Hollow Cove Dreams

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Hollow Cove Dreams Page 7

by Leigh Allen



  I rush through the back door of the shop and hope Isaac isn’t mad that I am late. After school hours are usually some of our busiest times, besides the early morning rush. Kids from my school and the local prep school like to hang out here sometimes. In a small town like Hollow’s Cove, there really isn’t a lot of places for teens to go.

  I throw my hair back into a ponytail and then make my way through the kitchen. I can already hear the sounds of the coffee machine as it rumbles to make a delicious warm treat. The smell of coffee beans and sugar ignite my senses.

  This place always reminds me of my mom and I smile as I think about it.

  “Thanks for showing up,” Isaac says, as he rolls his eyes at me.

  I had lost track of time talking with Grace after school. I guess I really didn’t have an excuse so there was no reason to argue with him. “Sorry, I will be better about being on time,” I said.

  Isaac simply nodded and then motioned for me to head to the bar. Two other ladies who worked full time for us were already busy taking orders. I jumped in to help pour coffee and bag up cookies and scones that were ordered.

  I was so busy, I had completely forgotten about Seth. I could feel his presence as he slipped behind the counter. He wasn’t carrying the busboy bin, but he was collecting a tub filled to the brim with plates and mugs. I had remembered Isaac talking to me about this idea.

  Seth moved behind me and I could feel his warm breath on the back of my neck. “Thought you would never get here,” he whispered, as he slid right past me and into the kitchen.

  My heart raced and I felt all giddy with excitement. A cheesy grin spread across my face as I continued to help prepare orders. Once the rush seemed to die down, I made up an excuse to go to the kitchen.

  “Hey, I will go get more clean mugs to stock behind the counter,” I said.

  No one seemed to notice, so I just went straight to the kitchen. Seth was smiling when I made my way back to the dish area. “What?” he asked, with that cocky grin of his.

  “Nothing,” I said, as I began to move cups around on the shelf.

  I was pretending like he didn’t have any effect on me at all, but we both knew I wasn’t fooling anyone.

  I felt his hands on my waist before being pulled backward. Seth leaned into me and I felt my breath falter. This was so dangerous. Isaac or anyone else could walk in and see us right now. I should care. I should know better than to be this reckless at work, but I didn’t care. Being in Seth’s arms made me forget all of my cares and worries.

  “So, I just learned some interesting news,” Seth said, as he ran his hand up and down my arm.

  I felt goosebumps rise from his sweet touch. “Oh yeah, what’s that?” I asked, allowing my body to sink further into him.

  “Isaac just reminded me that he is going to Vegas this weekend. Looks like you will be all alone. Might need someone to come and protect you,” he added.

  I turned in his arms to face him. Pursing my lips, I gave him a wide smile. “Why would you think that? Maybe I don’t need taken care of,” I bantered.

  Seth chuckled low in his chest. “Are you saying you don’t want me to come over?”

  “Oh, I never said anything like that,” I mused. “Maybe you need protecting from me,” I said, wiggling my brows at him.

  A spark struck in his eyes as he let out a loud laugh. “Mia, you have no idea what is in store for you,” he said.

  Releasing his hold, Seth turned. He dropped off the dirty dishes, winked, and then left me standing alone in the kitchen.

  Well, I sure hoped Seth was right. I couldn’t wait to see what he had in store for me this weekend. I grabbed a couple of coffee mugs and then sauntered back to the front of the shop. I spent the next two hours of my shift with a smile on my face and not a care in the world. I kept that smile when I got home and Isaac gave me strange glances as I skipped to my bedroom to do my Chemistry homework. Sooner or later, everyone would discover my relationship with Seth. I planned to tell him once he got back from Vegas. For now, as much as I hated hiding my feelings for Seth from everyone, he was mine and mine only.



  The rest of the week wasn’t so bad. Compared to my life, this was probably the happiest I have ever been. All I could think about was having the entire weekend alone with Mia. There were so many things I wanted to do with her-- to do to her, but I also didn’t want to make her think I only wanted her for her sexy body. I mean, I did, but I also wanted her for her heart and soul.

  I was sitting outside enjoying the afternoon sun as I worked on a custom paint job for a friend, when I heard my phone chime.

  Hoping it was Mia, I was sadly mistaken. As I pulled my phone out of my pocket, Britley’s name appeared on the screen.

  I sighed as I answered the call. “Yeah?”

  “Well, is that how you answer the phone. So rude,” she mocked.

  I rolled my eyes and stood up. I could already feel anger rising within me. “What do you want, Britley?” I rushed out.

  I could hear her smiling through the phone and that got me even more upset. “I wanted to let you know the doctor thinks this baby might come early. I hope you and your family have money saved up,” she finished.

  I hated how detached she sounded. This was a baby, her baby that she was growing inside of her, and she felt no connection to it. I get that I am only in high school, but even I know you are supposed to love your own kids. Hell, it’s only my niece or nephew, but I already feel a connection to it.

  “Do you ever stop and wonder what my brother would say if he were still here?” I asked, knowing that even though she seemed like a heartless bitch, my brother was a sensitive spot with her.

  Silence filled the phone and for a moment, I wondered if she had hung up. Finally, she spoke again, but this time her tone had changed. “Look, you know what this is. Either your family can take this kid, or I put it up for adoption. I can’t do this on my own,” she said, and I swear I heard a hint of a real human behind that devil’s voice.

  I wanted to keep pushing her, but knew better. She was pregnant after all and only nineteen. As much as I hated her, I also knew that this must be terrifying for her. Once she turned eighteen, her parents kicked her out. My brother and our family took her in. Then, when everything went down, she bounced. Only to return a few months later with a baby bump.

  “Fine. Just please call us when you go into labor,” I said.

  “What does your girlfriend think about this?” Britley asked, and there it was; the bitch was back again.

  Rage consumed me and I could feel the phone tightening under my grip. “Leave her out of this,” I growled.

  Laughter filled the phone and I had to remove it from my ear for a second. “She has no clue about this, does she?” Britley asked.

  I hated how happy this was making her. Why was she so evil?

  “Not yet, but I will tell her,” I gritted out.

  “Sure, just better hope she is ready to play baby mamma,” she laughed, before hanging up the phone.

  I closed my eyes for a moment and took a few deep breaths. Britley had brought up a topic that I knew was going to haunt me until I came clean with Mia. And, I had every intention to do so. I just wanted to wait until after this weekend. If it all came to an end, at least I could say I had one magical weekend with her to think about the rest of my life.



  The rest of the week seemed to crawl by. I had been drowning in homework, working at the shop, and somehow managing to avoid several party invitations. The last thing I truly needed right now was to go to some wild party and end up the topic of conversation the next day. Only recently did people care to send me the invite. Maybe they wanted to see me and Seth show up together?

  Plus, my mind had been filled with an idea for this weekend. Isaac had gone over the home security system a million times with me, made sure I had every contact of every person we have ever me
t in our lives, and left me enough food and money for a month. I knew he was worried, but I wasn’t a little kid anymore.

  When Friday finally arrived, I couldn’t contain my excitement.

  “What’s got you so giddy?” Grace asked, as she ran up next to me.

  “What?” I asked, slowing my pace.

  “You were practically sprinting down the hallway,” she laughed.

  I realized I was way ahead of everyone else and the final bell of the day had just rung. “I’m just in a hurry to get home. Isaac left for Vegas this morning and I can’t wait to have the house to myself,” I said.

  Technically, I wasn’t lying. I was just omitting certain parts of the truth. Yeah, let’s go with that.

  “There is something else going on, too,” Grace said, grabbing my arm and forcing me to look at her.

  Someone slammed a locker next to me and I just about jumped out of my skin. “I don’t know what you are talking about,” I said, my voice rising.

  Laughing, Grace pinched me. “Mia, you are a terrible liar. You and Seth are going to hook up this weekend,” she stated, as though it was written on my calendar.

  Maybe it was, but we aren’t going there right now.

  I grabbed her arm and pulled her closer. “Shhh. Keep your voice down,” I hissed. “Yes, Seth is coming over. Other than going to our spot out in the country and seeing one another at work, that’s all the time we get to spend together. Don’t be mad, but I am really looking forward to this,” I said, with a deep sigh.

  Grace eyed me carefully before finally letting go of me. “Just be careful. Next weekend, I demand that you take us all out, so I can get to know him,” she stated.

  I threw my arms around her neck and pulled her in for a tight hug. “Thank you so much! I promise, I will,” I said. I released my hold on Grace and then turned to leave. “I will call you later,” I said, with a wave.

  I rushed out of the school and made it to my car in record time. I wanted to get home and ready before Seth arrived.


  Two hours later, I had showered and cleaned up around the house. I was lighting a warm apple pie candle when I heard a knock at the front door. I had texted Seth my address when I got home and now, I felt like my heart was going to explode as I raced to the door.

  I checked myself in the hallway mirror and made sure my purple t-shirt wasn’t wrinkled and that my skinny jeans gave my butt a perfect little lift. I swiped a loose strand of hair away from my eyes before opening the door.

  Standing before me, Seth wore a black leather jacket and a smile that could kill.

  “Hey,” I said.

  “Hey,” Seth nodded.

  I opened the door further and he walked inside, brushing my boob with his arm as he passed.

  Again, I felt that familiar rush from his touch. I spotted the smirk on his face and knew that his little boob-brush was planned.

  “So, we could watch a movie or…” before I could even say another word, Seth rushed upon me and crushed his lips to mine. Lifting me up, I locked my legs around his waist as he pushed me up against the hallway wall.

  Our hands began to roam, exploring one another’s bodies. His tongue circled inside my mouth and I couldn’t help the moan that escaped. He held me like he was afraid to let go of me. I ran my hands through his thick hair as his kisses deepened.

  Forget about any other kisses in the existence of kisses. Seth Parker had totally flipped my entire world upside down and I was loving every moment of it. I felt like I was living in a dream and I prayed I never woke.

  Slowly, Seth released me and I slid down his body until my feet were safely planted on the floor again.

  “Sorry,” Seth said. “Every time I see you, I want to do that,” he admitted.

  “Why don’t you?” I asked. Our eyes locked and I saw that he wanted me just as bad as I wanted him.

  “Mia, you know why not. People around here judge me, but I am changing my reputation. I even talked with Isaac about it,” he added.

  My ears perked up at this. “You talked to my brother?”

  “Yeah, he and my brother were friends once. Anyway, I have a long road ahead of me to fix the mess I created, but once I do, I promise we will shout to the world that we are together,” he said.

  I hung my head, because I had so many conflicting emotions inside of me. Part of me wanted to scream at him and tell him to leave. I told him once I wasn’t going to be a secret and I meant it. Another part of me knew that I was in deep with Seth. I cared about him more than I have ever cared about anyone else. I wanted to be with him and I understood his reservations. I just wished he didn’t feel that way.

  Placing his hand on my chin, Seth forced me to look up at him. “Don’t do that, Mia. Don’t get upset with me. Everything I am doing right now is for you. I want to prove to you and everyone else that I can be more than the kid who messed up. I want everyone to think I deserve you,” he said.

  We had already been down this road, but still, Seth didn’t understand how much I cared for him. In an instant, I closed the gap between us and pulled him in for a long, kiss.

  “Follow me,” I said, as I began to lead him toward my bedroom.

  Seth’s eyes grew wide as he realized the meaning behind my words.

  Holding his hand, I led Seth to my bedroom. As I opened the door, I knew that once we entered, everything would change.

  This room, with it’s dark gray walls, red satin sheets, and silver picture frames of my parents and Grace held all of me. Now, I would share it with Seth, too.

  Seth stopped me as I took the first step inside the room. “Are you sure?” he asked.

  There was so much unsaid between us, but neither of us needed to speak.

  That night, I gave Seth a part of myself that I had been holding onto for my entire life. For every girl, their first time should be with someone who you know for as long as you live, they will hold a special place in your heart. And, as I laid down on my bed and grant Seth permission to explore parts of me that I had cherished, I knew that I would forever hold a special place for Seth in my life.


  I awoke the next morning to the sun shining brightly in my bedroom window. I groaned as I rolled over, expecting to shield my eyes from the glaring intrusion. Instead, I almost screamed when my leg hit a warm body.

  Then, everything came rushing back to me. Seth.

  I looked down and realized I was still naked, my body covered partly by my sheets. I peeked at a glance and noticed Seth had the covers just barely covering his lower half, and I smiled as I remembered how delicious that lower half truly was.

  His ripped chest and strong, muscular arms lay next to him. I couldn’t help but watch him as he slept. He seemed so peaceful as his chest rose and fell in a calming way. I wish Seth could be this way all of the time.

  Suddenly, he stirred and I rolled back to my cool spot on the bed.

  “Were you checking me out?” he asked, his eyes still closed, but a devious smile creeping on his face.

  “Maybe,” I teased, biting my lower lip.

  His eyes opened and I saw that spark that drew me in like a moth to a flame.

  Leaning on his elbow, Seth took in my bare chest and he licked his lips. I swear, I must have blushed because he chuckled when his eyes finally roamed back up to mine. “You know, you were pretty amazing last night,” he said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear.

  “Really?” I asked, unable to hide my embarrassment.

  “Hell yeah. You had this little move with your hips that had me almost exploding before we got into it,” he stated. “You will have to teach me,” he winked.

  “Nothing to teach,” I said, diverting my eyes away. “If anything, you will have to teach me,” I said, my voice barely above a whisper.

  “What are you talking about?” Seth asked, taking my hand in his.

  “Well...I have never…” I couldn’t get the words to form as I stumbled around like a moron.

izing what I was saying, Seth perked up. “I remember that you are a virgin,” he stated.

  “Well, I was…” I said, feeling stupid.

  Seth stared at me for a moment and I feared he may take off and never come back again. How immature he must find me.

  “Mia, we have um...done other things,” he said, alluding to the fact he fingered me and I gave him a hand job once at our spot. Other than that, we hadn’t gone further. Sex was a big deal to me and now, I hoped I wasn’t going to regret it. “You told me that you were a virgin and I told you how sexy I found that idea,” he smirked.

  “Yes, I know. But, I was saving myself,” I said, before stopping. I was just making this so much worse. “For someone I really cared about,” hoping he understood the meaning of my words.

  “Mia, this is huge,” Seth said. “I care about you so much.”

  “I care about you, too,” I mumbled. I went to roll away, but Seth stopped me.

  “No, don’t turn away. Sure, I have been with other girls before, but none had ever cared enough to save themselves for someone special. I can’t believe you would deem me as special enough to give your virginity to,” he said, shaking his head in disbelief.

  Now it was my turn to stop him. Taking his hand in mine, I forced him to look at me. “Seth, you know I care about you. I wouldn’t have wanted to lose my virginity any other way,” I stated, matter of fact like.

  And, it was the truth. I knew I was falling in love with Seth, but I didn’t dare say those words yet. I needed him to know it. To feel it, too.

  “Mia, you are incredible,” he said, leaning in and kissing me again.

  As our mouths began the same sensual dance as last night, I enjoyed the feel of Seth’s warm, naked body rolling over on top of me. And, just like last night, he was gentle and loving as he entered my body and filled me up so completely, I felt like I would never be un-satisfied again.



  I could hear the shower running as Mia warmed the water. I caught a glimpse of her naked body in the bathroom mirror and I couldn’t look away. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life. Everything about her was so special and after last night, I knew now, more than ever, I had to make things right between us.


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