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Page 103

by Douglas E Roff

  “I may be very unsettled,” said Adam. “I don’t like being left out of activities that concern me, Hecate and our future. Niona too has much at stake in this game.”

  “Then we must make amends to restore your peace of mind.”

  Hana whispered to Niona, “Is this about sex?”


  Hana walked up to Adam and said, “You are never going to make me say a word about who stole your coffee. I don’t care how angry that makes you!”

  “We shall discuss my state of mind tonight when I shall take up your ill behavior in earnest.”


  Hana jumped into Adam’s arms and kissed him. “I will accept my punishment with gratitude. I’ve been very, very bad. You need not go lightly on me.”

  “You may want to have a talk with Niona about ‘poker face’.

  “She too is blessed by God. But we’ll have a chat. I believe God has given her a gift though I do not know what.”

  “And the gifts from your blessing?”

  “My Lord, you may need to delve deeply into my being tonight to discover what the Lord, our God, has gifted me. I may need your help with skills development.”

  “Then, I shall apply myself diligently to the tasks you assign.”

  Chapter 44

  Over the next few weeks, as Vera and her teams were finalizing plans to roll out the Announcement to the world with targeted messaging through all media channels, Adam and Hana began working with Hannah and Alana on “target markets” for the dissemination of the messages. Naturally the messages could not be identical; the core would always be the revelation of the other species, the implications for the future of mankind and availability and meaning of the Way and the Balance. Cultural, political, religious, and traditional modes of living, most deeply ingrained, were involved in the planning.

  Hana believed that simpler was better; if the Way and the Balance could be shortened and made easy to understand, there might be less resistance, even by those most likely to object. Draft after draft of sentences and paragraphs, whittled down from pages were read, discussed, and rejected. One morning, Hana walked into a working session with many leaders from all species and the Nabateans. Noki and Alana were present when Hana announced that she had an idea.

  “I have studied the Way and the Balance as well as most religious systems, political systems and cultural norms. They all have two things in common. I believe my expression of the two captures the core meaning of each yet allows each to be expressed in their own way culturally.

  She put a thumb drive in a computer and projected it onto a wall.

  The Way: Treat others as you wish to be treated.

  “Among western societies and followers of the ‘book’, it is known as the Golden Rule. It is the biblical rule of “do unto others as you would have them do unto you” (Matt. 7:12). Among every world religion there is a similar passage and similar rule. No religion would object to its wisdom and truth. Culture and politics being influenced by religion, this would apply to these institutions too.

  “The Balance: ‘Moderation in all things’, often quoted as ‘Moderation is best in all things.

  “This phrase has been attributed to many ancient Greeks philosophers, most often to Aristotle.”

  Hana continued, “Though moderation may not be what most humans prefer in real life, as a goal one can hardly object. As to those who will say we are telling them how to live, or what to believe, this must be made clear: this is our philosophy, not religion, and no one is bound to follow what our teachers teach. However, and conversely, forced conversion to any religious belief will not be permitted. Conversion to any belief must be peaceful and voluntary.”

  She paused, looking around the room at quiet faces. “That’s my plan.”

  Hana was uncomfortable as the quiet continued for many long seconds. Then Adam, Noki and Alana began to applaud as the assembled leadership, old and wise, applauded at first then embraced the young woman. Many were crying; the simplicity of her gift was obvious and simple.

  Nobody would object. Perhaps Liara, but then, she didn’t get a vote.


  As Adam and Hana walked the City streets, now always guarded by Fionna, Niona, Hecate and Orsin, the effect she had on the people of the City became noticeable and evident. Children flocked to her to touch her hand or skirt, anything they could reach. The citizens felt warm at just the sight of her, and she always made time, as did Adam, to stop and talk. Walks became small processions and eventually Sunday picnics with the entirety of Paraiso invited. Even a few Wildmen remaining on the plains were seen speaking to their Princess within the City. A few were bold and asked for knowledge and the “Ability”, as instantaneous transformation was now called.

  As it turned out, the Wildmen in human form were also universally beautiful, like elves of ancient lore; the men were muscled and handsome, the women fair of form and face. Some stayed in the City; most returned to the plains. All understood that their way of life would change, just not when. Hana did her best to allay fears and embolden the young to stay in the City, learn a dual life and the message of the new age.

  Adam and Hana prepared speeches for upcoming events; they were to address the General Assembly of the United Nations in two weeks; invitations from groups began pouring in. A release of who they were and what their message would be had caught the imagination of the press, and the entire world. It had taken no less than former Presidents, Prime Ministers, the Pope and other renowned scientists to convince a skeptical world to listen to their message. Hana would deliver a message on behalf of all women; Adam on behalf of all men.

  Alana prepared all the information she could, written in every language and culturally adapted for release to everyone everywhere. Fionna and Niona took the messages and sent them psychically to all who could not listen in by conventional means.

  A few men and women in Washington, DC, London, and Tel Aviv had other ideas. When St. James appeared in America, he would be captured and taken for interrogation and rendition, though illegal and unconstitutional. Each of the allies would have face time with him.

  Or so they thought.


  The Prime Minister of Canada was on the phone with Adam, one of only three men in the world who knew how to contact him.

  “The former President called me, so I’m calling you. They intend to kidnap and kill you. Apparently, you present a danger to their world as it now is. And you possess numerous commercial opportunities that are valuable to American industry. The military apps you are said to have developed will change the balance of power in the world. Is any of this true, or just nonsense?”

  “All true.”

  “Then you are in mortal danger.”

  “I’m not, but those conspiring against me are. Not Canada of course. And not former President O and former PM B. Did B ask you if you had an hour or so free time now.?”

  “He did. Why?”

  A millisecond later, former President Obama, former PM Tony Blair and PM Justin Trudeau were standing in Adam’s residence in his Library. All Adam’s wives were present as were Tar, Orsin, and Derek Nobilus. On their way were Edward, Misti, Cindy, Maria and Pops.

  They mingled with the former politicians but were most interested in meeting the former President. All three were highly complimented and made welcome befitting their places in history and political humanistic views of the world.

  Hecate then materialized to the amazement of the three guests.

  “A hologram?”

  Hecate pinched Barack.

  “OK, so not a hologram. That hurt.”

  “More than the ‘hologram’ comment. I am an Immortal; I am not without feelings. However, to change the subject I must say that your wife is lovely as are your girls. I assume you seldom get your way anymore.”

  “Don’t need to be an Immortal to know that.”

  “How did you do this, get us all here at once and instantly? Some new tech?”

some very old non-tech. I know none of you will believe what we are about to tell you, but you must believe me, and we would like to give a short demonstration and tour of our City. We will give you some knowledge if you will allow me.”

  “Talk first, knowledge afterward.”

  “Hecate the Immortal, Niona the Huntress and Fionna the Immortal are all immortal. They have great powers and cannot be killed or harmed by anything on planet Earth. Niona and Fionna are “senior” Immortals, while Hecate is a “junior” Immortal. All are lethal, and the senior Immortals can kill junior Immortals.”

  Barack asked, “And by ‘immortal’, you mean the dictionary sense of the word? And Hecate, don’t pinch me again; I’m just asking the obvious mortal questions.”

  “You’re safe for now.”

  Adam continued. “I am not the same person you all once new. I am transformed into a new being. So are my wives, some family and most of my loyal friends.”

  “A demonstration?”

  All who could transform, did. Then back.

  “The Immortals can be anything they wish, but usually take human form for my benefit.”

  “Wives? More than one?”

  “Only one, Misti, under US law, but here the King of Nabataea permits multiple wives. Therefore, for many reasons, I have many wives.”

  “I assume you don’t ‘work’ anymore?”

  “Very funny. I work constantly. And now we need your help. I can give you knowledge. It doesn’t hurt.”

  Barack pointed at Hecate. “Not from her. She scares me.”


  “I know you are, but what am I?”

  “He was President?”

  “Man of the people.”

  “And small children.”


  The three toured the City, Maria and Pops explained their technology, uses good and bad, and about the incident in London at the Manor.

  “We cannot let any government or private concern have our tech. It is simply too dangerous.”

  “You will be criticized, possibly attacked.”

  “We can kill everyone on this planet if need be. If left alone, we will create such wonders for mankind, the Gens and Nobilus as has never been conceived.”

  “And the biology experiment?”

  “It goes forward, or we all die. The choice is simple, and I don’t think this is a gamble we should take.”

  “What can we do?”

  “Support our cause, be at the UN for our address and martial your resources for the future. We want you three to be the liaison between us and humanity along with partners you choose who share our values. We will bring them here, give them the knowledge and try to convince them that we are real.”

  “Many will say your knowledge is false and an implant.”

  “I’m OK with that. Not expecting everyone to believe me right away.”

  “There will be a war. You know that?”

  “We do. We shall disable all weapons turned against us. No one will die.”

  “Call us when you need us.”

  “Please begin your efforts with other great humanitarians and the United Nations.”

  “When do you announce?”



  “Psychic transfer. The entire world will know in their own languages and through their own cultural and moral standards.”

  “Thanks for the tour.”

  Before they left, Adam said he had one small ritual to complete. Hana stepped forward and kissed each on the forehead and blessed them.

  Adam explained, “She is blessed and protected by God. Now, so are you.”

  They were transported home in a millisecond.

  Hecate said to Barack, “Sorry about the pinch. It may have been excessive. I will make it up to you in some way. Maybe a third term.”

  “Why would you punish me like that?”

  Hecate smiled, kissed the President on the cheek and left.

  Chapter 45

  The following day, a mind message went out to all humans, Gens and Nobilus Magnus on the planet that they were not alone as intelligent sentient beings, that they shared the planet and always had since the first of them, the Gens, initially appeared. They had also to accept that the planet was in grave danger of global extinction unless the three species accepted the existence and rights of the others and learned to cooperate for mutual protection.

  The Gens and Nobilus Magnus already knew this and had accepted the truth that Adam had foretold, the fulfillment of the Prophecy and his leadership in all aspects of his plan to save the world. For the most part, they had either been included in those plans, or knew of all relevant and material facts.

  But not the humans.

  In the days that followed, the revelation was taken in every gradation from very, very poorly to extremely well. Most simply doubted it being true for many reasons; some religious, some anthropological, and some out of pure skepticism. Most were neutral on the topic but leaning into thinking it a technological trick.

  World governments simply did not believe any of the revelation, nor did the large multinationals or political thought leaders worldwide. In the US, the UK and Tel Aviv, the news was considered seriously, at least the revelations about tech and the City of Light, Paraiso and Nabataea. The tech was definitely real, and they each wanted it badly. The Americans had the jump, so to speak, as they believed that neither Adam nor his wife Hana were going to get out of the UN and out of the country without a miracle. The UN Building would be surrounded, and units of the Army National Guard of New York were mobilized for “riot control”.

  Threats from around the world were pouring in, Right Wing militias were crawling out of the woodwork and survivalists saw Adam as the cause of Armageddon, not the saviour he represented himself to be. Every country, to be fair, had cadres of crazies who believed exactly as most Americans. The voices of reason were drowned out by the voices of demagoguery and fear. Who were these creatures and what did they want? Were they dangerous killers or aberrations of nature and God?

  Who was Adam St. James and what was his angle in all this tumult? Power, wealth, and hegemony?

  The announcements yet to come from the President of the United States and his Cabinet as well as Congress did little to calm the waters. The military, or at least certain factions within the military, the Intelligence Agencies, and global partners all decided upon one clear message: Adam St. James was a traitor, a dangerous killer and likely willing and able to commit genocide on a global scale. He must be found and detained, and his must be confined until his crimes could be fully adjudicated in the US under the federal law and possibly the Uniform Code of Military Justice, if found on foreign soil.

  This was, of course, ridiculous, but Adam was now classified as an enemy combatant, probably working for and directed by religious fanatics propounding a new religion. He himself professed belief in a radical new ideology called the Way and the Balance. These governments knew better, they knew they were lying, but they wanted that tech.

  Church attendance rose dramatically; not all pulpits preached patience.

  The affect on those who were in touch with the President and the PM’s, with whom Adam had spoken, had less impact than hoped. The fears and anxieties of the unknown had taken over worldwide and outrageous claims and scenarios proffered by governments and heads of state, religious orders and conservative thought leaders were believed without a shed of evidence.

  Hana and Alana said this was even worse than they imagined. The Gens and the Nobilus Magnus began to think it was a grave mistake to reveal themselves.

  Adam smiled and said not to worry, nothing would happen. Nobody would die, and all would be revealed. They would attend the UN for a speech to the world in less than two weeks, while the work in Paraiso for this aftermath continued. Only Adam seemed calm, and those closest to him did not understand why.

  “Hana, I think it best that we send out daily messages to the world of peace and brotherhood, even i
f we convince no one else. They must be prepared for what is to come.”

  Alana, Misti and Noki joined Adam, as did Kendra and the Ladies. “Why are you so calm. They’re coming for us. They’ll kill you and Hana at the UN or they’ll arrest and detain you.”

  “I think not. And I don’t think you believe they can in any event. Niona and Fionna will take us to the UN, Hecate and Kendra will act as body guards and Tar and Orsin will also attend. At the conclusion of the speeches, we will all come home and await reaction. You will not worry about attack; Paraiso is invisible and its protections impenetrable. We may need to bring our Wildmen up for a few days for their own protection, but they can play on the surface above the City and remain unharmed.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “I am. I have my wives, family and friends with me here. I have fulfilled the tasks given to me by God, not Liara. I have Hana and the blessings of God to guide me. I am content. You should be too.”


  The days between the Announcement and the upcoming speech at the United Nations were busy with meetings with the Wildmen, the leadership of the Gens Collective and other Gens clans, and the remaining leadership of the Nobilus Magnus. A few human leaders were brought in too, but none of the leadership of any of the groups represented were happy with the discussions, and much shouting could be heard coming form the Great Hall. Only Adam and Hana were permitted to attend, although Tar, Orsin, Kendra and occasionally Misti sat outside to keep order. No one feared for Adam’s safety, though all feared that a radical might attempt to hurt or kill Hana. Adam assured his worried entourage that no harm would come to Hana while he lived; unfortunately to most who loved Adam, they were afraid every day that Liara would scuttle Adam’s plan in its infancy, kill all who resided on Earth, and be done with the whole mess.

  They were not wrong.

  Liara was in mortal fear now of the discovery of her own plans by the wrong beings, which included just about all Immortals, junior and senior; this fucking Gens Princess and Adam now held the keys to her undoing. She wanted the female Gens dead, but with the purging of her spies and allies, she had no ability to eliminate the problem without causing even more unnecessary damage. She needed to strengthen her own backbone and resolve and wait out the time remaining. When Adam was done at the UN and the peoples of Earth accepting the new reality, Liara would move the date of Adam’s demise up to just weeks after the accords the three species would sign were completed. That would be no more than two weeks, so Adam would be dead in less than a month. She would eliminate this new female at the same time. Hana would travel to the Manor with Adam; Hecate would kill them both. If Hecate failed, Liara would do the job; she had freed herself from the bonds of only “creating”. She was now also ‘Liara the Destroyer’ come back to life.


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