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Sweet Nightfall

Page 2

by Kathryn Vegas

  Sitting back in her scrubs, hair in a ponytail with no make up on, she knew because of her age she had carte blanche to flirt with this young man. He was as nonthreatening as a puppy and just as adorable.

  Adam put the car in drive, “What do you do that you’d be leaving this early in the morning? Looks deserted.”

  “I work in the sleep clinic so it’s the end of our shift right now. We work from seven at night and we try to get out by six thirty but sometimes our patients are slow pokes in the morning. Luckily my patient was ready to get going right away.” Sara explained.

  “An almost 12 hour shift? That must be rough. How’s working in a sleep clinic?” Adam asked. He pulled out of the parking lot.

  “Boring. I stay up all night watching people sleep on surveillance like a creep. But I work alternating 3 or 4 nights a week. On the flip side 3 or 4 days off a week is pretty nice. How’s Ubering?”

  “It’s not bad…” The first bars of “Lump” by The Presidents of the United States of America rocked from the sound system. Adam’s hand jutted out immediately and turned it up.

  “Haven’t heard this in forever! I love this song! Did you profile me and choose a 90’s alternative station?” She laughed and couldn’t help herself but start in, “She’s lump. She’s lump. She’s in my head.”

  Adam came in right with her, both knowing every word. They sang in unison to Sara’s surprise.

  “You know this one?” Sara questioned.

  He kept on singing so she joined back in. Their duet was in perfect harmony. They were laughing by the end.

  “That was awesome!” Sara laughed. “How did you ever hear that song enough to memorize it? You must have cool parents!”

  Adam dodged the question, turned the sound back down and said, “There’s nothing better than the Presidents.”

  “I really need to download that album for my daughter’s Ipad.”

  “How old is your daughter?” Adam continued the small talk as he maneuvered through the empty streets. Morning traffic had yet to begin. He took the freeway.

  “She’s sixteen. She has my car when she stays with her dad. Hence my need for you.”

  Sara’s attention was drawn to his broad muscular shoulders, his long arm still stretched across to the passenger headrest. His profile was masculine with a chiseled jaw line. He smelled good too.

  Mmmm, what a hottie .

  Their eyes met in the rearview mirror. His green eyes were the color of peridot in sunlight. A jewel like green she’d never seen anyone have before. They shimmered in the light of the passing streetlamps.

  Oh my… her mouth went dry.

  “I bet you’re a real lady killer? How many girlfriends do you have?” Sara joked.

  “Only four or five.” He winked at her in the mirror.

  Oh man, I bet he’s gay . She felt disappointment. This guy could have any man he wanted.

  Adam continued, “In fact I went on a horrible date a few nights ago. This woman never put down her phone. She had a lot of followers I guess that needed to know what she was doing at all times. I’m not sure why.”

  Hmmm scratch that, not gay . Sara was inexplicably relieved.

  “Oh man, what a dumbass. If I was on a date with a boy like you I would be all eyes.” She winked back at him in the rearview mirror.

  Oh my god, am I really trying to cougar it up with this kid?!

  Fuck it. He’s too cute not to. I’ll never see him again.

  Adam smiled, “Thanks. Obviously, she was not as intrigued… but maybe her live tweet of our date was to imply that she was… I can’t be sure.” In a perfect impersonation, “Umm but like yeah like I have like 10,000 followers on my IG account and like my friend has like 25,000 but for real she paid for them. Seriously! Just like trying to be better than me but like my followers are all legit.”

  Sara burst out laughing, “Oh my god! I can picture her. I’m sorry to laugh. That sounds horrible.” She tried to make her face have a more serious expression.

  He took the next exit off the freeway.

  If only I was 22…

  “She was horrible. I spent four hours with her. I’m pretty sure I became dumber myself by the end of the evening.”

  “You might have to buy a limo for your Ubering future.” Sara laughed at her Dumb and Dumber reference.

  Adam turned around quoted Lloyd Christmas, “This isn’t my real job you know. My friend Harry and I are saving up money to open up our own pet store.”

  Sara was speechless for a second as she realized he got her joke and one-upped her. She cackled. Adam smiled at her and turned back around to watch the road. They entered her neighborhood. The ride was coming to an end too quickly.

  “You seriously just quoted Dumb and Dumber to me? You are the best Uber driver I’ve ever had.” She was still chuckling. “Were you even born yet when it came out? You seriously must thank your parents for making you so cool.” Back to referencing the movie Sara continued, “You want to hear the most annoying sound in the world?”

  “Always,” Adam immediately answered.

  “OMG like she totally copies me. Every time I post a selfie she posts one like three seconds later. It’s like ridic how much she wants to be me.” Sara copied his earlier impersonation to a T.

  Adam couldn’t help but laugh at her spot-on mimicry. “Yep, that is the most annoying sound in the world. Looks like we’ve reached our destination.”

  Sara thought she heard disappointment in his voice but she dismissed it for wishful thinking.

  Adam pulled into Sara’s driveway. Her house was a quaint little bungalow with a front yard. The porch was decked out for Christmas. Her lights twinkled in the darkness of the winter morning.

  “Your house is both charming and festive.” Adam said

  “Thank you! As you can tell I’m a big fan of Christmas.”

  She felt a pang of sadness that the ride was over. That was the most fun conversation she’d had with a stranger ever. Plus, he was a handsome devil. She tried to memorize everything about him to be able to tell her daughter later. The vehicle came to a stop and he put it into park. Adam turned in his seat with a smile on his lips. Sara put her hand up and rested it on his firm, manly shoulder.

  “That was fun. Thank you.” She opened her car door and exited.

  “Yes, it was. Hope you have a great day and if you ever need an Uber again, I hope I’m available.” Adam said out of his rolled down window.

  “Me too!” She gave him one last smile, shaking her head at her own whimsical thoughts. “So dreamy,” she whispered.

  Chapter Four

  Strong muscled arms wrapped around her body lifting her off the ground. She wrapped her limbs around his neck and waist. His hard cock enters her and fills her completely. His green eyes locked with hers…

  OH god yes, that’ll do it!

  Sara held herself completely still and enjoyed the delicious build up. She sighed heavily as she let the throbbing between her legs pulse for as long as possible.

  Oh thank you, Uber!

  She smiled to herself. She felt satisfied and refreshed. She had napped after work for a couple hours and woke up to memories of green eyes. She could not resist a little midmorning masturbation.

  “What a specimen. Damn.” Sara sighed.

  What she wouldn’t give to be rich cougar material. She heard the front door unlocking, quickly clicked off her vibrator and threw it into its hiding place. She jumped to her feet and readjusted herself in the mirror. Sara looked into her flushed face and bright eyes and smiled. She walked out of her bedroom, down the hall toward the living room and entryway.

  “Mom, I’m home!”

  Sara walked around the corner, “Hey honey! How was Dad’s?” They gave each other a welcoming hug.

  “Good. Dad and Ben went out so I babysat. They came home at two in the morning. Really giggly.” Hazel raised her eyebrows up and down and laughed.

  “Oh that’s great! Shawn needed a date night.” Sara said. Sara
and Hazel’s dad Shawn had been best friends for twenty years. “How were your sisters?”

  “Hellions those two, but they are so damn cute!” Hazel exclaimed. “Dad said to tell you that you owe him a cocktail and he wants to start living life again. The twins are a little less needy now and I’ve also proven myself to be such a good babysitter.” They walked together to Hazel’s bedroom.

  “How much is he paying you?”

  “Ten bucks an hour.” Hazel smirked.

  “Nice!” Sara put a hand up for a high five. Hazel obliged. Sara plopped down on her daughter’s bed after knocking random teenage debris onto the floor to make room. “I need to stay up the rest of the day to get back on schedule. You want to go shopping with your new found wealth?”

  “Of course I do. I can drive.”

  “Oooo we can get our Santa picture!” Sara exclaimed. Hazel rolled her eyes. It was a tradition that they took their picture with the mall Santa every year. No matter how old Hazel got.

  Sara’s eyes brightened, “Oh my god that reminds me. I swear this morning my Uber driver was the absolute best-looking guy I’ve EVER seen! Hazel. EVER!” Sara was very excited about this topic.

  Hazel couldn’t help but giggle, “For real, Mom?”

  “For really real! I didn’t see him stand up but he was tall. His shoulders took up half the front of the car! He had these eyes…” Sara got animated.

  “Mom!” Hazel laughed.

  “No Hazel for real. He had these sexy green eyes and his face! That face…” Sara trailed off like she was in a daydream.

  “I’ve got to see this Uber man!”

  “You would die. It was seriously like being driven by a movie star. He knew my kind of music.” Sara stated.

  “What?” Hazel didn’t follow.

  “90’s music!” Sara nodded. “We totally busted out Lump, duet karaoke style.”

  “Busted a Lump?” Hazel had no idea what her mom was talking about.

  “Oh my god child, give me your phone. I’m downloading the album for you right now. This guy must have had amazing parents and I’ve been a real failure having never made you listen to The Presidents of the United States of America!”

  “Mom, you’re so weird.”

  “Yeah, I know. It’s my thing.” She scrolled through iTunes, found what she was looking for and clicked purchase. “OK, there. Now your life will finally be complete and I can take back my Mother of the Year award.”

  “Thanks. I’m sure I’m going to enjoy this Lump thing.” Hazel shook her head skeptically.

  “You will, I promise. Oh that boy though, UGH! Heartthrob.” Sara fell back onto Hazel’s pillow, her eyes unfocused.

  “This is the first crush I’ve ever seen you have. I mean like not a movie star but regular person in real life crush.” Hazel contemplated.

  “I wouldn’t stand a chance with that ‘regular person.’ He was out of this world. Way too young for an old lady like me.” Sara responded.

  “You could turn cougar, Mom.” Hazel’s face turned thoughtful. She got excited about this idea. “When we go shopping today we’re buying you cheetah print EVERYTHING!”

  “Cheetah print?” Sara’s brow dropped confused.

  “Yes, it’s like cougar dress code or something.” Hazel replied.

  “Okay, so you’re the expert on cougar dress code?”

  “Did you rate your ride?” Hazel asked.

  “Oh shit I forgot.” Sara pulled out her phone and opened the Uber app. It had a little picture of Adam. “Awww,” She sighed. “He’s so adorable!” Sara showed the screen to Hazel.


  “I know, right?!!” Sara exclaimed. “Five stars for sure! There’s a leave a compliment option with choices, I’m going to click Great Conversation . It asks if I want to write a thank you note… Should I???”

  “Yeah, you should!”

  “What should I say?”

  “You are super hot and thanks for the ride?”

  “Umm no.” Sara contemplated her options. “You were a very nice young man?”

  “No mom that’s a grandma thank you note.”

  “Ugh! Maybe I should skip it.”

  “No! Leave a note. Don’t overthink it.”

  “What about, ‘Thanks for the fun duet and hope you have enough for that pet store soon.’” Sara typed as she talked it out.

  “What pet store?” Hazel shook her head.

  “It was a joke we shared.” Sara said in a dreamy voice. She clicked submit. “Let’s go. I feel the mall calling.”

  Sara hopped up and went to her bedroom to get ready.

  Sara’s bedroom was feminine. She had a flair for making things pretty. She checked herself in the dresser mirror, looking into her own eyes for a moment. She smiled but noticed the lines it made on her face. She leaned in closer and felt a pang of sadness.

  Sara’s smile faded as she noticed each flaw and the evidence of age. She had always been a pretty woman. She never really felt ugly or let herself dwell on such things. She had didn’t have a problem with low self-esteem. She was confident about how fun she was as a friend and how she took care of everyone’s needs. But now examining herself so closely was turning her normally joyful face into one she did not recognize. She leaned in even closer.

  Am I pretty anymore? She noticed the gray in her hair.

  When was the last time I dyed my hair?

  She zoned in on her unkempt eyebrows.

  How long have these been like this?

  “I must need glasses,” she said to herself and tried to smile. Sara hadn’t put herself first in sixteen years.

  “Why don’t I take the time to spruce you up?” She asked her reflection.

  “What?” Hazel asked from the bedroom door.

  “I’m just thinking when was the last time that I took the time and effort to spruce myself up? I’ve felt stuck thinking and accepting I could never find a good man being the age I am. Men my age are married, or if single, date women a decade younger. Men in their fifties think they can date women in their thirties. And I’m about to age up into the forties. I just accepted those things as facts letting myself stay in my comfort zone. I say I don’t want to be lonely anymore but have I really been putting the vibe out to the universe that I’m available?”

  “Honestly, no Mom.”

  “If I ever want to attract a soulmate I need to be the best version of myself first and get out there” Sara nodded to her own epiphany. “And why haven’t you told me my eyebrows are a disaster?!”

  Hazel straight faced. “I thought you knew and didn’t care.”

  “What kind of daughter are you?”

  “A shit one I guess.” Hazel said.

  “And your dad?! Calling himself gay and letting the mother of his child go around with caterpillar eyebrows!”

  Hazel could not stop laughing.

  “Grab your coat you ungrateful brat.” Sara laughed shaking her head.

  Chapter Five

  Shawn didn’t knock. He used his key to open Sara’s front door and swung it open to dramatically announce his arrival.

  “Sara, I’m here! I know, I’m 30 minutes late so you have to be ready. Let’s go!”

  “I’m ready!” Sara announced and strolled around the corner waiting for Shawn’s reaction.

  “What the fuck?!” Shawn exclaimed in surprise. He automatically started nodding and walking around her appraising the new outfit and hairdo. “Yes! Yes! I love it!” Sara twirled around and Shawn clapped appreciatively.

  “Thank you. Thank you.” Sara posed and cocked her head sexily. She started laughing. Hazel was behind her smiling.

  “Doesn’t she look great?!” Hazel exclaimed, walking over to give her Dad a hello hug. They stood arm in arm contemplating Sara, looking at her with their matching brown eyes. “I picked out the cheetah print camisole.”

  “It’s just the right amount of animal print. A little goes a long way,” Shawn stated approvingly. Sara’s new jeans flattered he
r long legs and hugged her butt just the way they should. The form-fitting jacket revealed a small amount of the silky camisole. “I can tell you didn’t go to your normal discount store for those jeans. They are hot. Hmmm new pumps too. Nice!” Shawn paused for a second making a decision, “I’m not taking you to a gay bar tonight.” He made it a statement.

  “But I love our place.” Sara said sticking out her bottom lip. “Everyone will love my new outfit.”

  “Yeah they’ll love it. They’ll give you lots of compliments but they will not want to take it off you.” Shawn explained. “I heard all about your shopping spree and epiphanies from Hazel.” Shawn exchanged a look with Hazel. “We’re going somewhere with straight dudes tonight. Let’s get your feet wet and maybe some other parts too. If we’re lucky.” He winked.

  “Eww Dad, I don’t wanna hear about Mom’s wet parts! Jeez!” Hazel groaned.

  “Go to your room then.” Sara and Shawn said in unison. They looked at each other and laughed.

  “I will.” Hazel pretended indignation and stomped off smiling.

  Sara laughed after her daughter and turned back to Shawn. “I miss you living here.” She stated.

  “I know, honey. I miss it too.” Shawn said with a sad smile as he put an arm around her shoulders.

  Shawn and Sara had lived together and raised Hazel until she was ten years old. Then Shawn met Ben, the love of his life, and moved on. Sara never moved on. She had been comfortable in their arrangement. When he left, she delved further into motherhood and work. He had been her roommate since the first day of college. They had become adults together.

  Hazel was an accident. On a particularly lonely night after months of them both being single with no end in sight, they sought comfort in each other. They drank way too much that night. It had never happened before or after. Shawn liked to say that he blacked out and remembers nothing. Sara lets him say that. She always told the story that the fates were involved because Hazel was meant to be theirs. They both accepted Sara’s pregnancy and created a beautiful, loving home for Hazel. She became their life.


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