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Resolution Page 101

by Douglas E Roff

  “I never knew,” said Bitsie. “I always took him for the ‘me first’ type.”

  Hana and Vera looked at Bitsie strangely, like how could she live around him and not know him.

  Vera said, “He has always thought more of my intellect than my looks, though he has always told me what a rare beauty I was. Something for him in me from the mind, the intellect, the body and the emotions. I don’t have any better idea than any of his other wives why we feel this way about him, only that we do. I would never leave him, and if he asked me to leave Hannah and move back to the residence, I would. Hannah would too no doubt, but that move I fear would be destructive. She wants him to herself. I think, and no offense to anyone, that Alana may be moving in that direction too. Different classes of wives.”

  Hana asked, “Isn’t that the case already?”

  “No,” said Vera. “Not at all. Adam treats us all differently, as we really are. Uncanny how he does that. But he loves us all the same, equally. One hundred percent, all the time. Not a little here or there; all of us all the same. But we each mean different things to him, and on a practical side, we each do different things for him. Bitsie may have her doubts, but he relies on Bitsie and really likes her.”

  Hana asked, “You doubt this, Bitsie?”

  Vera said, “There’s history. He thinks Bitsie hates him.”

  “I don’t though. He just aggravates me.”

  “He aggravates everyone. When we fight, we fight. Then its over and then we have makeup sex. It’s an old formula.”

  Bitsie said, “I never considered that. I may pick a fight with Rafi tonight. Scientific method.”

  Hana said, “I want everyone to understand what Niona and Fionna have done, have sacrificed to be here, to be with us, what they have given up, especially Niona. But Fionna was going to leave, then she met this mortal who was so strange and so different that she stayed too. What Niona and Fionna have done for us, for Adam and this planet is not like giving up chocolate for a month. Their sacrifice was deep and profound.

  She paused.

  “And irreversible.”

  “What was it?”

  Hana explained.

  Hannah arrived late, having decided to take the rest of the day off. When she arrived, the ladies were looking gorgeous in the lingerie, as if the party was just for her. She was immediately kidnapped by her ladies, then made to endure gentle persuasion for hours on end.

  When it was over, and everyone sated, Hana spoke.

  Hannah cried, then said she needed to see Niona and Fionna right away. Hecate summoned the Immortals to Hannah’s residence, not expecting anything good.

  Hannah looked at the two and said, “I’m so sorry. I was angry and did not understand. Hana and Hecate have explained everything.”

  “Friends, then?”

  Hannah said, “No. Never.”

  She paused, looking serious.

  “Friends and family.”


  At dinner, Alana asked Adam if he had seen Hana or Hecate?

  “Nope. Up to some mischief I assume.”


  “With Hecate, anything is possible. Even good things”

  Chapter 41

  When Adam returned from his meeting with Liara, he was once again confronted by his Immortals, Alana, Hannah, Vera and Hana. Hana, rather than go through the entire day of conversations and healing time spent in the company of his affected wives, merely transferred the knowledge and Hana’s day with Hannah and Vera before coming to talk to Niona and Fionna.

  “I see you have all been busy while I was away. Is there anything else I should know? And how did you discover all this, Hana, when I did not?

  Hana said, “Liara gave you new powers and abilities, but kept you from having certain of those powers at your disposal available to use.”

  “Why would she do that?”

  “Control? Power? Meanness? Who knows with her, anyway. But the important thing is that we all know the sacrifices that Niona and Fionna have made – for you and for all of us. We all needed to know, and I will not keep such great sacrifices a secret. They should be celebrated. I hope I have not angered you. I did not ask permission.”

  “Permission? When have any of my wives asked for permission from. Even when I require it. They yell at me, curse me, disobey me, and chastise me.”

  “And make fun of you. Don’t forget that.”

  “I’m not in charge here – they are. And you seem to be learning from them too.”

  “I hope to. It’s a lot more fun being human and your wife. I’m not bossy by nature, but Misti says she’ll teach me everything I need to know.”

  “Then I forbid you from seeing Misti – ever.”

  “As you wish.” Then she burst out laughing.

  “Now as to what I have learned.” He turned to Niona and Fionna. “I am ashamed of myself for not understanding the pain you have endured. For me, and for all of us. I should have known there would be consequences; I just did not imagine them to be this severe. I can never thank you enough or make it up to you. I am heartbroken at this knowledge and wish I could do something, anything that would prevent this from ever happening again. Your sacrifice is too great; your punishments too severe. I am sorry.”

  Fionna said, “There is nothing to forgive. Until we met you and you took us in, we never knew love. Love. The only gift in the Universe that matters. That was your gift to us. Yes, being mortal was difficult for us; all these emotions and sadness; heartbreak and joy. These are things we never knew. But we know them now. We never knew they joy and the sadness of family; what it means to belong and to be loved for who we are. These and so much more we learned from you and those who love you. We did not understand you at first; now we do. Our pain is transitory; our love eternal. I would trade nothing for what I have now. Hana is a blessing; I wish she had come sooner. She is one with us; she is the best of us.”

  Hana teared up.

  Niona said, “If we had it to do over again, we would do so without a second thought. If I am to die with you, if we all are, our world has been so much richer than anything we could have ever gained in a billion more empty years of life. I would rather spend a day alone with you walking the streets of the City and having you hold me in your arms at night than spending an eternity without ever knowing love.”

  Adam said, “You are brave and wonderful. I rejoice in my great fortune, given my flaws and imperfections. You are, each of you, well more than I deserve.”

  “Correct you are, and, of flaws, you have many,” said a newly appeared Hecate. “But we love you for who you are though your ways are quixotic and behaviors childish. My advice, as a newly mature and intelligent Immortal with a dreamy hubby, is that you need to listen to us more and argue with us less. We are very smart you know. Especially this new one, Hana. She is an angel. Please don’t do anything really dumb and do everything she says.”

  Smirks were everywhere in the room for the sage advice of the youngest among them, but, she was not wrong, they thought.

  Alana, always ready for business, changed the subject and asked, “So how did it go with the witch queen? Better or worse?”

  “Worse, I’m afraid. Our suspicions were correct. But she hides something. I’m hoping my wives can tell me what.”

  “Then begin and tell us everything. Leave nothing out.”


  “As you know, I went down to the plains and for a run assuming that Liara would find me, which she did. I ran as a Gens, but when she caught up with me, I was in a small canyon off the plains drinking from a small pool fed by a waterfall. There were boulders along one side, and she appeared to me in human form, though not physical. She asked me to transform to my human form, which she said she much preferred.”


  “My dear Adam, it has been such a long time and I have missed you so. All this running around and drama; when will it end?”

  “I’m thinking, knowing you just a little, that correct answer is ‘when
I’m dead’. I’d prefer the death to be yours, but then there’s that whole “Immortal” thing. By the way, why do you want me dead? It’s been such a mystery. That whole disobedience thing? Not buying it. Funny thing is, I don’t ever remember having that chat with you. So, what’s the real reason?”

  “You know very well, at least in your mind you know everything. It’s just I locked it away and you can’t recall it. No worries; I will reveal all to you.”

  “Like today?”

  “Sadly no. More like just as Hecate plunges the dagger into your heart. You’ll get the Cliff Notes version; all will be clear.”

  “And I’ll be dead.”

  “It does seem to be the likelihood of a dagger being plunged into your heart, so yes it seems that you are correct.”

  “The plan is still on schedule?”

  “Yes. Though I do have second thoughts from time to time.”

  “About killing me?”

  “No. Just when. It was originally to be right after you dispensed with Paulo.”

  “Thanks for the boost in body and mind. That was nice. You were saying?”

  “Then it was six months; now you have a year.”

  “Any chance of an extension? Hundred years or so. Die of old age. You’d likely get an award from the St. James Foundation.”

  “For what?”

  “How about ‘Greatest Immortal of All Time’.”

  “Sounds attractive. May earn some overtime for you. Let me ponder it for a while and get back to you. By the way who is that gorgeous new wife of yours. I’m very jealous.”

  “No dice. You’ll do something bad to her if I tell you.”

  “Extra year if you do. Besides I could do something bad to her anyway. You know I’m not very nice.”

  “I need binding promises. No harm of any sort, from any source. No accidents or assassins. No meteors.”

  “Bricks falling from the sky?”

  “No deal then. You’ll cheat, so her identity shall remain a mystery.”

  “I could do something bad to … say … Alana.”

  “No, you won’t. Let’s move on. I think you’re out to finish me off because I’m a loose end. You need me to complete the project, make the rebel Immortals scatter more than they already have, then when it looks like my plan will succeed, I’m gone.”

  “Plausible. But there are other considerations too. You just don’t see them.”

  “I think I do. I’m just not telling. You’re afraid of something. I just don’t know what.”

  “I’m quaking in my slippers, if I had any.”

  “You’re afraid of the Immortals Fionna and Niona for some reason.”

  “Nope. Not even close.”

  “The two of them can kill you.”

  “True, but they won’t. They can’t. And Hecate might, but she won’t either. She’s a long way away from that kind of power; she’s half mortal and will do anything to keep this Orsin bug and you alive. Just give up and do as I say, and I’ll only kill you.”

  “Not sure that’s the truth.”

  “Good luck with them then. In the end, they’ll do as they’re told. It’s a lock. I’m golden.”


  “God won’t let them. We have a deal. But I might ask God to have Fionna kill Hecate. Then I’ll send someone else to kill you. Slower and more fun to watch.”

  “Whatever. Let’s get to the real reason you’re here. The four billion.”

  “Yes, them. You already know what I’m offering, correct?”

  “No, but I can guess. You want me to choose who has to go, then kill them all myself somehow. You don’t want to do it, and if I refuse to do as you ask, you’ll do it starting with my family, friends, Paraiso and Nabataea. You also won’t consider any other options, like moving them somewhere. You want them dead.”

  “Smart for a bug. Not the whole picture, but dead on as far as your tiny brain will allow.”

  “You could wipe their minds. What’s the harm?”

  “Evidence. You and four billion have to go. Then I don’t care what happens after that. Well, I might, but if your planet fucks up again, it’ll meet Meteor 1-348699-x. Plus, if you refuse, my plan works better and faster if we eliminate six billion. That would be my choice. But, it’s your plan, so four billion it is.”


  “Virus. Don’t worry, no one will blame you. We’ll do a billion, then you’ll develop a vaccine, but oops, the virus mutates and kills another billion. Then in a few years another billion, then another billion, plus the new crops of bugs for the ones we didn’t kill right away. I recommend the ones that don’t have the gene, which is coincidentally is just about four billion.”

  “You’re full of shit, Liara. You’ve done something and made Alana and I think we can’t fix this without all the killing.”

  “Maybe. Maybe not. Stick to the plan, I’ll send the virus, and all will be just peachy. Besides it’s almost over and, if you behave, I might have a surprise for you. Just maybe. Fuck with me, and a meteor hits Paraiso and four billion die the hard way.”


  “That’s everything?”

  “She said she’d see me at the end. To gloat I suppose.”


  “The Manor. In a year. Said she’d be in touch.”

  Fionna looked at her sister. I think I know something. If I’m right, we have a chance to stop this. Big time.”


  “Everyone should watch the replay of the meet and greet between the Queen Demon and Adam, then study it carefully tonight. Every word, every phrase and every sentence. Think about what she said and avoided, and what she didn’t say. We meet back here tomorrow early, at sunrise. Hana, you sleep tonight, and for the foreseeable future, with Adam. Niona and I will join you in Adam’s room. You need to be alive in the morning. Hecate and Kendra will be nearby with Orsin.”

  “But …”

  “But nothing. Do as I say, and I’ll be your slave for a month.”

  Adam had no idea what Fionna thought, but suddenly Niona caught on. “You’re right. She’s the key.”

  Chapter 42

  The cabal gathered at dawn the next morning in the kitchen, though only Adam seemed tired. Fionna looked at her sister and winked.

  “Gather around all, we have much to discuss. You too Adam.”

  “Does anyone want breakfast and coffee, or are we just getting right into it?”

  Fionna said, “Can you cook and listen at the same time? This is critical.”

  Adam shot deadly eye darts at Fionna. “You get water for breakfast. And get it yourself. Orders please for those eating? The ladies shouted their orders and Adam went to work. When he was finished, he handed Fionna water.

  Fionna gave her best fake sad face and said, “If I say I’m sorry, can I have coffee and pancakes? Maple syrup and butter?”

  Adam turned back to the kitchen, got Fionna her coffee without saying a word, and started on the pancakes in silence.

  Fionna got the conversation rolling, “What have you discovered sisters. Niona and I have found much but we wish to learn what you have found too.”

  Hana, Alana and Hecate looked at each other, then collectively said, “nothing”.

  Alana said, “I listened to the conversation repeatedly, but honestly I didn’t get much other than confirmation of what we discussed before Adam met with Liara.”

  From the kitchen, Adam said. “For one she was lying; she was hiding something. That was crystal clear. For two, she does not need the four billion dead; she wants me dead to cover up this whole thing she’s doing. She wants me to be the psycho murderer of half of humanity, not her. Misdirection?”

  Hana asked, “Why?”

  “The four billion was based on data I now think was planted by one of her, or Paulo’s operatives, probably now in hiding or dead. She said what I originally thought: that the four billion I would choose would be the humans without the gene. But why? Why not just take them somewhere, wipe th
eir minds and let them build a new civilization? No, Liara wants them for some reason or purpose; I just don’t know why.”

  “Dead? What good does that do her?”

  “Nothing,” said Hecate. “But if newly dead, she might want their essences intact to reanimate later.”

  “She can do that?”

  “Of course. She has the wells of life and death, but she can reanimate with just a drop of Blue. God would never concern himself even with four billion re-animates running around.”


  Niona said, “That’s my guess. If this is true, it’s bad for Liara. God will be furious.”

  “God gets furious?”

  “Yes, he does. This would breach his Covenant with all living creatures. Liara would be sacked fast.”

  “What else, Adam?”

  Fionna thought only she and her sister saw this.

  “Why all the questions about Hana? Why is she so special aside from being hot, smart and hot, hot and hotter? She never once asked about any of my other wives; just Hana. Seemed out of place.”

  Hana said, “You’re a dear. But good question. Why?”

  “Aside from her hotness, why is she any different from Alana or you Immortals? In fact, why are the four billion she wants me to kill so desperately different? Anyone? Anyone other than Fionna, who was a brat to me this morning? Did anyone notice that?”

  Adam handed Fionna her pancakes which were covered with sad face emoticons.

  “God, you’re a baby, Adam. Did anyone notice that?”

  Niona said, “The obvious answer is that Hana has all four genes, is here and married to Adam. She’s the ‘female Adam’ and probably has all his powers and maybe more. Not unlike Saldana Ri, when she was alive. Including the ones Liara won’t let Adam use. Hana may be able to enter Adam’s mind and probably find things Liara has hidden away.


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