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Page 67

by Douglas E Roff


  The pair returned from New York exhausted and needing a vacation from their vacation. All the younger ladies wanted details and video; Rod wanted a bed with a “Do not Disturb” sign on the doorknob. As he later described it, it was 24/7 sex, weed and more sex. Somewhere in there was also booze, the good kind, but that was for the partners who joined them, all women.

  Rod thoroughly enjoyed everything going on and did admit to his brother that he had dallied a time or two with a pair of twins with Cindy’s permission. There might’ve been a couple others too, but that memory was hazy, or so he said. Cindy was never far away, and her own voyeurism was rising to the top. She enjoyed watching her man with other women and encouraged him to experiment more. She said she would be there to protect him from any overenthusiastic ladies. Rod mentioned he would be able to protect himself and he had enjoyed the enthusiasm he experienced and wouldn’t have minded more.

  “That will be no problem, husband. I already have some ideas to get you started.”

  “I leave it to you then.”

  “We’ll start tonight. I have a candidate, but it will require special rules.”

  “I’m all yours. And hers.”


  Across town in New York City a few weeks later in a high-rise condo were the brothers Fortizi, plotting new ways to draw out Cindy and Rod Suarez, or some other family member close to Adam, but without much luck. There were his many brides to be, all of whom were in the City of Light awaiting nuptials with Adam, but even had they been home in Germany, soldiers of the Collective could no longer even enter the Black Forest. The three Ladies, Beata, Verna and Lia were quite safe as were Cia, Eene and Caroline.

  Paulo hired a private detective and found that Cindy had a cousin, Karen Fender, who she was close to growing up on Vancouver Island. Karen had married an American attending U Vic and later moved to Boston, Massachusetts. They were both engineers with good jobs, two beautiful children and a lovely home in the suburbs. Paulo focused on Karen’s kidnapping/murder as the means of getting Cindy and Rod back to the States in a controlled environment. The ploy would seem intended to once again draw out Adam, but Rod and Cindy would most likely take the mission.

  The brothers focused on a day a couple of months in advance, weather permitting and assuming that the targeted family wasn’t away on vacation. The target was the cousin Karen, but any, or all, of the family would also do. Once abducted and Cindy found out, she would know instantly who was behind the kidnapping.

  Besides, Paulo would call and let her know anyway.

  Paulo began his planning immediately, first by murdering the private detective who found the cousin, a loose end, then by examining the routes each family member took to school or work, then home. Sports, activities and religious services were all monitored by Asinimayov’s men. Friends and activities were recorded and after a few months, Asinimayov concluded that they seemed to be a regular suburban family with predictable habits and routines. The idea would be to capture at least the cousin, but the rest of the family too, if possible, either shopping or through an invitation to a family event. Paulo would award free tickets to an event for the entire family from a raffle no one remembered.

  Paulo decided a real event, one the boys and girls would both enjoy, was the one to choose, so he started scouting who or what would be in town during the chosen time frame. Sports was out since if it wasn’t hockey, Karen didn’t consider it a sport. The kids were between the ages of seven and twelve, so events with lots of cool stuff and food was a must.

  Then he found it. Cirque du Soleil was in town for two weeks and children of all ages were thrilled by the acts. The Company, originally from Montreal, Quebec, Canada was world famous and the thrills never ending.

  Because they would win VIP Passes, a Limo would pick them up at home, take them to dinner, then the performance, then deposit them safely back home. Reservations would be made at the performance and at the restaurants listed on a menu of choices.

  It was a good plan.

  Then they had to store the five mewling brats and parents somewhere, put up with whining and crying, and generally try not to kill them prematurely. They expected an exchange quickly, as the family would be freaked which was always an unpredictable event, and Cindy would want the event over ASAP.

  Rod and Cindy would come, and although Cindy and Adam were known to each other as bro’ and sis, it was Rod they really wanted.

  Not only was Rod Adam’s brother, but he knew something. Something important, except he was unaware of what it was or why it was important. Rod may never have even thought of it, or it may never have come to mind. But he had this knowledge and, therefore, he had to die.

  This one was designed to look like another run of the mill trap for Adam, but really it was his brother who was the principal target this time.

  Capturing and killing Cindy would be a bonus; after all, she had been largely responsible for Barrows Bay, Idaho and Oregon. But, most of all, she was just a huge pain in the ass. Since she was related to Adam, she had “infliction of emotional pain” value that would mess with Adam’s mind, cause huge heartbreak in the family, and cause Adam to go nuclear. What might happen after that was unknown except it could throw Adam off his game and create an opportunity for the Fortizi’s to bring Adam down.

  Paulo would enjoy what he couldn’t witness personally, but maybe Adam would taste the same bitterness Paulo felt watching his empire collapse and ask himself how much he enjoyed that flavor. Stealing things held no sport for Paulo; destroying family was quite the opposite.

  Maybe he would kill cousin Karen, her hubby and the kiddies very slowly too. Might be fun. Now that was a sport.

  Chapter 49

  Several months had passed between the trip to New York City, and the early morning walk Rod was taking to visit his brother Adam. Rod remembered seeing something in one of the translations, a single piece of parchment, but it stuck in his mind. Originally most in the City of Light believed the ability to transform quickly on demand was also paired, or connected, with the transfer of knowledge. When that hypothesis died, most who didn’t want the ability to transform nonetheless accepted the invitation to obtain greater knowledge. A few clung to their brains and minds as is, fearing tampering and mind control. Mostly they lived out in small communities of humans and Gens, sometimes together, and practiced the “old ways”.

  They were generally left alone.

  This morning Rod walked into Adam’s office, who was holding a small staff meeting that included his father, Edward, Hannah and a few of her new archeological staff. Her old staff from London at the Loft was long gone and assigned elsewhere except for James, Raoul and their wives. Rod had only recently taken the mind expansion process, refined now as it was, from Noki, and when he did he immediately remembered something he had seen. He now knew what that Parchment said, and it was important for Adam and Hannah to know about it as soon as possible.

  “Rod, welcome to our cabal of nerds. We understand you’ve done some translation and need to tell us about it. How did you come across this piece of parchment?”

  “It was when we were in DC and we were moving boxes. A piece of parchment fell out of a closed box, I don’t know how, and I picked it up. It had a stick figure of a woman confined and chained, with writing below the drawing and all around. I had no idea how it got out of the box or what it meant at the time. But it stuck in my mind. Until last night. You may not believe me, but I dreamed about it.”


  “I saw a woman, in chains begging us for help. She kept talking in some strange language, but this morning, it was clear in my mind she was speaking English. She gave me explicit instructions to come find her and rescue her; she had been made captive by mysterious forces was in mortal danger. It had something to do with me. That’s all I know.”

  “Where did she say she was?”

  “In a small outpost about two hundred miles up the Nile near Aswan. She gave me very exact directions, s
o we should be able to find her quickly.”

  Hannah said, “Does anyone other than me smell a trap?”

  Everyone looked at one another, and in unison said, “No.”


  They left the next day, Adam, Hannah, Rod, Cindy and Kendra. Edward stayed back at the City of Light. His curiosity since the death of Bethy was almost zero for new adventures. He puttered with his Memoirs instead.

  The team arrived late afternoon and followed the directions to an old beat down mud fortification. There were a few guards; almost all were sleeping, and all were easily subdued and bound, hands and feet.

  Adam asked the guards, “Where is she?”

  They pointed to an old iron grate, leading down to a series of rooms, only one of which was occupied. In it was a woman, dressed in rags, each hand and foot chained with minimal sanitation evident. She looked young, maybe Misti’s age.

  She screamed as Adam entered into the cell. “Who are you? Cowards and mercenaries sent by the evil one to dispatch me. He was too frightened to come himself. Come closer that I may touch you and burn my mark into your living soul.”

  “You are Niona, and I am Adam St. James. My brother Rod got your message and we’re here to set you free.”

  “Liar! You are the St. James and he is the Suarez? Doubtful. You are not grand enough.” She looked at Cindy. “Is the woman at your side with the weapon an assassin? She is wondering whether to kill me now and flee. Flee little kitten, flee!”

  She turned to Hannah an Misti. You enjoy coitus with this Adam man, as does the little mouse beside him. Kendra, no. I sense your soul, little mouse. Very ancient. I approve. Now Adam St. James, why not kiss me and set me free?”

  “Really, that’s all there is to it? No locks for chains? No ritual cursing?”

  “Come, my petty, if you dare?”

  “OK.” Adam stepped forward and embraced Niona, who hadn’t touched another human being in over sixty years. It should’ve been instant death for Adam, but it was not.

  “Wash you up, clean your hair with a little style and some new clothes, and you’ll be a real beauty. Ready to leave now?”

  “You should be dead, writhing in pain as the acid in my body consumes your flesh. And your soul; it still remains in this plane of existence. How … how can this be?”

  “I’m the Chosen of Chosen, the Manti and the man you now know as your Master. You cannot harm me, though I can certainly harm you. So, be nice to my friends here. They’re not yet immune to your danger.”

  With that, Niona’s chains dropped away and Adam took her by the hand. She pulled away, dropped to her knees and kissed his feet.

  “Forgive me Master, I did not know it was you. Take my life for such lack of respect. I beg your forgiveness.”

  Adam said, “Rise Niona, we don’t do such things anymore, so no deaths, no beatings and I’m not your Master.”

  “Who is? The Suarez male?”

  “Really? Him? No, you misunderstand. You are set free, and you are your own Master. You are not a slave and serve no one but yourself and any of your choosing. Come with us and then decide your own fate.”

  “May I remain close to you?”

  “Of course. You will reside in my quarters until it’s safe for you to touch others who reside in our city, the City of Light.”

  “May I serve you?”

  “If you wish?”

  “And if not. Will you beat me.”

  “Certainly not. Out of the question; beatings are forbidden. A little corporal, perhaps.” Adam chuckled, but Niona didn’t understand the joke.

  “I haven’t had physical touch in over a hundred years, since being cursed. Congress … I cannot remember when last I had relations. I was cursed and imprisoned for disobedience to my Master.”

  “Cursed? By who?”

  “By Immortals, of course, then given over as a mascot to the Fortizi on this planet, a pet to be caged and broken. But I couldn’t be broken, onIy tortured on end, given to the populace to beat and maim. But, I proved too violent for confinement among the mortals of Earth, so was shipped here.”

  “By who?”

  “Paulo Fortizi. Sixty years ago.”

  Hannah said, “We should leave. I have a bad feeling that Paulo’s men are on their way here as we speak. Quickly now, we have no time to waste.”

  Niona said, “There is an Oasis not far from here, due north. I will meet you there in two hours. I will protect you, and your flying machine until then. My abilities, you should know, Adam St. James, are powerful when I am not chained and am freed from the curse. You’re in no danger; I will join you soon. I will provide food and drink for you while you wait and rest. We have time; Paulo’s men are still distant and pose no danger to us for many hours. Even then, Manti, you would kill them all easily. With me freed, and my blade returned, we will never lose in battle. This you may know.”

  “I did not.”

  Adam and his crew boarded the Huey and took the short flight to the Oasis, then waited for Niona. As she promised, food and drink awaited them, and two hours later, Niona herself appeared.

  Niona said, “We may leave now; I am no longer a danger to your touch. My blade is returned. I am restored as Niona the Huntress, and I am sworn to the service of the Chosen One. I name Adam St. James as the rightful Manti, the Chosen One, and the Chosen of Chosen. All who challenge his right to lead must fight me first as Champion. He is neither human, Gens nor Nobilus. He is the first of the new race; we all owe him allegiance and obedience. This includes his unworthy wives. Heed my words. I will say this only once.”

  A bit formal and blustery, the group thought, but then they hadn’t been chained and beaten for sixty years. If she was powerful, she was welcome.

  Adam spoke up. “Would you mind a quick dip in the Oasis before we leave? Your scent is … strong and foreign to us.”

  “As you command, but perhaps you would assist me in bathing. I’ve forgotten how. The palms will afford us privacy.”

  She turned to the others. “Relax and enjoy the food. This may take a while.”


  Indeed, it did take a while, almost three hours. Niona appeared wearing Adam’s boxer shorts and khaki shirt and nothing else.

  Adam said, “That was refreshing. Time to go. I have given Niona our knowledge, so she wishes to help in any way possible. She will explain her powers to us later. They are many and complex. She has given me her knowledge, but it cannot be shared with anyone else. Only me.”

  Niona smiled. She bent over to whisper in Adam’s ear. “No matter the present circumstances in the world, you are now my Master. We have bonded and there will be no before you for eternity. I will serve your commands and care for all your earthly needs. Those untutored in your physical satisfaction shall be trained by me.”

  “Just let me ask you for help, instead of command it. It’s better for everyone.”

  “Command me now, and it is done until you desire otherwise.”

  “I command you as I have just requested.”

  “You truly are my Master.”

  “I command you to call me Adam in public.”

  “And in private? During coitus?”


  “It shall be done. Adam.”

  Chapter 50

  Rod asked, “Niona was gone while we waited at the Oasis. Any reason for the absence?”


  Kendra was also present with Misti and Cindy, each having a similar yet slightly different theory for Niona’s reason for absence.

  “I have two ways to answer your question, one truthful and one more pleasing to the ear. Which do you wish to hear?”

  Rod said, “Number two, please.”

  “She punished her captors and tormentors for sixty years of unspeakable cruelty inflicted upon her by the men and women, even the children, of the surrounding villages. A festival was held once a year for all to enjoy her torture and abuse. Then, when she was finished, she came to us.”

ers? Questions?”

  Kendra asked, “Did she kill them?”

  “They were all alive when she left each village. That is my understanding.”

  Kendra asked, “What are you leaving out?”

  “Perhaps you should ask her yourself and not blame me for things I didn’t do, nor for things you neither understand nor appreciate. If you wish the details, talk to her. I have seen the horror in her mind and wish I hadn’t.”

  Kendra knew what Niona had done. Perhaps after that many years of slow, daily torture, she would have done the same. But, Kendra remembered the quote from Gandhi, “You must be the change you wish to see in the world.”

  Killing those people, quickly or slowly, wasn’t the answer.

  Kendra went to her room, locked the door, and cried. She would speak to Niona and try to have her meet with Noki and Alana to curb whatever her natural inclinations toward cruelty and revenge might be. When Kendra finally met privately with Niona and asked her to consider learning the Way, her response was surprising.

  “My only responsibility in this world is to serve Adam St. James. I have only two duties: guard him with my life and assist him to fulfill his destiny. I don’t believe your duties are much different than mine. I love that you are the way you are; but until Paulo is dead, and the world is safe, I will fulfill my destiny as I see fit. If that is cruelty to our adversaries who wish harm to Adam, and all who love him, then so be it. I make no apologies for the actions I take in fulfilling my duties. If I err, I err. But I will never let my Master be harmed. Not even by his wives.”

  “I see.”

  “I think you do. But your way is the future, and mine is the past. If you believe I am somehow your earthly project, turn your attention elsewhere. But don’t think I disrespect your beliefs and your influence on my Master. He trusts you, therefore so do I. Just don’t try to impose your beliefs on me.”


  “He forbids me to use the term, except when we are alone. I am committed to him and only him. As he commands me, so will I do. He is therefore my Master and I am obedient to only him. I suggest you consider the same obedience to his needs until Paulo and his brother are dead. If my Master must then die as commanded by the Creator at the hands of Hecate the Immortal, so be it. I will perish with him. You must not, however.”


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