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Resolution Page 102

by Douglas E Roff

  “As to the four billion, they’re all ‘purebred humans’; no genetic mixing and no fourth gene. If I were going to experiment on human qualities and maybe create a new species, I’d start with good genetic material that is unblemished by Gens or Nobilus bloodlines. See what happens and see if the DNA can be manipulated. She is the Creator, so she can do this, but is God watching? God would never let her experiment and create a super species. That’s what I think she’s doing.

  “She wanted to see how Adam reacted to her face to face. She wants billions of lab rats and she wants Hana and Adam dead. Still not a perfect plan, and not without risk, but if she gets her way now, especially with Hana and Adam, she’s going to try to destroy this planet if not sooner, then later. That’s my theory.”

  Fionna said, “There’s more, but in the main, that’s what I think too.”

  Alana and Hecate each asked, “What’s next? How does this help us right now?”

  “We have to do two things, one after another and quickly. Hana has to get into Adam’s mind and find the hidden secrets. Might take some time.”

  “I might get distracted into his many erotic bedrooms.”

  “No, you won’t.”


  “You’ll look for every locked room, every room you are not allowed to enter, then break in.”

  Hana asked, “How?”

  “Turn the door handle and walk through. You have all the power you need. You are more than special, you are rare, beautiful, smart and a genius. You can do this. Liara has hidden things in his noggin, but the information may be scattered or may be just behind a door. But we need to get started right away and find the truth behind why Liara hides power and knowledge from Adam.”

  Adam said, “That’s easy. I have the four genes, I have the Library of Tomas and I know all about the Gens and Nobilus. Luck, for sure, but otherwise she’d have had to incinerate the planet. Then the rebellion for ultimate power among the lower and higher Immortals would begin and God would take notice. That would fuck up her plans for whatever else she schemes to do.”

  Hecate said, “What should I do? I can’t go in Adam’s mind to help.”

  Fionna and Adam said, “You must get Orsin immediately and move in with us and Hana right away. Don’t pack. Just get him here; grab him and fly him to us. I’ll talk to Tar. Liara mentioned Orsin as a means of controlling you, Hecate. Fionna and Niona can protect us from Liara and her minions for now, but we must stick together while Hana delves deep to find the truth.”

  Hecate left swiftly. Moments later, Orsin was standing in front of the cabal.

  “I was just getting dressed. May I have some clothes?” Orsin was naked, freshly bathed and looked very handsome; certain physical features were not overlooked by any of the women.


  The ladies and Adam were now looking intently at Hana who was not comfortable with all the staring and attention. As a Gens, staring at a woman’s eyes was considered rude, though staring at her body in appreciation was a compliment.

  Hana said, “Now what? And stop looking at me that way. I’m on your side, remember?”

  Niona said, “You misunderstand our wonder at the totality of who you are. You have dropped out of heaven and changed all our lives. There is so much we owe you, so much we need you to do, so much you can do to solve these unsolvable mysteries, that we stare in admiration and awe. Your beauty is almost inconceivable, and I admit to my rudeness in this regard, but without apology. What you have done to heal wounds between me and Hannah and repair the relationship between the two married lovers is a blessing. In elder times, we would have called you goddess.”

  Fionna said, “She speaks the truth. Whether mortal, lower Immortal or higher Immortal, your gifts are far greater than power, than physical healing. They are Godly and benevolent in every sense.”

  Hana said, “I am overwhelmed by your words and kindness. We women of the Wildmen do not seek nor receive such kindness or attentions from our males, nor do we have sisterhood. We are not loved as we are among humans; I understand now why so many Gens and others seek community with the humans, not for benefit or gain, but for the love and compassion it offers. It is a world in which I am constantly intoxicated by my emotions, the love I feel for my sisters and the strength of purpose and love for and from our husband. Some days I don’t know whether to weep for joy and look weak, or simply hold in these feelings that thrill me every day as if they are secrets only I experience. But I know now that I am not alone; I am part of something joyous and happy. I could never go back to my old life; I must remain here as long as I can.”

  Alana said, “Now, for this one,” hinting at Adam.

  “What? What did I do. Remember, I made breakfast. And coffee. Even when Miss Snarky was being a brat. Don’t forget that. And why are you looking at me like that.”

  “You need to begin with Hana right away. Well almost right away.”

  “For my mind.”

  “No, a little lower than that, although we need both of your head parts too.”

  “Be gentle. I was recently injured, you know.”

  “We’ll consider your request. Request denied. Come husband, you have ministrations to perform. And we have little time for argument.”

  “If you insist. But I protest being used as a sex object.”

  “Protest noted, and we don’t care. Now, get moving.”


  Hana and Adam were taken off world by Niona and Fionna to a place they knew was safe and protected by God and the Immortals of his realm. There Hana could spend as much time as necessary in union with Adam searching his mind.

  Fionna said, “And no dallying in his erotic rooms.”

  Hana laughed. “You mean no long-time dallying. I shall wander in and out to see what I have missed, but not too long to endanger our mission. I will come out when I have something.”

  Hana touched Adam’s temples, then entered his mind.

  She was gone for three days. Then she emerged.


  Hana said, “Did you know? Did you?”

  “Know what? Anything we knew, we have shared.”

  Hana explained everything she found; everything from Adam and from Liara.

  Hana asked, “What do we do? Should we tell him?”

  Fionna said, “We must, but the question is when. We tell him only what matters right now, but we must never tell him the rest until we have asserted ourselves before God and with the rebel Immortals of lower rank in Liara’s dominion. Then and only then may we may reveal this secret.”

  “God permits this?”

  “God permits what he does not know.”

  “God does not know this? I’m incredulous. God knows everything.”

  Niona said, “Your humanized and fictionalized God knows everything; not my God, not this God.”

  She paused.

  “To answer your question, I pray the answer is no. But I do not know God’s mind or his knowledge of these events.”

  Fionna said, “We shall seek an audience with God immediately. The three of us shall depart as soon as we return to the City and tell them what we plan and that we shall return promptly. We shall awaken Adam after this is done, and after we have left. Otherwise he will demand to know everything and an audience with God he cannot be granted.”

  Hana said, “This course is dangerous, for Adam and for us all. The risk should be disclosed.”

  “Not now. This can change nothing for the best, only give Liara the excuse she needs to act now. No, we act as if we know nothing then make our move at the last moment.”

  “I hope you know what you are doing.”

  “I wish I did too.”

  Chapter 43

  In the short space a of a few short weeks, Hana had gone from natural state Gens Princess of the Wildmen, never having transformed, to married to the Human and now on her way to visit God with two beautiful Immortals also married to her husband. To say that she had never had a moment to catch her breath was an un

  There was little to say to Hana to prepare her for this audience with the Immortal called God; He could read her mind and know her history dating back to the first living thing in the line from inception of her species to date. He would know her heart, the reasons she did anything and whether her words and deeds were true. He would also want a very good and convincing explanation why this mortal sat before him.

  When the three arrived, they came inside a great Hall created solely to accommodate Hana; before them was a ball of pure energy, all colors represented and placed on a golden platform. Fionna asked Hana not to speak and allow the sisters to handle the meeting. Hana agreed.

  A voice in their minds said, “Fionna, Niona, I see you are back before me again, this time bringing a mortal with you. I can’t remember the last time I saw a mortal, and my memory is perfect from the beginning of time. Another request? Or just more disobedience. What now?”

  “Almighty,’ Fionna said, “I have come before you with my sister and our mortal friend to beg you hear our pleas to right an injustice, one of which if you are unaware. It is my duty to inform you, no matter the personal cost. I know you would never permit your authority or your Covenants to be undermined in any way by lesser beings, Immortal or not.”

  “First, Fionna, whenever you begin a sentence with ‘Almighty’ I know you are here either to explain or repent your mischief and misdeeds. That you begin with an outrageous claim I would not know about the events of my own realm does not assist your plea.”

  There was quiet.

  “That your disobedient and irresponsible sister is here with you in no way helps whatever foolish cause you continue to support. Bringing mortals to my presence? I should send you both to the center of the largest sun in the RealVerse for a million years to reconsider your willful behavior. But as you are only a few billion years old, I chastise myself for doing such a poor job in raising you. Perhaps I should have been stricter.”

  Niona said, “Lord, I know you are displeased with both of us, and with cause, for our disobedience and what you may feel is an affront to your patience and forgiving nature. But if you would just hear us out, your pique may be lessened. We shall gladly accept your punishment for our transgressions, but your throne may be in danger and your Covenants with life torn asunder.”

  God was unimpressed, thinking this was just more anti-Liara rhetoric.

  “Why is this mortal here? Could you not make your own case without resort to an individual from a minor and irrelevant species on a minor and irrelevant planet?”

  “She is proof. She has entered the mind of the Human and extracted what Liara planted there within. Liara seeks to deceive you and hide her true intentions. Liara wishes to challenge you. And like the Human, she has the four genes. She is special.”

  “Liara would not do the thing that you suggest. I could send you, alone, to her realm and Liara and all her junior Immortal subjects would be in existence no longer. Liara could not prevent oblivion I so mandate. Our Covenants and the Agreement have lasted eons and have never changed, nor has she ever challenged me in any way.”

  Fionna boldly said, “You mean about which you are presently aware.”

  “Silence! I am no doddering fool who needs your puny assistance to know my realm. What could she do that could alter all that I control?”



  “No, my Lord. Possible. She seeks to rival you. And there is more. More than resides in the mind of this mortal; please just experience Liara’s treachery as revealed in the Human for yourself.”

  “Even if true, the Agreement forbids my interference. I could not act even should I wished to and all you say is true.”

  Niona said, “Correct my Lord. But perhaps others can.”

  God entered Hana’s mind, causing Hana an experience of great peace and tranquility that remained for many long years thereafter.

  “I assume you two devils and this demoness have a plan. A suggestion.”

  “Yes, Lord.”

  Fionna and Niona explained what they wished to do and when.

  “All for this Human? Why is he not present? This seems to concern him more than this young Gens Princess.”

  “He would demand to know all that may come to pass, and that would be dangerous. Liara enters his mind and surely would find a way to avert your attention and ours. She threatens him, our people, and the work we do to correct her mistakes. She forces him to do things that are not necessary. She has turned to evil; she openly disobeys your will.”

  “With cunning, however. There is little in what I have learned of her conduct that is not within boundaries of our Agreement, though it may be an unwise course. For now, I shall not act.”

  “But Lord …”

  “I said for now. I did not say for eternity. What we must do, if anything, is dangerous for all of reality, not just the RealVerse. Give me your plan, all of it, in detail and I shall consider your pleas later. If I call, you shall come to me immediately and tell these mortals nothing. If I act, and it is not certain I shall, you must be with me in person or She may discover what I shall do. Otherwise, I shall let this play out afterwards, and I will resolve Liara one way or another in this Universe, or another. In the meantime, I bless you both and this mortal and will present you with gifts before you leave. If you fail me, you will lose him and all that you love. I have cautioned you before that this loss will bring eternal sadness; consider my words well, Fionna the Immortal and Niona the Huntress. I can inflict no greater pain on you than the pain you will endure for all time.”

  “Yes, Lord.”

  “And take care to protect this extraordinary female and the Human. They are now my chosen of the mortal realm and they shall be blessed by me for all eternity.”


  “Go while I still love you as I always have in spite of your indifference to my commands as your Master.”

  “It is the same thing our husband says; he too complains that we are disobedient and should be punished.”

  “He succeeds where I fail?”

  “No Lord. But we allow him to think so.”

  “Leave before I make Ariella and Mandra my favorites.”

  “What fun would that be, Lord?”

  “None. It is why you are the way you are, and why I hold you dear. Their obedience is boring. Now go!”


  When they returned, Adam was awake and talking to Hecate and Alana. Adam’s other wives and family, Tar and Orsin, were likewise absent. Their knowledge of these events would be dangerous, even if Niona and Fionna were not absolutely sure that Liara had the power to enter their minds at will.

  Adam began, “You’re back; I’m happy to see, but why didn’t you take me? Why didn’t you even inform me? This annoys me greatly because this was intentional, without permission and displays the very same arrogance you claim is my sole province.”

  Fionna said, tonelessly, “You were not needed, and could not have helped.”

  Adam’s ire rose quickly. “Is there anything else of importance for which I am not needed?”

  “I’m sorry, but you cannot be a part of this. I’m sure you understand.”

  “I’m sure I don’t.”

  “Has Liara been in your mind recently? Can she?”

  “Yes. She seems to be able to do that with me since Oregon. And with Hecate, and likely all my wives. That includes Hana.”

  “No, not Hana.”

  “Why so?”

  “God has given her powers, blessed her and prevented Liara form entering her mind. The only ones who know everything, and who Liara cannot spy on, are the three of us who went today.”

  “I’m sure the blessing was nice, but why does that matter? Is she safe now?”

  “No, Hana is still in danger, but our Lord’s blessing gives her much power and ability; it is not like your God where a blessing means nothing. For Hana, with our Lord’s blessing, she becomes powerful, even in ways you are not.”
br />   Adam quieted. He was offended and upset.

  “Then I am not needed here and shall go for a walk. I shall go to the martial fields and kick puppies.”

  Hana said, “No Adam! Please do not do such a thing.”

  “Figure of speech only, Hana. I would never kick a puppy. But I can think of an Immortal who I would not be burdened from giving a swift kick.”

  Fionna said nothing, not taking the bait.

  Both Hana and Niona said, “Husband, please trust us. Our Lord wishes to meet you at the correct time, when all will be revealed, if it is to be revealed to you. But our Lord cannot support what we wish to do immediately and is not sure any help can be given at all. We cannot say more and risk that Liara may learn something from you or your wives. Surely you trust us and are willing to let us work alone?”

  “I do trust you and you are correct that this is the wisest course, but you know my temper. I apologize to you Fionna for my foolishness once again.”

  Fionna said, “You may need to forego relations with your wives for a while too.”

  Just then, Adam’s wives began trickling into his room as they heard that the sisters and Hana had returned from a secret meeting they knew nothing about.

  His wives turned to Fionna thinking this was neither a hint or command of God. “Sister, why do you speak so? Why should we not have congress with husband.”

  “I did not say us, I said in general. Our Lord commanded that my sister and I protect Hana and our husband at all times from Liara. Now the only way we can do that is to remain together at all times.”

  Adam said, “Seems unlikely we can do this for a year.”

  Fionna said, “Don’t be fooled. Liara will not give you a year, or even six months. She wants you dead and Hana unprotected. She’s coming for you soon. She will command you and Hecate to travel to the Manor. Hecate must also never be far from your side.”

  “May I …?”

  “No. You may command all three of us tonight. Will that ease your unsettled mind?”


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