Hollow Cove Dreams

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Hollow Cove Dreams Page 4

by Leigh Allen

  Mia was different from others I had met. She was beautiful beyond belief, yet, I could tell she had no idea how gorgeous she was. She came from money, but didn’t flaunt it like most rich girls did. And, the craziest part of it all, she was interested in me.

  I know I should have scared her away. I know I should have been rude and perverted until she left, wanting nothing to do with me ever again--but I couldn’t. There was something about Mia that drew me to her, and I couldn’t resist the flame of her smile.

  Her brother was going to kill me and possibly fire me, but I was willing to get to know her, even if it had to be our little secret for now.



  Who is Seth?

  As I drove back home, that question fluttered through my mind. I had spent the rest of the afternoon, just sitting with him, and yet, I still felt like I didn’t know anything about him. It was calming to just sit with someone and feel comfortable enough to not have to speak. I had so many things I had wanted to ask him, but I would wait until later.

  To say Seth had surprised me, was an understatement. At first, the boy who I thought was rough around the edges, proved to be nothing more than a gentle giant. Sure, he put on a tough front, but really he was just a guy with a soft soul. I could feel that he was a good person. I was willing to make it my mission to learn more about who Seth really was.


  The next afternoon at school, I spotted Grace walking down the hall. Reaching out, I grabbed her and pulled her into the long, dark hallway of the band wing.

  Screaming, Grace swatted me away like I was an attacker. “What the hell are you doing?” she asked.

  “I have something huge to tell you,” I beamed, as I tried to keep my voice a whisper.

  Grace’s eyes grew to the size of saucers and a smile grew over her frown. “I love juicy gossip. What is going on?” she prompted.

  I knew it was wrong for me to tell anyone about the moment Seth and I had shared, but I couldn’t help it. Who else was I going to tell? My brother? Hell no!

  “I need you to swear that you won’t say anything, ok?” I asked.

  “You know you can trust me. Now spill,” she said, laughing.

  “So, you know that guy Seth from our art class?” I began.

  “Yeah, the one I tried to tell you information about before you ran out of the coffee shop like a crazy woman,” she scoffed.

  Rolling my eyes, I ignored her jab. “Sure. Anyway, I followed him yesterday to this remote location out in the middle of the woods. At first, he kind of freaked me out, but we started talking and he is really sweet and...” before I could finish my sentence, grace cut me off.

  “Are you insane!” she almost yelled.

  “What is your problem?” I hissed, looking around to make sure we hadn’t brought unwanted attention to ourselves.

  “Seth isn’t the type of guy you need to be following. Sure, he is hot in that biker-bad-boy way, but…” this time, I cut her off.

  “You don’t know him. How can you judge him?”

  Grace sighed, clearly not wanting to fight with me. “Just be careful, he isn’t like you.”

  Frustrated, I didn’t like what she was implying. “What does that mean?”

  “Look, I told you I had news about him, but I guess I will let him tell you. himself. But Seth isn’t the type of guy you need. Guys like that break girls hearts,” she said.

  Grace was my best friend, but I hated how dirty she was making this all sound. I didn’t bother trying to tell her anything else. Just like everyone else, she had made up her mind and judged Seth without knowing him at all.

  “You have it all wrong. We all did,” I said, pleading with her to hear me out.

  “Just be careful, he can be intense,” she warned. “I have heard stories about him. He also has a much bigger secret,” she finished.

  “I’m not afraid of him. He’s different with me,” I said.

  Placing her hands on her hips, Grace eyed me carefully. “How different can he be? You have seen him a handful of times at school and at the coffee shop. You followed him to the middle of nowhere and talked. Mia, you need to be smart about this. He hangs with a biker gang,” she added.

  “I don’t know how to explain it, but I just know. I can feel it,” I stated.

  “Look, I love you and you are my best friend. Just promise me that you will be careful,” she said.

  I hugged her, throwing my arms around her neck. “I promise,” I whispered, as I pulled away. “I need something good in my life,” I stated, tears brimming my eyes and threatening to pour down my face like a waterfall.

  Grace looked at me with great sympathy before simply nodding. I know she understood how much pain I had endured over the last year. Maybe I was crazy to think that Seth and I could be anything more than...whatever it was we were. Maybe I was crazy to believe that the universe would give me something hopeful after everything it had taken away from me. But, there was a part of me that knew I had to at least give myself and Seth a shot.

  I also knew deep down in my heart, that I had to find a way to get to know Seth and prove to everyone he isn’t who they think he is.



  I spotted Mia and her friend running down a dark hallway, but I didn’t stop to see what they were doing. Other than once in Art Club, I really hadn’t spoken to Mia at school. I didn’t even know if that is something she would want.

  I headed to my next class and paused when I saw a few kids whispering and looking right at me. I knew the rumors that were going around this school about me. I was having a baby with my dead brother’s wife. I had killed a guy. I was part of a dangerous biker gang--I wish. I had been arrested for vandalism. Ok, that one was true, but the rest were all lies.

  Ignoring their stares, I walked past everyone and found a seat in the back of my math class. I only had two months left of school and I just needed to graduate and move on. Then I could help out Britley with the baby, get a job at the town’s mechanic shop, and hopefully, stay out of trouble. My goal was to work on custom designs for the mechanic shop; painting designs on motorcycles and race cars. Then, the Raven’s Boys would see that I was out of trouble and hire me to work for them. I just need to get my foot in the door of that clubhouse and then I am golden.

  “Watch out, he might shank you,” I heard a guy say, from the far side of the room.

  I swiftly look up and spotted Austin Moore, star player of the school’s baseball team. He also serves as the schools biggest ass, too. His arm was snaked around his girlfriend, Gina, who I detested just as much as Austin.

  Without thinking, I let my anger get the best of me and before I know it, I am rushing across the room. Taking Austin’s ugly pink polo shirt in my hands, I lift him up off the ground and slammed his body against the cinderblock wall of the classroom.

  From behind, I hear screams as desks and chairs scrape across the tile floor.

  “What are you doing, man? I was just kidding,” Austin says, as he struggles to breathe.

  “Oh yeah, well maybe you need to be careful. Remember, guys like me might just shank your sorry ass,” I snarled, as I slowly let go of him.

  Austin slides down the wall and his body lands with a thud on the floor below. He is panting and his face is red, as I walk calmly back to my seat like the violent act never happened.

  Gripping my fists at my sides, I take a deep, calming breath as I struggle to maintain my composure. I want to run out of this room and leave the school and never look back. But I can’t. Two months. I have to remember to stay out of trouble for two months.

  Our math teacher, Mrs. Haney, walks in and seems unfazed by Austin on the ground. His posse of preps are all knelt around him and are all instructed to go to their seats. No one says another word of the fight and we all sit as Mrs. Haney begins her lesson.

  Placing my earbuds in, I drift away as my rock music takes me far, far away from this place. Everyone in the class keeps their eyes averted to th
e front of the room as they don’t dare to look my way.

  I smiled to myself, secretly enjoying the fear I have caused them. Serves them right. They all believe the gossip that floats around this school and town. If only they could look past my black leather jacket, troubled past, and angry, stoic face-- they could see that underneath it all, I am just like them.

  When the class finally ends, I jump up and race to the crowded hallway. Everyone parts as I walk, afraid of getting too close.

  Suddenly, a flash of golden hair catches my eye. I suck in a deep breath as Mia and her friend Grace walk right past, oblivious to my presence just a few feet away.

  Mia is breathtaking in a pair of tight jeans that accentuate her perfect figure. She isn't stick-thin like some of the girls around here, but there isn’t an ounce of fat on her body. She is toned, with an athletic build that would drive any man crazy. Her blue eyes sparkle as she laughs at something her friend has just said. The golden streaks in her hair look like waves of honey. Someone nudges me from behind and I realize that I had stopped dead in my tracks right in the middle of the hallway.

  Seeing the commotion I have caused, Mia glances my way and our eyes meet. In an instant, it feels like my entire world just flipped upside down. I can’t explain it or understand it, but every time I see her, it is like it’s the first time all over again.

  When Mia looked at me, it was like I was breathing for the first time. Seeing her smile, was like the sun shining for the first time after days of rain. And yet, she smiled at me. I wasn’t sure what she thought was going to happen, but Mia and I could never work. She was the good girl turned angry, and I was the complete opposite of that. But, still, even though I knew I shouldn’t, I just couldn’t stay away from her. With everything going on in my life right now, I needed something to make me feel like I wasn’t just existing, but truly living. All I could hope for was that I didn’t mess up her life with mine. So, loving danger as I did, I reached for my phone and did one of the most dangerous and stupid things I had ever done before. I reached out to get Mia.



  Seeing Seth in the hall reminded me that our lives were complicated and yet, intertwined. We lived in the same town. Went to the same school. Now, even worked at the same place. But still, Seth was an enigma to me. I felt like I knew him, and at the same time, like he was a distant stranger I longed to see and touch.

  “What are you looking at?” Grace asked, as she noticed me staring.

  She turned her head and spotted Seth as he turned to walk away. I wish he would have waved at me, or even come to say hello, but instead, he rushed off. I swear, one minute we were sharing a personal conversation and the next we were acting like total strangers. His change in emotions was starting to give me whiplash.

  “Oh, I see. Your bad boy,” she teased.

  Rolling my eyes, I continued walking to my next class. I felt my phone buzz in my pocket and as I reached to grab it, Grace waved by as she slid into her class.

  I went across the hall to my Biology lab and found my seat. Once situated, I glanced at my phone. To my surprise, I saw a text from Seth.

  Seth: Meet me at our place at 4 pm

  Butterflies flitted around in my stomach as I looked at those words. Our Place.

  Me: Ok.

  I zoned out the rest of the day. Each class was a blur and by the time the last bell rang, I couldn’t tell you a thing I had learned. But, I didn't have time to worry about that now.

  Rushing to my SUV, I zoomed through town on my way home. I wanted to shower and change into a cute pair of navy-blue shorts and a tan sweater. I pull my long hair up into a ponytail and dab on lip gloss. Checking the time, I shoot a quick text to Isaac, letting him know I won’t be able to work my shift tonight.

  Me: Hey, can’t work tonight. I have plans.

  Isaac: Seriously? This is not how you handle a job.

  Me: Whatever. My brother is my boss and I technically own part of the shop too. Besides, don’t you want me to have fun?

  I knew I was playing dirty, because Isaac had been concerned about me lately.

  Isaac: Fine, but next time I need more than an hours’ notice.

  Me: Thanks!

  Tucking my phone into my shorts pocket, I slip on a pair of black Converse sneakers and rush out of the house. The entire drive to the field, all I can do is smile. Never has anyone had this kind of effect on me before. It is terrifying, but exhilarating all at the same time.

  As I turn the bend where the path leads to the open field, I spot Seth’s bike parked along the gravel. He stands against it, his thick arms crossed against his muscular chest, and a sly grin paints his dark features. He is so dreamy and dangerous; the perfect combination for a bad boy.

  I pull up in front of him and slowly get out of my car. My nerves are shaking and I make sure I can walk a straight line. I swear, being around him makes me feel drunk.

  “Thought you were going to stand me up,” Seth says, with a wink.

  “Why would you think that?” I ask, walking over to stand in front of him. I can smell his cologne; a combination of vanilla and spice and it makes me want to move in closer. But I don't.

  “A guy like me could be bad for your reputation. Thought maybe big brother wanted to keep you locked up,” he said.

  He was playing the bad boy and his performance was Oscar-worthy, but something told me it was just an act. This wasn’t the real Seth.

  “Well, you are wrong. Big brother has night class after work tonight. I can go and do what I want. I think you are trying to scare me away,” I smirked. “Besides, you invited me, didn’t you?” I taunted.

  Releasing his arms, Seth strode over to me and without saying another word, took my hand in his and led me down the narrow path to the field.

  I followed him without arguing. Once we entered through the opening of the trees, it was like we stepped into a magical world. Everything seemed to transform into a tranquil and peaceful world as we walked through the open field. Here we could be together without my brother watching my every move. Here I could be Mia, not the girl who lost her parents.

  Instead of stopping to sit like last time, Seth kept walking. “Where are we going?” I finally asked.

  “There is a pond over there,” he said, pointing behind a cluster of large oak trees.

  I just nodded, like that explained everything. After a few more minutes, I spotted a small oval-shaped pond. The water was brown and murky with tall weeds outlining the perimeter. A couple of ducks floated carelessly on the surface and I heard a frog jump in and make a small splash, causing a slight ripple in the calm water.

  “This is beautiful,” I admired.

  “Yeah, sometimes I come here and fish or just sit and skip rocks along the water. It can be calming when you’ve had a bad day,” he finishes.

  The sly grin dissolves and I see the look of hurt flash across his eyes.

  “Yeah, when I have bad days, I sometimes will sit down and paint. I can just throw all of my emotions on a canvas. It can be very relaxing,” I say.

  Seth turns to look at me and I see a softness in his eyes. I want to reach out and caress his cheek and ask him what has hurt him so badly in his life, but I stop myself. For now.

  “I get that. I like to paint custom designs on bikes and cars. It definitely is an outlet for my anger at times,” he says.

  “Is that why you joined the art club? I mean, besides the fact you kind of had to?” I ask, and suddenly I regret the question. Grace had told me that in confidence, and I wasn’t sure if it was my business or not.

  “So, you know about that?” he begins. “I was given a couple of options and joining a club at school was one of them. Since I like art, joining the art club seemed like a no brainer. I still have to complete my hours of community service picking up trash alongside the highway on Saturday and Sunday mornings, but I only have three weeks left. As long as I stay out of trouble,” he finishes, a grunt in his voice.

  The old me would h
ave run away as fast as I could after learning about his criminal past. But, the new me was more understanding. I knew that people dealt with anger differently.

  “What did you do? I mean, to cause you to have to complete community service?” I asked, my voice barely above a whisper.

  “After my brother died, I got caught up with some bad guys. I tagged a few buildings and was arrested for vandalism. I know there are rumors about me, but I want you to know none of them are true,” he said. “I really want to be part of the Raven’s Boys club and that requires me keeping myself on the right side of the law.”

  Shaking my head, I took a leap of faith and took his other hand in mine. Forcing him to look at me, I smiled. “Seth, I don’t listen to rumors. I knew you had gotten into trouble, but I don’t care. I see someone else when I look at you,” I stated.

  Seth looked at me for a moment, before he spoke. “What do you mean?”

  “I see a guy who has been hurt, but that isn't a bad guy. I don’t think you are this dark and scary guy you want people to believe you are,” I said, my eyes staring deep into his rich, brown ones.

  “What if I am the bad guy?” he asks.

  My heart is racing about a mile a minute, but still, I hold my ground. I will not let Seth scare me off.

  “You aren’t. I feel it deep in my soul.”

  Leaning in, Seth presses his lips against mine. In an instant, the world around us disappears and it is just the two of us; the last two people on this planet. His tongue eagerly slips into my mouth and with a rhythm only meant for sensual moves, our tongues danced together. A moan escapes from me as he presses his body against mine. Wrapped in his arms, his lips sealed to mine, I have never felt more blissful in my life.

  After a few minutes, our lips part and we both take a heated step back. My chest is rising and falling rapidly and so is Seth’s. Cupping his hands around my face, Seth looks at me with an intense stare that makes me want to melt on the spot. It’s like he’s telling me his hopes and dreams with just one look into my eyes. I can’t understand the connection I feel with him, but it is strong. Much stronger than the both of us.


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