say we tell them everything; we just ask for their help. Musso will be dead, whether the Pope likes it or not, and whether they agree to help or not. So are the three I hold downstairs. Once Musso is gone, so are they. I just need to know what the Vatican knows, that’s all.”

  “Why wait. We know where Musso is now; what the Vatican knows or doesn’t is of zero value to you any longer. As well, the Gens are getting restless about your ‘mousing’ the three captives. You have what you want; they all know that now.”

  “I don’t care what the Gens think or want. I have explained it once to Chel, and that’s all they get. Like it or not, the three I have in chains will remain alive until I decide otherwise. They might be useful should Musso escape. Back to business. Who would you pick if not Rod and Cindy?”

  “Probably Misti, or James and Raoul.”

  “Misti is a no-go; no murders on her soul, and besides, she’s pregnant. James and Raoul are good alternatives. I guess I should consider Saldana too, even though she’s also with child.”

  Suddenly a voice began speaking in the minds of Adam and Edward.

  “Your best bet is me, however.” It was Hecate. “Why fool around with family, colleagues, and whores when you have me. I don’t make mistakes, and I want you back teaching me again, Adam. This time I will be helping with your workouts, martial arts training, and strategy. So, tell Chel, or whoever is in charge these days, that I’ll be around every day from now on. Seriously, he never pushed you hard enough. I don’t think you fully appreciate the magnitude of the challenge Paulo, and his brother pose to you and yours.”

  Adam and his Dad were taken aback by Hecate’s sudden presence, but tried to take it in stride.

  “And you know this how?”

  “Suffice it to say, I know this. And a lot of other shit that you and your trainers do not. Sorry about the bad word there, but I really like how it expresses a thought.”

  “What can you do? You can’t really coach me. Then you’d get in trouble with Her Highness.”

  “I can’t go in your mind, Adam, but I can go in Kendra and Chel’s. Chel might not be as comfortable with the whole concept as your little whore, but the two of you can convince him otherwise.”

  Edward asked, “Who or what are you?”

  “Sorry, we met a little while ago. I’m Hecate, the Immortal. My job is to kill your son; my preference is to prevent his demise. So, Adam, what do you think? I can really help with the Musso caper.”


  “Been reading a lot of detective stories from your 1930’s literary period in America. Plus, that Sherlock Holmes character is a lot of fun too. Hates women, but respects at least one. Very catchy. Wrong about the ‘deductive reasoning’ part too, but sounds better than the alternatives.”

  Adam said, “I thought it was ‘inductive reasoning’?”

  “Yeah, in part, it is. But which sounds better, I ‘deduced the solution’ or I ‘inducted the solution’? It’s fiction, right? How bright do you have to be to writes books that are essentially make-believe? And there are other descriptors too that could apply too. What fun! You and I working on a caper together! I just can’t wait to get started. What’s first?”


  “Yes, sorry Dr. St. James, the Elder. I know this sounds a little odd, but really when you think of it, I’m the best choice. I like this planet, and if I kill Adam too soon, I go by-by too. This way it’s win-win. We kill or capture Musso, and Adam gets back to training. Simple, right?”

  “You lost me, Hecate, but if you can protect Adam, I vote for you.”

  Hecate said to Adam, “Your father likes me, I can tell. And he agrees with me too.”

  “Not exactly what I said.”

  “I know, but you humans are such great liars and dissemblers, I thought I might try it out on my own. Truthfully, I have no reason to lie, much like Adam. He is one fine homo sapiens; the good and the bad taken together. Unlike those whores of
his. They lie all the time.”

  “Hecate! Let’s go easy on the ‘whores’ bit. Dad doesn’t like it either.”

  “Oh shush! Who cares what I call them when they’re not around. I insult all lower life forms equally. The essence of democracy as first conceived in ancient Greece. Odd that the benefits didn’t apply to everyone, especially the slave class. And, besides you promised …”

  Hecate’s voice trailed off.

  “I know, I know. I’m just suggesting concerning civility and politeness. That’s all. And you’re back reading history again I see.”

  “Yes, I am reading again. Happy you noticed. But, so many contradictions in you humans.

  “And the civility thing?”

  “I guess. If it makes you that happy, I will try to minimize my use of offensive vocabulary. Try only though, no promises. I mean your father did practically raise the Misti whore all by himself. By the way, Elder human, you should’ve been far nicer to your own son. Wouldn’t have been so fucked up in the head later in life, and need that whore, so much. That’s on you, by the way. But it all worked out fine in the end.”

  Edward said, “May I go now? Disconnect from this call. From both of you?”

  “Done!” Hecate continued, “Now it’s just you and me, daddy.”

  “Don’t say that.”


  “It makes me uncomfortable. Where did you learn about that anyway?”

  “From Misti the whore. She tells me everything. Well almost. She doesn’t trust me, mostly because of that other whore Saldana. I’m going to show her what a Dardelian Arn would do to a transformed Gens female. Her scent would make them crazy with lust. The males have eight external sex organs. Eight! And big ones too. No gracias. I’m hoping she stops her campaign against me if she thinks that might be her fate. After yours, of course.”


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