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Page 107

by Douglas E Roff

  They continued walking, Adam still clearly disappointed and troubled. Hana stopped, just out side the Cathedral, stepped in front of Adam.

  “I am always here for you, even if we are the last two beings on this unappreciative planet. I am hopeful that this is a discussion and ‘post mortem’ on what to do to improve the future of our project; I just don’t think that is why we are here. We need to be prepared to collect our Immortals, take whoever is willing to come with us, go off on our own somewhere quiet and get to work. You had two weeks to live after Paulo’s death, then a year then six months, and now probably even less. Time is fleeting if the rest of the plan is not set in motion, and if some tangible results are not shown; otherwise, none of this will be of any consequence. I will proud and honored to die in your arms together with Niona when Hecate completes her final task.”

  Adam smiled and said, “I shall ask your advice more and be more open to your guidance about important matters. You are, above all, wise and thoughtful. I have become accustomed to chatter, but not a lot of thoughtfulness for many years now. But, now I finally have you. What we have done had to be done, done now and done in that manner we did it. It’s not over. The forces arrayed against us are not just military assets, but covert operations designed to take us down in our infancy and from within. At least with war we know who’s looking across ‘no man’s land’ and who is on the sidelines.”

  He started to turn, then turned back to Hana. Adam kissed her.

  “Now we go in together and face these grumblers.”


  When Hana and Adam first stepped into the Chamber, the collection of over two hundred parties of all species were huddled together at a distance from the entrance, as if this was to be a quiet discussion away from public ears. Most watched carefully as Adam and Hana made their way in to the center of the main lecture hall.

  Edward said, “Glad you could make it today son. We have bad news, good news and news. Which do you want to hear about first?”

  Adam looked at his Dad quizzically, “If I said, ‘good news’, would it actually be ‘good news’, or just less ‘bad news’.”

  “The good news is good, the bad news not so bad, and the news just something for you to consider.”

  “OK. Good news first, then bad news, then news.”

  “The good news is that a cancerous treason has been discovered, identified in all particulars, and awaits your decision on what to do next.”

  “Cryptic, but go on.”

  “The bad news is your most trusted colleagues in the science and tech community have likely abandoned and betrayed you while fewer than a third are still completely on board with your goals and actions to date. At least that’s what we think at present. I hope this part is wrong and we have overestimated the numbers of staff involved, and extent of their duplicity.”

  “And the news?”

  “We have a PR exercise on our hands. The Gens and Nobilus are uneasy about the rollout so far. They seem to think that we lifted our skirts and got nothing in return.”

  “We went to war and defeated our enemies and now have treaties in place to protect our peoples. We have free reign to build our cities and continue our work to save the planet. What more do they want?”


  “Well, they get what I get. No more no less. Our people need to stop relying on the Manti and start figuring out a way to win the future. I won’t be here much longer; the City needs to get involved and quit acting like entitled children. There will be more losses before we have our final resolution. Tell them to get ready.”

  “You need to tell them; to reassure them. Now is not the time for scolding or arbitrary decisions on your part. The Gens and Nobilus have been hiding for millennia; now they are out. This was your decision. Humanity has not opened its arms; it has armed for conflict. That conflict may not be armies and governments. It may instead be that the “well armed militias” don’t listen to governments and act on their own instead. Or violence may come from small communities, towns or any other aggregation of humans. Sporadic violence is being reported everywhere as old feuds are being settled and recriminations abound all in the name of species purity. Not sure how we stop the drip, drip, drip of isolated violence.”

  “And these are all episodes of human on Gens, or human on Nobilus violence?”

  “No, but in the name of such violence, yes.”

  “Just an excuse?”

  “Yes, but transformed Gens are being caught up the violence, even though they cannot be detected. It’s madness in the name of security.”

  “I’ll speak to our people and ask Fionna and Niona to get the message out, Immortal style. Hana, can you work with the teams and the Immortals to craft my message. Make it simple, and ask patience and forbearance while we settle fears of the unknown. For all sides.”

  “Consider it done,” said Hana. “There’s more.”

  Chapter 51

  Adam said, “Now, what’s all this about treason and betrayal in the ranks? Who are we talking about?”

  Alana said, “Beata and I, along with Verna, Lia and Fionna, have been tracking attempts to circumvent our email and telephone quarantine system. We have participated in a deception to draw out and establish what key staff at the Tech Center have been planning, who is involved, and who is supportive, if not active. While the group has been cagey, we have reason to believe that most department heads, led by Enoch Riley, are involved in the plot to copy, send and turn over our IT, tech and biology to the US Federal government. Even foreign-born staff is in on the plan provided that their governments, and they, get a slice of the pie. We have led them to believe through phony correspondence that they will all be rich and protected, and welcomed home as patriots and heroes.”

  “We must move now then to stop this in its tracks.”

  “Agreed, but we don’t know the extent and identities of everyone who’s involved. We need to plug this leak, with finality, and see what’s left of our organization to carry on.”


  Cindy and Bella both agreed, “Immortal interrogation of all staff at Tech. It’s the only way, assuming that the staff cannot hide what they know and have agreed to amongst themselves. We need to move fast and get started rebuilding with those still loyal and willing.”

  Adam looked at his two friends, “I thought we didn’t approve of mind incursions. I seem to recall when you both said that when I wanted to do the same thing, it was rape.”

  Bella said, “And in that case, it would have been rape to enter the minds of the unwilling to probe for unknown information. None of your targets had then done anything wrong and were not suspected of any wrongdoing; it was just your expedient way of rooting around for information you thought might be there. With no safeguards. These folks are planning what amounts to our deaths along with theirs. This is betrayal and treason. We must distinguish between the gratuitous and the needful. These are our enemies, and we must catch them all. One hundred percent.”

  “Then, no time like the present. You Immortals go on ahead; we’ll join you as soon as we have backup.”

  Adam paused, “Fionna? You and sisters know what to do?”

  “We do. We’ll meet you there.”


  Misti was not involved in the whole Paraiso fiasco having instead been away in DC following the UN speech and the war debacles. She had remained in contact with Vasquez, the Congressmen she held captive on the day she was making the point to stop trying to kill her and her family. Though the conspiracy had been hatched on the Republican side of he ledger, not all Republicans on the Committee were knowingly involved and one notable Democrat had scandalously been bought off. Misti wanted to visit the Congressman to get his take on the UN incident and war, and to ask his help in designing a better approach to the problem. Since he was unaware of the full consequences of what was at stake, but was aware that Misti had powers that were not of this Earth, he was not only willing to meet with her, but was willing
to help. They had stayed in touch and he was aware of much that was going on, just not all, and just not some of the most important parts.

  Misti told the Congressman “We have Barack, Tony Blair and Justin Trudeau on our side working the phones, but they are three and we need an army. We need a better strategy moving forward, but Adam’s approach has not been foolish. It was planned with full knowledge it would not be believed, at least not right away, and that Adam would be cast as a delusion psycho. The full story had to get out, much like ripping the band aid off the wound and then dealing with the consequences later. You should know that if we do not make sufficient progress within the year, one of the lesser Immortals will destroy this planet. Adam is trying at all costs, money, reputation and life to get humanity on track to save ourselves.”

  “Is there anything we can do right now,” he said, “that is tangible and can lend credibility to his entire story? The whole story? Something we can do to help people in desperate need, while at the same time keeping the powerful quiet and isolated through threat of force?”

  “Yes. I can guarantee both. And immediately.”


  “Sir, you might want to sit down for this one. Actually, for several things.”

  “I’m seated.”

  “Adam, my husband, will die very soon. At least that’s what we all suspect. The UN speech and the war seem to have not succeeded in bringing humanity around to full cooperation.”

  “I thought we had a year?”

  “We do, but not my husband. He made a deal with an Immortal that once certain problems were cleaned up, the world was put back on its intended course, and a plan for the three species to find a way forward, he had to promise something in return for her not to destroy the planet anyway.”

  “Which was?”

  “In return for her forbearance from ending all life on the planet, Adam agreed to let himself be put to death. Ritually and within a time frame set by that Immortal. His time is getting close. He’s got a few months, maybe longer. Or maybe a week. I just don’t know and neither does he.”

  “If he solved this problem, why would this being do such a thing? And I thought this being was the ‘Creator’ not a destroyer.”

  “A couple of things.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “She will not destroy anything, but others under her control will. And Adam was irrevocably tasked with an assignment to destroy over ninety percent of the population of the world then to become its hereditary, despotic ruler. He said no. There had to be a way to do what this Immortal needed done, but without this extreme remedy. For some reason, unknown to Adam, Liara wanted him to rule the planet under her authority and guidance. She told him if he could accomplish this otherwise, everyone lives, but if he fails, everyone dies. She was clearly unhappy with my husband’s more circuitous solution. Adam is endowed with special powers to carry out his complex duties; so am I. We have three Immortals on our side who can enter minds and discover anything. And I do mean anything. With these three Immortals, there are no secrets.”


  “None; not even yours.”

  “I don’t think I have many secrets. Maybe one that should not get out.”

  “Tell me.”

  “I do have a crush on you. Just a crush; you know, married, three kids, wonderful wife and family. But it doesn’t hurt to think about what might have been had lives crossed paths earlier. Does it?”

  “No, I don’t think it does. You’re a good man, a faithful husband and a good father. I shall reward you with gifts you may need. But, for the moment, what do you need from us? I mean right now”

  “I need to give you two lists. One is a list of powerful men who are vulnerable and who I can manipulate with the right intel. Video would be nice. I’ll tell you who and what; you get me the proof.”

  “And the other?”

  “I will give you a list of everything I think humanity needs right now; you will tell me everything you can do, and how long it will take. We have a week to organize our pitch. Then we need your projected plan and results; then your husband will need to go on tour to demonstrate both carrot and stick. I get that we have little room to bargain for now, but we need to show upside benefits to the world, not just a downside it doesn’t even believe is possible. They hardly even believe in global warming yet; believing in cryptids and Immortals is way beyond climate change. I will make the arrangements and we may have to engage in a minor amount of deception and extortion, but nothing bad. Can we do that?”

  “We can.”

  “Will I ever see you again?”

  “Perhaps, but I am going to leave you with something. When you’re alone or troubled and need inspiration, just think of me, and I will be with you. Then in our minds, we will explore what might have been.”

  “Your husband?”

  “Has many wives, two Immortal, and gives me a lot of freedom to entertain myself. Nothing physical allowed with men, but this, this definitely is not physical and is definitely allowed. And let’s just say he’d probably like to watch.”

  “Unusual man.”

  “The love of my life; no man has ever existed like him before and no man will ever exist like him after he’s gone. I can’t speak for any other woman, but to me, he is perfection.”

  “Then let’s make him proud. Let’s make his dream come true.”


  Kendra said, “Let’s go to the Labs and see what damage has already been done. We need to see how many loyal scientists and techs are left.”

  The Immortals were already in the Labs when Adam arrived. The sight of so few mortals, even with military backup, and three Immortals seemed paltry when compared to the hundreds of Lab techs, scientists and senior managers assembled in the giant conference room. Still Adam felt that not everyone was present, so he sent Hecate to scout the Lab; she informed him that around one hundred more managers, techs and scientists were locked away in a few back offices and another large conference room, led, apparently, by a bespectacled wisp of a girl whose name tag read “Patsy”.

  Adam was told that Patsy was barking out orders, organizing the assembled scientists and techs, instructing them on what to do immediately once they got out, assuming that Adam had not been fully betrayed or murdered by the traitors. Hecate had entered her mind to divine her true purpose and found that she was loyal and wanted only to help. Hecate discovered that Patsy feared she did not know how, or even what to do now, so Hecate whispered encouragement into her mind, appeared before her and told her to be brave; help was on the way.

  When Adam, his wives and guards entered the room, the Enoch Riley stepped forward.

  “We came here to do serious work for a serious project and now we find out that you have wasted our time and probably destroyed our careers. The UN fiasco and this stupid war were never things we bargained for. We are in a massive amount of danger from our own government which probably thinks we’re terrorists too. We must act to protect ourselves, our country and the world – from you.”

  “So, this is all about you, is it? You have no understanding of the significance of this work is or how it could affect our planet. What’s the real story here?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “I think you and your colleagues assembled here today always had it in mind to steal this tech, science, materials and software, patent these things yourselves and sell licenses to all comers, including the military. You would become wealthy beyond imagination as application after application was developed, materials enhanced and software to make anything the mind could imagine. And you folks here would own and operate it.”

  “That’s crazy. Nobody here thinks that way. We have all signed non-disclosure agreements. We’re worried about a madman with dangerous tech that should, by rights, be in the hands of the United States government.”

  “But the whole shebang is not patented or copyrighted. Once the tech is out, there is no legal redress to keep our secrets secret again. Governments an
d industry could just ignore our rights and use them anyway. Our non-disclosure agreements with you would be meaningless. You and your group would still prosper immensely in the negotiations for the release of the IP. You would likely earn billions and billions of dollars and you wouldn’t even have to work. Just give it to industry, the Feds and DARPA, then sip cocktails somewhere on a beach. The money would pour in every year.”

  Hecate materialized. “You’re right boss. He’s the ringleader with all sorts of plans and companies, banking and finance lined up. And, oh by the way, he figured out a way to fuck his co-conspirators out of their share of the loot. They were all in on it. The ones tied up or locked up in back refused his offer and are loyal to you. We should go back and let the loyalists out. Some need medical attention.”

  Adam did not take his eyes off the assemblage in front of him.

  “Go guys. Niona, Hecate and I have some work to do here. Give us thirty minutes to do our work, then bring the loyalists and Patsy to me. I seriously want to meet her and thank her.”

  Hecate came over to Adam before the three left.

  “I was in Patsy’s mind; she has a crush on you, so be nice and be careful with her. She’s shy and introverted. The people she’s with are dedicated, so make sure you thank more than Patsy.

  “I wish everything was this easy.”

  “It’s not, but what you need to do, you can. And be generous with your time with this group who love and respect you, and you will be rewarded. The women all have the same idea, so be extra special attentive to what they really desire.”

  “Frilly dresses?”

  “Not exactly.”

  Chapter 52

  The men and women who had been in the conference room, those who were plotting to steal the secrets of Paraiso and the City of Light, were gone when a little over one hundred scientists, techs, engineers and others were led back into the large conference room. They looked around expecting to see the head of the Lab, their managers and bosses, and others who wielded great power within the structure and hierarchy of the Lab system. They weren’t even sure they still had jobs.


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