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Hollow Cove Dreams

Page 6

by Leigh Allen

  Growing frustrated, I decided to text him.

  Me: Hey, where were you this morning?

  After a few minutes, Seth finally responded.

  Seth: Didn’t feel like making it.

  Me: Ok, well, won’t you get in trouble?

  Seth: Nah, I have proven I am no longer a menace to society.

  I had to roll my eyes at that. While he played the part of the brooding bad boy, I did have to admit that he was kind of funny, too.

  Me: I want to meet up today, is that ok?

  Seth: Thought you would never ask. Meet me at our spot after school.

  Me: Ok.

  I put my phone away and smiled. Today, I was going to figure out what exactly was going on between me and Seth. Hopefully, I wasn’t heartbroken.

  After school, I texted Isaac to let him know I wasn’t going to come into work today. He was annoyed, but I made up a story about having a ton of homework. As a Sophomore, he knew how important it was for me to keep my grades up.

  I drove to mine and Seth’s secret spot, and I felt my stomach growing nervous, the closer I got. I knew Seth liked me, but I wasn’t sure if he was ready, if ever, to put a label on what we were. To be honest, I wasn’t really sure why I was so concerned with it either.

  I spotted Seth’s bike as soon as I turned the bend, and a smile grew over my face. I felt giddy and tried to hide some of the excitement I felt. I mean, I didn’t want him to think I was some crazy, clinger type girl.

  As usual, Seth was leaning against his bike, arms crossed, and a smirk on his face. I wasn’t sure how he beat me here, I left as soon as the last bell rang. Knowing Seth, he probably skipped out of class early.

  I parked my SUV and slowly made my way to him. “Took you long enough,” Seth said, with a wink.

  “Some of us have to wait until school is actually over to leave,” I teased back.

  “I waited, but I grew bored. Plus, I was ready to see you,” he said, as he moved himself off his bike and began walking toward me.

  He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close. His fingers brushed under my t-shirt and the feeling was electric.

  “Seth,” I breathed, but there was nothing else to say.

  There was so much meaning behind that one word and we both knew it. Leaning down, he placed a soft kiss to my lips and I swear I felt myself grow weak in the knees. How is it possible for him to still have this effect on me?

  “Come on,” Seth said, as he began to lead us to the clearing.

  His hand never left my waist and as we approached the open field, I took in the sweet scent of the afternoon air. The sun was shining brightly down on us and the slight breeze felt good against my heated skin.

  We sat in silence for what felt like an eternity. Every now and then Seth would plant small kisses up and down my neck, before moving up to my lips and right below my chin. I closed my eyes and drowned in the way he made me feel, it was so intoxicating.

  “Damn, I could stay right here with you forever,” Seth growled.

  I pulled away for a moment and looked deep into his eyes. “Seth, what are we doing?” I asked.

  Chuckling, Seth smiled. “Right now, I am tasting your sweet skin,” he moaned.

  Putting my hand on his chest, I stopped him from moving close again. If he kept this up, I would never find the courage to speak up. “No, I mean, you and me?”

  Seth looked at me carefully before backing away. “What do you mean?” he asked, taking a nervous gulp.

  I could feel my hands shaking as I fought to speak the next words. “Well, we have been hanging out a lot, and doing other stuff...Are we…”

  “Are you looking for a label?” he asked. “I mean, you know I like you and I know you like me, but… I am not sure this would work outside of this place,” he finished, waving his arms around indicating the field.

  I was thrown for a loop as what he just said registered in my heart and brain. I felt like I had been punched in the gut. Had I been wrong all along?

  “Are you using me?” I began to lash out. I stood, ready to storm away, but I swirled around and faced him as he too, came to his feet. “I refuse to be used as part of a game. Yes, I like you, but I am not some little whore who will make out with you and have sex with you, if we aren’t something more.”

  “No, you are wrong,” Seth said, grabbing my hand and stopping me from moving away. “I want to be with you, but we have to keep it a secret,” he said.

  Another blow just about knocked me over. How could I have been so stupid as to believe Seth would want someone like me?

  “I won’t be anyone's dirty secret,” I yelled, as I began to stomp away.

  Grabbing my arm, he pulled me back to him. “You have it all wrong,” he said, as he looked into my eyes. “I hid our...relationship because I didn’t want people to be cruel to you. I know how people look at me in this town. I know what I am. I couldn’t stand the thought of anyone looking down on you. I think you are the most amazing person I’ve ever met.”

  I was stunned, speechless as I felt like I was on a never-ending merry-go-round. One minute he says he can’t be with me, then the next he says I am the most amazing person he has ever met. I can’t do this, not like this.

  “Seth, I want to be with you, but you have to realize you aren’t what other people make you out to be. I am a big girl. I can make my own decisions and deal with the consequences of them. If people talk, let them. If they judge us, who cares? I’m strong enough to handle that because I see the good in you. I see the soft, caring side. I see how smart and creative you are. If you can’t see those things too, then you are right. This will never work,” I said, as tears began to fill my eyes.

  I needed to get out of there before I became an emotional wreck. I began to run as I fought to keep my tears at bay. I was almost to the clearing, before I felt a pair of strong arms around my waist. Before I knew it, I was back in Seth’s arms as I fought and yelled for him to let me go.

  “Stop! Just let me go,” I cried out.

  “No,” Seth yelled back.

  He held me tightly, but spun me around so that I was facing him. “Did you mean it?” he asked, his eyes boring deep into mine.

  I only nodded, afraid that if I spoke, all the emotions I was holding in, would unleash like a raging river.

  Seth crashed his lips to mine and I felt myself giving in to him. I knew it was wrong, but I was a sucker to his touch.

  “Mia, I want you more than I have ever wanted anything in my entire life. If you think you can handle everyone talking, then I don’t care who sees us. I want to kiss you and hold you at school and in town. I want to let the world know you are mine and only mine. If another guy even looks at you, it takes everything in me not to kick their ass. I want you, and I don’t know why you want me, too. But, I can’t stay away from you. I can’t hide how I feel any longer,” he rushed out.

  And just like that, all of my anger and hurt seemed to disappear. Seth wanted me and in time, I knew he would see just how wonderful he truly was. For now, I was just going to enjoy this crazy journey to becoming us.



  I knew that I had done the one thing I had tried my hardest not to do, but I couldn’t change that now. Mia was like a magnet to my soul. As much as I tried to stay away, I just couldn’t.

  After giving in and finally allowing myself to be honest with Mia, I had felt like a huge weight had been lifted off my heart, but a boulder replaced that choking feeling as the consequences as what could come from our relationship raced through my mind.

  We had spent all afternoon and evening together, lying in one another’s arms until night fell and Mia had to be home.

  Now, it’s Wednesday morning, and I know this will be the true test to see if Mia can really handle being with me. Each day throughout the previous week, we had talked in the halls, just giving everyone around us small glimpses into what we were becoming. People were already talking. I know she cares about me, but can she live
with the ridicule she may face by being seen with me. It would absolutely destroy me to know I had any part of hurting her.

  “Hey,” a familiar voice says from behind me.

  I am walking down the long hallway, trying my best not to just shove everyone out of my way. Students mingle around, acting as though they have no cares in the world. I hear gossip, talks about the upcoming weekend parties, and fits of giggles as a group of girls mock a new student.

  I turn and feel my heart race as Mia stands in front of me. I want to reach out and pull her to me, but I fight the urge. Instead, I shove my hands into my pockets.

  “Hey,” I mumble with a nod.

  Mia smiles at me and her eyes light up with that same spark that causes my anger and worries to all wash away.

  “Are you going to make it to art club tomorrow?” she asks. I can tell there are so many other things she wants to say right now, but she is playing it cool.

  “Are you going to be there?” I asked, smiling down at her.

  She nods and holds her books close to her chest. I love how damn adorable she is when she gets nervous like this.

  “Yes, you know I wouldn’t miss art club,” she teases.

  “Cool. Then that means I will be there, too,” I wink.

  I take a step closer to her, and I don’t miss the gasps as a few students watch us with deep intensity. Their curiosity is causing them to stop and stare, but I am ignoring them all right now. This is about me and Mia.

  “Great,” Mia says, and I hear her breaths falter, as my closeness eliminates the space between us.

  My body heats with want and need as I look down into her beautiful blue eyes. “I have to work tonight, what about you?” I ask.

  I allow my hand to lightly brush against her bare arm and she looks down before meeting my eyes again. “Yeah, I have to work. Maybe we can talk after?”

  I would do anything she asked. “Sure,” I say.

  The warning bell rings and the students who were just watching us, now all begin to scatter toward their first hour classes.

  “I better get to class,” Mia mumbles, and I love how disappointed she is to leave me.

  I move my lips close to her ear and am engulfed in her sweet scent of vanilla and lavender. “Don’t be late, I would hate for you to get into any trouble,” I growled, as I turn and head toward my Biology class.

  As I walk away, I turn my head slightly and smile as Mia is still frozen in place, watching me go.



  I couldn’t get the thoughts of Seth out of my mind. My English teacher was discussing one of my favorite Shakespeare plays, A Midsummer’s Night Dream, but I didn’t hear a word she said.

  Suddenly, I felt a tap on my shoulder.

  “What is up with you?” Grace asks, as she leans in close to me.

  “What?” I asked, startled.

  Shaking her head, Grace eyes me carefully. “You have this stupid grin on your face and I can totally tell you are daydreaming. What gives?” she asks.

  I could try to come up with a lie to tell her, but she would never believe me. I am too far gone now. Seth has taken over my heart and mind and I am tired of fighting it.

  Sighing, I leaned into her and begin to whisper. “I talked to Seth yesterday. We told each other how we feel,” I gushed.

  I couldn’t hide the giggle that escaped as I talked about him. I wanted Grace to be happy for me. I wanted my best friend to laugh and talk with me about Seth. But, I had a bad feeling that wasn’t going to happen.

  “Mia, I thought you were going to be careful,” she hissed.

  I raised my eyes at her and scowled. “Grace, I really want you to be happy for me,” I said.

  “Mia, I want to be happy for you, too. But, I told you, Seth isn’t what he seems,” she stated firmly.

  I scooted back into my seat and turned my attention toward my teacher. I was done talking about this with her right now. She had just taken me from an absolute high to the depths of depression.

  Crossing my arms across my chest, I spent the remainder of the class ignoring my best friend.


  By lunch, I had managed to avoid talking to Grace. However, I knew she would be waiting for me at our spot. Walking into the cafeteria, I inhaled the scent of fried foods and heard the loud chatter of my peers.

  My eyes instantly landed on Grace and she was looking at me. Knowing I had to get this over with, I walked right over to her and sat down.

  “So, let’s talk,” I stated.

  Grace rolled her eyes. “Look, I know you are mad at me, but I am only looking out for you. The rumors about him…”

  I held up my hand and signaled for her to stop.

  “Grace, I already told you that I am not interested in hearing rumors about Seth. Anything that he needs to tell me, I want to hear directly from him. Besides, you know how people love to spin stories around here. It is unfair to believe things that people make up, and claim to be true. I am happy, Grace. Seth isn’t the guy that you all see. He is sweet, kind, and very talented,” I said, my voice rising as my anger took over.

  I watched as Grace’s mouth fell open, but she quickly shut it again. She looked defeated and I hated that. “Alright. If this is something you need to learn on your own, I won’t say another word. You are right, not all rumors are true. If you say he is a good guy, then I will take your word,” she said.

  I clapped my hands together with cheer. “Thank you, Grace. I promise, you will learn that I am right.”

  “I will make an effort to get to know him, but I still think you should be careful,” Grace warned.

  “I am always careful,” I lied.

  This made Grace laugh and just like that, we were back to our normal selves. I loved how Grace looked out for me, but she was wrong about this. I knew Seth, and hopefully, in time, she would learn just how amazing he is, too.



  I’ve never felt like this before. I swear, it’s like Mia has opened up something in me. Today, for the first time in a long time, I didn’t skip out on any of my classes. I even did some of my work.

  As I drove to the coffee shop, I enjoyed the cool air as it blew through my hair. Hell, I was even excited about working. While I knew I had been given a golden opportunity to get my act together, the thought of seeing Mia there gave me the extra motivation I needed to really get myself together. It had also been a few weeks since I had heard from Britley, so overall this had been a great day.

  I parked my bike behind the coffee shop and spotted Mia’s Range Rover already there. Just seeing her car made me happy. So, this is what caring for someone else feels like.

  Walking into the shop, I was overwhelmed by the strong aroma of coffee grounds. There were already a few of the regulars sitting at booths, enjoying a steaming cup of coffee and a treat from the bakery section. I clocked in and found Isaac at the register.

  “Hey,” I said.

  Isaac looked at me with surprise. “You are early today,” he said.

  I couldn’t help but chuckle. “Yeah, I figured I would do something right for a change.”

  Isaac laughed too, before slapping me on the back. “Good. Now, tonight I was thinking maybe you could handle helping at the register. We have started a new service where customers drop off their glasses and plates in that empty bin,” he said, pointing to a large structure that resembled a sink. We save a ton of money on just rewashing dishes instead of using paper or plastic goods. Anyway, just keep an eye on the bin, if it seems like it is full, drop it off in the back dishwasher,” Isaac finished.

  I nodded and had to fight back the urge to scream out in excitement. Hell, this was a promotion in my eyes.

  “Sounds good,” I said. “You know, that wall would look really cool with a design of Hollow’s Cove,” I said, before realizing I had said the words aloud.

  Isaac followed my gaze and stared at the blank wall for a while. “You know, my mom always said that, too. She could never de
cide what to do with it.”

  “Really?” I asked.

  Nodding, Isaac turned back to me. “Yeah. Besides, Mia always wanted to do some princess mural when she was a kid,” he laughed. “Now, I don’t know if she would have time to do just a big task on her own,” he finished.

  I thought about this for a while. “I could help her,” I volunteered. Oh no, was Isaac about to learn my secret? “I mean, I dabble in art myself,” I added.

  Isaac laughed. “Yeah, that’s what your parole officer told me.”

  My heart dropped. There was no chance in hell Isaac would be happy when he learned that his baby sister was wanting to be with scum like me. I felt sick to my stomach, realizing that my happiness was short lived.

  “Well, I am not that guy anymore,” I said in defense. “I mean, I am working to get my act together. I even have a job opportunity when I finish my probation to work on custom cars, doing designs and paint jobs. I appreciate you taking me on, but I promise, I won’t get into any more trouble,” I said. And, for the first time in my life, I meant what I was saying.

  Isaac nodded in understanding. “I get that. We all grow from our mistakes. Look, I knew your brother…” he paused, and we both knew which brother he was referring to. “He was a good kid. I know he got married young, right out of high school, but he had been a buddy once. I’m happy to help you. We can start talking about possible murals when I get back. I have a trip planned for Vegas next weekend. I think it will do both me and Mia some good to get some space,” he said.

  A spark of hope settled within me. Isaac and I had shared a slight moment of friendship. Maybe he was right; we all do grow from our mistakes. He might even one day approve of me with Mia. Besides, what really sparked my interest was the idea of having her alone this coming weekend.

  For Mia, I would do anything in this world to be good enough for her. I had to turn my life around, or I could never have her.


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