Book Read Free

Seduced by the Badge

Page 21

by Deborah Fletcher Mello

  Ginger shook her head. Tears suddenly filled her eyes. “You really don’t get it, do you?”

  “Get what? Help me understand!”

  “Say they do all go to jail, and then what? Do you really think you can keep him from killing me, or worse, sending me to some freak who gets off torturing me? Because I don’t trust that you can. And what happens after that? Will I end up back on the streets turning cheap tricks just to survive? Because I don’t have anything! This life might be crap, but it’s been the best thing I’ve ever known. You’re asking me to throw all of that away, for what?”

  “For the chance to make your dreams come true. For an opportunity to do better. To know what it’s like to not be a slab of meat for men to pass around and use!”

  “Aaargh!” Ginger screamed, shaking her fists in frustration. “You’re a fool to think it would be that easy!”

  “I never said it was going to be easy. I said that we could make it happen. And I promise that I will do everything in my power to help you. But you have to help me, and we’re running out of time.”

  Ginger stood staring at her. She clenched and unclenched her hands, trying to ease the tension that flooded her body. She took a deep breath and held it, the wheels in her head spinning rapidly.

  Danni reached a hand out, resting it gently against her shoulder. “Do this for you, Ginny. And for the other girls. They look up to you. They know how hard you work to protect them. Even Angel said that. You can be an example for them to emulate. Show them this life doesn’t have to be their future! You owe that to yourself and to them.”

  Ginger finally blew out that breath she’d been holding. “I’m scared,” she said, her voice dropping to a loud whisper.

  “I know. You have every right to be afraid. But I need you to trust me. Let me and my team help you. Please!”

  Ginger took another deep breath as she tossed the length of her red hair over her shoulder. “We need to get out of here,” she said. “As soon as I know they can’t get to us, I’ll tell you everything I know. But we need to go now!”

  Danni nodded, reaching out to squeeze the girl’s hands between her own. “Thank you.”

  “Don’t thank me yet,” Ginger said as she turned and headed up the stairs.

  Danni followed closely on her heels. She had just reached the top landing when Pie suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Rage painted his expression, and he lashed out, backhanding Ginger without warning. The girl cried out from the blow, her scream echoing loudly through the evening air. A second strike sent her reeling, falling backward down the steps as she lost her balance.

  Danni fell with her, unable to catch herself as Ginger slammed into her, bowling her over. The moment was surreal, feeling like they were moving in slow motion. She struggled to get a foothold, her petite frame taking the brunt of the trauma as she slid, thump, thump, thump, down the steps. Her body cushioned Ginger’s fall, and they both landed hard at the bottom of the steps. Danni’s head hit the concrete floor with a resounding thud, and everything around her suddenly went black.

  * * *

  As Armstrong rounded the corner, Parker stood at the door waiting for him. He met the look his brother was giving him with one of his own.

  “You good?” Parker asked as he took two steps toward him.

  “Who’s asking?” Armstrong answered.

  “Just showing a little brotherly concern.”

  “Then no, I’m not good. I’m worried about my girl, and I feel like punching the crap out of someone right now.”

  Parker smiled. “Your girl?”

  Armstrong shrugged. “I kind of like the idea of having one. That one in particular.”

  Parker slapped him against his back. “Then let’s get this over with so you can go get your girl. I also don’t need this case to end with an incident involving one of our visiting task force members.”

  “You’re joining me?”

  “Just as an observer. This interrogation is all on you, and I expect it to be by the book.”

  “Isn’t it always?” Armstrong responded with a nod.

  He walked swiftly into the interrogation room. His brother followed him. Parker moved to stand in the corner, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. He didn’t speak. Armstrong tossed him one last look, then slapped the file folder against the metal-topped table as he dropped into a seat. Tank looked up from picking at the skin along his thumb, his mouth dropping open when he recognized what was in the man’s hands.

  “Counselor.” Armstrong greeted Leslie Harper politely. She sat at Tank’s side, twisting an ink pen between both her hands. She looked less polished and very unnerved, like it had been a long day of everything going wrong that could.

  “Detective Black.” She paused as if she was waiting for him to start, then decided she needed to speak her piece first. “This is truly an outrage. My client...”

  Armstrong cut her off. “Your client has been linked to a sex trafficking ring responsible for the murders of multiple young women. A warrant was executed on his property, and we found more than enough evidence to put him away for the rest of his life.”

  The woman shot Tank a look. Her eyes widened, the information not what she’d been expecting. “You found evidence?”

  Armstrong continued. “Yes. Documenting his involvement and keeping souvenirs appears to have been one of Mr. Bryant’s favorite pastimes.”

  Tank grunted, his eyes rolling skyward. He and Armstrong locked gazes, and then he dropped his to the floor. He didn’t bother to respond.

  Armstrong opened the folder that rested on the table. He pulled the image of Crystal Moore’s dead body from inside and pushed it toward the man.

  Tank’s gaze shifted from the photo to Armstrong’s face. “I know what you’re thinking, but I didn’t kill her.”

  “Maybe you didn’t pull the trigger, but you know who did. So why don’t you save us all a lot of trouble and just tell us what you know?”

  “My client doesn’t...”

  Armstrong snapped. “Your client is a rapist and a child molester and we have his own documented proof. Video, pictures, dates and times. We also have an eyewitness statement. There is enough irrefutable evidence that will easily get him a life sentence. But if he cooperates, maybe, and that’s a slim maybe, the DA will be willing to give him a deal that will get him out of jail before his grandchildren graduate college. How old is little Bailey now? Two? Three?”

  “What are you offering?” Leslie asked.

  “I guess that all depends on your client’s cooperation. He needs to give us Pius. We know he pulled the trigger. We just need him to confirm it and testify against him.”

  “You really want to get me killed, don’t you?” Tank interjected. “Do you know what you’re asking? Who Pius is connected to?”

  “Do you know what’s going to happen when you hit the prison yard and the other inmates discover you’re an ex-cop with a penchant for little girls?”

  Tank twisted his hands together anxiously. “And if I testify, you’ll give me protection?”

  Leslie held out her hand, cutting her eyes toward her client. “We really should discuss...”

  “I need to look out for me,” Tank snapped.

  “We need to talk about this,” the woman snapped back.

  Tank shook his head. “Nah! We really don’t. I’m not your priority, and I’m not going down for his kills. That’s not going to happen. Pius can kiss my ass. I never liked him anyway.”

  Leslie visibly bristled, her face turning a vibrant shade of red. Clearly, the conversation was not going as she intended. “My client would seem to be under duress right now. He and I are going to need some time to...”

  “No, bitch! You’re fired,” Tank snapped. He looked at Armstrong. “I need another attorney.”

  Armstrong’s gaze shifted from one to the other. There w
as an awkward silence that fell around the room. Parker cleared his throat, drawing everyone’s attention. He shifted his weight from side to side, then headed in the direction of the door.

  Tank called his name.

  Parker stopped short. He turned to meet the other man’s stare. “Yeah?”

  “Sorry, partner. Had to do what I had to do,” Tank said, addressing the man directly.

  Armstrong exchanged a look with his brother. Understanding swept between them as he silently acknowledged the hurt in his sibling’s eyes. Discovering the truth about someone he’d called friend had been a serious gut punch, one that he would probably feel for months to come. Parker didn’t bother to respond, quietly exiting the room.

  “I think we’re done here,” Armstrong said to Leslie. He stood and gestured her toward the door.

  “Mr. Bryant and I need a few more minutes...”

  “Mr. Bryant, does Attorney Harper still represent your interests?”

  Tank shot the woman a look. “No.”

  “You have the right to an attorney. Do you want to exercise that right?”

  “No. I’m ready to make a statement. What do you want to know?”

  * * *

  Danni lay with her eyes closed. Despite her best efforts she couldn’t open them, her head pounding and the room feeling like it was spinning. Everything hurt, and she was afraid she would move and find something broken. She took a deep breath and then another, fighting to regain her composure. In the distance she heard footsteps and loud voices, but she was unable to distinguish who was yelling at whom or even what they were arguing about.

  Ginger had made it to her feet. A hand was pressed to the side of her face, and her legs were shaking as she braced herself against the wall. She called Danni’s name and nudged her with her foot. “Get up! You get...up!” she stammered softly. “Please...get up!”

  Danni tried to nod, opening her eyes just enough to see that she was still in the basement. Still sprawled out on the floor at the bottom of the steps. She heard herself moan, sounding like a wounded animal. The noise was deeply disturbing.

  Ginger reached down to help her. Warm hands pulled her upright, helping her to lean against the concrete wall. “You’re bleeding,” the young woman said, concern ringing in her voice. “We need to get you some help. Do you think you can get up?”

  The door to the basement suddenly swung open, light shining down over them. Danni squeezed her eyes closed and then open as she struggled to focus her gaze. Her ears were ringing, the shrill drone in her head slowly beginning to subside. She pressed a hand to the back of her head, her fingers sliding across a wide gash. Bright red blood dampened her palm. She took another deep breath.

  Pie’s feet were heavy against the wooden steps as he moved down toward the two women. He reached a tentative hand out toward Ginger, his fingertips lightly grazing the rising bruise on her face. He suddenly began to rock back and forth, cursing under his breath. “Damn, damn, damn, damn, damn...” he muttered over and over again as he slapped himself in the forehead.

  Ginger slapped his hand away. She snapped, her own rage rising with a vengeance. “Pie, I’ve told you to stop doing that. And if you hit me again I swear I will...”

  Pie snapped in response. “Shut up!”

  The redhead said between clenched teeth, “Do not tell me to shut up. I am not...”

  Carlo suddenly appeared at the top of the stairs, his hands on his hips. He stared at the lot of them but said nothing. Ginger and Pie cut an eye at him and then each other, their conversation coming to an abrupt halt.

  “What do you two think you’re doing?” Carlo yelled.

  Ginger inhaled swiftly. She was about to answer when Carlo’s phone rang. He turned abruptly to answer the call, disappearing from view. The yelling started again, the conversation more profanity and cursing than anything else.

  Pie started rocking back and forth, moving up and down between three steps. His behavior was reminiscent of a petulant child throwing a tantrum.

  Ginger shook her head. “It’s okay, Pie. Everything is okay. No one is upset with you. But Danni’s hurt. You need to help me, Pie.”

  Pie hovered above them. He shook his head. “Pius is pissed off. Really pissed off,” he snapped harshly. “I told you she was going to be a problem! Now he’s mad!”

  Ginger tossed Danni a look, a wave of desperation washing over her expression. She shook her head. “Well, I didn’t do anything,” she said, turning back to face Pie. “She was already down here when I arrived.”

  Pie snapped a second time. “Don’t tell me. Tell Pius!”

  “Just help me get her up, Pie.”

  He muttered under his breath as he moved to the bottom step, where Danni still rested. He suddenly reached down and swept her up into his arms. Moving to the cot, he dropped her, the gesture less than caring. Danni moaned again, but before she could react he snapped the handcuff around her wrist, securing her by one arm to the bed.

  “That’s not necessary, Pie,” Ginger said. She moved to one of the wall cabinets and pulled out a clean towel. Returning to Danni’s side, she pressed it to the back of her head. She eased her gently down until she was lying comfortably against the cot.

  Pie shot his friend a look. He turned, gesturing for her to follow after him. Ginger leaned to whisper into Danni’s ear. “I’ll be back,” she said softly. “I’ll try to get help as soon as I can.”

  Danni listened as their footsteps echoed across the concrete floor and back up the stairs. She opened her eyes, blinking until she could finally see clearly. Her gaze skated back and forth as her mind raced to put the pieces into place. Pie wasn’t short for Pius. Pie wasn’t the one pulling all the strings. Pie wasn’t capable of pulling any strings at all. She’d gotten it wrong.

  Chapter 18

  Danni tugged at the handcuffs, assessing her next move. The shouting and screaming upstairs had stopped and things had gone silent. She was certain they were all still up there, and she called out, hopeful that Ginger might come back down. She debated whether or not to trigger her alarm, but she wasn’t ready for that yet. She wasn’t in any imminent danger, and she still needed to tie Pius to his crimes. Despite the throbbing in the back of her head, she knew she could hold out for a little while longer. Maybe make one last play that would benefit them all. She yelled out a second time.

  The basement door suddenly swung open. Carlo paused at the entrance, then slowly made his way down the short flight of stairs. They were both watching each other warily. He moved to the computers, checking each one, then plugged a USB drive into each, watching as the hard drives began to purge their data. He paused at the last computer, nodding enthusiastically. On the screen the auction had ended and Danni’s image was flashing with a banner across it that read Sold.

  He tossed her a quick glance, his expression smug. “You just made me one point three million dollars, Danni! I think that’s well worth having to put up with your being a nuisance.”

  Danni laughed. “Is that all? I was certain it was going to be at least one point five million. Did you tell them I cook and tap-dance, too? That might have made the difference.”

  Irritated by her sarcasm, he narrowed his gaze. “You’d do well to be a little more subservient and a lot less mouthy. Your new owner likes his little girl to be obedient and quiet. Obedient and quiet means a lot less pain.”

  “Actually, Pius, I’m thinking he’s not going to be happy when you’re unable to deliver his product.”

  “Oh, I’ll deliver you. In fact, we’re going to get you cleaned up, medicate you to make the trip more comfortable and send you on your way. And I’m going to even give him credit toward his next buy since you had to go and damage the merchandise. How’s that head of yours, by the way?”

  Danni shrugged. He didn’t need to know that she had a major headache. She was fairly certain he woul
dn’t particularly care. But a handful of aspirin would have been a godsend right then, she thought. Carlo turned back to the computer, and she winced from the pain, grateful for the opportunity to not let him see her distressed. After the last computer had shut down, he turned his attention back to her.

  Danni shifted forward, eyeing him intently. “So it’s been you all this time. You let me think your brother was Pius.”

  “I didn’t let you do anything. You did that all on your own. You’re not as smart as you thought you were, little girl.”

  “Neither are you, because I’m nobody’s little girl.”

  “Oh, you’re somebody’s, and he has paid handsomely for you. His name is Hobart, but you’re probably going to call him Daddy. I hear he’s quite the barbarian when it comes to his girls. He likes them to hurt. In fact, I’m told they hurt so much that they never last long. It’s why he keeps buying them fresh and new.”

  “And the girls you hurt? I hear they don’t last long with you, either. They either get sent to the tombs or you kill them. Like Angel’s friend Crystal. They say you took her away and then she ended up dead in a Dumpster. I guess that makes you a barbarian, too.”

  He paused, reflecting on her comment. Then he shrugged again. “Crystal was a casualty of doing business. Damaged goods that needed to be weeded out from the quality merchandise.”

  “So it’s true. What the girls said about you? That you killed her and those other girls who didn’t do what you wanted?”

  “I did what needed to be done. And what needed to be done was to ensure I got my money when I was supposed to get my money. Now, we are finished with this conversation. Ginger’s coming down to get you ready. And you will do what she says, because if you don’t, I will hurt her. I will make sure she’s the next pretty face found in a Dumpster, and it’ll be all your fault. Is that understood?”


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