Book Read Free


Page 78

by Douglas E Roff

  “OK, then. I do”

  “What about this Book and what do you think you’re going to do to make this ‘right’, which is never going to happen. I don’t see how both Hecate and I get out of this alive. And I won’t harm her, so that leaves only one. Me. I’m not enthusiastic about my plan, but Hecate will never be harmed.”

  “Then we must protect you and the young Immortal, so you can both have long and happy lives together.”

  “But how?”

  “If you can’t play by the rules, then change the rules, of course.”

  “You can do that?”

  “My sister, Fionna, says we can. Not easy but possible.”

  “Why not have your sister explain first hand if she knows all about this Book? Wouldn’t that be easier?”

  “Nice try, horn dog, but no. You’ll have to fuck the information out of me later. And I have an early date with the newbie for education and training.”

  “Need any help? I’m very good at lecturing and private consultation for my acolytes.”

  “Maybe later. We’ll see.”

  “So, no, huh?”



  The two sat at a small table against the wall, drinking coffee and enjoying a toasted bagel and scrambled eggs. As they continued deep in conversation, two young men approached and interrupted their conversation rudely.

  Looking at Niona, one asked, “Are you Niona the Huntress?”

  “I am.”

  “I have heard much of your skills and wish to hunt with you this weekend in the fields atop the City. Please be ready early as I shall come to collect you at six on Saturday morning.”

  Before Niona could utter a word, Adam stood and told the young man to step away and apologize for his rudeness both for interruption and for his ill spoken demand of his mate.

  “Adam …” she began to say.

  “I suggest you apologize now,” said Adam.

  The young man who spoke, a new arrival to Paraiso from a remote Preserve, assessed Adam and, seeing no real challenge offered by the slight blond man, told Adam to sit back down, be quiet and be thankful he would still be able to walk when the day was done. Adam’s ire went from zero to a billion in less than a second.

  He grabbed both young men by their throats quickly and squeezed them against the wall. The bolder of the two said when Adam released him, he would teach Adam a lesson he would never forget. Adam released the other man, then shoved him helplessly across the room where he landed hard against the wall.

  Adam said, “Stay there and do not move if you value your life.”

  The arrogant young man, now gasping for breath, said he was a member of the new Officer Corp formed by Tar, and he would teach Adam that lesson, now or later that day.

  “Please begin, “said Adam.

  Niona begged Adam to stop, but her pleas fell on deaf ears.

  The rude youth said, thinking that Niona was protecting Adam, “Don’t worry, it is this gentleman who will rue this day.”

  When released, the young man attacked Adam, but landed no blows, Adam’s defensive technique was far superior to anything the young man had learned.

  The youth said, “You are cagey and a coward. Fight me like a man.”

  Adam transformed for an instant then took the man’s head. He then looked to his frightened colleague and said, “Inform Tar, and clean up this mess yourself.”

  Niona was furious. She had been ignored by Adam, as if not present, and he had killed a young man for a nothing more than a mere verbal insult. Just words.

  Niona said, “This is an outrage. Why did you do that?”

  “Do what?”

  “Kill that man.”

  “Are you deaf and blind? He ordered you like a scullery maid, insulted me, then threatened me and attacked me. I but defended myself. There are hundreds of witnesses.”

  “You are an angry fool. Even for you this was beyond the pale and you ignored me as if I wasn’t here.”

  “I apologize.”

  “Not enough.”

  “Not enough of what? It is what you get. Period. I am sorry if I offended you and your sensitivities.”

  “You are arrogant and prideful. It will be your downfall. I shall put you in touch with my sister who can help you with your impending death if she so desires. Otherwise I am obviously unnecessary in your life.”

  “Perhaps you should have chosen your mate more carefully. Someone softer than me; more obedient to your commands and desires.”

  “I knew what an arrogant fool you were when I married you; but I married you because I love you.”

  “Then next time, choose more carefully. Perhaps I am not a good fit after all. My life is forfeit in several months time anyway, whether I am an arrogant fool or not. What difference does this argument matter anyway? My fate is sealed as soon as I despatch Paulo.”

  “You think yourself so mighty and powerful; talents given by the Creator. Mine derive from Almighty God and you are but an insect in my eyes.”

  Adam laughed. He had heard that same disparagement from Hecate and Liara before. Must come standard in the exotic creature’s handbook, he thought.

  Niona approached him, furious and enraged, placing her open palm pointing at his head from a distance.

  Adam collapsed like a rag doll on the floor, writhing in pain, unable to speak, barely able to move. He was frozen in place, almost in the fetal position.

  “This is who I am, Adam St. James. And you, on the floor, still alive only by my forbearance, is who you are. You have never learned proper respect for the One True God you claim to worship, and still treat the women who love you as children and playthings. What would you be without us? Without our love what would you have? Nothing.”

  She turned and walked away. Then she went to her quarters and began crying. Even Cori could not console her, and she would accept no visitors.

  Adam dragged himself to his quarters, helped by onlookers, and he too lay in bed all day, dazed and disoriented. He barely knew who he was, nor where he was. He also allowed no visitors.

  Then he lost consciousness. He was comatose when Hecate arrived and remained so for the balance of the afternoon and into the evening.

  Chapter 7

  As soon as Hecate discovered Adam’s condition, she transported herself to Alana’s lab, where Alana had been working on a problem all day at Adam’s request.

  “Come quickly, Alana. There is something dreadfully wrong with our Master. He is lying across his bed, barely breathing and unresponsive. I fear for his life.”

  Hecate grabbed Alana’s arm and transported her to Adam’s room. When they arrived, men were pounding on the door. It was Tar, coming to check on his Master upon hearing of the encounter with Niona that morning. None thought it was anything than a lover’s spat. Adam was, after all, the Manti. How could Niona harm him? And why would she? They were mated.

  Alana shouted at Tar and his men to fetch Niona, whose healing skills were beyond question. When a member of Tar’s unit returned, he informed everyone present that upon knocking there was no response except to leave her alone and not to return.

  Alana said to Tar, “Go to her quarters and break down the door and drag her here if you must. Adam appears close to death. I have tried to enter his mind, but it is almost completely disconnected from his brain and other senses; I cannot feel his life force. Yet he lives.”

  Tar broke down the door to Niona’s quarters. “The Master is close to death. Alana commands your presence as a healer.”

  “Leave me before I do to you what I did to him.”

  Tar was astounded. “You did this Lady Niona? I don’t understand, but our Master needs you now.”


  Tar approached the Lady Niona, shoving Cori out of the way. “You will come now and do what you can to save my Master. Attempt to prevent my duty and I will surely take your head.”

  “Insect. You can no more do that that could Adam. None of you can. Now leave.”

/>   Niona never saw the punch coming, but it landed squarely and dropped Niona quickly. He ordered that Cori be cuffed and brought along. Tar slung Niona over his shoulders and was quickly en route to his Master’s bedroom.”

  Tar unceremoniously dumped Niona on the ground outside the door. As she rose to her feet, Tar told her to knock and beg entrance, and to show proper respect.

  Niona knocked. Hecate answered the door, who turned to Alana, now seated beside Adam under his covers, and told her that it was Niona as requested.

  “Take that witch and her acolyte and remove them both from this City. Tar, take them to the plains above with food and water, then leave them and do not permit their return. I have just been informed about what happened. Adam killed one of your men for insulting this monster and threatening him, but she in turn disparaged him in front of the assembled crowd in the Central Dining Room then did this to him through some force or magic. She may be the spy that Adam thought was among us.”

  Niona was angry and shouted. “I am no spy or threat, but I can heal Adam sufficiently until I am able to summon my sister; together we can heal Adam.”

  Alana was insane with rage. “Liar! Witch! Deceiver! Demon! You will come no closer to our Master to finish your job for the one you serve, Liara the Creator. Now take your young novice witch with you and leave.”

  “Do not send us away in anger, Alana. I admit to what I have done, that I have caused this, but it was an accident. I intended our Master no harm; only to teach him a lesson in humility and temperance. It went wrong, terribly wrong. But I did not think I had hurt him this badly. Had I known, I would have been here sooner and summoned help. My sister is a great healer. Together we can restore Adam’s health.”

  Alana’s fury had only increased. You were teaching him a lesson in not harming a man over using mere words, a man who could not harm you or him? Is that correct? Even though this man commanded you, Adam’s wife and a married woman, to accompany him on a hunt and threatened Adam with harm, possibly death, not once but twice? This was no big deal to you. Is that correct?”

  Niona’s tone softened, understanding now what Alana was about to say. Grief and guilt overwhelmed her.

  “That was what others have said who witnessed your depravity. Do you deny it?”


  “And teaching him this lesson by harming him just a little, barely weeks before combat with Paulo Fortizi. Is that correct?”


  “And this lesson you wished to teach him, that was over words you had with our Master correct? Words you did not like, and which angered you enough to attack him physically? Do you deny your own hypocrisy?”

  “I do not.”

  “Adam is not dead, not yet anyway, but you have left him unable to fight. He will die at Paulo’s hands, if not before by yours. And yet you say you did not mean him harm, you are not a spy, and are not doing the bidding of the Whore Queen whom you unquestionably serve.”

  Alana paused.

  “You are a liar and a spy. Leave now while you still can, and take your young acolyte with you. Collect what you hold dear, collect food, and water, and depart this City. And do not return. You have killed us all. Begone!”

  Tar said quietly, as they left the room, “With respect, Lady Niona. I have always admired and valued you. Perhaps you speak the truth; I cannot know your heart. But what Lady Alana says is compelling. I will guide you outside the City and post a guard for your safety. There are those whose judgment is clouded and may seek to do you harm. I will not allow that. You have my deepest sympathies and expelling the child is not just. I will hide her until the danger has past. With your consent, I beg you to allow Lady Hecate to enter you to establish the truth. Only in this way can we prevent further tragedy.”

  Niona wrapped her arms around the giant transformed Gens.

  “Please care for the child as you have offered. I shall go to the surface and summon my sister. Then we shall repair the damage I have done. The truth will reveal itself upon my return.”

  Tar said, “But Lady, I cannot allow your return once I have escorted you out. You have heard Lady Alana’s commands.”

  “I have. But please trust me when I say I am a more powerful a being than Liara and the entire military in Paraiso and the world, including Adam who lies dying in his bed. Alana’s protection is admirable, but this time she is wrong. If I wanted Adam dead, he would have been dead long ago. You cannot harm me or prevent my return. And when I do, I promise not harm you or your men. But you must believe me when I say that what I claim is true.”

  “And I shall do my duty as commanded. As our Master would say, just don’t harm my beautiful and handsome face when we meet.”

  “I swear, you will be even more handsome and far more desirable than ever before when this is over.”


  Niona turned to Cori as they walked under guard to Niona’s quarters. “You must go with Tar and say nothing. He will not harm you and he will protect you. I will return shortly and then things will return to normal as before.”

  “But how?”

  “That does not concern you my beautiful young apprentice. What I did was wrong but it can be corrected, then we will need your help to win the peace. And find you a sister. Perhaps our Lord will even let you bond with Fionna and me.”

  “I would like that. I do not know Fionna, but to be paired with you would be wonderful. Please hurry and retrieve your sister.”

  Tar hid Cori away and escorted Lady Niona to the surface above the City alone. “A guard will be here soon. Do not venture off. He is loyal and will defend you even unto death.”

  “I thank you Tar but post your guard around Cori. I will be fine. Nothing of this earth can harm me, and I shall return within hours. I have summoned my sister and will meet her on the plains below. Do not worry, all will be well.”

  “I shall chase you both if I see you.”

  “And if you catch us, it will be a first for a human or a Gens.”

  “If that is so, and our Master is healed, perhaps we can both run the plains together in joy and celebration. You have never heard me howl. It is said to be very pleasing to the ear. And to the Gens ladies, quite irresistible.”

  “In that event, I shall bring you a treat, and a confection of my own, as my Master permits. We may be gone for several days. I hope your stamina is as legendary as your prowess in battle.”

  “I look forward to the day when we discover what is truth and what is legend.”


  Niona waited for several hours before her sister, Fionna finally arrived. “What is wrong sister? Why are you not protecting your Master?”

  “I have done grave wrong and am in dire need of your help and healing powers. I tried to give my Master a gentle shove to make a point about his arrogant human thinking. But it appears I did more harm than intended. He lies dying below in his quarters, at my hand.”

  “He is now guarded?”


  “You are not allowed to re-enter the City below nor visit your Master?”

  “No. But how did you …”

  “It’s what I would do, and you too if your wits were still about you. I understand you married this foolish mortal? What were you thinking?”

  “He is unique, and he pleasures as no other. He is kind, generous and thoughtful, even in small ways, though foolish and arrogant thinking he knows more than he does.”

  “A typical male human.”

  “No, an atypical human male. Well, he is at least eighty percent male. The rest I do not know except that it is a gift of great beauty and serenity. But whatever it is, I am wed to him and grateful for it. Now, we must go to him, but I wish no to harm anyone when we go inside.”

  “Then I shall cause everyone to sleep until we are done and fly to his side.”

  “You must teach me that. I have forgotten how to use that power.”

  “And many others. But not how to pleasure and be pleasured, I see.”

o, not that.”

  Chapter 8

  Niona and Fionna suddenly appeared in Adam’s room, with only Alana and Hecate present.

  Niona said, “I am here with my sister to heal Adam. We shall talk afterwards.”

  Alana yelled for Tar, was just outside the door, but Niona informed Alana that only she and Hecate were still awake.

  “Call if you wish, but no one will come. Now, if you don’t mind, step aside and let my sister Fionna and I heal Adam. I see he still lives, though his life force remains weak. He struggles now, but we shall soon bring him back to health.

  Alana screamed, but nothing happened.

  “You have killed everyone, you devil.”

  Fionna looked at both Alana and Hecate. Turning her gaze to Hecate, Fionna said, “This one is different. One of Liara’s experiments, I presume? Half Immortal, half human?”

  “Yes. Loving and kind, unlike Liara, but we have no time to discuss that now.”

  Hecate and Alana tried to prevent Niona and Fionna from approaching Adam, only to find themselves strapped to chairs, overstuffed and comfortable, but restraining their hands, ankles, waist, and neck. “If you behave, I shall not gag you, but I warn you, I will use a wood bit and you will both be silent while we work.”

  Both nodded yes, but Alana began screaming almost immediately, only to find a bit in her mouth and secured around her head.”

  Fionna looked at her sister and said, pointing to Alana, “I think that one is already familiar with the device. How interesting. And you?”

  Niona blushed, but said, “Sister! To work please, time is short.”


  The sisters worked all through the night, and into early morning. When they were finished, Adam was instantly awake, alive, and undamaged as if nothing had ever happened. The entire series of events of the day were placed in his mind as a record of what happened, what response had been and by whom, and what had been said and to whom.

  Adam was looking at Hecate in physical form, not of her own accord, but by the will of Fionna. To Alana and Hecate, Adam said, “Well that was certainly interesting. If we release you two,” he said nodding to Alana and Hecate, “will you promise to behave and take no action against Niona and Fionna?”


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