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Hollow Cove Dreams

Page 2

by Leigh Allen

  “How can you tell this is not my scene?” I asked again with a harsh tone.

  “From the moment you walked in the door, you have looked like you wanted to run away. Don’t get me wrong, I am digging the goth look, but you look and dress nothing like the girls around here. Also, you are not glued to your phone and complaining about being up super early. That’s a clear sign you didn’t come here because you were sentenced too.” He continued smiling as he stood too close for comfort.

  “Well, it seems you have me all figured out,” I replied, as I rolled my eyes. “Who are you?”

  Reaching out his hand he smiled before speaking. “The name’s Seth Parker.”

  “What is your name?” he asked.

  “My name is Amelia Harper, but I go by Mia,” I whispered, as I tried to regain my composure.

  “Mia, I like that.”

  Laughing, Seth looked me up and down. “So, what are you doing here? I mean, if you weren’t forced to be here and all,” he teased.

  “You know, you don’t exactly look like you belong here either,” I noted, as I pointed to his dark clothing

  “I know I don’t fit in here. I only came because it’s part of my parole. I got caught graffiting an old building downtown,” he said, in a gruff voice. “My buddies and I got caught. In order to stay out of juvie, or have to do hard manual labor, we had to join a club,” he stated, before laughing hysterically.

  Rolling my eyes, I tried to fight back the urge to cringe. So, for him coming to an art club was punishment? Or, was he joking? Maybe he was just making fun of me. I wasn’t sure if what he had said was true or not. All I knew, was that for me, it was a punishment to be around other people, but art was my life. I wasn’t sure if that gave us something in common or if it made me despise him.

  Just then, the teacher came bustling into the room and everyone got quiet as they rushed to their seats. The woman had red curly hair and her dress looked more like a burlap sack. “Sorry I am late everyone. Mornings are usually my thing,” she sighed.

  I turned to face the teacher and made it clear I was done talking to Seth.

  “I get it. Maybe I will see you around,” he said, as he turned and walked away.

  Now, I felt like a jerk. Sure, I was known for my spitfire attitude and sarcastic comments, but for some odd reason, I felt bad about being rude to this guy. Maybe it was because we were the only two people in the room who looked out of place. I wasn’t sure, but I couldn’t just let him walk away like that.

  “Wait,” I whispered.

  Seth turned around and gave me an odd glance. “Yeah,” he said.

  He stood only inches away from me now. “I didn’t mean to be so rude,” I admitted. The admission shocked me and I knew my eyes must have been wide with wonderment.

  “It’s cool. You didn’t offend me, in fact, it was kind of hot,” Seth said with a smirk.

  Something about the way his smile touched his face made me not hate him.

  “Really?” I breathed, as I felt myself moving my body closer to his.

  “Yeah. You are kind of cute when you are snappy,” he remarked.

  I almost laughed at this. “Well, then you haven’t seen cute yet. I am always snappy,” I teased.

  Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Grace eyeing me carefully. Oh great, I knew I would never hear the end of this from her. I could see the mischievous smile on her face now as she watched my strange encounter with the cute boy. Wait, did I just call him cute?

  Seth narrowed his eyes at me and I could see him trying to figure me out. He seemed conflicted, but I could all see a wild curiosity flowing through him as he looked at me. I wasn’t like typical girls around here.

  “Do you have plans later?” he asked, as his eyes glanced around.

  I felt myself search the room, checking to see if Grace was still ogling over us. Yep, of course, she was.

  “Maybe,” I said.

  “Great. Maybe I will catch you later?” he said, and then he turned and sat on the opposite side of the room.

  I wasn’t sure what had just happened, but all I knew was I felt it hard to breathe as a strange smile crept over my face.



  “Were you talking to Seth?” a girl in my Biology class asked later in the day.

  “Uh, yeah I guess,” I said, looking back to our teacher who was going over our assignment.

  “You know he is part of the Raven’s Boy gang,” she said, her tone a warning.

  “So,” I snapped back.

  “Well, they are like…a gang,” she said, her voice rising a little.

  Sighing, I carefully turned in my seat to face her. “For your information, they do a lot of good. When my parents died, they rode behind the procession,” I stated.

  I turned back to the front of the room and ignored this girl. This is why I wanted to stay away from so many kids here. Everyone loved to gossip, and they didn’t even know what they were talking about.

  After school, I made my way to my black Range Rover and threw my books and backpack in the back seat. The aroma of my mom’s perfume smacked me in the face and I almost cried. Even after all this time, the car still held onto her scent. It lingered there, a constant reminder that she was gone.

  A loud engine roared to life and I spun around in time to see Seth throw his leg over a motorcycle. He straddled the bike in such a sensual manner, I couldn’t help but feel slightly aroused watching him touch the handlebars in a caressing way. He slowly placed a black helmet over his dark hair and for a brief moment, our eyes locked.

  He knew I was watching him.

  He could feel me becoming intrigued and something more by his actions. He revved the engine once more before kicking the stand back and launching himself and the bike out of the parking lot.

  “Seth is such a show-off,” Gina cackled as she walked to her red Mercedes.

  I rolled my eyes at her comment.

  I wasn’t sure why, but something deep inside of me felt compelled to follow him.

  I had nowhere to be, so what the hell?

  I quickly jumped into the driver's seat and pulled out of the parking lot. Seth wove in and out of traffic as he drove down the busy streets. I kept a safe distance of a few cars behind him, but it was difficult to keep an eye on him as he raced through the streets. My music blared in the car and as I rolled the windows down, I allowed the cool, fall air to sweep through my hair. I felt like I was flying; high and in control as my adrenaline pumped. I had never been so reckless before as I was being right now. I was following a boy who I knew nothing about. I wasn’t even sure where I would end up, but I didn’t care. All that mattered was knowing where Seth was going.

  Finally, after about fifteen-minutes, Seth pulled off the main roads and slowed down onto a one lane road. Large trees replaced the towering buildings of the city and horses and farms were littered everywhere. Suddenly, Seth stopped and parked his bike by a clearing near a large group of trees. He got off his bike and walked through the clearing. I didn't dare to stop and let him know I had followed him like some deranged stalker chick, but I was still curious to see what he was doing.

  I slowed my speed, and as I drove past the clearing, I spotted Seth sitting in a large, open field. He seemed to be alone and in complete solitude. I wasn’t sure what was going on, but this moment looked very personal. Too personal. I couldn’t help but feel like an ass for following him, and possibly ruining a private moment. I pushed down on the accelerator and sped out of there as fast as I could. I needed to forget about Seth.



  “You want me to do what?” I asked.

  I was sitting in the living room after school, looking over the pile of homework I had to work on.

  “You heard me,” Isaac snapped, as he took a bite of a Pop-Tart. “You are going to work at the front desk of the coffee shop. I have hired a few new cashiers to help out, too. This will be good for all of us. Besides, Mrs. Rhonda agrees you need to get morem�
� he finished.

  “Fine, but I am still going to work on my art,” I added.

  “I am not stopping you. In fact, it might do you some good to get to know new people,” Isaac said.

  I rolled my eyes at his statement. My brother was well aware of the fact that I liked to keep my circle close to me. I had one friend and that was plenty. Just because he enjoyed being Mr. Popularity when he was in school, didn’t mean I did. We were so opposite that sometimes I questioned if we were even really related, but then I would look at us in the mirror and our appearances were strikingly similar. We both shared the same dark brown hair and eyes. Isaac had been popular in school and his friends were with him when our parents died. For me, I was one popular too, but I shut everyone out when I lost my parents. Isaac couldn’t understand that, but he didn’t need to. It was my decision. We were getting by with the life insurance plan my parents had thankfully created when he and I were born, plus the inheritance left by our grandparents. Isaac and I only had one another now and even though we were financially stable, it still hurt to know he was all the family I had left. I loved him intensely for taking on a teenager when he himself was only twenty-one, but still, it didn’t take away the loss of not having my parents around anymore.

  Now, Isaac worked at the small coffee shop my mom owned. It was all we had left of her and Isaac made sure to keep it running.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked.

  “Nothing, I just wasn’t sure you would want me to work and not focus on my schoolwork,” I added.

  As I attempted to calm my nerves, Isaac ignored my outburst and continued talking about my roles and responsibilities. However, all I could think about was being forced to deal with people daily.

  “Look, it sucks that we lost mom and dad, but shutting out the world won’t bring them back,” he said, as he scooped up the pile of books on the kitchen table. “I have to get to class. I will be home after nine, so lock the doors,” he said, before walking out the front door.


  My first shift would be on a Friday night. Isaac believed he should just throw me into work so I could learn on the spot. Isaac is an idiot.

  As expected, the coffee shop was crazy busy with people of all makes and models. In a small town like Hollow’s Cove, there wasn’t a lot of places to hang out. Most of the residents earned their money from horse farms and racing.

  “Hey,” a voice breaks through my thoughts. I know that deep, husky voice from anywhere.


  I turn around to find Seth directly behind me. I can’t help but run right into his rock-hard chest.

  “Hi,” I say casually.

  I feel him lean down close as he begins to whisper into my ear. “I think you might be stalking me,” he winks.

  Startled, I glare at him as if he just grew two heads. What is this guy talking about? First, he shows up at the art club I was at, and now he is in my family's coffee shop.

  “Really? Well, maybe you should hurry up and get away from me. I might be crazy too,” I say.

  “Nah, I like girls who stalk me,” he huffs into my ear.

  I shake as my legs threaten to give out on me. I hate the effect he has on me. I have only met this guy once, but already it feels as though he is infusing himself in my life.

  As he leaned across the counter, his arm brushed up against mine and I swear I felt a jolt of electricity almost knock me over.

  “Working together is going to be interesting if you keep pretending like we don’t go to the same school,” he states, before turning and leaving me stunned.

  I open my mouth to gasp, but it’s too late. I see Isaac watching me from across the room and a strange glare covers his face.

  “What do you mean, working together?” I ask.

  “I work here too. Part of the making myself a non-juvenile delinquent anymore. I had to get a job,” he says, as he puts on an apron.

  “You can’t be serious,” I gasp.

  “Isaac!” I call to my brother. “What is going on?” I ask.

  Isaac walks over to me with a strange look. “What’s wrong?”

  “Does this guy work here?” I ask, pointing at Seth.

  “Mia, why are you being so rude?” Isaac asks, clearly embarrassed by my lack of manners. “Yes, this is Seth. I hired him to work part-time around here.”

  “Actually, I am working for less than minimum wage, but the rest is true,” Seth intervenes.

  Isaac rolls his eyes and hands Seth a cloth. “Better get started. You will be cleaning off tables and wiping them down,” he says, shoving the cloth in Seth’s hands before walking away shaking his head.

  Isaac had hired Seth in order to save on having to pay someone full time. He is so cheap, but now he has ruined my life in order to save a few bucks.

  “Just stay out of my way,” I growl, as I shove past Seth and make my way over to the counter. Working with Seth is going to be difficult, but as long as I ignore him, I can handle it.

  At least I hope so.



  Well, this sucks.

  I had found time a few days this past week to go to my favorite and secluded area just outside of town, but it still didn’t erase the pain I felt daily. If I could turn back the hands of times I would, but I can’t. Now, I’m stuck inside again and unable to breathe fresh air.

  Watching Mia strut around the shop all afternoon has given me a headache on top of my own stress.

  Watching Mia make coffee and purposely try to ignore me, has ignited a flame inside of me. She clearly wants me to think she isn’t interested in me, but I know better. I see how much I affect her.

  I want her. I need her. I crave her.

  And, I don’t even know her.

  Plus, I messed with her head a little the day we talked in art club. I had told her the truth about how I had gotten in trouble, but I could tell from the perplexed look on her face, that she didn’t know whether to believe me or not. I guess that was good.

  “What is your problem?” Isaac asks, as he watches me staring at the wall in front of me.

  After leaving Mia standing at the counter, I quickly got to work. And trust me, working as a busboy was not what I had in mind, but I needed to do something to pass the time.

  Isaac follows behind me as I clear off a table by a large window. This place is kind of cute, if you like the whole Friends vibe coffee shop.

  “Nothing, just tired,” I lie, as I try to fake a normal smile.

  “Everyone is acting weird today,” Isaac chuckles, as he shakes his head.

  “What do you mean?” I ask, as I hope this will take us to a new topic that will refocus my mind.

  “Shit, I don’t know. Mia is even moodier than lately. I swear, she is actually scaring the customers,” he smirks. “I hoped that making her work here would help with her people skills, but maybe I was wrong,” he says, as he runs his hair through his hair. My eyes widen and I stumble through my mind with something to say. Nothing comes to mind, so I just stay silent.

  “Anyway,” Isaac continues, “I really came in here to ask you to help me watch out for Mia. She is young and even though she appears tough as shit, she is still naive and unsure of herself. She is a talented artist and I am trying to get her to focus on school and the new art club. After our parents…” he trails off and I can see it in his eyes that he doesn’t want to finish the phrase. “After our parents died, she shut off from the world. I am just waiting for her to start getting into trouble. I don’t know what to do with her. I want her focused on her future and not on guys. Can you help me watch out for her?” Isaac asks.

  I simply nod, unable to say much. “Sure.”

  “Great. And, don’t try anything with my little sister. I get you have a rough past and are part of that Raven’s Boys biker gang, and trust me, I respect everything they do, but Mia needs to focus on school and finding a way to be happy again,” he finished.

  Damn, he is breaking my heart right now. Isaac wants me to watch out
for his little sister like some bodyguard. And why does she need watching out for? I am just some guy to Mia and an employee to Isaac. That is the way it needs to stay. Besides, we all have our own secrets, I can respect that. “Sure man,” I agree.

  Patting my back, Isaac leaves me to continue with my job. It keeps my mind occupied for the next few hours, as I try to find a way to co-exist with Mia.



  Falling onto the couch, I exhale a deep breath as I allow myself to finally relax. I just left my weekly session with Mrs. Rhonda and she really hit on some difficult memories. She believes I should talk about my parents, relive our good times, and all that crap. I don’t want to cry over them, I just want them back. After getting home, I realize just how exhausted I am. I have been working for a few days now after school, attending art club in the mornings, and trying to keep up with my homework. The sky was still light, as the sun had completely fallen from the sky just yet.

  I somehow dragged myself off the couch and gathered my art supplies. I walked out onto the back patio and sat in one of the patio chairs. Looking around, I had to give my brother credit. He had made our new backyard a really nice and beautiful place to party and just relax. After our parents died, Isaac sold the house and purchased a smaller one just for us. The old house held too many memories of our parents and as much as we loved them, we needed a fresh new start ourselves.

  Taking out my supplies, I scanned the area trying to see which images spoke to me. The sun was starting to set and the red, orange, and gold colors that floated off the trees and clouds drew me in. I instantly felt a connection with the colors and shapes and knew I had to draw this.

  I sat there for an hour, getting into my own personal zone as I drew and shaded my interpretation of the setting. Just as I finished the last diamond shaped red mark dancing across the waves, I heard a voice from behind.

  “Wow, that is awesome,” Isaac said, as he stepped aside and moved next to me.


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