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Power Play: Upper East Side (Greisbach Academy #2)

Page 8

by Trinity Towers

  “Okay. Call me if you have any trouble.” She looked concerned.

  “Mom, it’s Manhattan. It’s not a big deal. Besides I’ll be with Damien and he always makes sure I’d safe.”

  “Then why isn’t he picking you up?”

  “Because I’m meeting him there. I’m fine, Mom.” Walking past her and her potential boy toy, I opened the closet and grabbed a black satin three-quarter-length trench, slipping it on. Opening the front door, I took a step out into the night air. It was getting colder by the day. Closing my eyes, I inhaled deeply. There was something so refreshing about the chilled night air.

  Exhaling, I opened my eyes and my gaze immediately locked onto Jaxson’s. He was standing on the top stair of his house with a duffle bag slung over his shoulder. His car and driver were sitting at the curb, waiting for him, with his driver standing in front of the open back door. The duffle bag was the same one he’d had last week. I didn’t doubt that he was heading for another fight. The thought made my pulse quicken and a flashback struck me of him getting a roundhouse kick to the head.

  I cringed.

  Jaxson descended the stairs and passed his bag to his driver before heading across the street toward me. I stood deathly still, unsure of what to do. It had been nearly a week since our confrontation at the club. I couldn’t handle another one with him. Even worse than that was him telling me it was over for good. At least by not talking to him, we were still in limbo in my mind, whether it was reality or not.

  “Hey Keira. Where are you heading?” Jaxson asked, his eyes drinking me in from head to toe.

  I had to play it cool not matter how much I wanted to throw myself into his arms and tell him how much I missed him. Crossing my arms over my chest I shrugged a shoulder. “Out for a while.”

  “You look like you’re going out on a date.” His jaw clenched. It was clear he wasn’t keen on the idea.

  “Does it matter? Besides, I’m sure Gabriel and Preston have kept you thoroughly informed on my whereabouts and what I’ve been doing. The campaign, volleyball and my mother’s restaurant has kept me pretty busy this week.”

  “I bet it has.”

  “Why haven’t you been in school?” There was a strong tension between us, not that sweet sexual tension I’m used to but something more awkward and I wasn’t entirely sure if I liked it or not.

  “I just haven’t, but I’ll be back next week. You still haven’t answered my question. You going out with that prick from the club?”

  My brow creased. Did he think I was some sort of whore that just jumped from one man to another just like that? “No. Not that it is any of your business. You’re the one that broke up with me, not the other way around.”

  He took a step toward me, anger in his gaze. “Excuse me, but I said a break, not a breakup. There’s a difference.”

  I refused to back down. His size and glare didn’t intimidate me, not by a long shot. “Either way you were perfectly clear you didn’t want anything to do with me. You were clear that our relationship was just too close and that I was smothering you. So, here’s me leaving because God forbid I take up to much of the king’s time.” As the words flew from my mouth, I wished I could take them back, but I couldn’t; I was already down the rabbit’s hole at this point.

  “That is not fair, Keira,” Jaxson growled. “You’re twisting my words and meaning and you know it.”

  Not able being able to look into his eyes another moment for fear I’d break down in tears and he’d see just how bad I was managing without him, I turned and rushed down the stairs to the awaiting Uber. Opening the back door of the car, I slipped in, quickly closing the door behind me, putting a divider of glass and steel between me and the man I loved more than anything.

  Jaxson rushed after me but didn’t stop the door from closing behind me. As our gazes locked through the window, I could see he was as conflicted as I was about our situation. I had to tear my gaze away from his because the tears were beginning to well up in my eyes. Damn it! Closing my eyes, I leaned my head back against the fabric seat.

  “Miss. Where to? Miss?” the driver said.

  My eyes snapped open and I looked to my left where Jaxson had been, despite myself. He was gone. Looking to my right, I watched him as he circled to the back of his car. Before he got in, he took one more look up and our gazes locked one last time before he broke eye contact and entered the back of the car, his driver closing the door behind him.

  “Shit,” I murmured to myself.

  “Excuse me, miss?”

  Looking straight away I saw an impatient driver behind the wheel staring at me in the rearview mirror. “Where are we going? I don’t have all day, miss.”

  “I’m sorry.” After rattling off the address I secured the safety belt around myself and leaned back into the seat again, closing my eyes. My emotions were in turmoil. I’d been praying to talk to him for a week and I’d just fucking blown the chance I had to fix things. He’d come across the street to talk to me, and instead of taking that as a sign to fix our problem and possibly get back to being the super couple of the school, I’d come off as aggressive and had torn into him like a rabid wolf.

  What in the fuck was wrong with me?

  The accusation that I was going on a date with someone else had stung. He knew I loved him. He’d been the one to take my V-card even though I knew I hadn’t been his first. Why would he think I’d just move on so quickly?

  Pulling my cell phone from my purse I turned it on and searched his name in the messages. Pulling him up I started to write a message and then realized I had no idea what to say to him. Frustrated, I tossed the phone back into my purse promising myself that I would stay strong.


  Chapter 12

  “Wow.” The Uber pulled up to the club in Brooklyn where the contest was taking place and I had to admit I was shocked at how long a line there was. From what Damien had told me it was one of the most popular LGBT clubs in New York; perhaps I should have gotten here earlier. Even more shocking was the fact that the people in line were so diverse—and colorful—both in clothing and from first glance, personality as well.

  Passing the driver enough money to cover the trip plus a tip, I exited the vehicle and surveyed the line. Damien said as his personal guest I could skip the line and go straight for the VIP line for immediate entry.

  Finding the VIP line, I pulled my special ID from my wallet and handed it to the bouncer.

  “Lacey Flint,” he said.

  I stared at him a moment before realizing that he was talking to me. Giving him the best flirty smile that I could muster, I nodded. “Yes, I’m Lacey.” My heart rate accelerated. What if he realized that mine was a fake ID? Shit, shit, shit.

  He checked my name up with the list he had on his tablet, checked a box and then passed my ID back to me. Turning from me, he undid the velvet rope behind him and waved me through. As I walked into the club it occurred to me that I was becoming quite the club hopper. Was this my life now, parties, battles with bullies, and trying to keep up with my peers? It was a far cry from my former life.

  As I made my way through the club, I found myself stopping and staring a number of times. I’m sure it was rude, but there were so many people so extravagantly dressed, it was hard not to stop and look from time to time.

  Grabbing my phone from my purse, I found Damien’s name and typed him a message.

  I’m here. Where do I go now?

  There was a five-minute lapse before I got a reply.

  Girl! It’s ’bout time! To the left of the stage there’s a door leading to the back room.

  I grimaced. I knew he’d be upset with me. I could have made a bunch of lame-ass excuses, but instead I made my way to the back of the club and through the specified door.

  Opening the door, I was surprised to see the craziness that was going on backstage. There were queens of all shapes and sizes and in all stages of dress getting ready for the show. The chitter-chatter backstage was almost as loud as
the music blaring from the main club area on the other side of the door behind me.

  It took me quite a while to find Damien and when I did finally locate him, my mouth dropped open, nearly hitting the floor. In my defense, he didn’t even look like himself. His make-up was extreme, with lashes that seemed to go on for miles, and his hair was pink! Well, not his hair, but the wig on his head. His gown was an insane, floor-length silver one.

  How in the hell did he have boobs?

  Even though I was ninety percent sure it was him, I couldn’t help but ask as I approached, “Damien?”

  “Girl, who else would I be?”

  I laughed. “I honestly don’t know. Are you Damien on stage or do you have a stage name?”

  Damien planted a hand on his waist and jutted out his hip. “It’s Queen Dee Dee.”

  My mouth dropped open for the second time tonight. “Queen Dee Dee. I’m at a loss for words.”

  “Girl, if you’re at a loss for words then why are you speaking?”

  His reply only made me laugh louder. Stepping up to him, I gave him a quick hug. “You have no idea how much I need a good time tonight. It’s been a rough evening so far.”

  As he took a step back, his perfectly lined and sculpted brows creased. “Why? What happened?”

  “Jaxson saw me leaving and came over.”

  “He wanted to get back together?”

  I chewed at my lower lip. The interaction had been a bit of a blur if I were to be honest. It had gone from slightly awkward to extremely intense and aggressive in a snap. “Well, I’m…”

  His frown deepened. “Did you even get to find out what he wanted?”

  I shifted from one foot to the other, unable to look Damien in the eye, instead opting to survey the other queens roaming round backstage. Some of the queens looked better than many women, with narrow waists and wide hips and round asses. Damn, I’d kill for glutes like those of some of the queens frantically getting ready around me.

  “Hey, Keira.” Damien snapped his fingers impatiently in front of my face. “Stop stalling. You went right into fight mode, didn’t you?”

  I groaned, brushing my hair out of my face with both hands. “Maybe…. I’m not sure. He came at me asking if I was going out on a date and I thought that wasn’t an appropriate question. He was snide. So of course I’m going to retaliate.”

  “And where exactly did that get you?” Damien looked over my shoulder. “I don’t see his majesty behind you so I’m guessing it went pretty fucking bad.”

  “I’m not just going to bow down and kiss his ass, Damien. He’s the one that was lying to me. He seems to be forgetting that part of this situation.”

  “If he didn’t want to figure it out, he wouldn’t have come to see you. Things went a little half-assed backwards but I’m sure you can pull it out if you’re both willing to put egos on the back porch and talk like normal people.”

  Planting my hands on my hips, I hit him with a hard stare. “This is the Upper East Side, Damien, no one at Greisbach Academy is normal.”

  The serious expression on Damien’s face broke and he smiled. “I suppose you’re right about that.”

  “Ten minutes ladies!” a tall, slender queen in a bridal gown with a clipboard in hand announced as she circled the room.

  A wedding dress? Kind of an odd choice. Though as I examined the rest of the queens and some of the outrageous outfits, I realized it may not have been so bizarre after all. Turning back to Damien, I smiled. “Are you ready for your big debut?”

  He reached out his hands and I took them in mine. “Can’t you feel my hands shaking honey? I’m terrified.”

  “You’ll do amazing,” I replied, giving his hands a squeeze. “Your make-up is top notch. It took me forever to recognize you.”

  “But in a good way?”

  “Totally in a good way,” I assured him. “Besides we’ve practiced your routines so much even I know them off my heart. There’s no way you’re going to lose.”

  “Good.” He gave me a hug. “There’s a seat reserved for you out front.” He nodded toward the queen in the bridal gown who was passing out numbers. “Looks like we’re about ready to go. See you out there.”

  I could feel the tension in his body as he stepped away from me. Poor guy. But it was always scary to do something new for the first time, especially something like strutting your stuff in front of a large audience. He must have had balls of steel; I know I’d never be able to do it myself.

  “Okay.” I took one more look around at his two dozen or so competitors. Damien had this. His make-up was perfect and he looked amazing. His routine was flawless. If he didn’t win there was something seriously wrong. Giving him one more brief hug, I turned and left the back room.

  Closing the door behind me, I went and got a lemonade vodka cooler from the bartender before I began the search for my seat. He’d said I was on the first row. Considering most people were already seated it didn’t take long to find my empty spot. On one side of me was a slender woman—I’m ninety percent sure she was a woman. On the other side was a large, burly man in drag, but it was extremely apparent in his case that he was a man. He smelled nice though.

  The already dim lights dimmed even further and a spotlight sprang to life on the stage. Attached to the stage was a long runway that divided the audience in half. I was on the left side of the stage and almost nearly center—couldn’t have gotten a better seat if you asked me.

  “All right bitches! Is everyone ready for an insane night of drag goodness!” the hostess in the bridal gown yelled out as she appeared from behind the curtains and came to a stop in the center of the spotlight.

  The crowd went wild around me with cheers, whistles and cat calls. Giving her a whoop, I clapped with enthusiasm. This was really cool. It certainly wasn’t a scene I was accustomed to, but the crowd had an awesome vibe. Most of my life I’d always felt like an outsider, but surrounded by a sea of people who went against the grain of society, I felt like I fit in—that I was normal—if there was such a thing.

  “And you darling, who are you here for?” My head spun around and I looked back to the stage to see that the hostess was standing before me staring and waiting for a response.

  “Queen Dee Dee,” I said after a moment of thought. I’d almost forgotten what Damien had decided to call himself.

  “Oh yes.” She spun around and began to walk back down the stage on ungodly high white platform heels. How in the hell she walked in those was beyond me. She was a much better woman than I was. “Queen Dee Dee is our virgin queen. Everyone give a preliminary scream for our delicious dark-skinned queen for having the balls to strut her stuff for us tonight for the very first time!”

  Cheers erupted from all around me once again, making me smile wide. He hadn’t even hit the runway yet and I was already proud of him. I really hoped he won.

  “Good enough then bitches, it’s time for us to get down and dirty and start the show!”

  More cheering and whistles.

  “The first contestant we have for you tonight comes all the way from North Bergen, New Jersey. Give the Jersey girl some love.” The hostess left the stage to be replaced with a short Asian queen wearing a cheerleader costume and a racket slung over her shoulder as the music began to blast and Jersey began to shake her stuff on the stage, tantalizing the audience with some highly acrobatic moves.

  As the performers came onstage one by one, I became more and more engrossed in their performances. Every one was so different and amazing in their own way. How the audience was going to determine the winner was beyond me, everyone was that good.

  The audience was quite literally in a frenzy by the time Damien aka Queen Dee Dee took the stage. His eyes immediately sought me out in the audience and I responded with a thumbs-up of encouragement. As he began to lip sync and dance his routine, I could see the nervousness within him, but the rest of the crowd didn’t seem to be as astute and I was thankful. The audience’s energy was at fever pitch by this point an
d I loved the way Damien was feeding on it. By the time his performance was over my throat was raw from my screaming.

  “Thank God for spiked lemonade,” I murmured to myself, taking another drink.

  The performances ended way too quickly. To wrap up the might, all the girls were brought on stage a final time for the big results.

  “Darlings, I have the results of your voting here in my greedy little hand,” the hostess declared to a roar of cheers. She’d changed outfits from the bridal dress and into a leopard print body suit with black fuzzy trim. Her make-up was applied to make her look like a cheetah. Pretty cool in my book.

  “You can all do better than that,” she declared. The roars intensified.

  Satisfied with the second round of applause, she opened the pink glitter envelope and pulled out a white card.

  “Third place goes to…” The club went deathly silent. “Miss Jersey!”

  Cheers and whistles all around me as Miss Jersey accepted her trophy and took her spot on the left-hand step of the tri-level podium that was set up.

  “I’m going to get the following queens to step forward, in no particular order. One of these queens will be our winner.” She turned and looked at the girls behind her who were all holding hands, no doubt as nervous as fuck. I wasn’t even participating and my heart was nearly pumping clear out of my chest. I couldn’t even imagine how Damien was feeling right now.

  “Queen Dee Dee and Pantha please step forward.”

  More cheers around me.

  Both queens stepped out of line and put their arms around each other.

  His eyes sought out mine and I smiled, giving him a nod. This was his for the taking.

  “The queen winning tonight’s competition is…”


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