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Page 95

by Douglas E Roff

  Lemara’s crush on Orsin continued to this day, though she knew nothing would ever come of it; Hecate’s access to Orsin’s mind meant she knew everything he knew. She therefore knew about Lemara and from Orsin’s past. Hecate was an Immortal, and jealous. This was well-known in the City; Lemara made no effort to contact Orsin after she moved to the City of Light.

  Fionna and Niona were worried about two important matters and had discussed both with Adam and the wives before inviting Orsin back to the residence. Adam was working in his Study, while the designated emissaries were in the Library with Lemara awaiting Orsin for his fitting.

  When Orsin arrived, they ushered him inside and asked if he needed anything before they began.

  “Nothing. Should I have been better prepared?”

  “Not at all,” said Lady Cia. “We only need you. But before we start, let us explain why you need to be outfitted for our trip and what we propose.”

  They briefly explained what his role would be, which was to guard them and look imperious.

  “But I am military and have much more appropriate clothing for this assignment. Casual and dress uniforms of my battalion. What need have I of more finery? I fear it would be wasted on me, though I bow to your discretion in this and all matters relative to our mission of peace.”

  “Thank you Orsin. But you must understand that we may attend formal occasions and, if so, you will need proper attire. Military attire may not suggest a peaceful mission; surely you see this? We will not take up much of your time with the tailor, who I believe is an old friend of yours. A sweetheart from the Black Forest during your teenage years.”

  “May I ask who, though I am sure it is Lemara. She was my only other love.”

  “Other than Hecate?”

  “Who else?”

  “And your love for Hecate is steadfast?”

  “Of course. She loves me, and I her.”

  “And have you noted any changes in her personality since she entered puberty and is now a fully formed and mature Immortal?”

  “In truth, I have. Changes I do not understand, but her love for me has never been in question.”

  “Even after your dressing down?”

  “We have put that in the past and look only to the future.”

  “She is a lucky woman. Many men could never get past such humiliating treatment.”

  “I am no ordinary man, nor is she an ordinary woman. I am proud to have Hecate at my side.”

  “We shall see. Please, come this way.”

  They entered the Library where Lemara stood with all her tools, cloth and a measuring tape draped around her neck.

  The delegation of women all took seats as Orsin was positioned on a small rise for Lemara to do her work. They smiled at one another though they did not speak.

  Fionna said, “Now, please Orsin. Remove all your clothing.”

  “Is that necessary? I do not feel human shame about my body, but I understand that it is culturally inappropriate among humans.”

  “That is true, though Niona and I are Immortals, Lady Cia … well we’re not sure what she is, but certainly not human. The Lady Eene is Gens and quite familiar with the human male form. Lemara is human, but is familiar with the male form from her work, leaving only the wives here present who are also human. They have seen naked men before. I’m sure we can all restrain ourselves. Unless we cannot, of course. Then we shall have need of insisting that you pleasure us immediately; the Manti has already given his approval. Lemara has asked to go first.”

  “Do I not have a say in this?”

  “Do you wish to disobey the Manti and Tar?”

  “No, Lady. It’s just …”

  “Hecate? She is not present. And she is banished for disobedience.”

  Hecate appeared suddenly, dressed as a warrior princess.

  “But I am here, Fionna. And I object. Orsin will not do as you demand. Not now, not ever.”

  Fionna smiled, “It is not as I command, Hecate, but by the command of your Master and Guardian, the Manti. Your presence here is a violation of your oath, but one that I suspected. Your oaths are worthless. Who do you now serve? Liara? Clearly, you no longer serve your true Master, Adam St. James, the Chosen of Chosen.”

  Fionna, who had regained all her powers and Immortality, moved in an instant, grabbing Hecate by the throat.

  “I am Fionna and serve the One True God, as shall you. You and your new Master have not the power nor the ability to stop what my Lord commands. Had I permission, I would snuff out you and your legions, one by one, forever ridding the RealVerse of you as a pestilence. But, until I am so ordered, take note that I only fear disobedience to my Lord God, not you and your Creator. You have revealed yourself and your true allegiance; at least Orsin now knows the truth.”

  Hecate said, “For now I leave. But when your Master is dead at my hands, you shall be next. My Mistress has promised me sovereignty over this little rock in the cosmos. You shall all regret this insult one day!”

  Fionna said, “Leave now while you still can. The Lord my God allows me to protect myself and my charges from vermin such as you. Tarry one more moment, and you shall be dead.”

  Hecate departed immediately. Orsin could not comprehend what had just happened. Had he been that stupid? He had.

  “I am sorry that I doubted your intentions, Ladies. I did not foresee this happening. I …”

  “Nor did we young warrior. But her maturity as an Immortal meant more than gaining strength and power. She has succumbed to the power of the Creator. I fear she has been but a spy among us since the beginning.”

  “But why? Liara and Hecate saved the life of the Manti. Gave him the power to defeat Enzo Fortizi and Paulo. Why?”

  “She needs the Manti to complete his mission, then he is of no value. Worse, he is a witness to all that has transpired. She will placate her enemies by making right this world as proof of her power, then the fate of this world is unknown. I am sorry I had to draw her out thus; it was unkind and unfair to you. But I had to know the truth, and you were the key.”

  Adam stepped into the room. “I too must apologize and regret this test of Hecate’s loyalty. This was exceedingly cruel, but necessary. At least now you know the truth, as harsh as it may be. You are free to love again, though I suspect it may take some time for you to heal.”

  “I need no time,” Orsin said coldly. “I have duties to perform, Master, and much to consider. Let us finish this fitting, move on to discuss our mission of peace, then I need to rejoin my unit in preparation for the coming war. I have no time for trifling emotions nor to consider the sting of betrayal. I shall be more careful next time, if there is a next time.”

  Adam approached young Orsin, now old beyond his years.

  “Do not reproach yourself, nor dwell on this. I too was fooled. Take solace in the understanding that without Fionna the Immortal, the ruse would have continued. To what end, I know not. But there are many who know and love you as do I. You are like a son to me, and if my sons grow to be like the man you have become, I will be overjoyed that I have been such a successful father. There are others with whom you may wish to share your pain and take comfort.”

  “Thank you Master. I am much relieved for your kindness.”

  “If you tire of Tar’s counsel in matters of the heart, you may call upon me at any time. I have experienced love and betrayal. I know them both well.”

  Adam left. The ladies surrounded Orsin kissing him on the cheek and hugging him as if they were his immediate family.

  Niona said, “And worry not for company and distraction. You shall have both. You shall dine with us each evening when your duties are complete. It is the will of the Manti. I will accept no answer other than yes, and we shall begin tonight. Lemara will fit you then join us in the Great Room. We shall await your arrival.”

  Lemara worked in silence and deftly. Orsin was deep in thought, but when he came out of his reverie, he asked Lemara how she fared since coming to Paraiso and the City.
r />   “I am well, as are my parents and siblings. We are most happy to be here.”

  She returned to silence.

  “You have something else to say? I sense you hold back your thoughts.”

  “Out of respect, Orsin. You have grown much in stature since we were young and …”

  “In love?”

  “Yes. In love.”

  “Did you not mate? Find someone worthier than a poor foot soldier? My prospects were not good then; you deserved more.”

  “I disagree. I would happily have waited a lifetime to be with you. I saw in you everything that you have become. I believed in you then as I believe in you now. Nothing has changed.”

  “I am sorry, Lemara. It was never my intention to hurt you. I loved you but could not bear the thought of only living in the wild, without chance for advancement. Perhaps my pride and ambition blinded me to what was right in front of my eyes. For that, I am saddened. Have you no one special who adores you as I once did?”

  “I see you’re your shyness and reticence with the fairer sex has diminished over the years. You speak as a man with confidence and experience.”

  “Sadly, I am neither. I am nor more than I was back then.”

  “But surely …?”

  “She is Immortal and cannot take physical form without possibility of great harm or danger. I am no different than the young man I was at fifteen, except I am older.”

  “You never …”

  “Coupled? No. I tried to emulate Tar in all matters and would not couple until ready to do so with a female who loved me for me, not what I have achieved. Many are the women who love me now, but who felt I was beneath them not so long ago.”

  Orsin stopped and thought.

  “But I do not know why my mood should be so angry and disconsolate over a woman who never loved me. I may still be the awkward boy you knew as a teen, but if you would honor me, I would like to walk with you again as we once did. I may not presently be the best of company, but perhaps I did not destroy everything we once knew. May I see you again?”

  “I shall have to reflect on your offer, my Lord. I am honored and flattered, of course.”

  “But …?”

  “But nothing, you silly man,” Lemara said with glee. “I have just now reflected, and it would be my great pleasure to walk with you again. And I, too, am no longer a child. Perhaps we may learn together now what we never learned before. If I may be so bold, when can we have our first human style date? What should I wear?”

  “We shall dine tonight with the Manti and his family. It is their custom to walk as a family through the streets of the City before dining, and we shall join them if it pleases you. Wear what delights you, and I shall dress humbly as your escort.”

  “It pleases me to no end; it most certainly does. The young women of the City will be abuzz with jealousy and envy. The poor servant girl and the boy from the Black Forest. But I ask one favor as the price of my privilege.”

  “Anything? What can I do?”

  “Kiss me. I have waited too long, hoping; I wish to wait no longer.”

  “I may be horrible.”

  “Then we shall have to practice every day until we master this art form that tingles the spine.”

  Chapter 33

  The jet left the airstrip atop the City of Light in early evening as darkness fell. The emissaries were all aboard, most snuggled in and sleeping except for Fionna and Niona who were in the back of the plane talking. Niona had a secret she had not shared, not even with Adam. It was nothing monumental, but Adam would likely be delighted to hear it anyway. She also had other news that she wanted to share with Adam, just not right away.

  In the week leading up to their departure, Adam, Carolyn and the Lady Cia had discovered the means to contact the Great Library of Alexandria and to have a candid conversation with the Curators and their staff about a diplomatic meeting at their premises. Adam informed them that he knew where they were and wished only to discuss their situation and safety given the current state of the world.

  The Curators were, at first skeptical, but when the evidence was presented, their skepticism quickly changed to concern. They could verify most of the historical data, current assertions and present leadership positions of the Gens Nation and the Nobilus Magnus.

  On a separate call the next day, Derek Nobilus informed the Curators of his whereabouts, the firefight in Boston and the death in the Coliseum of Enzo Fortizi at the hands of the Red Gens Manti. The appearance of the Creator was news, but not her existence. The news of the half breed Immortal was shocking but not the appearance of Niona and Fionna; the Curators had known of the existence of such entities for many centuries. That one had chosen mortality to be with this human/Gens/Nobilus tri-breed was not believed, nor that the other Immortal had been indentured to him.

  In the many centuries of accurate history kept secret, such things were not possible; some might even say inconceivable. Adam and the Ladies promised that their delegation would prove their assertions true, and that the Great Library should consider moving.

  This, the Curators said, was out of the question.

  Fionna asked, “May I ask who makes up your staff? Which species? Have any just newly arrived?”

  The response was that the staff was equally human, Gens and Nobilus, all purebreds from families long in the service of the Great Library. No position was hereditary, but like the Swiss Guards, family tradition was honored and favored.

  “And yes, we have just had a rotation in of new guards.”

  “Which species?”


  Fionna said to Adam that there was no time to waste; they must hurry to the Great Library while he continued the dialogue for permission to enter. If permission was denied, they would go in anyway, secure the Library. She did not yet sense danger, but haste was recommended.

  “Go,” he said. “Leave immediately if you so desire”


  The next morning, at daylight, they arrived near the Library complex in Alexandria, Virginia. Scouts determined that the doors to the main building were barred and locked with no one answering phones or any activity in or outside in evidence. As they waited outside for staff to arrive, they saw no activity. Fionna excused herself as did Niona, instructing Orsin to move his men and the Ladies further away from danger quickly should suspicious activity be spotted.

  “Like what?”

  “Like armed Gens. If you see them, take your men, surround the Ladies then flee.”

  An hour later, the two Immortals returned. To Orsin and the Ladies, she said, “I fear the worst. Gens military snipers were posted around the Library, laying in wait for prey. I believe the prey is us.”

  Orsin asked, “What now.”

  Fionna said, “Now I go inside while you come to the front entrance.”

  “The snipers?”

  “Gone to meet their ancestors. We shall go inside, determine the state of affairs, then call Adam. I shall enter first.”


  “I am Immortal again. And, so as not to be surprised, so is my sister. Our Master has restored her for the time being, and my lesson is learned. Orsin, you are brave and kind, but please do not be a hero. My sister and I cannot be harmed, but you and your charges can. Protect them, but do not engage in gunplay unless you must. Niona and I will clean up any surprises. Promise me, my young warrior.”

  “I promise. I prefer life to death, especially when an Immortal can protect me. I will follow your instructions as the Manti has already ordered.”

  “Did he?”

  “Well, yes. And made me promise not to breathe a word of it to you. But yes, my orders are clear.”

  “He failed to mention that to me.”

  “He fails to mention many things, my Lady. He is sometimes difficult to fathom, though his wishes always seem to be wise afterwards. He cares greatly that none of his soldiers, family or friends be in danger. I assume he reposes full confidence in you and your sister.”

“I shall have to ask him about such an honor, though I shall never divulge the source.”

  “With care. Lady. The Manti is crafty and is able to discern just as much from what is not said as what is. If you raise the subject yourself, he will know I have revealed what he asked to be kept secret.”

  “No worries, Orsin. He knew quite well you would have to reveal your secret. He simply wishes to have fun at my expense. Two can play at that game.”


  Fionna entered first, then the entrance doors swung wide open moments later. The rest of the group entered quickly, then shut the doors behind them.

  Fionna said, “Everyone is dead, but the computers, servers and mainframe intact. We shall call Adam now for instructions.”

  She winked at Orsin.

  “I must speak with him alone along with my military leader. Please excuse us.”

  The Ladies, Niona and Orsin’s men remained behind as the two walked to a small alcove.

  “Adam, it’s Fionna. We’re in.”

  “Have you met with the Curators?”

  “In a manner of speaking. They are all dead, and the Library is rigged to explode in one hour. There are a few Gens on the lower and upper floors still laying charges, but the Gens military snipers outside are now all dead. We are safe inside for now.”

  “Please leave at once, get the Ladies, Niona and the others to safety. Ask Orsin to take charge of the evacuation.”

  “He has already taken charge and organizing the evacuation. He has proven himself to all of us. He is here. Would you like to speak to him?”

  “Yes. Put him on.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  “Is this true?”

  “No sir. Not a word. Fionna has led us and kept us safe. I have merely done as she has commanded. I hope this does not vex you.”

  “It does not. You have shown wisdom, not arrogant pride. I commend your prudence. Now rejoin your men and protect my wives. Make a perimeter in the event more Gens shows up unexpected. Let me speak with Fionna.”

  Fionna gave Orsin a kiss on his forehead. “You are honorable even when to lie would have given you false honor. I am your friend from this day forward and shall be proud to call you family. Now go.”


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