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Page 91

by Douglas E Roff

  Chapter 26

  Fionna was back quickly from taking Erin to the City, to Adams quarters, to Adam’s bed for rest and recuperation. Fionna had worked her healing powers on her subject as she had done many times before. Correcting this condition was nothing new; with humanoids prone to war and all manner of cruelty, she had garnered much experience restoring disfigured patients.

  To Adam and Misti, she said, “She is resting comfortably and will be healed within the week. She is young and strong, and her will is that of steel. I expect a full recovery and a long life. And I expect you will get all the credit for her miracle recovery. I will be sent to my room.”

  “You are such a petulant child. What recognition do you desire? A parade? A statue? Gems from the moons of Jupiter? You have learned nothing of humility, of caring for others for the sheer exhilaration of being able to restore a young woman to health and vitality. Can you not see how much good you have done? Is it not its own reward?”

  “I’m always wrong; always the selfish one. Let’s get going; we are going to have a fight on our hands. I stopped by the site. Niona senses betrayal, but not by who. But she has told the team that she fears the Gens of the Collective are massing; encircling the bunker in every direction. I brought arms to the team at the bunker; nanite weapons that Octavio and his men and women love to use. It will comfort them, but that is all. I suspect between the one young Immortal and the two former Immortals, we will be able to dispatch these creatures quickly. You can watch if you like. Perhaps you can rest while we do all the work. Get the crates up to the surface. I spoke to your woman; Alana has hired a fleet of new cargo carrying helicopters and secured an ocean vessel to move the Library.”

  “Thank you Fionna. Is there anything else you wish to say? More requests? Or just sarcasm.”

  “I don’t have to do anything, Master. You fail to understand that you direct me; that’s all. I am not required to staunch the bleeding from your failure to anticipate betrayal. Just for the record, this problem was caused either by your father or Derek Nobilus. I’m sure you’ll reward them for betrayal, then let them both go.”

  Much to Fionna’s surprise, Adam had had enough. “Leave, Fionna. Your presence here is no longer needed. I thank you for your help, you are truly amazing, but you should leave here and leave Paraiso. I command you to depart from our land by the time we return. Go wherever it pleases you, but I tire of you. Leave before you anger me any further.”

  “I did not mean to …”

  “Yes, you did. You are beyond hope and will learn nothing from living among us. I have nothing to teach you that you can learn. You are incapable of compassion. You are nothing like your sister. Go. This is my will.”

  “I cannot. I am tasked with protecting you. I cannot fail in my duty.”

  “I am not entertaining a discussion with you, Fionna. I am your Master, given to me in service by your God. If you do not submit to my authority, I will ask Niona to communicate your arrogance and disobedience to your Great Master. I shall have you removed, by force if necessary.”

  “You need me. You cannot succeed without me. Do you not understand that? The Lord, my God has not sent me to serve you, but to protect you.”

  “I don’t need your help or protection. The cost is too high. If your God commands it, talk to your God about it. Not me.”

  Adam turned to his pilot and instructed him to fly directly to the GPS coordinates of the bunker. He had wanted to visit the Estate of Connor Doyle and ask Connor what he knew. But it was now clear to Adam that this was the handiwork of Connor himself. He would join his comrades and defend them while they evac’d the Library. If that was not possible, he would torch the place and get his people home. He would confer with Octavio, Hecate and Niona about the risks and chances of success in light of numbers and logistics.

  “That was foolish, husband,” said Misti. “Your temper has not cooled in my absence. Fionna, while an ass, is nonetheless powerful. I don’t doubt that she alone could have kept us safe. Now we must fight our way out, if that is even possible.”

  “You can leave too if you’d like. I never figured you for a coward, but if you fear for your life, you should go. And I grow weary of the constant criticism from you, Fionna and other foul female tempers. You may go back to the City or stay here. We can set you down at the nearest town.”

  Misti said nothing. She sat quietly while the pilot steered them toward the danger below. They landed in the field near three other transport helicopters. Crates on pallets were lined up for the arrival of the big beasts that could carry tons of dead weight to Dublin Harbor.

  Misti walked in front of Adam, turned to face him, and said, “Your arrogance will get us killed. You don’t listen; it will be our downfall.”

  “There can be only one leader and that leader is me. Do as you are told or get back on that helicopter and leave. I am fucking tired of you and your lectures. Leave again; it’s what you’re best at. Run away little girl; the grownups have work to do.”

  Misti wheeled around and struck Adam repeatedly. It was to no effect; Adam could not be hurt or harmed by her. Or by any mortal on the planet. He simply lifted Misti up by her collar, threw her in the helicopter and slammed the door. To the pilot he said, “Take her to the nearest town and let her out. Then return.”

  The helicopter lifted off, Misti shouting at Adam. He turned and walked to his team. All were in shock.

  Niona asked, “Where’s Fionna? Where’s Misti going?”

  “Fionna is banished. Misti is banished. Now, where were we?”

  “What do you mean …”

  “Not another word. The next one of you to question my authority will likewise be banished. Now, where are Octavio and Hecate?”

  Hecate appeared. “I am here. What is your command?”

  “Circle the woods that surround this clearing and tell me what you see. I am told that troops of the Collective are gathering. If you detect them, kill them. No survivors.”

  “As you wish.”

  “Niona, unsheathe your Sari and display it for any Gens who approach. They must be made aware that this meadow is now a killing field. This will be their final repose.”

  “Kendra, go get Octavio. Did Fionna bring nanite weapons?”

  “She did.”

  “Then bring Octavio’s men and their weapons to me now. I must speak with Octavio.”

  Kendra left dutifully, but thought with Misti and especially Fionna gone, the mission was now in doubt. They would have to evacuate. The nanite tech was not going to be enough. Fionna had brought the weaponry, but not enough munitions.

  Octavio appeared with his men trailing behind him. “What’s our status?”

  “We have enough men, but nowhere near enough weapons and munitions.”

  “How do we know that?”

  “Telemetry. Alana sees the heat signatures of troops massing near the treeline.”

  “How many?”

  “Tens of thousands. We cannot win this conflict. We do not have the resources.”

  “We do. But I need time. Call Alana and tell her to launch four of our Vanguards on this location. Set them to fly low and fast, and to detonate five hundred yards above optimal spacing of troop locations. Choose high density concentrations. Tell her to monitor the flights and ground conditions and manually adjust if necessary. We’ll need to paint the targets to be most effective.”


  “Where’s Francois?”

  “Down below directing the men moving crates.”

  “Call him up.”

  Francois was standing in front of Adam within minutes. If Adam was worried, he wasn’t showing it.

  “Francois, I need your expertise. Alana is about to launch four Vanguards on this site. We have no Gens with us, so we are in no danger, but we need to paint the targets where the Gens are massing. If they are spread out evenly, you need to compute optimal spacing. I asked her to detonate at five hundred yards altitude but recheck that and give her new instructions if
a better formula is optimal. I need you to go up in one of the helos when the Vanguards are ten minutes out, hold position and enter the coordinates into the Nav for Alana. You know what to do, but you need to get up and down fast. If they have any surface to air, they’ll shoot you down. Don’t take any chances. Can you do this?”

  “You insult me by asking. Of course I can. Then we will all go home together and get very drunk.”

  “Pick a pilot. One of ours. Adamson is here. He’s steady.”

  “How long?”

  “Twenty minutes, no more. I’m going to stall. Get ready and get suited up. Make sure your helo has countermeasures.”

  “What will you do?”

  “Kill them. Kill them all.”

  “I can stay and help.”

  “I trust you and your nerve under fire. But this is not a safe assignment.”

  “Then I’ll see you in hell!”


  Hecate returned as Francois left to ready himself and find Adamson. “There’s ten maybe fifteen thousand massed in a circle surrounding us. There seems to be one-man commanding; he’s not Gens.”

  “Did you attack?”

  “No. I thought I better tell you how many first. I didn’t want to provoke an attack before we are ready. When you say so, I’ll kill any that approach from the treeline.”

  “Good thinking, Hecate. You’re my girl.”

  “The Vanguards launched,” Hecate said. “We need to stall. How about if I ask their leader to pow-wow. Half way between the bunker and the tree line.”

  “Did you see who it is?”

  “Yes. Connor Doyle.”


  The two men met at the half way point to discuss the situation.

  Connor said, “I offer terms. Leave and take your men with you the way you came. Get in the helos and leave. I guarantee safe passage.”

  “That seems reasonable if I thought you weren’t lying. Unfortunately, I don’t believe you.”

  “None of you are walking out of here alive. You have no choice.”

  “Maybe. What’s in it for you?”

  “I’ll trade this shit here for the artifacts in Great Library of Alexandria. Simple really. You get what you want, I get what I want.”

  “The Gens will kill you and take this Library. They need it.”

  “They need me more. I have something they want, and they can’t have it unless I get what I want?”

  “What’s that?”

  “Information and GPS coordinates.”

  “You’re insane. There’s nothing that you have that they can possibly need or want. When Paulo dies, they will bow to me.”

  “If you live. What do you need, Adam? Besides the death of Paulo.

  “Nothing. With Paulo dead, I implement my plan. Then the planet lives.”

  “Really? Aren’t you leaving something out. A detail.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The twins?”

  “Where are they?”

  “At my Estate, waiting for me. Your woman never got home. Seems that Immortals have a tough time with birthing mortals. She came looking for me after she left you all upset, but then she went into labor. She didn’t even look pregnant. I didn’t know right away who she was or what her offspring might mean to the Gens. That pesky Prophecy and all its little side predictions.”

  “You have it?”

  “Yes. Your Dad shared it with me. Translated from the Common Tongue. Wanted me to evaluate the parts and list what is predicted. Tripe, but not to the Gens.”

  “You have no idea what you’re doing.”

  “I think I do. I contacted the Great Council of the Gens and made them an offer for the little brats; they couldn’t refuse having bait. Or collateral. Otherwise, you’re right, I would have been dead. But, I always say it’s better to be lucky than smart. She’s feeling weak and unable to exercise her formidable powers. Poor dear. I’ll have to fix that before she regains her strength. Could be hours, could be days. Maybe I should fix her right now, just in case.”

  “Yeah, but not today.”

  With that, Adam transformed and took Connor’s head. Then he ran like hell for cover toward the bunker. The Gens by the thousands came out of the forest and converged on the bunker. The helo was up in the air, taking fire. As quick as it was up, it started down, but took a hit from several RPGs at two hundred yards up. The helo was out of control, but two men jumped out as it crashed in the meadow. The men were cocooned in mid air in something that rolled them to the bunker, then melted away. The building was surrounded by Octavio and his men shooting nanite munitions as Hecate imploded heads and Adam sliced the Gens by the hundreds. Niona loosed her Sari, the sight of which causes all who saw the mythical weapon to turn and flee. Octavio went down in the crush of bodies, as did Francois and Niona. Adam came to their aid, dragging them and the wounded to the bunker door and fighting off the attackers as the Sari made death the fate of hundreds that came too close.

  Then the explosions burst into a bright white light with tens of thousands of bomblets programmed to seek out Gens DNA found their targets. Within minutes the killing field was strewn with the corpses of the Gens, some in human form others in natural state.

  The survivors took stock. Octavio was alive but needed immediate attention; Niona likewise was hurt badly and her breathing was shallow.


  “Yes Master?”

  “Can you take them?”

  “I can. I shall tend to them and see you at home.”

  “No, come back for me. I have need of you. We have one more task to perform, then home. I will gather the men here and evacuate them to Dublin. The new cargo helos will finish up here, with Rafi and Finn in charge.”

  “Really? Them? They’re thieves.”

  “Yes, but they’re our thieves. Find me here then take me to Heatherwood Estate. Bring Tar and his men. We have precious cargo to transport to the City. Then you shall return for Tar and his men. I will remain with them. Now hurry.”

  Chapter 27

  Hecate appeared with Tar and his men, a bit unnerved, behind a stand of trees several hundred yards from the Heatherwood manor house, the large and majestic edifice rising up from a distant past. Adam looked at Tar and his men and asked them if they were feeling well.

  Tar said, “It is an unnatural state of affairs for a Gens to fly, with or without the aid of our most respected and honored young Immortal. It is unsettling for us and we wish to avoid the experience whenever possible.”

  Hecate looked at Tar, and her lover Orsin, and taunted all the men, “You are the flower of the most fearsome fighting Gens on the planet, you cower at an instant of flight with me? I am shocked by your fright. Big strong Gens like you. What would the populace say?”

  “The Gens populace would agree 100%; as to cowering, that is your assessment, not ours. We took the flight; that is not in dispute.”

  “And you Orsin, what did you feel? Same as your fearless commander Tar, never defeated in battle, and without peer? Did you too feel unsettled?”

  All eyes turned to Orsin. He was now well known to be informally mated to the Immortal, and that she spent all of her free time with him when he was off duty. She dwelled within him each night as he slept. They were inseparable.

  “I must be honest and agree with Tar. I do not much care for flight, though, as Tar said, because we travel with you, my anxiety was lessened.”

  Hecate was again mocking her Gens friends each of whom loved her and felt honor that she had chosen one of their own to be her mate.

  “Remind me when we return home to get each of you a kitten, or a Naran Chi to soothe your delicate nerves. And you, Master Orsin, I shall see you on the martial fields with the Manti so as to toughen you both up. I cannot marry the Gens I love if you fear flying with me.”

  “We are to be married?”

  “Of course. Everyone knows this but you, because you are just like my Guardian, the Manti. Dense in the ways of women.”
/>   Tar and his men burst into roars of laughter.

  “And you Tar. Has your woman set the date yet? I’m sure I know who commands your household and I doubt it is you.”

  “I am a slave to my passions. As my woman commands, so do I obey. As a tyrant, she is gentle with me. But her temper is pure Gens high born; I prefer battle with the Giants of Hippolita to her disquiet with me.”

  Adam spoke, “Let me give you all advice if you are going to spend time with your mates in human form. ‘Happy wife, happy life’. I do not always follow my own advice, but there is wisdom in this old chestnut.”

  The men laughed uneasily. Deference to women was not the male Gens way. They would learn to adapt, or forever be single and without the comfort of a woman.

  “Hecate, please stop mocking our men and your mate, and enter the residence and tell me where the woman and child are. We must extract them quickly before they are murdered by their Gens captors.

  Hecate returned to invisibility and was back in seconds.

  “When were you going to tell us? And why did you keep this secret. Even she did not know of her condition. She is pleased, yet the pain of birthing twins was not something she had ever experienced. She has new respect for mortal women, and less for mortal men. Why did you not speak?”

  “Because I have a healthy respect for the Lord, my God. You should too. Should you decide one day to disobey our Great Master, I shall watch and experience your bravery melting away.”

  “It was what she suspects too. Still, I am peevish in the face of secrecy. You once complained that in your youth, you were in a constant state of anger with your father. Why is this different?”

  “Because he could not spread every atom of my physical self throughout the Universe. You would do well to keep this in mind.”

  Tar asked, “Of whom do you speak? Who is held captive inside? Queen Carolyn?”

  “No. Fionna. She was pregnant with my child, unknown to her. Twins; a boy and a girl child.”

  “And she did not know? How?”

  “She is Immortal but had need of being mortal to deliver our offspring. As for why God kept this from her, I cannot say. And, I did not ask. I simply obeyed.”


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