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Page 98

by Douglas E Roff

  “Spoken like a fool, but honestly. First to my skinny human form. Would you or any of your fine warriors like to attempt to harm me? Perhaps an Ai cut to demonstrate the lethality of your finest fighters. I shall not move or defend myself. You may even wish to do it yourself. But I warn you, if you fail, I may decide to kill you. What say you brave Wildmen? Or do you fear me, a puny human specimen not worthy of your time?”

  Varsa said, “I shall be happy to reveal you as a fraud.”

  “Before you begin, shall I remove my clothing to prove I wear no armor or defensive clothing of any kind?”

  “As you wish?”

  Adam stripped down. “Now, you remember my warning, do you not? You have free reign but if you fail, you may be put to death. We can fight afterward for exercise. Begin.”

  Varsa was a large Gens, with four long honed claws, undefeated in battle and personal contest. As he began, Adam interrupted.

  “Just one more thing. Please leave this beautiful face unmarked, and there is no need to attack my genitals. My wives would be quite angry, as would my two Immortals, and none of you would leave this place alive.”

  “So noted. But you talk too much; that will soon end.”

  Varsa attacked furiously, cutting and slashing for what seemed an eternity. Yet the skinny human seemed unhurt. Adam used the palm of his hand to punch Varsa squarely in the nose, breaking it and causing him to fall to the ground.

  “May I assist you up?”

  “What devilry is this? What magic? No human can withstand the Ai, nor the injuries I have laid upon you.”

  “You appear to be wrong, my elderly friend. I am clearly naked, uninjured, and standing over you. Perhaps another would take your place. You seem injured and tired. Are you very old?”

  Varsa attacked again, but this time Adam fought back, punching, parrying, defending blows and slashes. For a second time, Adam thrust Varsa to the ground, and stood over him.

  “Are you all right? You may rest for a moment if you wish. Then we can resume. I am on no schedule.”

  The Wildmen even far back could somehow see and hear everything as if it came not from sight or sound, but from within the mind. All, of course, in the Common Tongue of the Wildmen.

  “What is your desire Varsa?”

  “To kill you, fraud.”

  “That does not seem likely. But if you wish, I can kill you and end this silly contest.”

  Varsa’s captains moved to surround Adam.

  “Ah, I see. Not only is Varsa without honor, but neither are his Captains. Did I not warn you that defeat might result in death? Now you violate honor and surround me like the cowards you are. I did not expect this from the fierce Wildmen. You are unruly, undisciplined children. Now leave this place and o back the way you came before I kill you all and leave your corpses to rot.”

  One of the captains said, “We are fifty thousand. You are one. You will not leave this place alive, human.”

  “Brave words for a man near death. Have you family? A wife and children?”

  “I have. But it is no concern of yours.”

  “Oddly, it is. As you are no match for me; I would prefer not to kill you and leave a widow and fatherless children simply to make a point. Is there any captain here who is without family who would like to try his luck?”

  “I shall.” A large grizzled Wildman stepped forward. “I shall take my turn at sending you to the afterlife.”

  “Oh, I see. How about now?”

  Adam instantly transformed into the Red Gens Manti, howled a blood curling howl of fright and despair. The Wildmen covered their ears, and fell to their knees, some in fear, most in reverence.

  “Wildmen,” Adam announced. “Shall I kill these insolent fools? Or shall I make an example of just one. Perhaps you Varsa,” Adam said in Common Tongue?

  A young woman stepped forward. “Please, Lord do not kill these men. They … were foolish and did not know who you are.”

  “And who am I young warrior princess?”

  “The fulfillment of the Prophecy. You are Adam St. James, the Chosen of Chosen, the Chosen One, the Red Gens Manti. I beg of you spare these fools their lives. Take me instead.”

  Adam transformed back. “Take you instead? Why would I take such a beautiful maiden in the prime of her life who has done nothing to me? Have we met? Do you wish to dishonor me? Have I disgraced you unintentionally?”

  “No, Lord. I only know your reputation. The man with the broken nose is my father; the older miscreant is my grandfather. Without my guidance they do foolish things, misapprehending an ordinary human as an insult to their station and authority. Take me Lord instead, my people need these men. Though tonight would not seem proof, they are both wise and just leaders, though arrogance and hubris infect their minds. I would fight you in a fair contest for their lives.”

  “And you would win. I would die before allowing any harm to you, from myself included. You are both brave and beautiful. I suspect you are far deadlier than you appear.”

  “To win my hand as mate, many fine warriors have tried to defeat me as the price of my maidenhead. All have failed.”

  “Worry not young warrior princess, I have no desire to harm anyone here. It was mere bluster. I have come to form an alliance with your father; I just wanted to establish my bona fides. I hope you will forgive me for my intemperance.”

  “I have heard that you make your enemies your friends, that you are kind and take in the children and families of those who have tried to kill you; that you are loving to your people and that you walk freely the streets of the City of Light each night so that all may approach and know you. Is this true?”

  “Sadly, it is. I am often mistaken for a weak creature. But I believe that violence begets violence and that if we seek peace, we must be the peace we seek. Even when it is difficult and the way uncertain. I cannot make friends with widows and orphans. I seek to change hearts with my actions, not my claws.”

  Adam turned to Varsa. “May we speak tonight as friends?”

  “In council, yes.”

  “No. Just you. I need no other wagging tongues. Speak for your people, the Great Nations of the Wildmen. Then you will either stay or depart. The choice is yours.”

  “His choice is now what you ask, Lord, isn’t it, father?”

  “What path have I now, given that my own blood chastens me?”

  The woman said, “Then I will happily negotiate for you, should you prefer it.”

  Varsa said, “Perhaps, with the permission of the Manti, you may also attend.”

  “Then it is settled, father. Now, Chosen One, we have one more matter to resolve. I must fight you to save face. And to take you as my mate.”

  Adam thought for a moment, then transformed, “Shall I lose, or you? Which does my new mate prefer?”

  The entirety of fifty thousand Wildmen burst into laughter simultaneously, knowing that the Manti had no idea what he was getting into.

  “You cannot lead the Wildmen having lost to me. I think it better if you win this round. This time, anyway. We may fight later for dominance within our marriage, if you wish.”

  “If you do this, you must allow me to give you the means to transform to my native form. You will also receive knowledge. Is this your desire?”

  “Will I be by your side?”


  “Then yes, I agree. Please make me your woman.”

  They fought briefly, though when the woman announced her defeat, the Wildmen still had not witnessed her lose. Her loss was ritual. Her honor intact. They accepted her choice and the result, her new mate chosen without reservation.

  The princess transformed. She was breathtaking in every respect. Men would worship her; women would seek to emulate her.

  “Now, though we are mated, I don’t yet even know your name.”

  “My birth name is Ranari, but my people call me Hana. It means blessed. My name to you and your people shall be Hana’a, blessed of the Chosen One.

  Hana turne
d to her father. “I grow weary from the journey. We shall meet again in the morning. I shall pass the rest of day and evening with my mate, if you don’t object.”

  “And if I did?”

  “I would duly note your objection. And if you hear loud screams, do not come to my rescue. Or his. We will be fine and far away.”

  Chapter 37

  Adam and Hana arrived in the City of Light days later from the plains below, having taken to leisurely walks designed to let the people of the City know that Adam had taken another mate. She was the mysterious and vaunted princess of the Wildmen. Every Gens alive knew of her, her fierceness as a warrior princess, her rejection of hundreds as mates and her great beauty as a wild Gens Princess. Many stopped to give their congratulations; others to ask when the nuptials would be.

  “We wed again tonight in the Cathedral as a double wedding with Orsin and Hecate. All are invited; there will be screens around the City for those who cannot enter. My bride is Hana, daughter of Varsa, with whom I have just now concluded a treaty of peace and fealty. Their army of fifty thousand is camped below; hundreds of thousands more are on their way.

  “The Wildmen, who so choose, will inhabit the plains and Plateaus that surround us. They will number in the millions and will guard both the City and Paraiso. On the plateau opposite the City of Light, we have built a structure into the rock face to house those who choose to move from open air to life inside. Like the Nabateans, they will reside here permanently, not as guests, but as citizens.

  My wife, Hana, has chosen to remain in transformed state, along with her eight handmaidens and fifty ladies of the court.

  I have abolished royalty and titles; these will be the last ladies permitted to use these archaic terms, by their consent. That will leave only the Princess Kendra and the King.

  The ceremonies begin tonight at seven and will be broadcast throughout Paraiso and Nabataea.

  Until then, peace be upon you.


  As per request, Hana and her ladies were taken to a residence adjoining the family complex. It was large and would house Hana, her handmaidens and the ladies of the court who would arrive the next day to witness the fight in the Coliseum. All dignitaries had arrived within the time permitted; the Wildmen would maintain security in and out of the arena, and Varsa, his father and Hana would take center stage with Tar, Orsin, the wives and family of the Manti.


  If the Manti felt trepidation, none could see it. Hana, an empath and healer in her own right, sensed nothing but calm and simple concern for the anxiety his family felt.

  Hana said, “Husband, I have need of your time to assist me in understanding your family. I should say your wives, to be more specific. I see no arrangements other than monogamy here in the City and elsewhere, but you have many wives and no concubines. It is whispered that many are the ladies of the City and Paraiso who bear your offspring; that this is expected of you by the people who willingly accept your leadership. You are neither king nor emperor; dictator or tyrant; nor are you elected in any way. Are these marriages merely for alliances?”

  “Do you ask about yourself, or others? I was chosen by you, not your father.”

  “True. But you are the greatest creature on this planet, wise and just. You are the only one worthy to take me as mate and, God willing, as your wife tonight. I long to call you husband formally.”

  “And what of love, that pesky human emotion?”

  “That you will teach me, if time allows.”

  Then I shall explain my wives in this manner. Hannah Parker is married to Vera Capri. She was once my girlfriend and I loved her with all my heart. But I was inconstant and inattentive.”

  “You betrayed her. You were disloyal?

  “No, never. I just did not show my love well enough or often enough. She left me. She met and married Vera Capri, whose life and sanity I subsequently saved. Vera loves only women, except me. Hannah has never been able to let go of what we once had, though it was she who broke it off.”

  “I see.”

  “I sleep with both; both wish to bear me children. Human emotions are sometimes contradictory and quixotic.

  “Misti, my first wife is also only attracted to her gender and makes an exception for me. We have three children and three on the way. She believes her role in life is to keep me on the true path. She is a hard woman, strong and quite severe with me. I accept her as she is. We couple infrequently now. She has left me three times in anger, but always comes home.

  “Nocera Lee is the Shaman of the Way, and will bear me three children, one a boy, and twins who shall be soon in this world. We couple occasionally.

  “Alana McCarthy is my principal wife, and though brilliant in her work and a big reason for our success thus far, would give it all up just to have a home, children, a dog and a quiet life somewhere pastoral. Everything else to her does not matter. Not money, fame or prestige. To some degree, so does Hannah. But as a married woman, she has hurt Vera much and their love is frayed because of me; I am trying to repair the damage, so far without success. Alana is the teacher of the Balance and is much loved in Paraiso and beyond. She tolerates me, and her patience is legendary.

  “Kendra Boles is my protector wife, also interested only in her own gender except me. We have a child. She is quiet about policy unless asked, quick to defend my person with her life. She is seldom far from my side.”

  “Seems unnecessary.”

  “Now, but not always in the past. Now she lives with us and cares for our children and sleeps with every young woman in the City and beyond. Her appetites are … voluminous.

  “Beata of the Black Forest and her two sisters wed me soon after coming to the City. She and her sisters are geniuses at technology and work under Alana and Bitsie Tolan. They are young and innocent, are kind and loving, and I watch over them closely. They along with my wife Kendra complain bitterly of my lack of conjugal attention, but they only do so to remind the City that they are wives too. Beata never now couples alone; always with her sisters. Her sisters are not blood sisters; merely close friends from her village back home.

  “That leaves the Ladies Cia and Eene. Eene is a Gens Headman; we are not convinced we know precisely which species Cia is, exactly, but both have been placed by God to show us the means to avoid war, negotiate peace and calm our spirts. In their presence no one angers. They are my principal emissaries to all species, except humans. Soon that will be their work too.”

  “Cia looks a child.”

  “Yes. A common feature for her species, I am told. But she is ancient and powerful. Nobody wishes to try her patience or disturb her calming spirit.”

  “Do they couple with you?”

  “At times. Together. But they mostly lay with me, nothing more. They say they draw strength from me, one on one side, the other on the other. They send me off to marvelous dreams. What they do when I am asleep, I do not know.”

  “And Hecate and Senna?”


  “Hecate will kill you?”

  “Yes. It is her fate, though she fights it.”

  “Niona will die with you?”

  “According to her God as punishment.”

  “What would you have me do?”

  “Work with Queen Carolyn and her husband Tanner, Vera Capri and Bitsie Tolan. I wish you to make peace with all species while I live and after I die. There is nothing more important than this, but you must first unify the Wildmen, then teach them the Way and the Balance. The importance of this task preponderates over all others. What came before led only to this moment. You must be successful, or all events leading to today are of no consequence.”

  “And the Book?”

  I will read it, as will you, Fionna and Niona. I shall seek out it’s wisdom and hope for clues to save my life and defeat Paulo Fortizi.”

  “Paulo? Is that not a forgone conclusion?”

  “Hardly. Paulo has powerful friends; Immortal friends. He will not go as quietly as Enzo. He is a mo
nster without conscience or remorse.”


  Later that day, the Cathedral was packed with family, wives, dignitaries and the common folk of Paraiso and Nabataea. Video screens lit up the streets everywhere, and the ceremony was broadcast into every household.

  Two couples stood on the dais, separated only by a column of flowers and symbols each had chosen to represent their people and their beliefs. The King had designed a crest which stood atop each column. The King entered the pulpit to say a few words, then asked all who were attending and listening to give their attention to Adam, the Manti, who wished to speak before the nuptials were commenced for Orsin and Hecate.

  He spoke in the Common Tongue that all now understood, “Gathered citizens of Paraiso and Nabataea, I invite you warmly to witness the marriages of the two couples you all now know so well. It is my privilege today to say a few words about our intendeds and what they mean to me and to us as the free people of this community.

  “Orsin of the Black Forest, his parents and siblings seated on the front pews of the groom side, has been more than a friend; he has been as son to me. Brave, constant, fearless and kind. As I once said to him, should my sons grow to be half the man he is, I would count myself blessed. My only jealousy is that he is not my son, but the product of honorable parents and a loving family.

  “Today he marries my ward, the love and jewel of my life, Hecate the Immortal. I have watched Hecate bloom from child to woman, trying hard to find her place in a world she was meant to bless, but unguided by father or mother. I have endeavored to be her guardian as father, and my family her mother. She is beautiful, loving and kind. If you will forgive the pride of a father, which I feel, I could not be prouder of her and this union. I bless it, and I know the Lord our God blesses it too. My only request is they not tarry and give me a grandchild that I may spoil in the human tradition making their lives more complicated trying to undo my mischief.

  Everyone laughed.

  Adam stepped down, came to Hecate, lifted the veil of her snow-white traditional wedding dress, and kissed he forehead. He shook Orsin’s hand and said, “She is now yours. Thank God!”


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