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Page 51

by Douglas E Roff

  Misti stopped eating briefly to complete her diatribe. “But we were weeks away from finding him, and it looks like he was ready to move. If that had happened, you would have been right, and we might’ve had him if, and only if, he had stayed where he was long enough to locate him. Lots of ‘ifs. You’re good Saldana, and a valued member of this team, certainly more than me these days, but you are brains, not brawn. Cindy wouldn’t take her own brother on the op and he had little to do with planning. You are his opposite number, not him, not Cindy nor even Hecate. Cindy certainly wasn’t going to take you. Besides, you’re pregnant; give it a rest and eat for two. This part is over or will be soon.”

  “Fuck you Misti. Compared to me you are a worthless slut, and a whore. That’s what you’re good for, so shut the fuck up, and behave like a good little obedient slut.”

  Kendra spoke up, “Seriously are you deranged or just hormonal? I can’t tell. Or are you just fucking stupid? We got Musso; lots of folks played a part, just like you. Now Misti is right, give it a rest. I’m pregnant and have to pee 24/7. I’m tired and cranky and don’t even want to go to training today. I’m tired and grateful that Hecate is here, and oh by the way, sex with her is heavenly. Just shut the fuck up and ask Adam what your next assignment is, so we can get on with our daily lives. We three are now only able to support our man and get laid whenever we can. I for one am happy with that. You should be too.”

  “Who the fuck do you think you are to tell me what to do? I am yin to his yang, and a little whore like you will not dictate anything to me. I will dictate to you. Got it?”

  “No, she doesn’t,” said Hecate as she appeared suddenly in shimmering form in the kitchen. “If you must know who has the power here … wait for it … well it isn’t you. First, it’s Adam, and then everyone has a job to do just like Misti, and Kendra said. Besides, you are pregnant and should be observing. I am taking over Adam’s training starting today after we finish our leftover task with the captives. You may attend all events today, and you have my permission to come along, and observe training, if you wish, just like Misti, and Kendra. You don’t hear them whining, do you? No, you don’t. They’re grownups which is more than I can say for you.”

  “Who the fuck put you in charge?”

  “I did, with Adam’s blessing. Correct Papa?”


  “Saldana, you’re not all that special though I suspect you will have a vital role soon. Fulfill it or incur my wrath. The latter isn’t a good idea.”

  “What are you going to do whore? Talk me to death?”

  “It’s Hecate the Immortal. Yesterday I crushed the skulls of eight or nine men who were going to hurt the people I have come to love and care about. Now, with the Musso situation handled, we must move on. You are either part of the problem or part of the solution, so which is it?”

  Adam said, “Good phraseology, Hecate. Reading again? Up to the sixties and seventies?”

  “Yes, but what exactly does ‘free love’ mean? Did it cost something back then? I really tried hard to figure that one out last night. Stumped.”

  Misti, Kendra and Adam all laughed. Adam said, “God we really all love you Hecate. No, it did not; it was just an expression.”

  “You will explain it to me later tonight?”

  “Of course, sweetie. Now as for you Saldana, you will do as you are told, or I may have Hecate send you to a far-off place in urban New Jersey. She has told me that her job is to help where she can and kill anyone who opposes us. Column A or Column B. I say drop the attitude and get ready for your next assignment. Kendra is right about that.”

  “I’m carrying your baby. Have I no rights? I have done everything you asked.”

  “Nope. Before I finish my job, you will come to term. I know you fancy yourself some badass chick. But you aren’t, not anymore, and what I see is my wife acting out. Stop the language and do your job. If you promise to behave, you can take my turn eliminating one of the four Mussos. I’ve lost my taste for killing them, thanks to my wives and the Gens. So, if it’s not war or self-defense, I’m out of the murder game for life. I’ve been a bad example, selfish. I’ve said mean things to the women I love. But we can’t have a repeat of the breakfast episode no matter what form or why. No divisive behaviors. Hecate will now be known as Hecate St. James by her own choice, though not a mate. For now, she is a St. James in name, neither wife nor daughter, but a relation, family in whatever way we wish to think of her. She’s in the family though, and I accept and care for her, will give my life for her, as will everyone who has taken the time to get to know her. I suggest you make peace, work with her and do your job. I love you, Saldana, but your rep in the family isn’t good. I made a promise to you and I will keep it. But even though we are mates and love you, just about everyone else, except Kendra despises you. Nothing changes. I am not being cruel when I say that nobody in Paraiso trusts you, not even you former following in the Black Shirts. They despise you and still do not forgive you for past actions. They all warn it’s only a matter of time before you betray me to the Collective to save your own skin if that’s how things look to you. Hecate is not inherently evil; she is tasked and that is beyond her control. At least she’s trying; you are just pretending.”

  “You believe that?”

  “You have never proven otherwise. When you’re safe, you’re a delight. When things get tough, we’ll see.”

  “And our baby?”

  “Insurance. That’s the consensus.”

  He said matter of factly, “I’m going to finish my French Toast, go down to the basement and watch somebody behead the four Mussos. Federico thinks he’s going to live for giving up his organization. He’s given me the names, and locations of his organization leadership, and members worldwide’. I’ve verified their existence, and whereabouts. I will eliminate them on a fixed day and date. Friday the 13th. Another atrocity to be committed by me and my closest allies; my family and friends will certainly not approve. I don’t care, and if I hear any arguments or complaints, you will be sent away permanently. Wives, friends, Gens or Nobilus. There will no longer be any resistance, or second guessing allowed to my authority. You may complain, and counsel in private, but contravene my pronouncements in public and you may be invited to leave. I will give no second warning. The entire planet is it stake, and I will broach no opposition. Keep your disgust and your whisper campaigns to yourselves. Test me, and you will pay heavy price.

  “I’m moving Kendra up to first choice with the Mussos. Who wants second?”

  Kendra said, “I’m out. Got a baby on the way; I’ve lost my ambition to kill men. Doesn’t seem as much fun as it ought to. I’m having a son. The jerk’s downstairs are not worth the effort.”

  Misti was also out, same reason. That left Saldana.

  “Nope, I’m out too. I guess I’m only happy when I’m causing trouble, serious trouble, which I excel at. So, I will promise to stop with the nasty attitude and do all in my power to tow the line. Sorry to everyone for being you know, the word I can’t use.”

  “I was thinking ‘asshole’, said Misti.

  “Ditto,” said Kendra. “Though I still admire your skills, and intelligence, I will concede I don’t trust you one iota. On the other hand, it may just be hormones, and an overabundance of caution. Your integration here has been superficial, and I’ve seen nothing concrete to suggest you aren’t just out for yourself. But I still enjoy sex with you.”

  “If his nibs isn’t going to off me, and if Hecate isn’t about to crush my skull, then are we OK? For now?”

  Kendra said, “We’re good. I get a lot worse from Papa, who can be the biggest ass on the globe even though I love him crazy mad, just like all the wives who don’t understand what he does or thinks. Just because we all get stupid from time to time isn’t a capital offense, not in this family. Otherwise our husband wouldn’t have to worry about Hecate. He’d be worrying about his wives.”

  Kendra said, “Let the guards terminate the Mussos. Make
it an honor for their service, and loyalty to the Chosen of Chosen. Have a ceremony and point them out. Let them pike the heads at the Field. The single guys will get Gens pussy for a year. We’ll personally witness that they did it and proclaim their honor. They’ll dig it.”

  “Summon Chel and send the guards up one by one to my Study. Then we go to the martial field. Ceremony of honor, then training afterward. “Hecate, are you good with this?”

  “For now. But we didn’t have our talk and the day is wasting. We shall talk tonight. Alone.”

  “As you wish. That doesn’t count as a wish though. You still have infinity.”

  “You’re terrible at bargaining, you know. I threaten to kill you, and you reward me.”

  “That’s what you think, but which Immortal isn’t leaving? Staying with me to protect me? Huh? Now who’s the smart one.”

  “Rakishly handsome and devious. You are the Chosen of Chosen. The Creator should keep you on the payroll. I shall have to raise it in our next staff meeting.”

  “You have those?”

  “No, that’s ridiculous.”

  Chapter 24

  Adam gave instructions to one of the guards to go to the Village and ask Chel to meet him at the Palace for a talk about the captives. Musso was under heavy guard; his time was just about up. It was for Adam to discuss with Chel who should be given the honor of executing the prisoners. Adam was well-aware from Saldana that some of the guards were highly motivated to volunteer. Throwing feces was considered a dishonorable act and culturally prohibited under any circumstances by the Gens globally. Many guards had been subjected to this treatment while the Mussos laughed. Today, they would laugh no more.

  Adam wavered on his initial decision, thinking over whether he should terminate the life of Heidi for what she planned to do to Vera, but in the end, he decided against it.

  “Now, Hecate, you have something on your mind you wish to discuss with me. Have I offended you or pissed you off in any way? You seem so serious when you brought up a private talk with me. Twice.”

  “Adam St. James, your women are right. You always assume the worst when any of us have something serious we need to discuss with you. No, you haven’t offended. I am, in fact, very delighted that your words are congruent, for once, with your deeds.”


  “Yes, but don’t try to change the subject. I need to discuss your training, and we will wait for Chel as it concerns him, and his Gens pride getting wounded. It also concerns Paulo and Enzo.”

  “OK, we wait. So, off for a visit tonight, are we? Two moms who hunger for more Hecate in their diet?”

  “No, I’m putting it off for a while, until I’m ready. Cindy was very disappointed. I think she may be upset with me.”

  “Disappointed, yes I can see that. She wants to see you and have a tryst with her gorgeous friend Marie. She told me how wickedly amazing you are, and she wants to give you a proper thank you for saving her life, as does Marie. I wouldn’t worry. Besides, why don’t we call them later, and say hello. Then you’ll see; my sis just isn’t like that.”

  “OK, then we will call later and talk. Can we do that visual thing where we can talk, and I get to see them? It’s the one we used the other night.”

  “Of course.”

  Chel arrived and came immediately to Adam’s Study. “You wanted to see me?”

  “Yes, and Hecate, who you have met.”

  “Yes, the Immortal. My pleasure again. The Manti speaks highly of you, and word has spread of your deeds in Spain. We of the Gens Germania salute you, goddess.”

  Hecate seemed pleased, “Not a goddess, at least not yet, just an Immortal is all. I wanted to speak to you, and the Manti, face to face about his training. I do not think either of you know exactly what Adam will face when he meets both Enzo and Paulo, and his training, so far, is not adequate to the challenge.”

  Both men looked at each other. Adam’s training thus far had been rigorous and thorough.

  Chel said, “I’m sorry, Lady Hecate, but I don’t know what you mean. The Manti has been almost brutally trained. More than any human and most Gens warriors could withstand. Did you not know what our regimen is?”

  “I do. But what neither of you know is the nature, and extent of the power, and skill, which faces you in both Paulo and Enzo. They are, except for the Manti, the most powerful Gens on the planet in perhaps the last thousand years. Maybe longer. They appear as ordinary Gens, with superior fighting skills, and seemingly no match for the Manti. That is incorrect. It’s a ruse they use to dupe opponents into thinking that another Gens can defeat either one of them in ordinary combat. In fact, they cannot. As we speak, I would say there is a sizeable chance that Paulo, could presently defeat the Manti. Enzo too, but not in human form. I don’t believe he will fight Adam honorably, but will transform somehow before the time, and day, and attack by surprise. They have no honor, and are skilled liars and killers. It’s the only reason that Enzo remains alive after Demora with his brother. He should be dead. If it’s any consolation, I didn’t know this either until very recently.”

  Chel asked, “May we know how you came to know this?”

  “Yes. I was informed by the Creator.”

  Chel instantly dropped to his knees in some form of prayer. Though many Gens in the Collective didn’t have religious beliefs per se, the Gens of the Eighty-One did. They followed the old religion, and that was belief in the Creator. They had no dogma, few shamans and no religious hierarchy as such. They had “Guides” to learn the culture, and rituals of the Eighty-One; belief in the Creator was one. Belief alone was sufficient; if you chose not to believe, that too was permitted. There was no heaven or hell, no rituals, just that single belief.

  Adam said, “The Creator? Now she sides with me?”

  “I cannot answer your question. She told me to tell you and Chel, and that is all she said. Then she was gone.”

  “Did she have any suggestions about Paulo, and Enzo or on training?”

  “She did not. But, I believe she is watching, and will inform me when she feels the time is right. I have decided on the best strategies, training techniques, and skills development. I will also inform you of the politics of the contest. There is an issue. We will have to get a decision, should Paulo demand that we strictly follow the Prophecy.”

  “Which is?”

  “You are each to fight in natural form. The Gens have always believed that it most likely meant two Gens, but could it could be a Gens, and a human. But you must fight Paulo as a Gens, or there will be no contest. Otherwise you will be dead within minutes.”

  “Who decides?”

  “I don’t know. The Prophecy is silent on the issue, though it is possible …”

  “What, Hecate?”

  “That She will intervene and decide the issue. She will not make you the victor, but she wants a fair fight. If you are to have any chance of winning, we must have a better strategy. That includes Enzo, who will not come for you directly, but through family, and loved ones. He will draw you out, and that will be your demise if you do not anticipate his treachery.”

  “Are you sure?”

  “Yes. The Creator told me and how you must train to win. Forgive me Adam, but we are short on time. Chel, pick four of your men for the honor; kill the four prisoners’ downstairs and pike their heads, two in the Village and two in Dietschberg. Do this right away. The Manti has decided that you and the Gens Germania are correct, and that he was wrong. They are captured enemies and should be put to death instantly. It is beneath him to torture, even if it had been effective, which it was not. Your counsel was correct. Tell the men chosen that the Manti will bless each of them, howl with them in victory, and express his gratitude to all remaining inhabitants of the Black Forest. He will praise them and enter their names in his Book of Deeds. The Manti and I will depart for the Fields now. We will speak to the men after training is complete for today.”

  “It shall be done.”

  Hecate said,
“Lord Chel, please do not consider anything I have said today to be a criticism of you or your men. It is not. The Creator has given me permission to allow you to know what training regimens are to be followed. I will personally enter your mind and instruct you. This is a great honor. The Creator doesn’t communicate with mortals often; be advised that you have her favor. I am to announce this to your men after training is complete today. Now go and be quick. Meet us at the Fields.”

  “Yes, Lady Hecate. I shall do your bidding with haste.”

  Chel left.

  “Hecate, what was that?”

  “Moving you along, Adam.”

  “Was it all true?”

  “Yes, all. She favors you more than she should according to my most recent knowledge of the RealVerse. But something has changed, and I cannot explain it. We should leave. There is nothing more pressing than your training. You fight in six months, unless the Creator changes her mind. Paulo has been informed. The place is set. There are no rules, just one who will live, and one who will die. You must be prepared, and time is short. We depart for Council within days. You will bring Chel and his best trainers. The Lady Cia, and Lady Eene will accompany us, along with Akira and their entourage. We will bring your wives in residence along with Beata and her two friends, Verna and Lia.”

  “What else?”

  “The Creator begs you to be careful with Saldana Ri. She isn’t confident in Saldana’s intentions, and thinks she may switch sides. She may already have done so.”


  “I don’t know, but if the Creator is worried, maybe we should be too. Remember that Saldana is a powerful Gens. When she says she is yin to your yang, that isn’t just a boast or metaphor. She literally means it and it may actually be true. Saldana may decide a Palace coup at some point will bring her to power, and in so doing, will not need a human consort except as a pet.”

  “That cannot be. She is much changed and committed to me.”


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