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The Mechanic's Princess

Page 6

by Jenna Rose

  I pull out, causing her to cry out from the loss, then grab her hips and spin her onto her knees. She’s new to this, but she knows how to arch her back, that’s for sure. My cock’s about to explode. Using my knees, I spread her legs wide and spank her hard on her perfect, tight ass.

  She flinches, but I grab her hips and pull her back, position my cock against her gleaming, pink pussy, and thrust inside.

  “Fuck, Chase!” Nicky cries out as I bury my inches in her. Growling, I grab her ass hard with both hands and start pumping. I won’t last long. From this angle, her body is spectacular.

  I reach around and coat my fingers with her wetness that’s dripping down her thighs, and find her swollen little clit again. When I touch it, she gasps and slumps down over the back of the couch. I have to hold her up just so she doesn’t fall off.

  “Goddamn, baby,” I grunt as my cock swells to its max. “I’m going to empty my fucking balls inside that tight little pussy and you’re going to come on my cock.”

  “Yes, Chase!” she moans as I pound her doggystyle.

  Goddamn, this is hot. She’s a fucking goddess and I’m going to have serious issues getting anything done for at least the next few months. I might have to take some time off just so I can ravage her.

  My climax hits me like a jumbo jet coming in for a crash landing. My whole world rocks and things seem to go white as I clench my jaw down and unload inside her. She cries out as she comes with me, and her pussy clamps down on my dick as I bury it inside her and empty my balls, holding my dick deep until I’ve given her every single last drop.

  “Holy fuck,” I groan as I slump down on top of her. I don’t want to pull out of her – not yet, so I grab her soft body and pull her down and spoon with her, panting like a dog, both of us a complete mess.

  What a fucking way to start the day off.

  My orgasm rocked me, but that’s not why I’m smiling; I’m smiling because she’s finally mine and I know it. Deep down in my soul, I know that Nicky belongs to me now. We may have gone through some shit to get here, but that’s all behind us. And I’m looking ahead to the future.

  Tucker can have his new girl every night, his threesomes and whatever else he wants, but I have one woman, this woman, the perfect woman.

  I part her legs gently and look down at the mark I left on her. It’s still there. I stroke it gently with my fingertips and Nicky turns her head back to me. I kiss her soft lips.

  “I bet you never saw this coming,” I grin. “When your car broke down and you had to walk here in your high heels.”

  “You can look under my hood any day,” she giggles.

  “I’ve only had my first inspection,” I reply. “But as a professional mechanic, I know that the best way to keep things running smoothly is with frequent tune-ups.”

  “Very frequent,” she smiles, sucking my bottom lip.



  One month later…

  I can hardly contain myself as I pull up to the shop in my new beater. It’s not even close to the Bentley, but I don’t care. In fact, I kind of like it. The passenger side window sticks, so I’ve made sure to not let anybody roll it down, and it doesn’t have Bluetooth for my phone, but Chase assured me the engine is solid and the AC is so cold it almost makes snow. But the car is the smallest, most inconsequential change that I’ve gone through in the last month.

  I told Ruth I wasn’t going to marry Bradley. Her response was about what I expected; first, she got indignant and asked me if I was crazy, then she tried to be nice and persuade me that being taken care of by him and his money would be best for me. Then when she saw I wasn’t going to budge, she threw a hissy fit and broke a few glasses and some plates.

  “You’re just going to run off with some jerk who does oil changes for a living?” she shouted at me. Her classism was despicable. “Do you know the kind of life we can have if—”

  “The life we can have?” I’d shouted back at her. “We? Do you see the problem with that statement, Ruth?”

  She didn’t, but I wasn’t about to explain it to her. I also wasn’t about to marry Bradley for his money. All the cars, furs, heels and private chefs don’t mean shit if you’re with a man who makes you miserable. I’d trade that in for worn t-shirts, sweatpants, homemade meals and take-out pizza if it means I get to spend the rest of my life with Chase, and that’s what I did.

  Ruth kicked me out, so I moved in with Chase right away. I spent the first week turning it from a bachelor’s pad into a place for the two of us. It wasn’t like the place was a dump or anything, it just needed a woman’s touch.

  I’m learning how to cook, as my only real experience before was putting leftovers in the oven. I joked with Chase that I didn’t know my way around the stove and wasn’t “a real woman.”

  He’d just looked at me and smiled. “Oh, I don’t think that’s the ultimate test.”

  And then we did it.

  Yeah, we pretty much can’t keep our hands off each other; it’s great. Every morning I like to wake him up with a blowjob. I thought he’d just lie back and accept it, but every time I try to get him to just finish in my mouth, he inevitably pins me down and fucks me silly.

  “I can’t help it,” he always tells me, whispering in my ear. And I love that he can’t.

  Sometimes I visit him at work, but only on the slow days. Sometimes I just want to get fucked hard on that old dirty couch in the break room, you know? Show up clean and made-up and leave nice and dirty with his hot load dripping out of me. Sometimes I wake up and feel like I’ve stepped into a dream.

  I pull up and park and wave at Tucker as I get out. He’s busy chatting up Suzanne Linquist, a newly single mom who lives over by the walking path. It turns out her husband wasn’t really taking frequent business trips, he was visiting his new eighteen-year-old girlfriend. Suzanne found out and kicked him out, and it looks like she’s ready for a young guy to rebound with.

  I pass them and head inside to find Chase buried in the hood of an old Charger – probably Johnny Atwood’s by the look of it. I come up behind him and grab his ass.

  “Hey, big boy,” I whisper. “Got a few minutes to scope out my engine?”

  He turns, smiling, covered in grease, and puckers his lips. I lean in and kiss him, about to boil over with excitement. I’m sure he thinks I’m just here for a midday quickie.

  “Why are you glowing?” he asks me.

  “I’m glowing? Really?” I reply, trying not to jump out of my pants.

  “Yeah, you are,” he says slowly, examining me like I’m a car and he’s trying to diagnose my problems. But this is the opposite of a problem.

  “Come out back with me,” I tell him, taking his hand. I pull him into the break room and close the door. He’s on me in a second, but for the first time ever, I push him away. He looks at me like I’m nuts.

  “I’m not here for that,” I tell him. “Well – I mean – I could be, but I’m here to show you something.”

  “Okay…” Chase says, hesitantly. He may be a mechanical genius, but I still have to laugh at how dense he can be sometimes. I reach into my purse and pull out the pregnancy test and show it to him. He stares for a second, then I watch with glee as his eyes go wide.

  “So…this means?”

  “Yes!” I laugh, throwing my arms around him. I can feel the love in his arms as he squeezes me, holds me tight to him. My heart is ready to burst and my eyes start to well up with tears as we hold each other.

  “I can’t believe it,” he whispers. “Already!”

  “I can!” I laugh through tears of joy. “All the loads you’ve dumped in me!”

  “Jesus!” he exclaims, holding me in front of him as he laughs. “This is supposed to be a tender moment, Nicky! And you’re talking about loads?”

  I almost die laughing and clamp a hand over my mouth and lean into him. His strong hands take me in their gentle caress as I think about how much our life is about to change. I don’t miss my old life – not
one bit. I found my man, no one’s going to pick him out for me.

  Chase’s lips press against my neck and my body reacts. I reach behind me and pull the shades closed as he starts to undo my pants.

  “I’m the luckiest man in the world,” he whispers. “You know that?”

  “Lucky that $200,000 car broke down,” I say as he slides a hand up my shirt and cups my breast. “And lucky you were working that day and it wasn’t just Tucker.”

  “He wouldn’t know what to do with a woman like you anyway,” he growls, tugging my pants down over my hips. “You’re a brand new, luxury car, baby. And he only knows how to drive used cars.”

  I giggle and reach down between his legs, feeling the bulge that seems to always be there. Some people might call our attraction “new love” and think that it will fade over time, but I just don’t see that happening. Chase can’t get enough of me. I read online that the key to any happy marriage was sexual intimacy. And if that’s true, we’re going to be living in marital bliss.

  “All right, baby-maker,” I purr, undoing his belt. “How about one of those excellent tune-ups you give?”

  “I seem to remember working on you this morning,” he muses back, caressing my lips with his. “But I’d be more than happy to give you another look. In fact, you might need another inspection tonight.”



  Four years later…

  “Can you believe it? Over 210,000 follows!?”

  “I can believe it,” my gorgeous husband purrs in my ear. “You’re that good.”

  I stare in awe at my follower count on my Instagram page – no, not that kind of Instagram page, it’s a page I started after Chase saw my sketchbook one day.

  “Those are great!” I remember him telling me as I sat on the front steps under the sun. “You should put them online!”

  I’d been reluctant at first, but after a few months of him persisting, I finally gave in and made the account. I didn’t use my real name to start, but once I saw the response to my work, I revealed my identity.

  It just feels so good to know that there are people out there who like what I do. I’ve had a few pieces up at the coffee shop in town, and have had a ton of requests for prints and originals from people online. Chase keeps joking that he’s going to be able to close the shop one day once I start “making millions” from my art.

  I sigh one of those super-content-happy sighs and swivel in my chair to face my beautiful husband. He’s looking pleased with himself too, and for once, I see his hands aren’t dirty. I glance up at him and give him an inquisitive look.

  “Chase,” I ask slowly. “Did you…did you finish it?”

  “I dunno,” he shrugs. “Why don’t you come and look?”

  “You finished it!” I exclaim, leaping out of my chair and throwing myself into his arms. Sure, I’m four months pregnant, but I’m not big enough yet that he can’t still lug me around with those pythons.

  He carries me down the hall and out the front door into the summer sun and sets me down beside him.

  “Ta-da,” he announces, presenting his finished project to me.

  He’s had it sitting at the shop for months now, a 1977 Porsche 911. It’s absolutely gleaming, fully restored, cherry-red and looking beautiful. He’s been working on it for almost six months after finding it in Mr. Johnson’s backyard after he passed away. Nobody else in town thought it was worth bothering with – too far gone, they said, but Chase, never one to back down from a challenge, said he’d take it.

  “It’s amazing, Chase,” I tell him, walking over to it to get a better look. I can see all his hard work, from the dents in the hood that he managed to smooth out, to the leather work on the seats that he had to hire out to a guy in Connecticut, to the polished metal, the completely cleaned and restored dash and the brand-new tires. He may have two kids already, and a third one on the way, but this car is also his baby.

  “Take you for a ride?” he asks. I’m absolutely beaming as I nod my head. Lexy’s watching Tommy and Ben until 4:00, so we have some time before slipping back into parent mode again.

  “God, I love you,” I tell him, my heart ready to burst.

  “I love you more,” he smiles.

  He takes my hand like a gentleman, leads me to the passenger side and holds the door for me.

  “Oh, thank you, sir,” I tease as I slide in. He closes the door behind me. I can smell the fresh leather seats as he gets in next to me and starts it up.

  “It may not be a Bentley,” he smirks, “but it’s still a dream car.”

  “And you earned it,” I tell him. “No one else.”

  My husband kisses me, throws on a pair of aviator sunglasses, then pulls out of the driveway onto the main road. There’s not another car in sight. He looks over at me, puts a hand on my knee and grins.

  “Hold onto your butt.”

  He hammers it.

  The car lurches forward with a speed that takes my breath away. I scream like a crazy teenage girl as he shifts gears and we blast up the road like there’s a rocket behind us.


  I’m not afraid for a second. Chase has control over the machine and I know I’m in good hands as he maneuvers the Porsche with precision. I can’t stop smiling. This isn’t what most people think of when they picture a married couple with two kids and another one on the way.

  But that’s what I love about Chase, he never lets things get stale – and neither do I. I’ve had to start getting rid of some of my lingerie after buying so many sets. I like to dress up for my husband and be standing there by the bed in high heels when he comes home from the shop, all sweaty and filthy from a hard day’s work.

  And he can’t keep his hands off me. I’ll be working at the stove or rinsing vegetables at the sink, and as long as the kids aren’t around, he’ll have his hand up (or his face) up my skirt. It seems like his cock just never goes down; he’s ready whenever, which is great because when you have two kids, it’s not like you can just spend four hours doing a date night and getting warmed up. You have to take it when you can get it, and Chase loves to take me.

  Watching him maneuver the Porsche is panty-melting sexy, and I reach over the center console and unbuckle his pants. He glances quickly over at me as I reach into his boxers and pull out his dick.

  “If we’re going to speed around like a couple of young lovers,” I whisper, letting my lips brush against his tip, “why not act like it too?”

  Chase groans as I take his cock into my mouth, and I feel him start to slow the car, but I take my hand and push it down on his knee. Faster. Faster.

  He gets the message, and I hear him laugh softly as he speeds up. We may be settled down, but that doesn’t mean we’ve slowed down one bit.


  Want MORE of Chase and Nicky?


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  PRINCESS is available now!

  Layla works hard as a make-up artist and is just trying to work her way up in life. She’s a good girl, and stays out of trouble, but one night on her way home from work, she witnesses a murder. Suddenly, she’s swept away into a dark, treacherous world where the only man who can save her, is also the man who’s vowed to “take care of her.”

  Prince is the boss of New York City. He runs the streets and has spent his life building an impenetrable wall around him, a wall that starts to crumble when he meets her. She’s everything he never knew he wanted, but she’s also a witness that could bring his empire crashing down around him. Prince promises his men he’ll do what needs to be done, but will he be able to? Or will the innocent girl be able change his life forever?

  After all, a prince needs his princess.

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