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Men of All Seasons Box Set

Page 6

by R. W. Clinger

  “Something may have worked. I’m not sure it was that, though.”

  Cameron chuckled. “Look, we already knew we were good in bed together. I just wanted a little something more. I was thrilled you asked me here tonight. I wouldn’t have missed it for the world, just so you know. You’ve always had a soft spot in my heart. I’m not going to lie about that. I’m sorry I’ve never made it a point to reach out to you sooner, but…”

  “Tell me why you’re intimidated by me,” Stone said.

  Cameron shrugged. “There are lots of reasons why. You’re a little older than me and wiser. You’re successful, and you have a positive name in the community. Everybody who’s anybody in this town knows you. No one has ever questioned your integrity. You intimidate me, and probably other guys.”

  Stone chuckled. “That’s absurd. You shouldn’t be. I’m no better than you.”

  Again, Cameron lowered his head to the floor and said, “I think that’s wrong. You’re better than me and always will be. I don’t stand a chance with you. That’s how I’ve always felt, including this evening. We can mess around and have quickies, but never share a real relationship. Life isn’t going to work out for us that way.”

  “Jesus,” Stone whispered. “You make me sound horrible. And you make me feel like one of Robert Riley’s villains in one of his books.”

  Cameron lifted his head, showing tears at the corners of his eyes. “I don’t mean to. I’m only being honest with you. I said I’d tell you the truth. This is how I feel, Stone. This is the real me.”

  Stone placed his drink on the counter and moved up to Cameron. He reached out to the man and took him in his arms, squeezing. He kissed the top of the man’s head and whispered, “I’m not better than you. I don’t shine any brighter. You’re drawing your own conclusions about me. I’m a simple man if you want to know the truth, Cameron. I’m just like you and every other guy out there. Believe me when I say that. Try and believe me.”

  * * * *

  Stone should have been drunk considering all the shots he did with Cameron, but he wasn’t. He wondered how long he could keep the drinking up with his unexpected guest without becoming blitzed. The man in front of him had turned out to be a drinking machine, keeping his speech clean, crisp, and clear, and he had kept his balance. Stone felt like a lightweight drinker since he crept into the area of feeling blitzed, unable to clearly collect his thoughts, and beginning to suffer from blurry vision. Stone wondered if his comments had slipped out of his mouth without pauses, broken and choppy. A few more drinks with Cameron, and he’d have to sit down, feeling the room spin around him, welcoming him into a similar world Alice had visited in her dreamy Wonderland place. He couldn’t believe how well Cameron Phillips could hold his alcohol and remain stone sober, without any sign whatsoever of inebriation.

  “Before I forget,” Cameron said, placing his empty shot glass on the counter behind him. “I have a little gift for you.”

  Stone shook his head. “But I don’t deserve a gift.”

  Cameron stared and reached out with two fingertips, which he grazed against Stone’s chin. “Every guy I like deserves a gift from me.”

  Stone thought Cameron would lean into him and kiss him, but the guy didn’t. Instead, Cameron pulled away and pointed at Stone.

  “You stay here. Have another drink. The gift I brought for you is in the foyer. I’ll be two seconds.”

  Nodding came easy for Stone when he started to feel as if he had too much to drink. He shared a small smile, interested in Cameron, finding him sexy, alluring, and someone with a wild, but tamable, spirit. Cameron had a mind of his own, not a follower like Stone, and seemed somewhat unpredictable.

  Stone blinked a few times, decided to skip on drinking more shots, and watched Cameron quickly vanish from the kitchen. It gave Stone enough time to wonder when his guests would start arriving for the book club. Wasn’t it close to seven? It had to be just a few minutes until, or even after. Where were his readers, and why hadn’t any of them called yet, letting him know they were stuck in a snowdrift, unable to drive to his house, or trapped at home? He believed his guest list of book lovers more responsible than to blow him off without a call, text, or whatnot. After all, they were educated people with degrees from local universities, and each of them practiced fine etiquette and…

  Cameron entered the kitchen with the navy canvas bag he had carried into the house with him. He handed the bag to Stone and said, “A little something for you because I think you’re special.”

  “What is it?” Stone held the bag, feeling its light weight.

  “I should have wrapped it, but didn’t. What the heck. Go ahead and open it.”

  Stone opened the canvas bag and pulled out a hardback book. “It’s a first edition of Juxtaposition by Riley.”

  A grin appeared on his face, and he studied the book’s cover: semi-naked men in front of what looked like a military base. The book weighed almost a pound; over five hundred pages of Riley’s longest novel about two men in the military who fall in love. The pair abandon the Army and fall in love with wives, never to see each other again. One of Riley’s very few tragedies, and one of Stone’s favorite pieces by the man.

  “It’s signed,” Cameron said. “Open it up to the title page.”

  Stone listened. The author’s name appeared beneath the title in what looked like blue Sharpie. He ran a thumb over the signature and asked, “Where did you get this?”

  “I can’t tell you all my secrets, but I can tell you I got it online.”


  Cameron shook his head. “Elsewhere.”

  Stone closed the novel and started to hand it over to Cameron. “I can’t take this. I know you paid more than two hundred dollars for it.”

  “I won’t take it back. A gift is a gift. A little something for you to let you know I like you.”

  “But you don’t even read Riley.”

  “Each of us are different. We both have various interests. Take the book and think of me when you look at it. Besides, I can’t return it where I purchased it from.”

  He’s being too nice to me, Stone thought. He’s out of his mind. He’s lost his marbles. And he can’t like me as much as he says he does.

  “You look puzzled,” Cameron said. “Why is that?”

  “Because I don’t understand you.”

  “But you’ll have time for that, don’t you think?”

  Stone contemplated how to answer the man’s question. Flustered, he simply said, “I’m not really sure. What do you want from me, Cameron?”

  Cameron shrugged, raised his eyebrows in question, and replied, “Your friendship for starters, maybe a hug and a kiss. Then we can see where this goes. Don’t forget I already like you, Stone. You’re the one who maybe has to begin to like me, but only if you want to.”

  Stone slid the signed copy of the book back into the canvas bag and placed both on the counter, next to his empty drink. He turned his attention on the semi-stranger, connected his eyes with Cameron’s, and curtly said, “I have another question for you, Cameron.”

  “I’m listening. Ask me anything you want. I promise to be honest.”

  “Did you plan this evening after we were intimate at your Colonial?”

  Cameron shrugged. “Maybe. I’m not really sure. I thought about it happening like this, but I can’t say I planned it this way. Maybe subconsciously I did. Maybe not. As I said, I’m not really sure.”

  He’s telling the truth, Stone thought. I can see it in his eyes and hear it in his tone. He’s not handing me a line of a bullshit.

  Stone said, “You should kiss me now. I think it’s time.”

  Without any trepidation whatsoever, Cameron stepped forward, closed the gap between them, and kissed Stone Daye, knocking him off his feet and the man’s heart out of an imaginary baseball park.

  * * * *

  The book club members started to cancel one by one.

  Marigold Lofty told Stone she couldn’t drive her B
MW on any of the city streets, particularly across town to his residence. “Sweetie, I’m sorry, but there’s no way I can make it. I really don’t think it can snow anymore. This is the most snow I’ve seen in ages. All of it has fallen out of heaven. But, if you want, I’d be glad to Skype the event. You know I’m computer challenged, though, now that I’m over fifty, but maybe I can figure it out. It’s why my nephew, Bernard, comes and visits me every other week. He tries to keep me updated on all the new gadgets of the world. If that doesn’t work, maybe we can do Facetime. I’m not really sure how that works either. Maybe I’ll just sit and read one of Riley’s short stories. I’m a fan of his collection called Rainier Days. I know you also liked that book and are partial to…”

  Stone had forgotten what a chatter bug the woman became and cut her off. “Its fine, Marigold. No need to worry about missing the function this evening. Others won’t be coming either, I’m sure.”

  “It’s not that I want to miss the function, Stone. You’re always such a good host. One of the best. I just think it’s best I stay cozy. God knows if I get out in the storm, the BMW will get stuck in a snowdrift and…”

  “No need to worry, Marigold. Stay safe and warm in your house. Snuggle with Pudding the Puss.” Pudding the Puss just happened to be Marigold’s eight-month-old adopted Siamese cat. The two had become quite the companions, caring for each other and living a happy life together.

  “I will, Stone. Again, I’m sorry.”

  Once their conversation ended, Stone received a call from his nephew, Lance.

  Lance told him, “Uncle Stone, it doesn’t look like I can make it out to see you tonight.”

  “Are you snowbound?”

  “Yes. Of course. Like all the residents of this lakeside town. Hell has no fury like a lake’s storm.”

  “Where are you?” Stone asked.

  “Meeder’s house.”

  Joe Meeder played soccer for the Plimpton Panthers. Stone had met him over dinner at a Tai restaurant and thought the twenty-one-year-old jock adorable and pleasant to be around. Lance admired the athlete, wanting to be his boyfriend and lover. Thus far, the two men were just friends, unromantic. But in due time, Lance would eventually break down Joe’s emotional wall, and the men would kiss, have sex, and probably become boyfriends, all before St. Valentine’s Day.

  “Maybe we can do lunch tomorrow, Lance. I have early birthday presents for you,” Stone said.

  “Maybe, Uncle Stone. I’ll call you in the morning after this storm passes.”

  “We’ll talk in the morning. Take care.” Stone ended the call and hung up the phone. It was good to know Lance had been safe in the hands of Joe Meeder for the evening, protected from the bad weather. Stone thought his nephew a good kid, smart and handsome. He hoped Lance could find the man of his dreams. Something told him Meeder just happened to be that guy.

  Not seven minutes later, Conner Worthington, Stone’s best friend, called. “Did you see all the snow out there? You and I both know I can’t put my life in danger and make the drive to your house. I thought of getting Jake to drive me to your place, but he’s out drinking, spending the evening with beer and his friends. Young people are like that, you know. Always into getting drunk and laid. Both of us understand that, though, since we were once their age, of course.”

  Stone wanted to remind the man they were in their early thirties, but didn’t want to prolong their conversation because he wanted to get back to Cameron and whatever the evening had in store for the two of them.

  “You’re not the only one who has canceled,” Stone said. “It seems as if the book clubbers are dropping off like flies.”

  “Didn’t Robert Riley write a book about flies?”

  Stone chuckled. “He did. It’s called Jagged Edge. A book about the apocalypse.”

  “It won a sci-fi award, right?”

  “The Golden-Huber award. Hollywood made a movie from his screenplay. I think Matt Damon starred in it, but I can’t really remember.”

  Connor suggested, “Maybe next book club we should watch the movie and read the book for a long discussion. What do you think?”

  “Only if we live through this snowstorm. It’s a doozey out there.”

  “The snow will melt before we know it, and we can have our lives back,” Connor said, confident.

  “I presume you are correct.”

  “Life is just a vicious cycle.”

  “That it is, my friend. Again, I’m sorry I can’t make it this evening.”

  Their conversation soon ended after a short string of banter. Then Stone’s cellphone buzzed. A text from James Newfoundland, another book club member, who also canceled.

  By the end of the next half hour, seven members had declined to attend the function, unsurprisingly. Within the hour, all the members had canceled because of the snowstorm.

  * * * *

  Stone maybe realized it after Cameron did that the two of them were alone for the rest of the evening. No longer were guests coming for the evening to discuss a novel by one of Stone’s favorite authors. There were no appetizers to pass out or worries for Stone to make sure all of his guests’ beverages were filled. There were no desserts to pick at or integrated dialogue about Robert Riley’s well-constructed characters. The evening turned out to be just the two of them. Stone enjoyed Cameron’s company and whatever the rest of the night could offer them.

  Cameron allegedly thought it best to ask, “So what are two guys supposed to do when no one shows up for a party?”

  Stone chuckled. “Drink. Talk. And whatever happens…happens. I know you shouldn’t drive home, though. It’s snowing more, and the wind has picked up. To tell you the truth, I’m sure it’s more dangerous out there than in here, alone with me and how I feel about you.”

  “Come here,” Cameron said, pulling Stone towards him by the back of his head, plowing his face with a hearty kiss.

  Dizzy, Stone felt the man’s tongue stray within the fold of his mouth. He closed his eyes and went along with the moment. Any voyeur would have described him as a puppet, but Stone didn’t care, positioned exactly where he wanted to be.

  When Cameron finally pulled out of the kiss, he asked, “Would you think badly of me if I ripped you out of your clothes and had my way with you?”

  Stone chuckled again, bemused, knowing exactly what had transpired between the two men and where it had currently gotten them. “Under one condition.”

  “What’s the condition?”

  “Rough me up a little. I’m kind of partial for that kind of play.”

  Cameron saluted him as if he were in the Army and said, “Let me have at it then, guy. I’ve got a lot of work to do.”

  Cordially, allowing Cameron to undress him, Stone agreed.

  * * * *

  Stone’s pounding from Cameron could not have played out any better on Stone’s bed in his upstairs bedroom. Think of an eight-point-two earthquake on the mattress as it rocked to and fro under their weight. Think of Cameron’s fully swollen erection plowing inside Stone as Cameron held the man’s legs apart. Think of…

  Stone wanted it a little rough, and that’s exactly what he received from Cameron, no holds barred. Their love making wasn’t simple, sweet, and gentle.

  On the contrary, Stone could only think while having Cameron slam his body against his own, He’s railing me like a porn star, and I’m loving it. It’s exactly what I wanted and needed from him, even if I won’t admit it to him.

  Cameron’s pounding continued for the next twenty minutes, face to face with Stone, both of them grinning wildly, entranced by the evening’s unfolding tale of lust. Stone’s ass met Cameron’s pelvis repeatedly as they slammed together, fell apart, and slammed together again. Their action unfolded in nonstop splendor, one bolt after the next, a groan, a grunt, and…

  After twenty-two minutes on the bed under Cameron’s beastly care, Stone came on his own chest without even having his cock touched. An arc of semen flew out from between his legs and fell to his sto
mach. He became drained quite easily, erupting his load, unable to keep it in any longer.

  Without any care in the world, except for the pleasure he received by his naked companion, he coached Cameron, “It’s your turn. Let your gunk fly.”

  Cameron stood, listening. He cocked his legs apart and started to jack himself off. Sweat flung off his arms and torso, landing in puddles against Stone’s abs. Cameron groaned above him, thrust his hips forward and backwards.

  “Going to burst. Get ready for a spray down.”

  “Don’t be shy, man. Let me have it.”

  The muscled man standing above Stone huffed, grinning from ear to ear. He continued to man-handle the dick between his legs, jutted his hips to and fro, and growled. Within seconds, spirals of ejaculate twirled out of his cock and splashed against Stone’s chest, pooling next to his navel and one of his pecs.

  “Nice work,” Stone murmured, half-drunk because of the moment, insane for Cameron, and longing to do what they had just accomplished all over again.

  * * * *

  Following their tirade of sex, panting side by side on Stone’s queen-sized bed, Stone said, “You’re bad, Cameron Phillips.”

  “Trust me, you’re not an angel.”

  “You got exactly what you wanted this evening. And fortunately, I was the man to give it to you,” Stone whispered, smiling in the dark next to the man who had just rocked his world.

  Cameron fingered one of Stone’s nipples, brushing its peak with slow strokes. “Something tells me you wanted it just as badly as I did.”

  “You can’t prove that.”

  Cameron kissed Stone on the forehead and then his lips. “I think I already did. Are my moves that forgettable?”

  Stone laughed, still feeling the man inside him. “On the contrary, Cameron. You railed me just the way I wanted you to. Thanks for stepping up to the plate.”


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