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Pack Protection

Page 8

by Shannon Duane

  “You smell nervous. The plane has been steady, the kids are sleeping and we’re on our way to your pack. What’s the problem?”

  “Just hoping you like the pack.”


  “And if you must know I was wondering if I’d picked up all my dirty underwear off the floor before I left. It would be embarrassing to have you walk through the door to see my tighty-whiteys.”

  She giggled, “For some reason I didn’t think you were a tighty-whitey kind of guy. I pictured you in more manly underwear like those boxer brief things.”

  His smile was penetrating. “It’s almost like you know me already even though it’s only been a few days. I’m seriously having a hard time thinking I may only get a small taste of you.” He took in a deep breath at her neck inhaling the sweet yet spicy scent that he craved. “I want to claim you, I want to be mates, I’ve been forcing myself to back off and now I’m thinking I should have come on stronger.” He waggled his eyebrows, “Want to see my boxer briefs, sexy?”

  Clearly holding her breath he smiled as the faint hint of arousal crossed his nose. The airplane had great ventilation, but with all the nervous sweaty bodies there was a mix mash of aromas, not all pleasant.

  His mate smelled like she was definitely interested in seeing his briefs. If all went according to his plans she’d want to see the rest of his body too, for life.

  Her breath whooshed out on a prolonged forceful exhale. “Is that you I’m smelling? It’s been driving me crazy for days.” She rolled her eyes, “Of course that’s you, no one else has been claiming to be my mate. I’m just…I never thought this would ever happen to me.”

  He squeezed her hand. “Things happen for a reason, Hopper. My Alpha just happened to send me to the city, I just happen to see you on the side of the road and stop, you just happen to have had a flat tire while recently fired from your job. Fate brought us together and I have no intention of losing you.”

  The plane finally descended in the wee hours of the morning. Waking all the children wasn’t difficult, but keeping them awake was a nightmare. They would wake one up and when Tinker walked over to the next child that needed waking, he’d turn back to find that the first one had fallen back to sleep. What the heck? He ended up carrying little Candy and having Blue and Jason carry the other small children off the plane, while Bree was able to yank the older ones up.

  After retrieving their luggage, and making sure the children all had their bags it was around four in the morning and they were all exhausted. Pulling their luggage to the curb, Tinker was happy to find that two vans were waiting for them with one of the local police officers to drive them to pack house. Clasping hands, Tinker smiled. “Boy am I glad to see you, Decker. It’s been a long and stressful day.”

  “Good to see you survived your first visit to the big city, we were worried about you. I know your ears were twitching the whole time.”

  “You have no idea. Although, I met someone special to keep me sane, Decker meet Bree. Bree this is Decker.” He winked at Bree before opening the closest van door and helping her and Candy in.

  “Nice to meet you, Decker.”

  “And you as well, Miss Bree. Glad to have you here for a visit.”

  Decker smiled over at Tinker, whispering. “She’s pretty. Is there something going on with you two? Tara’s teaching me scents and you’re looking at her like you want to mate, but I don’t smell you on her.” He paused and lowered his voice even more saying, “She does have a…unique smell though.”

  Unable to control his burst of laughter, Tinker simply smiled at Decker before jumping into the driver’s seat and closing the door in his face. He rolled down the window still chuckling, “She’s mine, if she’ll keep me. We’re working out the details. Meet you at pack house. Keep those kids safe.”

  “Yeah, yeah.”

  “Oh, and Decker, Blue doesn’t talk so don’t push him. The others tend to stick together.”

  Decker cracked a wide grin. “I got this. Don’t worry; I’ll protect your kids.”


  Arriving at the American Canyon pack house was anticlimactic, Blue had seen some nice homes and this was one of the largest and clearly was well used and loved. There were a few pregnant mates that hugged everyone, while the Alpha introduced himself as Jake, pointing to the next room asking everyone to come have a snack. They all followed, and Blue was surprised to see a beautiful clean kitchen with a huge table that would fit them and a lot more.

  It seemed like there would be enough room for them to stay here temporarily. The kids seemed to like the Alpha and his mate, as well as his second in command. This place was roomy enough for the small wolves to grow. For the first time, Blue even started to believe that they all might end up being placed in decent homes.

  A fight suddenly broke out between two women and instead of getting upset, the Alpha and his second smiled at each other.

  “I get to do it first I called it, Katie. Back off.”

  “I have to leave soon so I want to go first. It’ll only take me a minute to braid it.”

  “Yeah, but once you get the braid in your gonna say, ” she raised her voice to a higher pitch, “’it’s just too pretty to take out’ and then leave me nothing to play with.”

  They got so close their bellies touched. Snarling and an intense stare down began. Seeing a dangerous situation beginning between the women, the Alpha and his second hurried over to pull them apart. The slap fight had just started when both men collected their women.

  Jake lifted Shana into his arms and he called to the group. “It’s way past her bedtime, so I’ll just go tuck her in and be right back.”

  Blue smiled as he watched Jake silence Shana with his she tried to yell.

  Katie was grinning at Conner as she taunted, “You think you can catch me, wolf? I dare you to try.”

  Conner growled and began the chase as Katie ran giggling out the room.

  Candy whimpered before Blue went down on his knee next to her pulling her into his arms as she asked, “Do ya think Miss Katie is gonna be okay? I don’t want her to get an ouchie ‘cuz of me.”

  Not being able to speak at times like this was a curse so he simply nodded while scooping her up into his arms. They all sat at the table making small talk as they waited for Jake.

  Twenty minutes later a red faced Jake came back into the room smoothing his hair. “Alright, where do the kids want to sleep? We have individual rooms or the girls can sleep in one room and the boys in the other. We don’t have a bedroom big enough for all of you, but If you guys have been sharing a room we could move some mattresses into the living room and do that until you’re more comfortable.”

  Candy snuggled into Blue’s shoulder breathing deep, smelling frightened. He rubbed her hair attempting to comfort her, gaining the attention of the new Alpha.

  “What’s wrong with this little one? You can stay with your friends, don’t worry.”

  There was a pause as Tinker waited to see if anyone would speak to Jake. Unable to allow Candy and Jake to worry unnecessarily he said. “I think she’s worried about Shana and Katie. They fought and then you took Shana away and Conner chased Katie out. I don’t think they’re used to it.”

  Approaching the table Jake spoke with conviction. “I understand you don’t come from a very nurturing pack and for that I am extremely sorry. I like to run a happy and healthy pack which includes a lot of laughing, smiling, teasing and fun. My wife and her best friend enjoy bickering. They also love hugging, crying, watching movies, playing with their hair, and painting their toenails. When we talk about mates,” he coughed, “Well…we enjoy hugging, kissing, cuddling, chasing, and catching. Pretty soon we can work on scent distinction so you’ll know when someone is mad or sad or happy.”

  Hearing the calming tone of Jake’s voice, Candy watched him talk and sat wide-eyed, still snuggled next to Blue. She yawned and set off a chain of yawns from everyone in the room.

  “Alright kiddos, let’s
get you tucked in.”

  Having put all the kids in two adjoining rooms to sleep, Blue smiled as he turned off the lights and followed his new Alpha out. They sat in the living room and he wondered if he would go with Tinker or stay here. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to do if they asked.

  Jake spoke unexpectedly. “Blue, is there anything you want to say now that it’s just you, Tinker, Bree, and I?”

  He shook his head thinking he’d have more time before he discussed his issue. He just met the perfect pack and he didn’t want to be kicked out so soon.

  The Alpha continued, “I’m not sure if you’re aware, but my son Trevor knows things. He told me you were special. He wants me to let you know that we welcome all wolves here. You’re safe here.”

  Without giving it a second thought, Blue spoke. “When I say things, sometimes they happen.”

  “What do you mean, Blue?”

  “For instance, I went to the court system when my parents left me and I told the judge I wanted to go to a loving home. Well…she was loving alright, very free with hugs, kisses, and frankly she was handsy. I ran away one night when I found her in my room doing vile things. I knew what she did wasn’t right. Next, I asked to be placed with other kids my age because I didn’t want to be alone, but believe me it didn’t turn out any better because the kids quickly realized I was different.”

  Jake nodded his head. “You are different, Blue, but it’s not wrong. We’re all different in our own special way.”

  “After a while, I just learned that I shouldn’t speak because it didn’t turn out well. I wanted to talk to Tinker and Bree, but I was afraid that I would muck it up somehow. What if I got angry and told them to stop and they just…froze. It’s happened before. Would they ditch me?”

  Tinker piped in. “Is that why you didn’t speak when those boys were beating you up? You didn’t want them to know you were different?”

  Blue actually laughed a hearty, happy sound that filled the room before turning cold and malicious. “Unfortunately, no. I didn’t speak because I’m human, as well as wolf, as well as special. I would have said stop, yes, but I also would have told them to go to hell. Believe me, it only takes that happening once before you learn your lesson. The fourth home I was in, I told my foster dad to go to hell after he hit me; he had a heart attack later that night.”

  Jake sighed, “Have you tried to control it? Do you think you’ll be safe around others? We have a lot of kids here.”

  Bowing his head he shook it despairingly. “I don’t think I can. I’m sorry and I’ll leave right away. I don’t want to hurt anyone.”

  Before Blue was able to get up and out of his chair, the door flew open showing Trevor, then hitting the wall behind it and slamming closed again. The somber mood in the room changed instantly as they all laughed at Trevor’s attempted dramatic entrance. The door opened more slowly and Trevor stepped in. “Are ya’ll done laughing at me?”

  Jake was able to stifle his giggles before announcing, “He is his mother’s son after all.”

  Shooting his dad the stink eye, Trevor looked over at Blue and said in a singsong voice. “Well, if it isn’t Mr. Blue. Hello, Blue, and how are you? You must be Blue, because of what you can do. Never fret because there is a way, to make you stop giving suggestions, okay?”

  Jake rolled his eyes, “He’s learning about poetry and I’m telling you…It never stops.” Jake snapped his fingers and said, “I know. Blue, can you please ask Trevor to stop with the rhyming?”

  Blue’s eyes widened and he shook his head. “I know you’re Alpha, but I won’t do it. Plus, I like the rhyme, it was clever.”

  Jake stood and held out a hand for Blue to shake. “That was a test and you passed with flying colors. I might ask you to put a suggestion in someone’s ear but I’ll only do it for the good of the pack, which now includes you. I appreciate your honesty and Trevor has been coming up with a plan for you. We can talk about that later though, because it’s been a long night for us all.”

  Shaking hands, Blue smiled, then frowned. “Wait, you knew my secret?”

  Jake nodded.

  Blue smiled and the aromatic traces of his happiness scented the room. Blue turned and came at Tinker and Bree with arms out hitting them with the force of a battering ram. He pulled them both in for a fierce hug. “Thank you so much. I won’t speak much until I can control whatever this is, but I want you to know that you’ve both changed my life for the better.”

  It always seemed like his little bunny was crying. Tears streaked down her face as she hugged him back. “Thank you for sharing your secret. It takes a strong man to be silent for so long to protect others. I can’t wait to see you continue to grow up.”

  Brushing away her tears, Tinker prompted. “Alright people, break it up. Time to show everyone to their rooms.”

  A chuckle came from the door, followed by. “Not tonight, but maybe tomorrow. Soon you’ll see an end to your sorrow. A mate you seek and a mate you’ve found, but be cautious when the children are around.”


  Trevor was obviously getting frustrated that no one appreciated or understood his rhymes. “For crying out loud, Mr. Tinker, you should take her home. To your home because the children are sleeping here and you may be…loud like mom and dad are. Eew.”

  Jake made choking noises as his son walked away. “Please tell me he doesn’t understand what noise he’s implying. His mother is going to kill me. Maybe I can make her laugh about the whole theatrical entrance to soften her up.”

  Tinker began to lead Bree out of the room. “Let me know how that goes, Alpha.”

  Jake followed them to the door before stopping them at the entrance and addressing Tinker. “You’re more than welcome to stay and help settle the kids tomorrow, if that’s what you want. We’re more than capable if you want to show Bree your place. If so…we won’t bother you for a few days.”

  Chapter 10

  After ensuring the kids were taken care of they walked out of Alpha house. Tinker found himself nervous for the first time in a long time. His palms were sweaty and he had palpitations. “I’m not too far from here so if there’s a problem we can come back. I know you’re worried about the children, but they’re pretty strong and now they’re in a safe place.”

  “I know the kids will be fine. I absolutely freaking adore these people. I mean, I just got here and it’s only been a few hours, but the relationship that Katie and Shana have is fun and the kids were welcome from the get-go. Plus, every guy here is super hunky and different; a cop, an Alpha, a mechanic.”

  She reached over and touched him making a sizzling sound. “See…hot.”

  Chuckling, he guided her away from the van where she’d stopped next to the passenger door. “Thanks for the compliment. We’re walking, I told you it’s not far.”

  “But Tinker…it’s like four in the morning. It’s been a long day and I just want to go to bed. Aren’t you tired?”

  He spun her around quickly and stole a hard kiss from her all too eager lips. When he was able to pull back and re-form his thoughts he said. “I’m not tired at all. I’ve barely slept since meeting you. You’re all I can think about; your lips, your legs, your hair,” he ran his finger through her soft locks, “and your butt has been consuming my thoughts since I met you in that skintight skirt.”

  Her breathing increased and Tinker was able to pick up the subtle beginnings of her arousal. “We don’t have to do anything tonight, but I’d love for you to stay with me, experience what my life is like, and see if you’d be interested in staying on as my mate.”

  “I can’t wait to see what your life is like. Show me.”

  Blinded by her smile he almost forgot his plan. “Okay, I want you to shift. I know you’re worried, but I’ll protect you.”

  He chuckled when she looked around and announced. “But I’d have to get naked.”

  Tinker growled. “I’m going to shift with you. Do you want me to go first?”

  Bree didn�
��t have to say anything, because her scent spoke for her. He could literally smell the cream coating the inside of her passage, preparing her for his possession. And he would possess her, but only after she realized they were fated. Once he had her, he’d never be able to let her go.

  He began by removing his shirt and, although he didn’t think he was anything special, she sucked in a breath and ran her hands over his chest. “You are simply amazing. Hard, yet soft”

  “Baby, I’ll show you hard.”

  Her cheeks pinkened and she turned away giggling. “Quit.”

  He unbuckled his belt, followed closely by the pop of his jeans’ button and zipper. As he pushed his pants down, he glanced her way and saw she was looking at him from the corner of her eye. “I’m not shy. This is what we do monthly at the moon runs. Nudity before a shift is common, and usually only affects the mates.”

  “Well…I’m affected alright. Just let me know when you’re done.”

  “Sure, I’ll just give you an all clear bark.”

  Her shoulder straightened as she turned around taking in his full nudity. “Never mind the alert. I’d like to watch your shift if that’s okay. It’s not rude to ask, is it?”

  “You’re more than welcome to ask me anything. I think I’d like for you to see me change. Just don’t run away.”

  “Why? What happens if I run away?”

  “I’ll chase. And I can’t guarantee that you won’t be mated after I catch you.”

  Those were his last words before he let his wolf take over. He took in the sights and scents around him; reveled in the familiarity and comfort that he felt here on pack land. There were times in a man’s life when he simply knew he belonged.

  Feeling affectionate, his wolf approached Bree slowly, not wanting to frighten her. He adopted a playful stance with his paws in front of him as he army crawled toward her. When he reached her feet he completely covered them with his belly and then rolled onto his back. There weren’t many people a wolf would show their bellies to, only their mate or Alpha.


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